736 days ago
“For fuck’s sake you ghastly foreigner and all round oik I told you to sod off” screamed in unison both the world’s leading chartist and CEO of Lift Global Ventures and Aloysius as once again the windows of the chartists luxury apartment were flung wide open by the ghostly apparition. “Nadolig Llawen” said the ghost once again and beckoned the great technical analyst to come towards him.
1487 days ago
Before I start, I must confess that I stand guilty of gross hypocrisy. My preference, as long-term readers know, is for Christmas cards to be somehow related to why we are all having a holiday on December 25 even if we are not celebrating Christmas. That is to say the birth of Jesus. But this year the card I sent out was of a snowman. My excuse was that it was designed by Joshua at his nursery. Last year, I failed almost as badly with the card being of a tree. It too was designed by Joshua but at his playgroup in Wales so the message was very much Nadolig Llawen. Okay, so I am a hypocrite. Next up: a confession of very minor sexism.