2446 days ago
Pinsent Masons was at the heart of the dirty tricks campaign Sefton Resources (SER) waged against myself and Brokerman Dan Levi as we exposed wholesale lying and fraud. Pinsents was thrashed in Court when Sefton sued us for libel. Scumbag low life motherfucker Pinsents partner Russell Booker was never disciplined so I guess it thinks dirty tricks against journalists are okay. Daniel Stewart (DAN) also sent me lawyers letters but never accepted my kind offer to "see you in Court bitchez", Anyhow the two are being sued for £180 million for their negligence over the Naibu (NBU) fraud I exposed HERE. I discuss that but also why Paul Scott should apologise to 6,000 House of Fraser staff losing their jobs in this bonus podcast.
3238 days ago
City law firm Pinsent Masons acted for Sefton Resources (SER) as it attempted to gag myself and Brokerman Dan (Levi) from exposing the fraud at the heart of that company under Jim Ellerton. We stood up to Pinsent Masons bullying and won that libel case. Sefton caved, Ellerton was fired and we had our costs and damages paid by Sefton. Now I have obtained a leaked email which shows how Pinsent Masons partner Russell Booker urged Sefton to make fraudulent internet postings to discredit myself and Dan. Pinsent Masons claims to be an ethical firm. How can it be ethical if it does not fire Booker at once?
3437 days ago
This is not going to be a good day for Sefton Resources (SER) or for London’s most despised law firm Pinsent Masons. My next leaked email is from Pinsent Masons partner Russell Booker and shows how he was at the heart of covering up the fraud at Sefton and wasting its shareholders cash on its doomed libel case against me.
4163 days ago
Suddenly I was awake. I was back in real life. There were no dormice. No Mad Hatters. No white rabbits. And I was just wandering down from my Clerkenwell Rabbit Hole to the High Court on the Strand, documents in hand. I duly handed in my documents and some for Dan Levi and popped outside. Ahem said a small voice. I turned around and it was the Dormouse who offered me a small piece of cake. I was feeling rather peckish so gulped it down. Shrooooooooooooooooooooom.
Suddenly we were floating through the air over to Crown Place in the City of London the global headquarters of law firm Pinsent Masons. We floated through the door and were swept up to a plush but empty meeting room and hovered in the corner. Suddenly a team of well-fed lawyers wearing large top hats stormed in, dragging foxy Pinsents Partner Julie Herriot through the door by her hair.
“Why did you publish that memo on security of costs” screamed Russell Booker, acting in his capacity as legal counsel for Sefton, when not advising the litigation team, when not preparing to act as a witness against Sefton in the forthcoming trail. “Don’t you understand the idea of conflict of interest” he screamed, as he gulped a swig from a flask of smoking green liquid. Poor Julie was in tears.
“Hmmm”, I said to the dormouse, “do they realize they may have to stump up £275,000 which they have not got and so are fucked?”. “Sssssshhhhhh” said the Dormouse, “they can hear us!”
Indeed they could. The Mad Hatters looked up. “Cripes” thought I. But improvising hastily I announced “ we are the ghosts of Christmas past, we want to take you back to all those billings you have made to Sefton Resources for a case you could not win and which paid for your fucking great £2 million townhouses in Islington, please examine your consciences.”
In unison the Mad Hatters said “Do not use obscene language in our offices.”
“But he always uses the word fucking in his blogs” said the dormouse.
“Not fucking, that’s fine by us, but around here, conscience is a four letter word” chanted the Mad Hatters.
I could see I was getting nowhere fast. Noticing some sugar lumps with a strange topping sitting next to the coffee pot I swooped down and grabbed a couple and swallowed fast.
Shroooooooooooooom. The skies were marmalade, we floated past tangerine trees and we were back in the rabbit hole. Standing in the corner was an old man, gazing at pictures of sheep. He was wearing a jumper with a big circle on the front and had a vaguely persecuted look about him….
To be continued.
