Tim Martin

518 days ago

Is anything at all in the Daily Mail true? Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon hits out & I promise to buy a pint for Will Hutton

My good friend, our in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price is in a terrible state after I told him about my post Brexit experience at Athens airport late on Wednesday night. More on that later. But now there is some real angst for the poor man in the battle between two demons from the Eurosceptic right: the wretched Daily Mail and JD Wetherspoon (JDW) run by heroic freedom campaigner Tim Martin. The latter has lashed out at the former.


573 days ago

BREAKING: Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon hits out at urban myths about his customers being peasants and the covid enquiry scam

So much for the perennial #BoycottSpoons campaigns run by the sort of lunatics with #FBPE in their twitter handles. Today’s trading update from JD Wetherspoon (JDW)  is jolly upbeat with like for like sales surging and the company on track to meet FY forecasts. Stick that where the sun don’t shine you Guardian reading tossers. But as ever, it is the comments on the mad world we live in from the heroic chairman Tim Martin that grab the eye. The great man opines:


637 days ago

Drowning in #FBPE #BoycottSpoons tears as JD Wetherspoon reports record sales and heroic Tim Martin lashes out at the political class

Do you remember the #BoycottSpoons campaign, “nice” middle class folks who could not accept a democratic vote urging us to boycott the JD Wetherspoon chain with the aim of hurting it hard, something which would have seen a stack of working class people lose their jobs? Wetherspoons is run by outspoken Eurosceptic Tim Martin and free speech is a crime for some folk. Well I guess twitter mobs do not always work. Today JD Wetherspoon (JDW) has served up a Q3 trading statement. Wokesters prepare to weep:


857 days ago

JD Wetherspoon boss Tim Martin on the biggest threat to his sector & Dominic Frisby pays homage

Perhaps our in house Euro loon Jonathan Price #FBPE can let us know if his fellow Remoaniacs are still boycotting Spoons (JDW). Maybe not as results today are robust and the boss Tim Martin is cautiously upbeat. However he singles out 1 massive risk to his whole industry and one threat. The great man opines:


1116 days ago

Wetherspoon’s Tim Martin lashes hypocrite Boris and hypocrite fund manager Blackrock as he serves up a lack of profits warning

Given the pointless Plan B lockdown it is no great shock that JD Wetherspoon (JDW) will make a first half loss. But in spelling out just how bad things are, L4L sales down by 11.7% and total sales by 13.3% in the first 25 weeks of the year,  heroic company founder Tim Martin has lashed out at the illogical policies of a hypocritical Government and at the hypocrisy and stupidity of fund manager Blackrock. The great man does not hold back and opines:


1173 days ago

The rank hypocrisy of fund management giant Fidelity exposed by Wetherspoon’s heroic Tim Martin

Institutional investors are, like the sad drips at Fidelity, are obsessed about telling us how bloody woke they are and how they just are so ESG friendly.  Alreet Chloe Thompson ye bonnie lass – fancy a job at Fidelity? Belta!  But while they talk the ESG talk do they really walk the G walk? Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) has lashed out and his answer is NO!. The great man says:


1229 days ago

Hero of the day is yet again Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon on lockdown insanity

The Mrs was doing a seminar yesterday on data analysis. I doubt it was half as good as this classic from her husband given to the woke morons attending Bath Spa but she challenged their preconceptions on covid an a very entertaining way. Which profession has suffered most covid deaths per thousand?  The students said nurses. The answer is, of course, security guards. Take back those pay rises for nurses whose average wage (more than £33,000) just a few years into the profession is already more than the UK national average wage.  Anyhow back to our hero Tim Martin…


1348 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon “owns” The Daily Telegraph for fake news on immigration

Once again, Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) is our hero of the day for exposing the Daily Telegraph for a complete fake news classic on the subject of immigration and staff shortages in pubs. And the folks in the deadwood press wonder why nobody trusts them anymore and why sales continue to plunge? This is a corker. Enjoy a classic release from heroic Tim!


