1734 days ago
I have always been a big fan of Priti Patel largely because she has an unrivalled ability to infuriate the liberal metropolitan chattering classes. The Mrs says that if we had another child she wants it to have an Indian name. I have hitherto said a daughter should be called Priti in honour of the true heir to Thatcher. The Mrs was opposed to that and I have now changed my mind after the tweet below from the Home Secretary. It is a brazen lie but it is symptomatic of a Govenment whose Covid policy is now all about coverng up its own blunders rather than doing the right thing. And, as such, we are now being fed lie after lie which the MSM, having bought into the mad GroupThink without question, is only starting to dare to call out.
1735 days ago
The other day I saw a report on how our brave boys in blue (and girls in blue and all the other 108 genders in blue) were stopping motorists here in Wales to make sure that their driving was really necessary in lockdown Britain. Some poor saps had strayed over the border as they drove from A in England to B in England. That brief foray into our rain sodden principality did not earn an on the spot fine but the miscreants were let off with a warning. As I have noted before, certain members of the fuzz seem to be rather enjoying life in an authoritarian Police state. And that takes us to Derbyshire where the Old Bill are onto a serious criminal. Jeepers, I hope they lock this bastard up quickly and throw away the key.
4491 days ago
I am indebted to a the Pride’s Purge blog for a story from South Wales which should strike a chill in your heart if you give two hoots about free speech and civil liberties. It is the sort of thing that Orwell might have written about as a warning. But that the increasingly authoritarian British state would have taken as a blueprint.
I start with Pride’s short article.