Matt Lofgran

302 days ago

Nostra Terra – Some bible readings for Matt Lofgran as he takes the company into the Minus 99.8% club with yet another placing.

Devout Christian Matt Lofgran always likes to say that he rescued Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) when he took over in 2009. It was as if Jesus had saved the disciples as the storm raged on the sea of Galilee where their boat was sailing (Mark 4, 3-41).  But the reality is that anyone who bought the shares when the great rescuer took over as CEO has now lost 99.8% of their money while Lofgran has made millions in remuneration. You have to pay for talent don’t you? Would it not have been better just to put the company into administration in 2009, to have avoided numerous bailout placings more good money going after bad?


955 days ago

SHOCKING EXPOSE: Nostra Terra – THIS is what devout Christian Matt Lofgran and Roland “fatty” Cornish hid in the FY Results

This is a disgrace and if the Oxymorons at AIM regulation “led” by the bogus Sheriff of AIM, Mr Marcus Stuttard, were not such pathetic and spineless pond life they would be banning the devout Christian Lofgran and London’s worst Nomad from playing any further part in life on the AIM sewer.


970 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation: re Nostra Terra and Beaumont Cornish - are you happy to see investors deceived?

Yet again, I write to AIM Regulation with regard to the devout Christian, Matt Lofgran. Praise be the Lord. This time, it is not about his consorting with convicted pump-and-dump fraudster, Ron Bauer. It concerns his misleading investors in Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), in collusion with London’s worst Nomad, Roland  “Fatty” Cornish.


971 days ago

Nostra Terra - still hiding the awful truth from its mug investors!

Yesterday I flagged up how Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), run by disgraced Matt Lofgran (Praise be the Lord) of consorting with convicted fraudsters at Elephant Oil infamy, was hoodwinking its investors by releasing selected highlights of its 2021 annual report via RNS but no actual report.  I suspect that the full report may contain words of warning from the auditors. It damn well should do.


971 days ago

Is Nostra Terra Oil & Gas misleading investors about a material uncertainty?

This is not rocket science, but I suggest to you that devout Christian, Matt Lofgran (praise be the Lord), and London’s worst Nomad, Roland “Fatty” Cornish, may be deceiving their investors. Here’s why.


974 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Time to double up on the Shield Therapeutics final collapse, the money's almost all gone!

On 18 February, at 25.5p to sell, the big bear call was greeted with abuse from BB savants, who, unsurprisingly, always know better.  Shares in Shield (STX) are now 14.6p, and the final collapse to c. 5p is now set to begin. Double up on your shorts.  In this podcast, I discuss Argo Blockchain (ARB); Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) and its unsavoury CEO, Matt Lofgran – praise be the Lord; then, I look at Genflow Biosciences (GENF), as its shares continue to tank; Challenger Energy (CHAL); Eurasia Mining (EUA); and Petropavlovsk (POG), where the target remains 0p.  Finally, I remind you that Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks is just 4 days away, and we are at 34% of the target. If among the 92% of listeners yet to donate, do give a fiver (or a tenner), HERE.


980 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation – Nostra Terra must sack Matt Lofgran NOW

Yesterday, I revealed how, as CEO of Elephant Oil, Matt Lofgran had handed out 30% of its equity, gratis – most notably to a convicted pump-and-dump operator, currently facing 85 years in jail. Lofgran would happily sup with the devil, so as to get away an IPO, which would have netted him an immediate $500,000 and a 100% pay rise. I have thus written to the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation.


988 days ago

SHOCKING EXPOSE: What on earth were the FCA, Matt Lofgran and Disgraced Gavin Burnell thinking of dealing with Ron Bauer?

I suppose the criminal pump and dumper Ron Bauer might argue that it is he who has suffered reputational damage from dealing with Gavin Burnell of Globo (GBO) fraud infamy but a shocking new document has now come to light which begs massive questions for Burnell, Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra (NTOG) and indeed of the FCA.


