The daily mail

320 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: is the Trump Biden election now too close to call?

That is what Betfair/The Daily Mail is now suggesting. I look at what the latest polls actually say, whether you bshould believe them and what is driving them. I do not agree with the Mail’s conclusion though I sense a very little bit of a tightening where it matters in the swing states but cannot really explain why as there are two factors right now which should be hurting Biden. 


400 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Podcast: America & Russia again, Iowa, President Trump, Ukraine, the Daily Mail predicting WW3 next year

In the second of these Russia and America in 2024 podcasts, the first was HERE and is already playing out, I look at the Iowa result and what it means for Trump, Florida’s De Santis and South Carolina’s Nikki Haley, the latest news from Ukraine and what it means and the Daily Mail being played, as you can see below, with fake news about World War Three.


413 days ago

Some hard data you will find hard to swallow – just how badly is Ukraine losing the war? And do you remember "the triumph" of Robotyne?

Over the Christmas break the western MSM got a real stiffy repeatedly celebrating the downing of 4 Russian bombers over Crimea. It helps the narrative of “more western missiles, tanks, planes and hard cash and Ukraine can win.” But Western taxpayers, paying tax at 70 year highs and facing a cost of living crisis, should look at the real data and it may come as a bit of a shock.



593 days ago

Of course Grind can boycott GB News but it should not and so I am going to #BoycottGrind: Explaining again for twitter trolls

I wrote an article earlier explaining why folks should boycott the price uncompetitive seller of coffee pods and operator of coffee bars Grind. I am a loyal customer but will not be one going forward. On twitter, a stack of folks who had not read what I had written behind a paywall lined up me to attack me for what I had not said. It’s a free world, you can show yourself to be an arse by behaving that way if you want to.


609 days ago

The Daily Mail shows live footage of Russian soldiers being shot – so what you say? It tells you everything

I am afraid I do not get much of a kick out of one human being killing another. I like to think that we as a species have evolved from the days when we used to go to watch gladiators killing each other or Christians thrown to the Lions. But maybe we have not. Maybe we can “other” certain races and still enjoy those maulings and deaths.


808 days ago

100,000 killed or maimed Ukrainian troops – shocking, little-reported, news back in Airstrip One

The British mainstream media, led by the appalling Daily Mail has, from the start of the war in Ukraine bigged up Russian Casualties, bathing in the blood of every dead Russian. Day after day there are videos straight from Kiev showing Ukrainian snipers getting kills at record distances, drones blowing up Russian tanks or some other heroic act meaning more Russian mothers will be mourning their sons this Christmas. But there is a big omission.


813 days ago

Less than half Cambridge students are straight screams the Daily Mail... of course its all cobblers

I always thought the Tabs were a bit queer but further down this article in the Mail is a survey suggesting that less than half of Oxford Students are straight so has Oxbridge been over-run with gay folk? Quite obviously the answer is no and this is another sensationalist load of cobbers from the wretched Mail. The stats in the Cambridge survey were: straight 49.7%, gay 11.9%, bisexual 29.7% and other 8.7%. In Oxford 49% were straight 33% bi and the other 17% gay or other.  However…


820 days ago

When will the West tire of mad and bad President Zelensky as he “attacks” Poland?

Of course, Ukraine did not deliberately attack Poland. But last night two missiles landed a few miles away from the border with Ukraine killing two. Immediately, President Zelensky blamed Russia and urged NATO to stand by a member state and retaliate, to invoke clause 5. To start World War Three.  The Daily Mail was still trying to blame the Russians and talking up WW3 this morning. It drank the war whisky without hesitation. But, thankfully, saner minds and the truth prevailed.


862 days ago

Shamefully the West and its media cheers on every Russian death and we are horrified when Russians do not!

I can never understand when folks cheer on the untimely death of their fellow man. But day after day we are treated by the Western media to videos of Russian tanks being blown up and articles delighting in how many Russian dead now lie on the fields of Ukraine. I am in no doubt that some of those soldiers dying horrible deaths were bad men who did very bad things. But many, probably the vast majority, were just young men fighting what they were told (wrongly) was a just war and fighting by Geneva rules. Why should we celebrate their deaths?


986 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Versarien will go to zero but is it a short?

I discuss Manchester vs Geneva airport and why you should not believe everything you read in the Daily Mail.  In a week’s time I will be, I hope, three quarters of the way through Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. If you are among the 93%of listeners yet to donate please do so HERE.  Then I look at Neil Woodford and Harcus Parker finally filing its claim against ACD Link. Finally it is Versarien (VRS


1229 days ago

In defence of Tony Blair on tax as the jackals of the Tory press smear the old war criminal

I am no fan of Tony Blair. I view him as a war criminal and believe that what he did as Prime Minister in the Cool Britannia era was largely a disaster. His business dealings stink, all in all, he is a total rotter as is his utterly ghastly wife, the Wicked Witch. However, folks like Andrew Pierce of the Daily Mail are harassing the old scumbag today on grounds that are simply wrong.


1230 days ago

Abingdon Health after the corrupt deadwood press pump when’s the placing dump?

I should have mentioned this in bearcast yesterday, the maths is clear and unchallengeable. Abingdon Health (ABDX), a company I warned you about at IPO as it was insolvent and the valuation absurd, is pumping its stock via the yellow journalists on the Daily Mail and the Telegraph ahead of a bailout placing. You know the score: mug punters overpay in the secondary market ahead of a placing at a vast discount to fund managers.


1284 days ago

More resentment felt as we head high into the hills for supper with the Guardian-reading loons

This time it was nothing to do with being forced by the Mrs to make a long drive to beaches packed with lobster red, blubbery, North Europeans where the sound of ghastly music was omnipresent and where the Daily Mail could be purchased not far from the Irish pub. I think the Mrs has agreed that, for the sake of our marriage, I will never have to visit Stoupa again. When I die I shall, for my sins, find that I am in Stoupa for eternity forced to sit on the beach in the blazing heat next to a man lying on a Stoke City towel, only able to gaze up at the mountains but never able to leave what is, for me, hell. This resentment was rather different.


1367 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the tawdry Daily Mail costing its readers a packet & the investment skills of Mr Snoop Doggy Dogg

Firstly: it is exactly one week to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks and we are just a couple of hundred quid from £41,000 raised (our target is £48,000). If you have yet to donate, how about getting us past £41,000 tonight, HERE. Then I consider all aspects of the IPO of Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies (OCTP).


