66 days ago
I look today at Victoria (VCP), Avacta (AVCT), MicroSalt (SALT), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Probiotix (PBX), Hydrogen Utopia (HUI), Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and a dead cat bounce, Wishbone Gold (WSBN) and its auditors and Valirx (VAL)
700 days ago
1051 days ago
Only kidding Elric, the bit about Optibiotix (OPTI) is at the end. Before that I discuss bear market funding economics (it is more interesting than it sounds) c/o Luke Johnson, Russia & Ukraine, ADM Energy (ADME) and its pre bailout placing spoof, Vast Resources (VAST), Versarien (VRS) and then matters to keep Mr Lemming happy.
1076 days ago
I start with a look at 5 duff IPOs and the questions folks did not ask: Peel Hunt (PEEL), musicMagpie (MMAG), Nightcap (NGHT), Parlsey Box (MEAL) and THG (THG). Then onto Russian stocks crashing and Eurasia Mining (EUA) delaying its own downfall but only pro tem. Finally a look at Marechale Capital (MAC) backed by my friend Luke but run by the Upper Clas twit of the year. What is Luke thinking of? I run through hard numbers.
1117 days ago
I start by discussing Eurasia Mining (EUA), its CPR on its nickel assets and Range Resources (RRL) and a similar exercise undertaken by Pirate Pete Landau. Then I look at Omega Diagnostics (ODX), at the piece I penned earlier inspired by Luke Johnson, HERE, and finally at Sensyne (SENS) and what happens next.
1118 days ago
It was Luke who flagged this twitter thread up to me. It is a fascinating inight into life in big tech and how a combination of woke fascism and WFH scamdemicary is sinking productivity, morale and drive in such firms. It is a tale of the decline of the wretched West and as such, worrying but fascinating. Put it this way – this is not happening in India or China!
1225 days ago
I sart with the unhappy young man. Actually he is in his 40s. But it is a tale which, I suspect, is being replicated across the UK. It will trigger abrain drain as we go back to the 1970s. Then I discuss the scumbags at Abingdon Health (ABDX) screwing PIs ahead of an inevitable placing, I ask when Sosandar (SOS) will warn as it surely must, I look at share trades in the fraud Chill Brands (CHLL) and what they mean and then ask what the xxxx (Matthew & dog please insert word) Luke Johnson is doing investing in the lifestyle business run by the upper class twit of the year that is Marechale Capital (MAC). I am sure it will do better as an investment than Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) but not that much better.
1276 days ago
I fly back to Wales tomorrow so have wasted too much of my life filling in moronic covid related forms today. I cannot say that i am happy to be heading back. I start with Luke Johnson’s warning on WFH and I rather think that on some points I disagree with my friend. Then onto UK regulation and its failings ref today’s two articles on Vast Resources (VAST) and the bombshell on the Zoetic (ZOE) fraud.
1367 days ago
No Rogue bloggers training walk today but I had an excuse so please donate HERE anyway. Then back to Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) and more whining from a failed auditor.
1465 days ago
My pal Luke Johnson has been a massive critic of the lockdown policy of Bonkers Boris Johnson but, for him at least, every cloud has a silver lining, he has managed to pick up the Curious Brew beer and cider brands for a pittance from Aquis listed Chapel Down (CDGP).
1536 days ago
For seven years, as I described here, I have been noting the various ways that the National Trust has pursued a costly woke agenda, alienating its core supporters, and, as a result, being less able to deliver its core mission of saving historic buildings and lands. My Bennite grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, who ran this body as its Director General, would, I am sure, have washed his hands of the NT in disgust by now, resigning his membership. This weekend, the Trust doubled up on its latest woke blunder: the publication of a detailed report which, effectively, branded one third of its properties as racist.
1544 days ago
I start with Christmas presents. Today I started to panic and will really pull my finger out tomorrow. Then onto news that the administrators of Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) chaired by my pal lucky Luke Johnson is to sue aufitors Grant Thornton over the fraudulent accounts it sign off on. This might see Lucky getting a windfall. Or rather a bit of his cash back. I discuss the whole affair
1550 days ago
I buy a physical paper only rarely. Now and again I buy the Sunday Times to read the column by my mate Luke Johnson. I might also read Rod Liddle but that is about it. Otherwise it acts as a way of lighting my new wood burning stove.
