101 days ago
The Mrs. threatened to take the kids away for a night at her parents as she said she could not bear hearing me scream at the TV. That would be a scream of delight if there was good news for Donald Trump or a scream of anger at the appallingly biased coverage we will get on all UK channels.. Just last night Newsnight had me enraged.
834 days ago
About a week ago, BBC Radio 4 turned its attention to the Georgia Senate race. This is one of the battleground Senate contests, Democrat incumbent Raphael Warnock facing a challenge from ex American football star Herschel Walker for the Republicans. The mid terms are going to be bleak for the Dems and the BBC is wetting its knickers, running frit.
2715 days ago
Before the US election there were numerous reports of voter fraud almost all of which were linked back to the Democrat Party, the party of crooked Hillary Clinton. After polling day President Donald Trump said that there had been industrial scale voter fraud and that without it he would have won the popular vote as well as the electoral college. The liberal media said that this was just another case of POTUS lying and in reporting him as lying they served up their version of news. It will not surprise you that it can now be shown that the liberal media was itself serving up fake news.
3599 days ago
None of the British parties has the slightest intention of eradicating the UK budget deficit - they are all Money Tree worshippers. And our record on free speech and civil liberties over the past few years has been dire. Rand Paul ( son of Ron Paul) is different and yesterday announced he was running for US President.
Come January this website will be edited for a short while from New Hampshire as I pay a holiday visit to experience the primary there - West Wing junkies will know how exciting that can be. All supporters of liberty and sound money should stand with Rand. This website does. Watch him announce his candidacy yesterday and compare his message with the banal issue evading words of our own leaders. Rand Paul for President!
3600 days ago
We all knew it was going to happen but today Rand Paul has announced that he is running for President. The Senator is the son of the great Ron Paul (pictured) and being a bit more of a politician than his Dad makes his libertarianism slightly compromised but he is still streets ahead of the field. In his first campaign email he promises that when he wins he will pledge:
Term limits to get rid of the career politicians.
Require Congress to read legislation before they actually vote on it—read the bills!
Audit the Fed—we deserve to know what's happening with our money.
Pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution—no more adding trillions in debt—time to pay it down.
Boldly overhaul the tax code—no more loopholes for the biggest corporations with the best lobbyists—give workers a tax cut.
The last point is great. Libertarians
3925 days ago
Reading this morning’s press I am inundated with reports about the latest “UKIP car crashes” and the mainstream press now questions first whether UKIP will win Thursday’s poll and second, if it does win, how soon the bubble will pop. About the only person calling this right is Tim Stanley in the Telegraph.
I write this as someone now almost 99% certain NOT to vote UKIP, more on that later.
The “car crashes” are in reality nothing of the sort. Some chap in Gloucester has made a comment about shooting a “pooftah” to get the others to turn straight, another fellow in Sussex seems to have an unusual degree of sympathy with the Third Reich and both are standing in the local elections for UKIP. So what, there are a few fruitcakes in UKIP. What’s new?
Nigel Farage was given a good duffing up in an LBC Radio interview. He lost his temper as did his PR man and he sounded a little less clear cut than usual. The interviewer ruffled him. But again so what? 99% of the population did not listen and since Farage was banging on (yet again) about immigration one suspects that his general theme probably played well with many anyway.
What Tim Stanley flags up is something those inside the political and media bubble in Westminster just do not appreciate. The great unwashed, that is you and I and the other plebs and peasants, are sick to the back teeth