Kelvin Mackenzie

780 days ago

All praise, not the NHS, but my fellow entrepreneurs this Christmas

From King Charles downwards everyone always lines up at Christmas to praise the valiant NHS workers (greedy bastards), and other public sector workers who keep the country running at this time of year. Well up to a point.


1360 days ago

Tim Parker quits as National Trust chairman but nothing will change

Over the years, I have lost count of the times when I started a column noting how my late Grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, once Director General of the National Trust, would be spinning in his grave at the latest woke nonsense from the body he loved.  Ahead of the Trust’s annual meeting, enough members threatened revolt to force metropolitan liberal elitist chairman Tim Parker to give notice that he will resign. But if folks think that things will change then they are mistaken.


1536 days ago

Sir John Winnifrith spins in his grave again as the National Trust appears to double up and cover up its woke BLM blunder

For seven years, as I described here, I have been noting the various ways that the National Trust has pursued a costly woke agenda, alienating its core supporters, and, as a result, being less able to deliver its core mission of saving historic buildings and lands. My Bennite grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, who ran this body as its Director General, would, I am sure, have washed his hands of the NT in disgust by now, resigning his membership. This weekend, the Trust doubled up on its latest woke blunder: the publication of a detailed report which, effectively, branded one third of its properties as racist.


1626 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: what interests me today is the lesbianisation of history

I am prompted by my hero Mr Peter Tatchell and having checked with another hero, Mr Kelvin MacKenzie, that I am not misquoting him, I shall be penning a piece tonight on this fascinating subject. Elsewhere I look at Pendragon (PDG), Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Tern (TERN), Dev Clever (DEV) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and why the FCA MUST act against the last two enterprises on my list today.


1626 days ago

The False Lesbianisation of our history is just getting boring: from Queen Anne to Mary Anning

My friend and journalistic hero Kelvin Mackenzie once said something along the lines of “you sell newspapers by putting lesbians on the front page.” I asked him today if this was a true quote and he said that he could not remember but it is the sort of thing he would have said on his glory days on the Currant Bun. But perhaps you can have too much of a good thing, especially when the lesbians you are outing are a) dead and b) not lesbians.