1472 days ago

The left still doesn't understand free speech - tries to shut down GB News before its first broadcast

If you want to watch TV news in the UK, your choice is essentially the BBC, ITV, Sky or Channel 4 “fake” News. All were overtly anti-Brexit, anti-Trump and are left-leaning – the presenters do not hide their views. On a range of issues including the bogus religion of global warming, the demands of the Trans community, the “largely peaceful” riots of BLM and the need to mask up everywhere and not challenge lockdown, the broadcast media sings from the same hymn sheet. For many of us who supported Brexit, don’t want our teenage daughter sharing a post basketball shower with a six foot girl with a beard and a cock called Barry, who – like just under half the Yanks – supported Trump or who might have voted Tory last time (apologies to folks here in Wrexham, I do regret it), there is no news broadcaster for us. Andrew Neil will soon launch GB News.



1479 days ago

The corruption, or is it just laziness, of the deadwood press: The Daily Mail, David Beckham & AIM listed Guild Esports

The financial sections of newspapers like to have articles about celebrities as, they can use a photo and they believe that brings traffic. But when it comes to dealing with celebs either laziness or corruption kicks in. Last week I flagged up the appallingly untrue Mail on Sunday coverage of Dragon’s Den star Sarah Willingham and her grossly overvalued (in part to the MOS ramp with its wrong numbers) and scandalously conflicted Nightcap (NGHT) POS company by Harriet Dennys. This week I turn to David Beckham who features in a Daily Mail article by Francesca Washtell which is also a disgrace.


1486 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: can you beat the Welsh Beekeeper & the wider issues raised by how Supply shareholders discussed killing me

I start with page 33 of today’s Daily Mail as you can see HERE. Then a non prize contest – do you have to hand a more obscure publication than I have just been handed? Then onto Supply@ME Capital (SYME) shareholders chatting about having me killed and the wider issues it raises. Finallty onto Cineworld I(CINE) and are the obscene bonuses the Greidinger brothers propose for themselves the unacceptable face of capitalism and if so why?


1487 days ago

Photo Article: the Welsh Hovel makes it into the Daily Mail

As you know, we have had a spot of flooding here at the Welsh Hovel. In fact so much that we are on page 33 of today’s Mail. I stress that I do not read that frightful rag but my neighbour did and, so that you do not need to hold your nose, I bring you the dramatic picture below.


1504 days ago

The least credible Britain bashing in the Guardian, from Arwa Mahdawi

I got a bit of grief about an article I wrote about the village in which I live on the basis that it covered what I felt had happened to me and what would happen to me here. But surely that is what writing is all about? If it is to be genuine and from the heart it is about what you actually experience. This brings me to Arwa Mahdawi writing the the Guardian about what a ghastly and hostile place Britain has become over the past year since Brexit. She is utterly entitled to that opinion though it is not one that, for instance, my wife, like Arwa, a British born person of colour (and fellow deluded lefty) would recognise. But there is something which differentiates the Mrs from Arwa…my wife actually lives here. Arwa lives in New York and admits to having not been back in old Blighty for more than a year.


1511 days ago

The most shocking Covid death stats yet – ones that expose the crimes against the nation of the political and media classes

Death, like taxation and the sheer awfulness of Mrs Brown’s Boys, is something that cannot be avoided or denied and must be confronted by all of us in the end. When you bring a child into this world, you know that one dreadful day you will have to explain to it that he or she will in the end die. It is awful and unavoidable. We all die in the end.


1550 days ago

Matt Hancock thinks 1984 is a wet dream as his department smears and lies

The tweet exchange below marks Matt Hancock and this Government out as brazen liars. Not for the first time you may say but this exchange is truly sinister and unpleasant.


1607 days ago

Laughing with my father as I give this present to his carer E

My father is a closet reactionary who tries to hide some of his less woke opinions from my lefty sisters by continuing to order the Guardian. Its lack of intellectual rigour, fake news and all round sanctimony angers him greatly so, don’t tell sisters T&N, so he far prefers reading a one day old Daily Mail supplied by his delightfully right wing carer E. My last gift to E was a MAGA baseball cap for she is one of Donald Trump’s biggest fans and her high point of recent years was coming within a few feet of the great man as she visited Vietnam. And so for E, a new gift, as you can see below, which arrived at my father’s on Friday.


1637 days ago

Explaining the BBC’s reference to flags at the last Night of the Proms to a shocked father

My father is a lifelong Guardian reader but is now gleaning real news from a one-day-old copy of the Daily Mail provided by his enlightened carer E. There is talk of cancelling his subscription to the loss-making publication, founded on the profits of slavery, and while this may threaten the funding of latest restoration works on Polly Toynbee’s Tuscan castle, it would surely be a good thing. But despite this move out of the shadows, my father still has a touching faith in the Guardian’s broadcast sibling, the frightful BBC. But maybe even this has now been tested.


1919 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: That Brokerman Dan can talk complete nonsense

In today’s podcast I start with Brokerman Dan on rising flood levels and global warming then it is onto The Daily Mail, Scottish Widows and sheer bollocks on the Gender Pay Gap. Then a look at the General Election polling and what it means for shares. Finally a look at Riverfort Global (RGO). You may hate what it does now but it is sustainable and the shares are bloody cheap.


2083 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I want to call an EGM to sack the entire board at WPCT unless they fire Neil Woodford, who will join me?

I start this podcast with a look at some of the shite press coverage of the Woodford scandal today, notably Patrick Hosking in The Times and the Daily Mail. Then it is onto what ios the end game for Neil personally: jail? insolvency of WIM? A lifetime ban from financial services? Another OBE and more tea with his pal David Cameron? Finally I look at Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) and reach out to fellow shareholders. I wish to call an EGM to sack the board and explain why. can you help me?


2144 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: it is not just Julie Meyer skipping on buying a new vibrator

In this podcast I look at the woes of sex toys and lingerioe chain Ann Summers and what it says about the state of UK retail and commercial property. I look briefly at the lamentable coverage by analysts and the expense fiddling fourth estate of Purplebricks (PURP) and finally at the signs that The Big Short is finally about to come good in spades, I refer to BCA Marketplace (BCA). I start by suggesting, in the interests of transparency. that you have a butchers at the front page of the Daily Mail. If you enjoyed my Julie Meyer vibrator jokes how about you do the decent thing and go HERE


2291 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: What are the incriminating photos of Daily Mail journalists that Neil Woodford owns?