1630 days ago
I start with a look at Boohoo (BOO) shares in which a falling on back of reports in a paper founded on profits from the slave trade that suppliers in Leicester are using slave labour. Then I ask if Luke Johnson or I am more sociable and what this means about folks stopping working from home. Then onto gold stocks in general, Hummingbird (HUM), Kefi (KEFI), Red Rock Resources (RRR) and Ariana (AAU). I look at Amigo (AMGO) , Attis Oil (AOGL) and finally why today’s shocking Versarien (VRS) expose really could indicate a major scandal. Footnote:
1738 days ago
Among others I interviewed this morning for Saturday’s ShareProphets Shares show was Luke Johnson. It was another cracking video which I reflect upon. Suffice to say with 85% of the content now on tape it will be a great event so get your ticket now HERE. I look in today’s podcast, inspired by Luke, at commercial property including Hammerson (HMSO) and Into (INTU) and how this all plays out. It is not quite as you may think. I also look at Catenae (CTEA) and the utter insanity at Anglo African Oil & Gas (AAOG).
1761 days ago
Fear not you do not need to break lockdown. The event is online and for £9.99 you get access to a line up of stars of the investment world never seen before at a UK show. It really is all star. Carson Block, Gabriel Grego, Mark Slater, Jim Mellon, Evil Knievil, Vin Murria, Peter Hambro, Sam Antar, Adam Reynolds, Luke Johnson, me, Chris Bailey, Dom Frisby, Paul Jourdan, James Delingpole, Malcolm Burne, Chris Bailey, all the team here at ShareProphets, Matt Earl, Lucian Miers, Peter Hambro, the list goes on. As well as the star speakers there is also the Sith Lord Zak Mir and 30 PLC CEOs will also present. Doors open at 8.30 AM amd there will be chatrooms to engage with many of the speakers and each other open all day. And your ticket will give you access to all the videos right up until Christmas. The booking section of the site is secure ( see the padlock is present) and you can book your seats now & get more show details HERE
1774 days ago
On the occassion of my father’s 82nd Birthday i ponder how miserrable life must be for him today. I urge you to hold your nose and go online to the Mail on Sunday just to read Peter Hitchens today. His column is golden prose, a joy to read. we agree on the coronavirus and the Government’s appalling response. Luke Johnson is in the same camp and I quote from his Sunday Times column reflecting on where my animal spirit sits as a consumer, an investor and an entrepreneur. Where, I ask, do you sit dear listeners? I sense, in many cases they have been crushed and thus what lies ahead is a recession of the sort few of us have ever seen before.
2011 days ago
In today’s bearcast I discuss Luke Johnson and British and American cultural attitudes to a career setback. Then I see how the deadwood press think that appointing Alison Rose as the new Biggest Swinging Dick at RBS will end its macho culture. It really is so much hogwash.
2067 days ago
In today’s bearcast I look at “lucky” Luke red flags and Patisserie Valerie, Neil Woodford, Babcock (BAB) and sumbag, lying or disingeneous, pond life journalist scum such as Ali Hussein, Sabah Meddings, Jamie Nimmo and the fraudster’s fave journo Ben Harrington.
2212 days ago
How I suffer for you dear listeners. All is explained. Then there is a long discussion on the administration of Patisserie Holdings (CAKE). I move on with a few more words on The Escape Group (ESC) which I covered HERE and then look at Eve Sleep (EVE) and the folly of Neil Woodford, Scancell (SCLP), Anglesey Mining (AYM), Ariana (AAU), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Chesterfield (CHF) and Metro Bank (MTRO). Finally it is one day to ouzo time (again) on Frontera Resources (FRR).
2219 days ago
In today's bearcast recorded before my first training walk for Woodlarks I look at Sabien (SNT) and ask if CyanConnode (CYAN) misled ahead of its last bailout placing. I deal with the nature of fraud, the culpability of Luke Johnson (there is none) and Patisserie Holdings (C AKE) and then explain why I think Malcolm's stance on the bankers is bonkers
2220 days ago
My pal Luke Johnson used to be known as Lucky. Just like Lord Lucan. Luke does not stand accused of butchering his nanny and is not fleeing the country but there is blood on the streets round at Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) and Luke’s luck seems to have run out. Though I was a perma bear on Patisserie it gives me no pleasure to be revealed as a superb journalist once again...
