Paw Patrol

459 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Happy 3rd Birthday Jaya

I did not used to be much of a baker but in the past couple of years I have got fairly good at making cakes. So I am kicking myself for slightly overdoing what is known as a Grandpa cake which you can see below. The top is a little well done but inside it is pretty moist as you’d expect of a fruitcake soaked in Guniness. that is not to say that my father was mad, just a bit eccentric, or soaked in Guinness, he preferred cider. It is just that the recipe is Irish and my father always referred to Ireland as the Old Country.


1195 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - Christmas pudding making

I am in many ways abandining tradition with this year’s Christmas pudding making. I did, as usual, make three. One for the big day with my in-laws. One for a second meal when Olaf joins us. And a third just in case, or maybe as a present for someone. But I also abandoned older traditions.


1488 days ago

Picture Article from the Welsh Hovel: The thrill of snowfall

As he sits fishing through a hole cut into the ice covering the river in front of his house in Canada, my colleague Darren Atwater describes what you see below as just “weather”. He forgets the thrill that we folks in the Old Country feel when we get the slightest sign of snow falling. So it was as I was putting Joshua to bed…


1554 days ago

Photo article - Miss Winnifrith arrives

The newest Ms Winnifrith, pictured below, may return home to Wales with the Mrs today (Tuesday) or she may need another day with the English infidels at Chester Hospital. But here, at 8 lb 4 oz, she is in all her glory. The mother-in-law certainly will arrive later today and so Joshua and I have a good bit of tidying up to do after three days of lolling about watching Paw Patrol here at the Welsh Hovel. Anyhow, I am now on selective paternity leave…


1554 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Is this D Day for Priti Winnifrith?

The Mrs is about to go into the operating theatre so fingers crossed. In these strange times I am at home with Joshua watching Paw Patrol and it is a bit hard to think about shares but I comment on the Moderna Covid vaccine news, on Kefi (KEFI) and on Versarien (VRS).


1650 days ago

The Greek Hovel August 2020: Day 4 the Arrival of Uncle Johnny

He is not in fact anyone’s Uncle. In India, an older man is always termed an uncle so Joshua has lots of uncles including both his godfathers, Johnny and Lucian Miers, Uncle Brokerman Dan and the list of unsuitable and disreputable “uncles” goes on and on. However, this uncle is in fact a relation. He is something like the third cousin of the Mrs but for historic reasons, these distant families were quite close.



1707 days ago

Two UK shares which cannot defy gravity forever...

We live in mad times. In the wider world I see that cartoon Police Dog Chase, from Paw Patrol, is about to go the way of Thomas Guy and Gladstone and become a non-person. On the stockmarket we see shares in companies that had said they are in a real mess, entering Chapter 11 in the USA, or talking to an administrator in the UK, roof it. This is all sheer madness and cannot last. I offer you two UK examples…