You could not make it up. Another week. Another Neil Woodford share support operation in the Mail on Sunday. I look at Woodford and wider issues he faces at The Times and Sunday Times and their shameful role in the MySquar (MYSQ) fraud and at Purplebricks (PURP) and the fundamental weakness in its business proposition that will ultimately sink it.


2651 days ago

Tory MP Anna Soubry you are a collaborator, you are a disgrace and you should stop bleating and lecturing a free press

Arch remoaner Anna Soubry was yesterday bleating about press coverage of her and 14 other Tory MPs who are going to make it as hard as possible to pass Brexit legislation. Soubry views terms like "collaborator" as offensive and links it directly to the fact that she had received 5 threatening tweets on this matter.


2726 days ago

In praise of the loathsome New York Times after another edition of pure fake news & Trump Smears

The choice here in this part of Greece, if one wants an English language newspaper, is not a great one: The Daily Mail or the New York Times. The Mrs was planning a rest day while Joshua and I went on another road trip so bought both. On my return I tucked in. 


2812 days ago

The fascism of the Corbynistas - newspaper burning on election day, what next book burning?

In the 1930s Nazi Germany organised the burning of books that the State considered degenerate. The state, or rather the party, got to decide what everyone else should read. Back then the British left stood for free speech. How that has changed.


2840 days ago

Kicking myself for that parting line: I am not a gin sozzled ex pat

As we walked out of the restuarant last night here in Kardamili, my eight month old son Joshua made eye contact with two ladies who, I guess, were about a decade younger than I am. He started smiling, they started smiling and soon conversation broke out. Joshua is a great ice-breaker whether you want him to be or not.


2998 days ago

Norbert Hofer of Austria - Europe's first fascist leader since Franco?

Many on the left are, these days, prone to label any populist right wing leader as a fascist. Or when that loses its meaning since it now covers so many folks they use the term Nazi instead. There is no evidence that Donald Trump or Nigel Farage or the editor of the Daily Mail want to gas the Jews or invade Albania and Ethiopia but hell why not lump them with those right wingers of old. And thus we are today being warned that Austria might elect Europe's first fascist leader since Franco in the shape of Norbert Hofer.


3040 days ago

The child refugees at Calais who are adults or far worse

I am still utterly confused as to why a 13 year old boy from the Calais Jungle was allowed to enter the UK because his father, a Jihadi, who entered the UK illegally, lived off benefits for five years and goes back to Afghanistan for holidays has somehow claimed asylum. Surely his father should be given the order of the boot as we really do not need to offer asylum to Jihadi murderers and thus his son has no right to enter the UK. What am I missing?

But what of the hundreds of other children at Calais? There are some who say that none should be allowed in as they are not refugees, they lost that status when they entered the first safe country, somewhere like Turkey. That is surely callous in that some of these kids really do have their closest living relatives living in the UK. They should surely be re-united as families. I am not sure the same applies when the UK relatives are distant relatives, surely the moral imperative of reuniting families must have a limit? Ist cousin maybe, 3rd no way.

On the other side of the fence are rich liberals like Gary Lineker and Lily Allen who blast as racists anyone who say we should not rush to take in all those claiming to be kids. The Mail today carries a harrowing tale of one such liberal who offered shelter to a 13 year old. He turned out to be 21, a jihadist and a nonce who threatened to kill her kids.

Now folks like Lily Allen, and my wife,. will say 


3150 days ago

The Guardian fails to arrive, I buy my father a Daily Mail and he purrs with delight

The Guardian has not been delivered today. I have enquired at the Newsagents and apparently no copies of the loathsome left wing rag have arrived in Shipston. Maybe Guardian writers feel that like the other lazy, overpaid, greedy left wing bastards, the junior Doctors, University Lecturers and School Teachers they should go on strike. If that is the case one must only hope that it is a prolonged dispute. But the absence of the rag causes my father some consternation.


3503 days ago

Helena Delopolous – Get a dictionary you moronic bitch

It seems that not everyone agrees with me pointing out that Daily Mail journalist Liz Jones produced a shoddy and misleading article on Greece. That sort of scaremongering that Ms Jones served up had damaged the tourist trade in Greece so hurting poor folks even more. Several English folks in that trade in Greece cited the Daly Mail as the worst offender. I urge you to ignore the witch Jones and the Daily Mail and go to Greece (see HERE). But now back to the moron Helena who posts on ShareProphets: “Disgraceful blogging. You’re not a journalist. You’re a foul mouthed troll. Guttersnipe” 


3663 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Petropavlovsk, Peter Hambro, Indaba - you make me sick

City grandee Sir Peter Hambro is quoted in today's Daily Mail, bleating about how prvate investors in Petropavlovsk (POG) hate him and might allow his POS company to go into administration. Good. I hope they do. I view Mr Hambro and his company with contempt. He is a rich man and shareholders have lost up to 98% of their cash.  But Eton educated Hambro just does not get this becuase he thinks he is better than we peasants. I also look at the crony capitalist knees up starting at Indaba. Jeepers these folk all make me so angry for how they abuse ordinary private investors. 

This podcast might offend some folks in the City who enjoy being crony capitalists and do not understand why their ongoing party paid for by private investors who have done their conkers is so nauseating for the rest of us. If you are offended by this podcast you can just piss off becuase I find your arrogance and sleazy ways incredibly offensive too but at least l can sleep soundly at night.


3695 days ago

Quindell: Bearcast Special: Tosca, PWC, The Daily Mail and more Biosign shockers

All things Quindell in this Bearcast. Congratulations to the morons. You are only 90% down now. Enjoy your day of gloating. Now back to reality and I deal with Tosca, The Daily Mail, PWC and have some more shocking revelations about Biosign in this podcast.


3740 days ago

Steve Scott’s Quindell Share Sales – the Game is Up for Quindell

The Daily Mail applied the coup de Grace for Quindell (QPP) last night with revelations about share sales by Steve Scott, Rob Terry’s second oldest business associate (after Mr Sadiq of Cosy/Himex infamy) and a Quenron NED. This really is devastating.

Last Wednesday it was announced that Scott as well as Terry and his FD Larry Moorse had bought shares. By Friday it was clear that in fact the “loan arrangement” with Equities First Holdings was in fact a mechanism whereby the three amigos sold shares at 80% of their market price to Equities First and merely had an option to buy back the same number of shares in two years’ time. We do not know how many shares the three men have sold but it is at least enough to fund the purchases, the suspicion is that it will be far more, in other words this is a way of them getting cash out while hoodwinking investors that they were actually buying shares.