2227 days ago
In today's podcast I look at Brighton Pier (PIER) in some detail and am almost tempted to make a small speculative punt on my pal Luke Johnson. I look at Debenhams (DEB) and Marks & Spencer (MKS) and at Imaginatik (IMTK). Finally I have a few questions ( again) about Wey Education (WEY). Oh. There is also a sexist joke in there and if you are offended I really don't give a damn.
2295 days ago
I will not take the populist path of kicking Luke just becuase he is down. Firstly he is my friend and I don't abandon pals just because they are not flavour of the month right now and secondly, and more importantly, much of the criticism is pure bollocks by folks who could not run a whelk stall and do not know what they are talking about. I also look at what makes a dead cat bounce ref Photonstar Led (PSL), Urals Energy (UEN) and Inspirit Energy (INSP).
2314 days ago
First of all please read abut the Christmas Woodlarks Santa's Grotto £2500 appeal and donate a tenner. If you like bearcast you know you can afford it. Details are HERE. This podcast covers the shameful and ignorant treatment of Luke Johnson over Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) and I stand in defence of Luke. This country needs more folks like him not fewer and much, if not all, of today's coverage is shockingly bad in every respect..
2315 days ago
The Global Group UK Investor Show is the country’s largest – and certainly most exciting – one day event for those who want to make more money from shares. It is still nearly six months away but already more than two thirds of the 135 exhibitor PLC stands have been reserved. We have an almost complete all-star speaker line-up, headed by Luke Johnson, Vin Murria, Mark Slater & Nigel Wray, so it is an event not to be missed.
2318 days ago
In today's bearcast I start with a look at Patisserie Holdings (CAKE) run by my pal Luke Johnson and I discuss the nature of fraud. I look at Sosandar (SOS) again and get really very angry (warning bad language alert), at FastJet (FJET), Telford Homes (TEF) and the folly of Government policy, Online Blockchain (OBC), and at Urals Energy (UEN) and the folly of the AIM Cesspit.
2385 days ago
In today's bearcast I start with Argo Blockchain (ARB) and what our coverage shows again. Then it is onto Mark Carney and the Sunday Times talking Project Fear Brexit bollocks on Sterling. Finally David Lenigas, Luke Johnson and why this bubble will not be different to any other.
2395 days ago
Thank you, thank you. we have reached our £20,000 target for Woodlarks. In fact Luke Johnson has just pledged £1,000 so we are now well over £21,000 but if we reach £25,000 Brokerman Dan will undress for you. More on that in the podcast but please donate, if you have not already, HERE. Elsewhere I look at Facebook (FB) and Robber Barons of the nineteenth century, at Imaginatik (IMTK) and Vin Murria, the Queen of Tech, at Range Resources (RRL) and at RM2 (RM") a Neil Woodford dog where I reckon cash is already looking tight, again!
2467 days ago
This video rather slipped down the sofa but was a bonus session from the great Luke Johnson in a breakout room at the UK Investor Show on what makes a great entrepreneur.
2472 days ago
I start with a discussion on regulation, estate agents and a doomed UK prompted by the excellent Sunday Times Column yesterday by #LukeJohnsonforPM. Then it is onto Folli Follie. The British may be idling their way through another bank holiday but hard working Greeks are back at work. So we have a weak denial statement from Folli Follie but its Athens based shares which were off 30% are now off only 18% and are bouncing fast. I think this is still a zero and ask you if you can examine this manifest of claimed stores and assist. FWIW I explain why the manifest just does not wash. I am off right now with my camera to the House of Fraser in Bristol. I have made a call already and this will be a "win" for the Bears. Watch this space... - if anyone can do other HoF stores, Selfridges or the Irish ones on this list and get me photos plus what the stores say J'd be grateful.
2472 days ago
Another excellent column in yesterday's Sunday Times on regulation provides some inspiration for today's bearcast. But here is my friend Luke Johnson in full flow at the UK Investor show. Enjoy.
2531 days ago
In today's bearcast I look at the writings of Ian Cowie in the Sunday papers and his cunning scheme to avoid IHT by losing all your money and his patronising view that journalists know better and can be trusted. A bit like Estate Agents and MPs then? I then discuss Luke Johnson's view that we are celebrating the business woes of Jamie Oliver because we envy him. Luke is not all wrong but overlooks the fact that Oliver is a patronising A grade A'hole.