988 days ago

BREAKING - MAJOR CITY EXPOSE: Nostra’s Lofgran & disgraced Gavin Burnell in bed with penny share pump & dumper facing 85 years US jail – real problems for Red Rock Resources, Genflow, Zak Mir and more

This is a major scandal – one that will create massive embarrassment for those operating in the depths of the AIM, Aquis and Standard List sewers. And for Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra (NTOG), his buddy, Gavin Burnell of the Globo (GBO) fraud, and Novum infamy, it poses a major question of what they knew and when.


1034 days ago

Nostra Terra warrant extension – only one explanation for this ballacks & not that served up by the man of God

Devout Christian Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) makes an announcement today claiming to show the sort of generosity towards his fellow man of which the good Lord Jesus would be proud. Of course, it is nothing of the sort. I would suggest that Matt reminds himself of the wise words of James Chapter 1 verse 22*.


1752 days ago

Nostra Terra – deceiving investors with a misleading RNS yet again?

I am not sure how Nomad Strand Hanson managed to sign off on today’s misleading RNS from Nostra Terra (NTOG) but maybe we have all just come to expect that Matt Lofgran et al are just allowed to say whatever they wan t with no comeback. This is the AIM casino after all.


1766 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No! No! No! This is very wrong indeed Tesco & more shocking Nostra Terra revelations

I look at news that Tesco (TSCO) is upping its dividend while getting a massive tax break from the taxpayer. This is wrong at every level. The Times tries to defend it, no doubt on orders from a powerful corporate PR machine, but this is simply a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich and should not be allowed. I look at Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOGfollowing up on my earlier piece with more questions for the board and Nomad, Strand Hanson, and another shocking revelation abiout the behaviour of CEO Matt Lofgran. Finally a few words on Concepta (CPT), my share tip of the year where I have averaged down in today’s placing. 


1766 days ago

Nostra Terra, the deception, the Dilution the stitch up. J’accuse Matt Lofrgran

On April Fool’s day there was an upbeat statement from Nostra Terra (NTOG) promising all sorts of good things. What it neglected to mention was that trade creditors had risen to £230,000 as the cash burning enterprise had no cash and so imply could not afford to pay its bills. One of those owed cash (£60,000) was Nomad Strand Hanson, boy how it must have been hoping for a placing….


1818 days ago

BREAKING: The Letter Matt Lofgran and Nostra Terra do NOT want shareholders to see

Yesterday another dog cursed by the hex that is a Gervais Williams investment, that is to say Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), published details of a sack the board EGM and the management’s case for staying on. What, in a cowardly fashion, it refused to do, as I believe it should have done is publish the letter that the requisitioner, Eridge Capital run by flip flop Ben Turney, wanted to send to shareholders. Fear not… the letter, outside of all paywalls, is below. Nostra Terra shareholders should read it and vote to sack chairman Ewan Ainsworth – in light of the scandalous pay revelations below – and hapless Lofgran after this bombshell.  Sack the board! 


1818 days ago

Nostra Terra was forced to come clean on Matt Lofgran’s poison pill – this is no way to run a public company

On 5th February 2020 Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) lied to shareholders as it admitted that Matt Lofgran had signed a secret deal that seems to give him a job for life however badly he runs the company.


1837 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the battle of the devout Christian giants: Matt Lofgran vs Flip Flop Ben Turney. Praise be the Lord

All we need now is for Julie “Lingerie on expenses” Meyer to enter the bust up at Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) and the holy row would be complete. This will be entertaining if, I suspect, utterly pointless. I also comment on Versarien (VRS) correcting a BB loon – and flag up that I have a major AIM expose of a high profile, shortable, stock going live tomorrow morning. I explain why it is so interesting. Now I am off to do a Woodlarks training walk. So far we have £6600 raised or pledged - don’t be mean donate today HERE