3799 days ago

Faux outrage & Orwellian demands as paedophile Jonathan King on air at BBC

Rent-a-quote MPs and the Daily Mail are lining up to bash the BBC for including an interview with former DJ and convicted nonce Jonathan King in a documentary about the unbelievably tedious rock supergroup Genesis. Bash a paedo sells newspapers and may have popular appeal but this is the stuff of 1984.

The hard reality is that among his many crimes against impressionable young folk, was the fact that Mr King discovered Genesis and played a key role in the band's early career.  Yes we knew that King was a nonce, but his filthy secret is that he launched Genesis on us all. To make a documentary about the rise of Genesis and to ignore Mr King’s key role, to treat him as a non-person, is to rewrite history in an Orwellian fashion.

As such having agreed with my deluded lefty step mother for the first time in years (on bombing ISIS) and now find myself supporting the BBC just 48 hours later for not rewriting history. This is an unusual turn of events.


3914 days ago

Why not legalise drugs and prostitution?

The big news for libertarians, like me, last week was that vice (drugs and prostitution) look set to be included in how we calculate GDP in the UK. Apparently they are worth a combined £10 billion to the UK each year.  You can from that number make a number of assumptions.

1. The vast amounts the State spends trying to tackle these crimes is not working and is money wasted.

2. There are very few rich hookers or drug pushers (the actual distributors) and since the non-labour cost of sales is very low (drugs are cheap as a raw commodity and condoms and a bit of advertising cost sod all) you can assume that organised crime is raking in billions a year.

So please can anyone explain why the current system ( which brings endemic health risks for many, a tab the State then picks up) can be said to work?


3977 days ago

Legalise Prostitution – The Politicians have got it wrong yet again

This article appeared in the weekend Tomograph but for those who are not registered ( why not?) I offer it to a wider audience.

I do not like prostitution and on balance regret that it exists. Some men and women (mainly women) who are prostitutes are empowered by it, regard it as a career and make a good living. Most make less than a good living and many are exploited by really very unpleasant criminals. The work is dangerous and comes with rather obvious health risks.

The answer according to our political class is to criminalise not the prostitute but the client. This our leaders claim will curb the oldest profession since “punters” will not risk a criminal conviction. As ever our leaders have just got it all wrong.

Some of those MPs who support these measures do so because they argue that all prostitution is exploitative. Oddly many of those who oppose this line most strongly are themselves prostitutes who just want to earn a living. Others simply regard this as a moral issue. They disapprove of paying for sex and want to shape society in their own mould.

To the latter


4020 days ago

Maria Miller MP – Another Political class expenses Pig, spinning madly and playing the system at our expense

In a shameful piece of journalism, The Daily Mail today carries a piece stating that Culture Secretary Maria Miller is set to be slammed by the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Kathryn Hudson for fiddling £90,000 of expenses.  Who planted this story? I bet you a fiver it was the spin department of Maria Miller. To a trained journalist it is so obvious that this THIEF is spinning hard, albeit in an incredibly amateurish fashion, to keep her nose in the trough.

The article cites sources, friends of Miller, Tory MPs but makes it clear that it has not been spoken to be team Piggy Miller. The article protests too much.

The substance of the piece is that Hudson has indeed found Miller guilty of fiddling her expenses But…


  1. She will not have to pay the money back so this is not really that serious, just a little misunderstanding
  2. Many Tory MPs think Ms Hudson does not understand the rules
  3. Most Tory MPs are sympathetic to Ms Miller
  4. Dave Cameron is desperate to keep as many women on his front bench as possible – given recent accusations of sexism.

Clearly the only person who benefits from this story appearing is Maria Miller in that one is left with the impression that the Watchdog might just be a bit incompetent, that the crime is not really that serious and that if she does get axed from the cabinet it is only because she was a woman and that most MPs are essentially on her side.  As such it is blindingly obvious who planted this story and who all the “sources are”. Shame on the Daily Mail for running such crap.

Looking at the points in order.


4050 days ago

Playing Mad Lefty Bingo as the Mrs Launches her Book

Playing Mad Lefty Bingo as the Mrs Launches her Book

The launch of Globalisation & Work, the fantastic new book co-written by the Mrs was a one day event attracted sociologists from across the UK. At the suggestion of the Mrs I turned up for the last hour only and wandered in and the third word I heard was “patriarchy.”

At once I cursed myself for not bringing an official Mad Lefty Bingo scorecard for the assembled sociologists were on fire. Within a few minutes I would also have been able to cross off

Thatcher!  (as in to blame for everything)
Racist ( UKIP, The Tory Party, The Daily Mail)
Fascist ( UKIP)
Racism ( what white folks do)
The Daily Mail (whipping up racism, to blame for everything that was not Thatcher’s fault)
Carers (folks who need to be paid more)
Public Sector workers (folks who need to be paid more)


4064 days ago

If you are reading this in Romania or Bulgaria, please come to England as I have a job for you

I realise this may not win me many friends among the Daily Mail reading classes but I need a new waitress as Real Man Pizza Company in Clerkenwell is opening up a new venture in its basement area from February and if you are reading this in Romania and Bulgaria today feel free to get in touch.

Naturally I shall advertise in the UK as well. £6.50 an hour or whatever the minimum wage is. 30 hours a week. Job waitress and also plongeur. She needs to be presentable. To like very hard work, to be numerate and to speak good English. Notwithstanding the need to be numerate and to speak good English a few products of the UK Comprehensive schooling system will be qualified. 

But will they apply? Like hell they will. You see I have done this before and young Brits would rather live on welfare/go to a crap former poly to study a worthless degree than go get a job which involves hard work and pays the sort of wage an unskilled less than 20 year old can expect to get as a first job. If they work hard they can expect to earn more in due course, I am a fair employer.

But folks. You always start at the bottom.

What the immigration loathing wolf-whistlers of UKIP and the Tory right fail to realise is that the Romanians/Bulgarians are not taking jobs from Brits but are needed to do the jobs Brits refuse to take.

I shall give home grown talent the chance to apply. But since I know from bitter and hard experience that this is doomed I also make this offer to our friends in Transylvania, Sofia and Bucharest. If you want to work hard, improve your English and have the skills I want we want to offer you a job. Can you start February 1?  


