Old Bill

1735 days ago

What will the increasingly authoritarian Police crack down on next? Derbyshire plod and the hate kiss

The other day I saw a report on how our brave boys in blue (and girls in blue and all the other 108 genders in blue) were stopping motorists here in Wales to make sure that their driving was really necessary in lockdown Britain. Some poor saps had strayed over the border as they drove from A in England to B in England. That brief foray into our rain sodden principality did not earn an on the spot fine but the miscreants were let off with a warning. As I have noted before, certain members of the fuzz seem to be rather enjoying life in an authoritarian Police state. And that takes us to Derbyshire where the Old Bill are onto a serious criminal. Jeepers, I hope they lock this bastard up quickly and throw away the key.


2484 days ago

Julie Meyer critic John Galt has been silenced - by whom? But it will not be for long...

As you can see below the blog of Julie Meyer's biggest critic. former employee turned whistleblower John Galt, has been suspended. This happened last night and one can only conclude that the web hoster received a stern lawyer's letter from someone. Who do we know who has a habit of sending out threatening lawyers letters to all and sundry in response to factually accurate articles? Hmmmmm. Hint, might the old Bill in Malta currently be searching for this person after she skipped a court appearance?  The bad news for Julie....


2565 days ago

#EndFGM, the useless virtue signalling weasels of Surrey Police cry "Islamaphobia"

Tomorrow is world end Female Genital Mutilation day and to show how they support this Police Forces across the land are taking time off from painting their fingernails blue to show how they oppose slavery, to send out some tweets. Surrey Police Force has taken an admirable lead in is social media fight to #EndFGM but seems annoyed by the response.


2743 days ago

Today's Primary Bid Offering is from a company whose chairman reported Tom Winnifrith & Nigel to the Old Bill

On Friday at 4.30 Tern (TERN) announced that it was raising £300,000 on a first come first served basis via PrimaryBid. It would perhaps be fair to say that our extensive coverage of this company has not been universally bullish.


2912 days ago

Flip Flop Ben Turney at Teathers - do your civic duty: tax dodging is wrong

I wrote earlier today that Flip Flop Ben Turney who now finds himself running failed ex AIM investment vehicle Teathers really MUST go to the Old Bill demanding a full investigation into the ATM withdrawals by ex FD Nilesh Jagatia. A reader points out that Flip Flop has another civic duty to perform on this matter, he must go to the taxman. Ever keen to help...


3115 days ago

Another liberal middle class Guiltfest: #Blacklivesmatter comes to the UK

Airports across Britain are today being disrupted by activists protesting that #blacklivesmatter - well of course they do. All lives matter but for white middle class liberals in the media and on twitter and facebook this is an opportunity for angst, guilt and self loathing that cannot be missed. But what about the hard data?

Sod the hard data, lets just feel guilty about slavery and how everyone, especially old Brexit voters, are all racists, facts do not matter any more do they? This is Airstrip One and its 1984 every day these days. Okay 


3303 days ago

Peer TV - farce & fraud - this one is toast, call in the Old Bill TODAY

Just when you thought PeerTV (PTV) could sink no lower in the AIM Cesspit it comes up with another shocker. The company is clearly insolvent, it has today admitted to lying to investors which is fraud as it issued shares after that lie and its Nomad ZAI Corporate Finance has formally walked. No-one else will act for it so after one month of suspension its shares will be booted off the AIM Casino. The next point of call will be the administrators and hopefully the rozzers as well.

The farce first. Ossie Weitzman who quit as FD yesterday has unresigned. Good, he will be there when the Old Bill come a calling. However Kavi Dhana 