2846 days ago

BREAKING: Big News on the Trouser Front - a happy diabetic writes

Given that my new Greek blood sugar testing machine is all over the shop (I have had readings of both 236 and 125 today) perhaps I should revert to trouser size as I await new strips to arrive for my British blood sugar testing machine. There is dramatic news on the trouser front after my revelation earlier that my 36 inch trousers are falling down


3119 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I don't care if Brokerman Dan used to be a ballet dancer

I explain why there was no bearcast yesterday. Then I look at the allegations made by Brokerman Dan against Nostra Terra (NTOG) and its CEO Matt Lofgran. Nostra did itself no favours at all but insists it has done nothing wrong. I tend to believe it however... Then I look at Marechale (MAC) Servision (SEV) and Vislink (VLK)


3186 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - so what happened to Plethora?

I don't feel like writing today. This is what i want to be doing. But ahead of that I start by clarifying what I think of Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra (NTOG). Then I look at what happened to Plethora (PLE) and that explains in part why shares in Port Erin (PEBI) have tanked. Then I touch on Thomas Cook (TCG) and prepare for ouzo o'clock when Environmental Recycling (ENRT) goes bust as I explained yesterday. Following that piece the shares are the biggest fallers today. Finally I have a warning for shareholders in African Potash (AFPO). Incoming! That is when I can be arsed.


3516 days ago

Video of Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas at ZaksTradersCafe

The second PLC presenter at Zak's Traders Cafe on Monday was the ever likeable Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG). Rather than present he opted to be interviewed by the Sith Lord. The video of that and him taking a few questions from me is below


3558 days ago

Video of presentation by Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra at UK Investor Show

I like Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) and regard him as a good and decent guy doing his best for shareholders. He was among the CEO's presenting at the UK Investor Show 2015


3578 days ago

Video of the Oil experts Session at UK Investor Show - Horse Hill and much more

The oil experts main stage session at the UK Investor Show was hosted by scruffbum Ben Turney and featured Cathal Friel, Matt Lofgran, Kevin Foo and myself with a cameo appearance by Derek Musgrove when it came to Horse Hill. But the discussion was wide ranging. Oil prices to Africa to shares as you can see in the video below


3847 days ago

A Good Guy from the Oil Sector - Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra in video action

Following my revelations HERE earlier about US Oil & Gas (USOP) you might want to run a mile from this sector. But there are some CEOs who I judge to be good honest folk and among them is Matt Lofgran of AIM listed Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG)


3968 days ago

Pizza & Beer with Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra – my thoughts

Last Thursday Matt Lofgran, the non drinking CEO of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) and Gary his thoroughly decent PR man, who drinks for both of them, hosted a pizza and beer evening at Real Man Pizza in Clerkenwell.  It was fun and being a strictly salad and mineral water man I have a clear memory of what happened.  As I left, Matt & Gary were plying a party of pretty young female students with wine and having a great old time.  So we are all happy. But what to make of Nostra Terra?

I should say that – to declare all interests – Matt handed to the private investors present and to me a copy of a new book called “The Frackers.” The Mrs says that I have too many books and is always trying to persuade me to send a few off to Oxfam. Given that her default position on most matters is that of The Guardian I imagine that a history of fracking may well go to top of the Oxfam list. Pro tem, I battle to keep it and all of my other thousands of books.

At a macro level I rather think that the wave on which the cork that is Nostra floats is not heading 


3976 days ago

Free Pizza & Beer with Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra and myself – 27 March

Matt Lofgran, CEO of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG) wants to buy you a pizza and a beer on Thursday 27th March and to explain the investment case for his firm. 

If you are free from 6PM on Thursday 27th Matt will be at Real Man Pizza Company, 91-95 Clerkenwell Road London holding forth. I too shall be there  with a few thoughts on life. To give us a rough idea on numbers if you want to pitch up can you drop me an email at [email protected] 

See you on the 27th.