4128 days ago

String the Striking University Lecturers up with piano wire – greedy bastards

I write as the son of a retired University Lecturer and the husband of a practising one, who is NOT on strike today. But many of her colleagues (some of whom I shall be meeting on bonfire night) are withdrawing their labour today. This is a politically motivated strike by greedy bastards who should be string up with piano wire.

Lecturers have a cushy deal. By your late thirties you can expect to be earning c£40,000 a year. You do not actually have to attend your institution of learning more than two or three days a week but can work from home. “Office hours” are not exactly those we in the private sector are used to. There is no 6 am alarm call and daily grind to hit your desk at work by 7 AM. Or even 9 AM.

Although nominal holidays are 25 days a year during the 20 weeks of vacation (plus reading weeks etc) lecturers do not actually have to er…lecture. They rarely have to pop into the factory and it is quite normal for them to spend the summer “working” from Tuscany.

It is almost impossible to be fired. Being lazy or useless is not enough. You need to be found guilty of gross moral turpitude which means some really heinous offence like reading the Daily Mail or having a picture of Nigel Farage on your wall. This is a job for life at the end of which there is a very generous pension scheme funded by the grateful taxpayer.

And yet the bastards are going on strike


4140 days ago

Israelis hate black people – crude video propaganda and lies for the Jew Haters

I am barraged on twitter by folks challenging me to watch a video that shows that Israel is a nation of black hating racists and then to defend the Jewish State. I do so willingly because this is a crude and manipulative piece of propaganda which will be used by those who loathe Israel if not just all the Jews. It needs to be exposed.

The video appears on a website (The Electronic Intifada) which purports to give you “all the news from Palestine every day”. Hmmmm. So I see plenty of stories about what the wicked frigging Jews are up to. What about the 171 million tonnes of aid sent by Israel into Gaza last month? What about the rockets fired onto Israeli schools? What about the gays buried alive in concrete by Hamas in Gaza? I guess it was a busy news day/week/year so not time to give us that news. 

So we start with the FACT that the website relaying this video is not exactly 100% balanced in its coverage. You can link to the website and that video HERE

The website then bleats about how the New York Times refused to run the video. It “did not dare”. Hmmm. Is that all part of a global Jewish conspiracy or perhaps just because it is grotesquely misleading? Those bloody Jews they control everything don’t they? Come on, I am sure you know that the frigging Jews run all the media. And the banks. 

Well done the NY Timesfor not running a video which is, at best , crap journalism and, at worst, vile propoganda. 

The video tells the story of the 60,000 Africans who since 2006 have fled all the undoubted miseries that lie in Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, etc. and “with the European Union having closed its doors to illegal immigrants have gone to the next best place, Israel.” Jump forward and the next scenes show Israeli politicians saying they will deal with the “infiltrators” and some Israelis making openly racist remarks about the Africans. We see Africans in camps. Natural conclusion: Israel hates the blacks. Those frigging Jews they have learned nothing from the Holocaust and just hate darkies don’t they?

Except that this is not actually the whole picture. Rewind to the 1980s


4153 days ago

Friday Caption Contest on a Sunday – The appalling BBC Edition

Having seen clips from last week’s Question Time and some of the coverage of the Red Ed vs. The daily Mail issue, I wonder if the BBC has plumbed new depths. Mired in new scandals over payouts for failure, sex crime cover ups and much more besides the real issues are:

Firstly that the taxpayer funded broadcaster produced either the sort of rubbish (everything on Radio 1 for example) which should be the domain of the private sector. If there is a demand for this sort or garbage why should the taxpayer subsidise it? If not then since it is rubbish why produce it at all?

And secondly that the news coverage is anything but impartial. How the audience cheered as the panel bashed the Mail on QT? How the BBC ignored both the facts of this non story and also the double standards in the way that Red Ed had treated those who gloated over the death of Thatcher? Why should my taxes fund propaganda? By the way is the BBC still insisting that the planet is heating up thanks to global warming?

As such I invite your captions for the picture below

My own feeble effort is:


4156 days ago

I am detested by the Daily Mail are you? Take the Test

It is a fun way to waste 30 seconds. Answer 13 questions to see if the Daily Mail hates you. The fact that I have had premarital sex, do not think God Save the Queen and don’t like Michael Gove means that my status is officially “detested”. I tried the test again answering in the way I think the Mail would like and got to the status of merely “disliked” which is almost as good as it gets.

I answered in the way that the Mrs (the Deluded lefty) would I think answer, and she only got 7 questions before being declared “hated.” It is all good harmless fun and a reminder of what a tawdry reactionary rag the Mail is.

To take the test yourself click here


4168 days ago

The Daily Mail: Economic Illiterates or Tory Spinners or Both

I never cease to be amazed at the appalling coverage of basic economics by the national press but today’s shock exclusive from the Daily Mail really plumbs new depths. The headline reads: Government borrowing falls by £3.6billion as the recovery powers on. The sub heads read: Deficit cut from £14.2billion to £13.3billion in the space of a year and Borrowing falls from £50.4billion to £46.8billion. It concludes from this that George Osborne’s austerity policies are working. 

Ok. Back in the real world. The statistic the Mail uses is that in the six months to August Government Borrowing was a mere £46.8 billion, down £3.6 billion from the prior six months. But that is not is not TOTAL borrowing just ADDITIONAL borrowing. Total borrowi9ngs are still increasing at almost £100 billion a year. The budget deficit in August was marginally down on a year ago but was still a disgraceful £13.3 billion.

So the correct headline should be: Government borrowing still increasing rapidly. The sub heads should read 


4191 days ago

A joint statement from Dan Levi & Tom Winnifrith: Sefton: We are Vindicated - Jim Ellerton Fired in Disgrace

Sefton Resources (SER) has this morning fired its chairman Jim Ellerton from the board. He has been shown to be a liar, a criminal, a man not fit to run a PLC and there will be worse to come for him as the Serious Fraud Office, the US Internal Revenue Service and the Colorado Department of Justice Enquiries get underway. All three have been or will be provided with full dossiers. Ellerton will try to grub whatever cash he can from Sefton but he is toast. Toxic toast.

Sefton sued Daniel Levi (aka Brokerman Dan) and Tom Winnifrith for libel and also reported them to the FSA for market abuse and then accused them of market abuse and libel via an RNS. Sefton also briefed The Daily Telegraph that we were shorting the company for a monetary gain. All was part of their malicious Black propaganda campaign. Sefton is today negotiating with Dan and Tom.

It will be paying their costs in defending this case but also damages for defaming them. The only issue is how much will it be paying.

