1473 days ago
I start with a joke about Lord George Young and the late Jimmy Savile prompted by a discovery my sister made today in Shipston. Then I look at IQE (IQE), Cineworld (CINE) and the scandal that is the David Beckham linked pot IPO.
1508 days ago
Arguably, it would be more useful than a Matt Hancock clock which isn’t even right once a day, let alone twice. As you can see below, purchasing a clock which honours a man who the BBC used your money to protect and reward over many years although many staffers knew – as did the whole of Fleet Street – that he was a nonce, is a bit hard on Amazon. For some reason, the firm that used to make them has discontinued production. Why do I undertake this search you ask? My interest was spurred on as I searched for a clock to buy for my kitchen on Facebook marketplace and came across this £100 “John Lennon” clock below. But it was not a Beatle that stared out at me. It is not this sort of clock which I seek.
3266 days ago
The old war criminal Blair has again spoken out in the EU Referendum debate and although phoney Tony has lied about so many things for so many years, for once -as he argues that we should stay in - he tells the truth.
Blair's candid admission is that he seems to acknowledge thart his support for the "in" campaign may not actually win it any votes and indeed might actually assist those pushing for Brexit. The old liar stated: "I don’t know whether its the right time for me on the campaign trail. That carries with it negatives as well as positives"
Indeed it does. Mr Blair is a proven liar who will also formally be shown to be a war criminal when his attempts to delay publication of the Chilcott enquiry into the illegal Iraq War are finally overcome. Blair has amassed a vast fortune advising despots, dictators and human rights abusers around the world. And even if he did not shag Wendy,
3279 days ago
I start with Jimmy Savile as I have no apologies for running this yesterday.The BBC enquiry is just another establishment cover up and I explain why. Then it is onto investor denial at Petroceltic (PCI), not at Premaitha (NIPT), but at LGO Energy (LGO). I explain why Volex (VLX) is - and always will be - a shit company. Then I ask Rob Terry and Knob Park to unblock me on twitter as we should all have an online beer and popcorn party late on Sunday when Slater & Gordon (SGH) reports its results. I'll be up to do a special podcast and it will be fun. I hope you'll be joining me and that Rob will unblock me so he can take part too. There is also a brief comment on Nyota (NYO) where the piggery by a useless CEO is about to stop.
3279 days ago
And so the enquiry into Mr Jimmy Savile has been published and in light of that we have a picture of Mr Savile with one of his associates, whom you may well recognise, in our loathed & shamed public figure caption contest. Simply post your captions in the comments section below.
3691 days ago
Elm House. Dolphin Square. The revelations keep on coming. The Sunday Mirror has another compellig and persuasive front page splash today about how a Tory minister appears to have killed a young girl in one paedophile party at Dolphin Square. The police are meant to be investigating this thoroughly. But….
it is clear that when all this was going on the Police and Security services were directly implicated in the cover up. Today’s report suggests that an officer was stationed outside the door where the MP killed the girl. So do I have faith in the establishment to allow “its own” to face justice? I am not so sure.
Trawl the internet and you can be in little doubt as to some of the names who are allegedly involved. The two most prominent ex MPs both now Lords (one Labour one Tory) have been the subject of Fleet Street speculation bordering on certainty for years. Shall we call them
4276 days ago
Teachers earn way over the national average wage. They have cushy pensions (paid for by grateful taxpayers). They get 75 days holiday a year while we all struggle by on 20-25. And in absolute terms standards of educational achievement have never been lower. Being deluded lefties they bleat on about bankers being rewarded for failure but are teachers ever punished for failure?
It seems that it is impossible to sack a teacher. I read with interest about Geoffrey Bettley a teacher of Religious Education who was done by the Old Bill for possessing kiddy porn. His school in West Yorkshire fired him but a professional conduct panel has now ruled the teacher does not "represent a risk to children or young people".
The National College of Teaching and Leadership panel said the images viewed by Mr Bettley were "not at the most serious end" of the scale used to categorise the severity of images of child sex abuse. His behaviour did not show a "deep-seated attitude which leads to harmful behaviour", it ruled.
The nonce is now on the Sex Offenders Register but the school, it appears, was wrong to sack him. Jeepers. So it is now okay to be so stupid that you have to get your end of term reports rewritten by outside consultants, it is okay to demand lessons to be in walking not maths or basic English, and it is now okay to be a pervert and carry on teaching.
Now then , now then, now then, you want to earn £45, 000 a year, have 75 days holiday a year, not be judged on end results and get to gawp at young boys and girls in short trousers and skirts? You don't need to ask Uncle Jim just go become an RE teacher in Yorkshire. Have a cigar.
Just what exactly do you have to be found guilty of to actually get fired as a teacher? Voting UKIP? Telling the kids that it is okay to work in a bank when you grow up? Get caught with online images from the Daily Mail website? I despair.
4306 days ago
AIM does not do irony but if it did Verdes Management (VMP) would win all the prizes. This is a typical tale from the Cesspit, directors and advisers keen on trousering the moolah, shareholders screwed and misled. If AIM was credible this company would be put out of its misery at once but the long running farce just keeps on going. No-one gives a damn about rules on the Cesspit.