To read part 1 of my acid trip with Pinsent Masons click here
To read Part 2 of my acid trip with Pinsent Masons click here
To read Part 3 of my acid trip with Pinsent Masons click here
4165 days ago
Well fuck you Sefton Resources (SER). Your lawyer Russell Booker of Pinsent Masons has told you (in emails leaked on the internet) that your case is unwinnable. The whole City is laughing at you. You are running out of cash. The NEDs, led by Keith Morris, have been offered a way out that ends the cashburn for you but still you think that you can bully myself and Dan Levi. And so to court we go again on Friday. But now it is we who are going to start to play hard ball on the legal and also the editorial front. Brace yourselves for a firestorm.
On that bullying tack, please think again if you think that your posh, uber expensive, City establishment pals at Pinsent Masons can make us flinch. Our surnames are deceptive. You are taking on the fighting Irish. Okay Dan is a left footer and I am a blue nose but in the spirit of Wolfe Tone we are going to fight all the way together. Only, on this occassion, we will win.
My next article exposing you for the scumbags you are goes live tomorrow. The sniper is again very much active.
4166 days ago
It seems to have been ages since I ran a caption contest. But as I prepare for my next date in Court with uber expensive bully boy City lawyers Pinsent Masons it is time to go again. For on Friday we have another case management conference with Master Kay at the High Court in the Sefton libel trial. You may remember that Pinsents really should not be there at all since it is 100% conflicted as I have formally noted that Pinsents Partner Russell Booker is called as a witness by me. Moreover Pinsents only witness (Jim Ellerton) has been fired in disgrace by Sefton for being a liar and a crook.
The case is thus a total shambles yet Pinsents is ploughing on and will be invoicing poor old Sefton another £10,000 or so for its work in the week that lies ahead.
As such I offer up this picture and ask you to supply your caption in the comments section below by Friday at 9 AM.
For what it’s worth my caption is:
“As the crack Pinsents legal team met to discuss the Sefton case, partner Russell Booker put on his hat and declared of course we are not conflicted”
4174 days ago
Oh dear, oh dear, - as the great Mike Walters used to say – it appears that whoever has access to Sefton Resources (SER) emails is again leaking some pretty toxic stuff. This time it is the email from Pinsent Masons partner and legal advisor to Sefton, Mr Russell Booker, in which he warns that the libel case against Dan Levi and myself should be dropped. Quite amazingly Pinsents litigation team are still ploughing ahead with the case regardless so racking up yet more fees for Sefton’s poor shareholders to swallow.
4174 days ago
I was once again back in my Clerkenwell rabbit hole. The dormouse was again pouring some tea of a herbal nature and produced a tray of cakes each one saying “Eat Me NOW or Pinsent Masons will frigging sue you.” “Surely we have been here before?” I asked the dormouse who just smiled and pushed the tray gently towards me.
A small mole appeared in the corner of the room, winked at me, grabbed a cake and gulped it down. Shroooooooooooom. Suddenly the mole was ten foot tall and was holding a smoking gun. He laughed, devoured another cake and was then carried away on a magical boat back to the Pinsents bunker on a journey past tangerine trees and under marmalade skies.
Curiouser and curiouser I thought. What might the mole have in store for us next?
4185 days ago
I have not actually taken any LSD or even a magic mushroom for years but as I contemplate the insane world of Pinsent Masons and the Sefton libel case I feel like I am on the most amazing trip. For Pinsents yesterday stated that it is ploughing ahead with the libel case. I happen to know that this is bollocks – the remaining Sefton directors met Pinsents and other advisors last Friday and are trying to find a way out. Oh yes, I have my sources Pinsents, try not to get too paranoid. But anyhow let’s go on a magical mystery tour with the bully boy lawyers…
Suddenly a giant caterpillar appeared and beckoned me from my Clerkenwell rabbit hole towards the High Court. I called as a witness of fact Mr Russell Booker, a partner at Pinsent Masons, and asked him to read out his memo to the Sefton board in which he said that Jim Ellerton (Sefton’s only witness) was “discredited as a witness” and thus the case was unwinnable. “Thank you Mr Booker” said the white hare “would the plaintiff like to cross examine?”
The Barrister for Sefton consulted his team of lawyers from Pinsent Masons about how they would cross examine a partner from Pinsent Masons who was appearing as a witness of fact for the defence. Shroooooooooooooooooooooooooom. No conflicts of interest here said the Pinsents team as they smoked a large hookah offered to them by Dr Ali in lieu of his final draft preliminary final report on steamflooding.
The Judge offered everyone more tea and a piece of cake