Those Bulletin Board Morons


4239 days ago

Preparing for the Arrival of the Deluded Lefty in 5 hours – Checklist

In five hours’ time, the deluded lefty, aka my partner will be here. As such intense preparation is underway. Checklist:

1. Shave – I have not bothered for a week. I have now bought shaving foam having had my last lot confiscated at Gatwick.

2. Ensure any inappropriate sites are not open on my laptop, viz The Mail online, etc. Check. All done.

3. Move away from Spiros to the posher hotel she has booked. Hmmm. My plan is to leave here in a couple of hours. Arrive too early and there is a danger that I shall make too much mess of the new hotel room before she arrives. Spiros understands these matters and is allowing me to hang around.

4. Purge my mind of my deepest politically incorrect thoughts and prepare to behave for 12 solid days. Cripes…

As I warned last night the arrival of the bird means a go slow on the writing front as of tonight. Enjoy the break from me.


4242 days ago

Congratulations to the Deluded Lefty – New Job

I am not bright enough to understand exactly what the post entails but my deluded lefty partner had an interview on Monday and has secured a new job. Well sort of. She keeps half her old job and job shares on half a new job at the same institution of learning,

I did read the job description carefully but really cannot figure what it is all about but she is excited so I am happy for her and proud of her.  I think the post is something to do with global citizenship awareness. Whatever.

Her existing line manager tried to suggest that it was not worth bagging the extra money because "what with a 40% tax rate and all of that it did not amount to much". One deluded lefty to another:  “a high marginal tax rate discourages the drive to work hard, to get ahead and to be more productive.” Spot on.

Shall I send both the DL and her line manager an application for to join a political party that believes in lower taxes and details of how they can read the Mail online? Do they now accept that the Guardian and the party of Miliband just do not understand how an efficient and successful economy works?

For both her Damascene conversion to real world economics and for her new posting it is very well done to the deluded Lefty bird who should be arriving here in Greece in just over 60 hours’ time. I cannot wait.


4271 days ago

AFC Energy, sleazy MP Tim Yeo and the question of cash

AFC Energy (AFC) listed on AIM in April 2007 with a stated aim of commercialising its fuel cell technology. Its chairman then and now was sleazy MP Tim Yeo. Investors in the original placing were told that the company would deliver multiple systems to customers by August 2008. Yup. Right. Natch that has not happened and the old guard (except sleazy Tim) departed a year ago. The New CEO Ian Williamson seems a decent fellow (we chatted today) but the current valuation (up 31% today thanks to a tip in the Mail on Sunday) is absurd. The valuation, the question of cash and the role of the sleazebag chairman are all matters of concern.


4276 days ago

Can a Teacher ever be sacked? Overpaid, Underworked & Useless ( and possibly a paedophile)

Teachers earn way over the national average wage. They have cushy pensions (paid for by grateful taxpayers). They get 75 days holiday a year while we all struggle by on 20-25. And in absolute terms standards of educational achievement have never been lower. Being deluded lefties they bleat on about bankers being rewarded for failure but are teachers ever punished for failure?

It seems that it is impossible to sack a teacher. I read with interest about Geoffrey Bettley a teacher of Religious Education who was done by the Old Bill for possessing kiddy porn. His school in West Yorkshire fired him but a professional conduct panel has now ruled the teacher does not "represent a risk to children or young people".

The National College of Teaching and Leadership panel said the images viewed by Mr Bettley were "not at the most serious end" of the scale used to categorise the severity of images of child sex abuse. His behaviour did not show a "deep-seated attitude which leads to harmful behaviour", it ruled.

The nonce is now on the Sex Offenders Register but the school, it appears, was wrong to sack him. Jeepers.  So it is now okay to be so stupid that you have to get your end of term reports rewritten by outside consultants, it is okay to demand lessons to be in walking not maths or basic English, and it is now okay to be a pervert and carry on teaching.

Now then , now then, now then, you want to earn £45, 000 a year, have 75 days holiday a year, not be judged on end results and get to gawp at young boys and girls in short trousers and skirts? You don't need to ask Uncle Jim just go become an RE teacher in Yorkshire. Have a cigar.

Just what exactly do you have to be found guilty of to actually get fired as a teacher? Voting UKIP? Telling the kids that it is okay to work in a bank when you grow up?  Get caught with online images from the Daily Mail website? I despair.


4276 days ago

John Bercow is 100% right about European immigrant workers – the mainstream parties & UKIP faux outrage is pathetic

Speaker John Bercow is in many ways a horrible little man. However for once I have to applaud him for stating what is a self-evident truth on the matter of immigration – something which the mainstream parties have lambasted him for as they grub for votes.

Bercow stated: "I want to underline the fact that there has been an important wave of immigrants that came to Great Britain from new member states and in many cases they came with aptitudes and a commitment, an involvement we haven't always seen in our labour force.”

He is bang on the money. The growing success of our Real Man Pizza Company restaurant  in Clerkenwell sees us again hiring for another waitress/sous chef position.  It is hard work and if you play the benefits system well you are better off not taking the gig. Once again the advert goes up and once again I have received a flood off applicants from Eastern Europe and Southern Europe, all keen and in London looking for work.
However the idea of working for £6.50 an hour or may be £7 really does not appeal to native Brits. I have received absolutely ZERO applicants from British born workers. And how many unemployed young Brits are there in London?

Real Man currently has one part time waitress who is British and killing a few months before heading off to set up a scuba diving school. She is the only British applicant (other than one who was utterly illiterate) I have had recruiting for 5 staff posts since Christmas. I have had hundreds of European applicants. Most have degrees and qualifications and are well spoken and presentable.

Bercow is bang on the money. Our welfare system has created an attitude amongst far too many of our home grown “talent” that they will wait for the “right job” or forever and live off welfare. Thank God for immigration.

Bercow is attacked


4292 days ago

Abu Qatada, John Thuo and the UK’s moronic immigration & welfare laws

You know who Abu Qatada is. He reckons that there is something wrong with the UK’s welfare system. We agree on that. Abu’s specific complaint is that the five bedroom house that the taxpayer provides him with is not big enough. He needs more storage space.  Saints preserve us.  Now meet John Thuo

Back in in his native Kenya he killed between 100 and 400 people using a machete. Policemen, innocent civilians, members of other criminal gangs – he butchered the lot. He also undertook female circumcision. In 2003 he came here as an illegal immigrant and has lived in taxpayer funded accommodation and on benefits ever since.