Verdes, I am not making this up, describes itself thus:
“Verdes Management was established to support UK companies who have encountered difficulties during this economic climate. Drawing on our collective expertise in the City, the Verdes Team have unique resources that enable us to identify weaknesses in UK PLCs and offer independent advice and solutions.”
Fabaroonie. That sound great. Until you note that this company itself has been a total train wreck with its shares plunging from more than 3p three years ago to 0.09p on Friday. The company is – by my estimates more or less out of cash and has debt and is loss making. But at least there is the vast City experience of the board. Would that be the board that has failed to get a meaningful placing away? Has failed to compete on any advisory mandates? That said it had raised money last Autumn but er…did not? That misled investors in at least two RNS statements in the past six months? Yes that board. You could not make it up.
This reminds me of an entry in the “worst letter I wrote” contest.
Dear Jim
Can you fix it for me to appear on It’s a knockout?
4311 days ago
Right now resources stocks listed on the Cesspit AIM market have a sort of Freddie Starr status. The old boy has not been charged and folks give him the benefit of the doubt but it is not exactly like he is getting a rush of bookings. And so profitable stocks trade at a premium to cash and those that are not profitable discount severe dilution but not bankruptcy. But that could change.
There is a story doing the rounds about a resource darling which I cannot verify although the source seems to be kosher. As such I shall not name the company in question. Over at IG Index almost all of those betting on it are long. They have been long and wrong for a while but while the shares have slid noticeable they have not collapsed. On the Bulletin Boards sentiment is still gushingly positive despite the slide.
4320 days ago
Gulf Keystone (GKP) is either the cheapest stock on AIM or is a horror waiting to blow. None of us knows which it is but on balance, after events yesterday, I would sell the shares. And for a variety of reasons.
The bull case is that the company sits on c14 billion barrels of oil. A market capitalisation of just £1 billion fails to discount that. Here endeth the bull case. If the company can start to produce that oil (and it targets output of 400,000 bopd by 2020) its shares are dirt cheap.
However, the bear case is extensive. My first contact with this company was when a then NED Lord Truscott oiled up to me to introduce himself. He was a Labour peer who took money from companies for getting legislation changed. Having a creep like him in charge of remuneration and corporate governance was like hiring Jimmy Savile as your babysitter.
4334 days ago
In four days time on Saturday 13th April I shall be debating the motion “AIM is finished” in a ten minute debate with my old friend Richard Poulden at www.UKInvestorshow.com . Richard is a gent and so has taken the short straw in standing up for AIM. I have the open goal – Aim is the true heir to the abomination that the USM (Unlisted Securities Market) became in its final days.
Lack of liquidity is endemic. Investors are bored. Or Angry. Or both. Feckless boards have fleeced them. A regulatory system based on fee-hungry and avaricious Nominated Advisors has failed. Putting some Nomads in charge of regulation is like asking the late Jimmy Savile to look after your kids!
4343 days ago
The Idiocy of press laws in the internet age – ref 82 year old arrested in Saville Enquiry in paedoBritain
Last week an 82 year old entertainer was arrested in Berkshire as part of the Savile enquiry. We are told that he is Australian but cannot name him. You do not need to be Sherlock Holmes to work that one out. Think of Aussies who were famous in the 1970s and 1980s for appearing on British TV and find out how old they are on wikipedia and hey presto. I bet you guessed already.
Now go do a google search for “82 year old arrested xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx (fill in the name you had probably guessed anyway) and hey presto there are 40,100 web pages coming up in 0.32 seconds. Of course under the new British terror laws (sorry Royal Press Charter) none of the mainstream press is naming this chap.
I have no idea what xxxx is accused of and it seems as if most of those arrested so far in this multi-million quid enquiry are not being charged at all so frankly his arrest ( for a second time – he was also arrested on November 29th as part of this enquiry) proves absolutely sod all.
But what exactly is the point of laws that just do not work? I might add that a former senior minister in the Thatcher regime
4397 days ago
Windfarm and general all round global warming nutter and Lib Dem MP Chris Huhne has for months protested his innocence on the charge of perverting the course of justice – that is to say getting his ex wife to take speeding points for him. Today he has pleaded guilty in Court. So Huhne is not only a liar but will very shortly be a convicted criminal too and, fingers crossed, heading off to gaol. Given that during his period of procrastination and lies he has continued to claim MP’s expenses might this multi millionaire now be required to pay them back? I doubt it. Does he get an MP’s normal payoff? I expect so.
And now we face a by-election in Eastleigh, formerly a Tory/Lib Dem marginal. It is hard not to see the Lib Dem vote collapsing given that they are nationally hated and the circumstances of the contest. In that part of the world Labour is about as popular as the late Jimmy Saville and so UKIP will be licking its lips. There is no threat of “letting Labour in” by voting UKIP in this one-off contest. One imagines that the traditional Tories of Eastleigh are not exactly enthused by the tone of Call Me Dave’s conservatism. And so this may be the day. The odds have to be on a result of Conservative, UKIP, Lib Dem, Labour and then the assorted loons, but you never know. I would imagine that round at UKIP headquarters the excitement is tangible.
