1520 days ago
I start with how Boris is wrecking the UK economy. I truly despair. Then I discuss the daft comparison with the years that followed Spanish flu. I then move onto the growing banking crisis. Finally, I discuss the idea that industries will change 100% to avoid human contact. I explain why this is not the case with reference to an industry I know well, investor shows. The maths does not stack up and most humans, though not me natch, are social creatures. There is a lot of hot money betting on the world changing completely. It will not.
1648 days ago
Professor John Oxford is one of the UK’s foremost virus experts and runs the UK’s only secure isolation ward for testing treatments for viruses on behalf of a company called Open Orphan (ORPH). He has today sent a letter lashing out at a “media epidemic” and saying that Covid 19 is in fact less bad than a normal flu season. He says there will be fewer than 8,000 UK deaths from Coronavirus.