The Home Office tried to boot him out but failed because it would infringe his Human Rights. You see, he might get murdered by his old gang back in Kenya. Apparently Thuo also has mental health problems and says he might top himself if we boot him out.

Of course if I say that these cases shows our immigration and welfare system is flawed, the deluded lefties and liberal elite respond in three ways:

1. Anyone who says the immigration system is flawed must be a racist.
2. These are exceptional cases and very rare – most of the time our system works fine.
3. The Daily Mail has reported these cases and so this is just right wing scaremongering, gosh we hate the Daily Mail, let’s talk about what an awful paper it is.

Whatever. The UK has a £100 billion budget deficit. We are going bust. These gents add to that deficit. They contribute nothing to our society. They will not seek work.

I fail to understand why anyone who has never worked should get any benefits at all. Whether the scrounger is an  Islamofacist hate preacher/probably terrorist, a Kenyan mass murderer or a white chav from some Grim Northern Shot Hole appearing on the Jeremy Kyle show.

In the case of Mr Thuo I cannot see why we are protecting him from justice in Kenya. Why cannot we hand him over to the Kenyan Police? If his gang manage to get at him or he tops himself do I really care? Do you?


4338 days ago

Mick Philpott and the Fascist Left

Child killer Mick Philpott “earned” the equivalent of £100,000 a year milking the benefits system. He could afford booze, drugs, a snooker room extension, SkyTV and much, much more and never did a day’s work. It was a broken benefits system that allowed him to lead such a life, that incentivised him NOT to work and which caused him to lose any sort of moral compass. For this dirtbag life was about rights and self-gratification and not about obligations and responsibilities.

Anyone who makes this point, be it the Daily Mail, myself or George Osborne is now abused by the left as heartless in that we ignore the human tragedy of six dead kids or of using one human tragedy to bash all on welfare.  The left – as ever – misses the point.

There are countless Philpott’s out there. Only a few go around murdering children in order to obtain more benefits. But vast numbers now regard benefits as a lifestyle and an entitlement. Keep the system as it is and this underclass will slip further and further into depravity. It is bankrupting Britain financially and it is morally bankrupting those who now have no concept of the idea that with rights come obligations and responsibilities. Deluded lefties seem unable to see this. In some cases it is because their Parliamentary seats or worthless taxpayer-funded jobs depend on keeping a client state poor. For others there cannot be the excuse of self-interest, those folk are just deluded.

But the way that the entire left tries to drown out rational debate on the UK’s broken system with smears and attack is Fascism. Why is the left afraid to debate the real issues? What is so wrong with saying that a subscription to SkyTV should not be part of the standard benefits lifestyle?


4364 days ago

Harrods’s Boss Bang on the Money on Immigration

I never thought I’d find myself wring this but someone close to Harrods’s owner the Phony Pharaoh is talking common sense. The man is Michael Ward the managing director of the ghastly West London emporium and he has lashed out at the mainstream political parties on the subject of immigration. His point is that the Labour/Conservative alliance are so terrified of being soft on immigration that they are making it damn hard for those we would all like to move here to actually get in. Spot on.

The British public has no problem with folks turning up here who wish to work hard, pay taxes etc. The problem we all have is those who turn up in the UK and then become a drain on the State. Frankly we have enough Heather Frost type home grown talent in that department without needing to import any.

But in order to be seen to be tough on immigration the mainstream parties have both supported policies such as reducing the number of highly skilled migrants who are allowed in each year. My ex-girlfriend is an Indian National. She is highly skilled, has never claimed a penny in benefits and paid vast amounts in tax. Yet


4370 days ago

It is Illegal to smoke in this building – No it Frigging well is not!

I am staying in a house converted into five flats in a leafy part of Bristol. The five flats are all owned on a leasehold, that is to say they are private property. And in the entrance hall a notice has just gone up with a big no smoking sign stating “It is against the law to smoke in these premises.” Well that is a lie is it not?

It might just be that the communal areas are deemed to be a public space and so smoking might be illegal there. But I do not think that is actually the case. The Communal areas ( a staircase) are commonly owned private property.

The flats are slam dunk private property. Not that it would make it a “crime” but there is nothing in the leasehold agreement about smoking. This is private property and, as far as I can see, it is not yet a crime to smoke in your own home. So someone has put up a notice that is a lie. Is it the (useless) management company?

Or is it a resident, some prurient liberal who believes in freedom when it comes to things they support ( smoking pot, roaming on private land, cycling through red lights, not having a bath more than once a month) but denies liberty to others on unacceptable matters such as smoking, foxhunting, owning a gun, reading the Daily Mail in public, etc?


4429 days ago

Lucian Miers – A Bear with a Very Sharp Brain profiled

Lucian Miers often finds himself overshadowed by the larger than life figure that is Evil Knievil (Simon Cawkwell). The two men sometimes share ideas and bear raids but on other occasions they disagree. They are very much their “own men.” I sense that perhaps because of his casual and light hearted approach to life, folks underestimate Lucian. That is a mistake.

Known as East London’s most feared short seller, Lucian is about as much of a cockney as myself or Prince Charles. His family used to own rather large amounts of real estate in the area around Upton Park and hence “the Bard of the Boleyn” is a devoted West Ham supporter. But he is (like Cawkwell) quite a posh public school educated fellow. And like Cawkwell he did not quite make it passed the final interview when it came to applying to Oxford. That is not to say that Lucian is not very clever, just that he is perhaps not a true academic.

The highlight of Miers career as a stockbroker was his short selling of Pan Andean Resources as the world and his wife bought the stock on the back of hopes (and puff pieces in the Daily Mail) for South American drilling success, Miers took the trouble to call the site of the well on the phone to be told that it was dry and that the directors were at that stage flying back to Ireland.


4462 days ago

The Nick Clegg Smear or non Smear: Who Dunnit?

The Daily Mail carries a piece today alleging that a key aide to deputy PM Nick Clegg personally intervened to get £12 million of taxpayers cash fast tracked to a charity ( BookTrust) of which Mr Clegg’s wife is a prominent supporter. Apparently emails have just emerged showing that while other charities must bid for Government cash, this one just got it. Hmmm.

The piece manages to find a rent-a-quote Tory and Labour MP to demand an enquiry. Oh, another one. An enquiry a day, hip hip hooray, more money to pay, what more can I say? Do politicians ever do anything in life apart from call for enquiries? Personally I do not see why taxpayer’s cash in Bankrupt Britain is handed to charities at all. Booktrust may do great work but it a fake charity. It is now an arm of Government. That to me is a scandal.