4411 days ago
Motor giant Ford has signed an open letter to Call Me Dave saying how disastrous it would be if the UK left the Evil Empire. Quite why the words of the boss of a foreign corporation should carry any weight at all escapes me but to be lectured by this company on the benefits of EU membership is like being told off by Jimmy Savile for not looking after your kids properly.
4425 days ago
The gun rights activist might seem like a bit of a paranoid loon (okay he is a loon) but a) he is one of the folks organising the deport Piers petition and b) his debate is against a man who is not exactly a towering intellect, viz Piers Moron.
The loon just takes Moron apart, before at the end exposing himself as a prixe loon. It is a shame that the ratings for the show make the Jimmy Savile fan club look like a mass membership organisation and that the destruction of the great phone hacker was therefore watched by so few. Join them. It is a delight.
Final scores: Loon 1 (og Moron): Phone Hacker 0.
4464 days ago
So the Leveson Report is out. And it is pretty grim reading. It will delight Hugh Grant, Max Mosley, Nick Clegg and the other illiberal folk who want the press muzzled. It will delight the political elite who resent their sins being revealed. And it will, I suspect, hasten the demise of the traditional newspaper industry.
Leveson proposes legislation which will see a body containing no MPs or journalists but a fine body of establishment grandees there to ensure that newspapers do not breach certain rules. If they do they will face crippling fines Ofcom will review how this body works every two years. The information Commissioner will be given greater powers to prosecute newspapers for breaches of data protection.
Hmmm. Ultimately who appoints these independent grandees…politicians. David Davies MP (the man who should have led the Tories rather than Call Me Dave) is spot on:
4486 days ago
The Tory paedophile scandal (with Labour to follow) will dwarf that of the Savile affair if it is shown that senior political nonces were let off the hook as part of an establishment cover up. There has been no sign from senior Tories, as they express their faux outrage and shock, (having known all the stories for years) that they will deal with this. The grim truth will have to be dragged out from them.
As I pointed out yesterday the media and political establishment have known for years about the rumours now spread widely across the internet and have at best turned a blind eye to protect “their own” or at worst actively engaged in a cover up. You can read that piece HERE.
4486 days ago
Okay I admit it, I tried to watch a bit of the Biased BBC coverage. Three minutes of Newsnight was enough for me. This organisation gets taxpayer’s money to offer balance. And so I sat through a discussion with a stuffed British shirt ( who turned out to be novelist Martin Amiss), a horrible hag from Newsweek in the US who made Amiss look like a neocon and some third rate Republican ex Governor who was occasionally allowed a word or two for “balance”.
The bon mot from Amiss was that Ronald Reagan would be rejected by today’s Republican Party for being far too left wing. Paxman looked bored and did not bother to challenge this obvious lie which was part of the night long deluded leftie luvvy agenda of portraying everyone in the GOP as racist, sexist, homophobes who want to shoot all poor people. And so for some balance he turned to the old hag from Newsweek
4487 days ago
And so in today’s chapter of paedogeddon Home Secretary Theresa May and PM David Cameron claimed to be disgusted by the allegations made against a senior Tory of the Thatcher years ( who everyone now knows the name of but we cannot say) and a new enquiry into events in North Wales children’s homes has been ordered. Over at the BBC an enquiry is underway into allegations made against arch nonce Jimmy Savile and 29 others, some of them celebrities. The Old Bill has very publicly dragged Gary Glitter and Freddie Starr in for questioning and claims that other celeb arrests are imminent. Suddenly the establishment is desperate to be seen to be outraged, shocked and doing something.
It just does not wash. This is faux surprise, faux outrage and bandwagon mounting par excellence but I sense that no-one really believes any of it any more.
4490 days ago
Last night Newsnight said it was going to expose a top Tory who was a serial and active paedophile. But it did not name him. Well as it happens we all know of one dead senior Tory (Peter Morrison) and most of us know a far more famous dead leading Tory in this camp. As for the one still alive: I do also know at least one name but in paedo-obsessed Britain no doubt others will emerge. I say will emerge … they are already out there.
I have just been sent a link to a blog outing 4 senior Tories as part of a paedo-ring. I have no intention of landing in Court over this since I am 99% sure that at least two of those named are 100-% innocent but you can find it without too much bother if you wish. Meanwhile #Newsnight on twitter throws up a few other candidates for this week’s Jimmy Savile prize, Westminster edition.
4496 days ago
Let me make this clear. I find Gary Glitter a loathsome individual. I would not have objected had the Vietnamese authorities stuck him in front of a firing squad for what it was proven that he did in that country. The world would not have been a worse place for it. However his arrest this morning as part of the Jimmy Savile enquiries raises a couple of questions in my mind which make me feel incredibly uncomfortable.
4517 days ago
The Weekly Tomograph Newsletter has just been emailed to those who are registered. It contains the usual stuff, notably the Caption contest and a link to the most popular articles on this site during the past week. It also contains an exclusive article explaining why the BBC should be more or less scrapped, what would replace it and with news that another big name paedophile scandal from 1970s Kids TV is about to emerge. You really should register to receive the Tomograph every week here.