Sherlock Holmes

1156 days ago

Our first guest arrives at the Greek Hovel – the Bruce Springsteen expert & our first lunch on the new table

Joshua and I had a day or so’s notice so yesterday tidied frantically. Even the bat room, of wildlife diversity invasion infamy, now looks pretty spotless. Compounding our triumph of being able to assemble a vacuum cleaner with twenty parts, we also managed to get the washing machine with Greek only options and instructions to work. And thus everything damaged in the bat room, Olaf’s bedroom should she pass covid tests and pitch up next week, is now clean and, if you can rid your mind of the thoughts of its former inhabitants, ready for use.


1160 days ago

Photos from the Greek Road Trip 2021 - and now to Kochran mountain and Delphi

I had explained about the Oracle to young Joshua, take to your wooden walls and all that. But what fascinated him about Delphi is the man he terms “my great, great Uncle” that is to say David Cochrane. I have covered his death in 1931 many times here and his portrait hangs in our kitchen back at the Welsh Hovel.


2421 days ago

Sherlock Holmes fiend Rodger Sergant tries it on with a blockchain spoof at Stapeleton

And so the blockchain spoofing continues. Step forward Stapleton Capital (STC), a standard list shell listed on 21 September to invest in telecoms. Its main man, the Holmes groupie Rodger Sergant has seen the light and the company is now to be known as BlockChain Worldwide (BLOC) The statement issued begs questions for the sleuth at 221B Baker Street.


2734 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The mystery of the dog Sabien and the bark in the night

Those who read Sherlock Holmes will understand the title. In this podcast I mention Islington in EU and a chat with Chris Booker - more on that HERE. I look at Blancco Technology (BLTG), Sabien (SNT), Quadrise (QFI), Prairie Minerals (PDZ) and Lionsgold (LION).