As for Cleggy I ask you one question:


4466 days ago

The Daily Mail, the Government house prices and first time buyers – all wrong

The Daily Mail has its knickers in a twist about how young hard working couples cannot afford to get on the housing ladder without help from middle aged hard working parents ( er…Daily Mail readers). The Council for Mortgage Lenders says action is needed. And the Conservative Party panders to this anger saying the situation “is not right”. There is a hint ( to appease Daily Mail readers) from some shit for brains housing minister, Grant Prisk, that the Government will take steps to address the “problem”. They are all wrong – they promote a ponzi scheme because it is popular to do so.

That young folks cannot “get on the housing ladder” is undeniable. That is because a) the banks will not lend unless you have a hefty deposit and b) prices ( in terms of price to income ratios) are by historic standards and in absolute terms too high.

Given that prices are too high it is exceptionally prudent of the banks to require steep deposits and having done their conkers on more or less everything they touched it is in no one’s interest (least of all the taxpayer who actually owns most of the banks) to force or bully them into making reckless loans in this area too.

So the only way to address this problem is for house prices to fall.


4486 days ago

Is the Daily Mail lying when it says that the EU wants to ban Enid Blyton? Or is the EU Mad? Or Both?

The Daily Mail today runs with a story headlined “Now Brussels takes aim at the Famous Five! Books portraying ‘traditional’ families could be barred.” Some folks go “More madness from the Evil Empire, if they can try to ban bendy bananas and WI jam nothing is safe”. Other folks say “It is the Daily Mail telling lies with scare stories to sell papers to Middle England again.” So is the Daily Mail lying or is the evidence that the Evil Empire is run by the criminally insane just that bit stronger? Or both?


4495 days ago

Let the Left Explain: Hurricane Sandy who is to blame?

You and I know that hurricanes just happen. No-one is to blame and mankind just carries on. But out there in the twittersphere the left is already working out whom or what is to blame for Hurricane Sandy which is now battering New York. Just to help these simple folk along so that they can cut and paste away for the comments board on the Guardian, BBC, etc here are the top ten candidates for who or what is to blame.

1. George Bush Junior – he caused all that is evil on this planet.

2. Global Warming. I know Sandy is rather cold but it is all to do with Global Warming which was partly caused by George Bush ( see above)


4497 days ago

Sardine Can Britain 2050 – The Daily Mail misses the point

The Daily Mail carries a rather typical scare story today about how the UK will have 80 million residents by 2050. I am not sure that given my health profile I shall be one of them. In fact I know that I shall not be, I am determined to end my years in a rather warmer climate. But the Mail, needless to say, gets its assumptions wrong in a rather desperate attempt to cosy up to its Middle England readership.


4501 days ago

Scrap Child Benefit altogether – the Mail and Osborne have their maths wrong

Child Benefit should be scrapped altogether. It is costly, a bureaucratic mess and misguided. I say this as the Daily mail bleats about £36.6 million a year being sent as child benefit to kids living abroad and as chancellor Osborne plans to scrap the benefit for those earning £50,000 a year or more. This is all tinkering.

Let’s start with basic principles. The world is overpopulated. We keep on going on about how folks in the third world should have fewer kids yet across the EU we provide economic incentives (in countries like Spain they are vast) to have more kids.


4528 days ago

Attacking Foreign Aid Spending – The Daily Mail does not get it

The Daily Mail today has a real go at Call Me Dave for boasting to the UN about how the UK is spending ever more cash on International aid. This will play well with its readers but misses the point. There are folks out there who reckon that scrapping the £11 billion or so we piss away on foreign aid each year will make a difference. It will not really.

Do not get me wrong. I do not think that the £11 billion the Department for International Development (DFID) spends, no wastes, each year can be justified. 40% of Africa’s military spending is effectively funded by aid programmes. The poor in Africa see very little benefit, the elites in some pretty vile regimes line their pockets and our cash goes to prop up these regimes. Just as I do not believe in military intervention to affect regime change in the Middle East (waste of money and it just makes them hate the West even more), I do not believe in financial intervention via aid to Africa as that inevitably stops regime change. In the end aid is always a transfer of wealth from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries.

But where the Mail goes horribly wrong is by pretending that were we to abolish DFID tomorrow we could stop cuts in public spending elsewhere. It goes into tedious detail about how many regiments could be saved, nurses not fired


4531 days ago

The Guardian wants you taxed to subsidise its losses – tossers!

Veteran Guardian journalist David Leigh has penned a piece that will make your blood boil. I shall not provide a link as I refuse to direct traffic to this despicable publication. But you need to know what these (already) state subsidised scroungers think. Leigh wants to tax each broadband user in the UK £2 a month. The £500 million raised will be doled out to all publications classed as newspapers in 1994 to allow them to support “high quality journalism”.

This cash is needed because their current business models do not work. The Guardian would trouser c£100 million a year from this plan which would be handy as it currently loses £76 million a year despite getting a vast subsidy from the taxpayer advertising public sector non-jobs (something that could be done in-house and online at a fraction of the cost). The whole proposal stinks as does the tone of the piece from this wretched old dinosaur.


4616 days ago

The Bono (prize git) Rule & Foreign Aid

I have noted on this blog on a previous occassion that there is a Polly Toynbee rule. Without exception, any cause or policy that the dreadful Harridan supports is one that any right thinking person would oppose. Toynbee is a great way to check your sanity. Just use google to search out her views on any matter and if you disagree 100% with what the old trout says then you know that you still have your marbles. Irish rock singer Bono is another person happy to express his strong views on all matters of global importance, or that he deems to be of global importance. To be fair to Bono he is not wrong about everything. Just almost everything. Why anyone should listen to the man just becuase he wrote a few great songs a long time ago is not exactly clear to me but he appears to have the ear of those in power. We live in a strange world.

It should be clear by now that I think Bono is a prize git.


4633 days ago

Buying shares in small stockbrokers as M&A play – you must be mad

In today’s Daily Mail, Geoff Foster suggests here that pretty piss poor results from Walker Crips (WCW) suggest that trading across the sector is dire. Yes he is spot on. There are few IPOs, private investors are not trading actively and so revenues must be down. And as we all know, stockbrokers demand big pay packets and will not change that just because their employer is struggling. However why should this drive mergers as Geoff suggests.