2553 days ago
In this pre hovel visit podcast I look at the Envy ratio, life inside a bubble, a dying industry (news) and reflections on Luke Johnson's thoughts of today and our past shared experiences.
2580 days ago
Again Carillion (CLLN) dominates the news and the political class is talking utter tosh with our useless Prime Minister Mrs May leading the way. By way of contrast Luke Johnson is superb in his Sunday Times Column today. Luke for PM before it is too late.
2630 days ago
Luke Johnson was bang on the money at the weekend in his description of the current market madness. In that vein I discuss Milestone (MSG), On Line (ONL), Vela (VELA) and Tizania (TLS). This will end in tears. I take my hat off to Luke Johnson after today's results from Patisserie Valerie (CAKE) but still have two major concerns, a three if you include valuation. I look at Andalas (ADL) and its new death spiral funding and also cover Kefi (KEFI) and Falanx (FLX)
2632 days ago
When asset classes reach new highs, whipped ever higher by froth, sentiment or easy money, folks always insist that "it will be different this time" and arrive at new convoluted ways of justifying absurd valuations. We are at that stage now warns the great Luke Johnson in today's Sunday Times. Of course he is right.
2678 days ago
I start with a look at the poverty of small cap coverage in the Sundays but then in general. Just where can you get quality objective material on AIM shares? Then responding to Malcolm's what he looks for in shares to buy, I go through a good look at what I look for in shares to avoid or short.
2682 days ago
Some companies are so transparent. I look at the RNS from Savannah Resources (SAV), do the maths and predict a placing within weeks. I then crow about one I called earlier, Applied Graphene Materials (AGM). Then it is onto Interquest (ITQ) which is back on the AIM casino thanks to Nomad Allenby, a firm that I take to task for being morally bankrupt. I look at Johnston Press (JPR) which is nothing to do with Luke Johnson who is also mentioned. I then look at Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) and i3 Energy (i3E) as well as the dog Haydale (HAYD)
2753 days ago
Regular bearcasts will be returning, God Willing, on September 1. But Joshua is at playgroup and I am kicking my heels with my testicle scan on Friday rather playing on my mind and so as a distraction here is an offering prompted by the Sunday Times column this week of my pal and UK Investor Show speaker Luke Johnson.
2790 days ago
Luke Johnson will be among the star speakers at UK Investor Show 2018. Those with a golden ticket will also get to hear him in conversation with Nigel Wray at the Saracens evening the Wednesday beforehand - that will be a battle of the pizza men, a real treat - more details HERE. In his Sunday Times column last weekend he echoed my post-election gloom about how we entrepreneurs should feel terrified - HERE. It is brilliant stuff. Frankly Luke is THE reason to buy the Sunday Times. Luke opines:
2936 days ago
There are two parts to this podcast. I start by explaining how a liquidation works with reference to the fraud Worthington (WRN). I know some of its shareholders are obsessing about this and reckon they should report me to the liquidator. Go ahead, we are already talking. Then I move onto a quite brilliant column by Luke Johnson about the myth that is the sharing new economy and specifically how it effects uber but also the media world with evil google and the bulletin boards in my sights
3084 days ago
After the summer holidays the army of obese and semi literate feral horrors who make up the nation's school age population should be heading back to classes today. But they reckoned without the overpaid bunch of idlers who are the teaching profession for across the land many kids face an INSET day.
An INSET day is when the kids stay at home, forcing parents to arrange costly and inconvenient one -off child care, but the teachers wander in for training on how to ensure that the A* rate in GCSE basket weaving goes from 101% to 103%. There are five INSET days a year which must explain why, in an Orwellian sense, standards are rising
The teachers have, of course, just finished a six or seven week summer holiday.
3112 days ago
Luke Johnson penned a great piece in the Sunday Times this weekend making the point that public sector pay rises have not been justoified by any increase in productivity. For instance there are several million fewer kids in secondary schools today than there were in the 1970s. It would be hard to claim that output - in terms of skills in RR&R or other key subjects - has improved yet pay for teachers has gone through the roof.
3529 days ago
Coming to you today from Shipston in Warwickshire I start with a wander down memory lane. That is Mr nice guy. Then it is back to my true self as I plunge the knife into Sefton Resources and Goldplat and sit on the fence on Ten Alps now that Luke Johnson is on board. That flip flop Ben Turney is just too charitable.
3565 days ago
I am really sorry that I missed this session from the analysts floor at UK Investor Show 2015. Luke Johnson is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of my generation starting real businesses employig thousands of folks. In this session he discussed who are entrepreneurs and why they matter so much.
3584 days ago
Luke Johnson was on cracking form at UK Investor with two presentations. The first will go up later but this is his main stage talk which included a "lively" Q&A afterwards. Enjoy the video below.
3588 days ago
In this podcast I look back at some of the themes and highlights (for me) of UK Investor Show 2015. The hall was packed and I hope that folks all had fun. There are some pictures of the day HERE and to order tickets on an early bird 50% discount for April 16 2016 click HERE and there is a last chance to win a holday at the Greek Hovel HERE. Among the highlights for me were the Horse Hill panel, Ben Edelman on blinkx which was damming, the bears on Tungsten which was also pretty damming but the buy ideas from Mark Slater, Paul Scott and Paul Jourdan. Luke Johnson was a cracking performer and I think I wasnot too bad either. Anyhow, I reflect on yesterday.
3595 days ago
I am delighted that my old pal Luke Johnson is back at UK Investor Show and this year he will be giving two talks. On the main stage he will discuss the poverty of sell side research, why bears are the new regulators and why a free and critical financial press is needed. But on the analysts floor ( second floor) in an 80 person room Luke is talking about something he is better qualified than most to discuss – entrepreneurship.
3611 days ago
News of new speakers at the UK Investor Show including legendary fund manager Mark Slater has seen a surge in demand for seats for the show of the year on April 18. There are now fewer than 100 of the 2000 seats left for grabs so if you want to attend book your seat now at www.UKInvestorShow.com
I will be doing three or four talks on the day. One with the bears (Evil Knievil, Matt Earl, Kevin Ashton) and one with the value investors (Nigel Wray, Paul Jourdan and Paul Scott) both on the main stage. I have a side room presentation on Sefton where I name some names who need investigation and then a main stage Sheriff slot with Amanda Van Dyke and Malcolm Stacey.
There are also main stage presentations by:
*Luke Johnson of Pizza Express, C4 and The Sunday Times on why City research is so useless and who are the new regulators
*Saved Javid MP on taking the City and business forward
*Ben Edelman with more bad news for blinks and other shocks from the Web Sheriff
*Ed Croft of Stockopedia on stock picking to make money with Thierry Laduguie and Chris Bailey
*Tech stars Stephen Streater, Lorne Daniel, Jason Drummond and Paul Kavanagh on making money in tech
*Amanda van Dyke and David Lenigas lead a session on making Money from resource stocks
To book your tickets go to www.UKInvestorShow.com
There are also 14 special 1 hour analysts sessions on topics ranging from shells (Adam Reynolds) to mining ( Amanda again), to biotech (Steve Moore) and tech (Lorne Daniel again).
And there are 110 PLC stands with 70 of the PLCs also doing 20 minute presentations on the day.
And 25 of the UK’s top share bloggers will be taking it in turn to man the Bloggers café where you can chat informally to any of them
This will be my best and most controversial show ever and that is why there are now fewer than 100 of the 2000 tickets still going. All 2000 tickets will be sent out next week so to book yours go now to www.UKinvestorshow
3630 days ago
The final gold tickets went last week. There are now fewer than 500 of the 2000 £12 investor class seats left for the show of the year and at current rates they will be gone within weeks so book your seats TODAY for UK Investor Show 2015 and here are 5 reasons why – you can book HERE.
1. The main stage line up is awesome. Starting at 9 AM with Sajid Javid MP it moves on to take in 45 speakers including: Mark Slater, Luke Johnson, Paul Scott, Ed Croft, Evil Knievil, Chris Bailey, Paul Kavanagh, Lucian Miers, Kevin Ashton, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith (me), Dave Lenigas, Nigel Wray, Nigel Somerville, Ben Turney, Amanda Van Dyke, Thierry Laduguie, Paul Jourdan, Richard Poulden, Clem Chambers, Charlotte Argylle, Dominic Frisby, Lorne Daniel, etc ending up with Ben Edelman to close the show.
2. More than