1426 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon lashes the Government's crackers lockdown policy as NOT based on science

Once again the JD Wetherspoon (JDW) founder is a brave voice of sanity lashing the madness behind the Government’s lockdown policy. He offers hard data to back his case, there can be no response. The great man opines:


1520 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon again lashes lockdown madness and the liars of Fleet Street

Here in Wales, thanks to First Minister, Mad Mark Drakeford, all 50 JD Wetherspoon (JDW) pubs are shuttered and will stay so for the foreseeable future. As I noted in a photo article just published, life just over the border in “free” England is not much better for the boozers. Tim Martin is, yet again, my hero of the day, using Wetherspoon’s AGM as a platform to expose the Government and a supine 4th estate which laps up lockdown lies without question. The great man opines:


1526 days ago

Wetherspoon’s Tim Martin lashes woeful press reporting and Government policy on lockdown and says Sweden is the key

Here in Wales, all 50 of Tim Martin’s JD Wetherspoon (JDW) pubs are now closed as a reaction to crackpot Mark Drakeford’s latest mad plans. Yet Covid cases are roofing it as never before. Lockdowns do not work and today Tim Martin has issued a statement making it clear why and how badly we are going wrong in the UK. The great man says:


1536 days ago

Sir John Winnifrith spins in his grave again as the National Trust appears to double up and cover up its woke BLM blunder

For seven years, as I described here, I have been noting the various ways that the National Trust has pursued a costly woke agenda, alienating its core supporters, and, as a result, being less able to deliver its core mission of saving historic buildings and lands. My Bennite grandfather, Sir John Winnifrith, who ran this body as its Director General, would, I am sure, have washed his hands of the NT in disgust by now, resigning his membership. This weekend, the Trust doubled up on its latest woke blunder: the publication of a detailed report which, effectively, branded one third of its properties as racist.


1540 days ago

Three tiers for Tim Martin as the JD Wetherspoon boss lashes lockdown lunacy

On December 2 England comes out of lockdown to be replaced by er….lockdown in all but name. JD Wetherspoon (JDW) boss Tim Martin is again our hero of the day as he has lashed out at this lunacy. The great man opines:


1582 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon tears apart the Government’s insane Covid policies

JD Wetherspoon’s (JDW) results today were, predictably, impacted by the insane lockdown. No doubt middle class and affluent #FBPE morons on twitter who have been calling for a boycott of JD Wetherspoon in retaliation for Mr Martin’s pro Brexit stance will today be cheering. After all, if any of his staff do lose their jobs they will only be poor people whose lives don’t really matter.  Naturally Mr Martin has lashed out at the Government’s insane policies and his dissection is clinical and ruthless. The great man opines:


1614 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin lashes out at quack academics, the Daily Mail & the Government on Covid as Daily Telegraph hackette Helena Horton goes mad

Once again the heroic boss of JD Wetherspoon has dared to speak out against the GroupThink gripping academia, the media and the political classes on the subject of Covid. As an example of this madness, rather silly Daily Telegraph reporter Helena Horton was today lecturing the actor Laurence Fox, on twitter, about his idea of meeting six folks for a drink tonight.


1635 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon sticks it to lying MPs, the lying Guardian and the lying deadwood press in general

Tim Martin is once again this website’s hero of the day. The JD Wetherspoon (JDW) boss reports that trade is improving despite continuing assaults by those who thing we should boycott his chain because of Tim’s support for Brexit, including MPs and the loathsome newspaper founded on slave trading profits, The Guardian, who all stoop to lying. His statement today is cracking stuff.  The great man opines:


1644 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon lashes Covid "expert" - the data is not there to justify punishment of pubs

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) has again waded into battle against the media and political classes in their GroupThink bubbles, this time on Covid. He offers up some hard data on his bars and infection which appears to challenge the narrative we are told, which is justifying policies that throttle his industry. Well done Tim. The great man writes:


1782 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: it is all about the cash & JD Wetherspoon needs a 7 AM RNS

Maybe I admire Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) a bit less but I understand what he is up to. Across the land not everyone is rallying around praising the NHS and saying “we are all in it together.” Businesses are desperate to hoard cash and are forced to behave in ways that are not always very pleasant. I do not think some folks realise just how bad the Government’s reaction to Covid 19 rather than the virus itself will be for the economy, for businesses and for its own finances. Mr Martin needs to draft an RNS for 7 AM to say whether he has been misleading beer suppliers or misleading investors.


1844 days ago

#BoycottWetherspoons fails again: strong trading update and heroic Tim Martin lets rip on woke failures & parasites once more

The #BoycottWetherspoons campaign by remaoning  Brexit haters continues to fail. For the first 12 weeks of the second quarter to 19 January 2020, like-for-like sales increased by 4.7% and total sales by 4.2%.  Take that snowflakes, stick that and your copy of today’s Guardian where the sun don’t shine.  Heroic Wetherspoon (JDW) boss Tim Martin once again did not hold back on a range of matters in the accompanying statement lambasting among others the BBC, CBI and the corporate governance bores run by a Marxist, PIRC. The great man opines thus:

On Brexit


1919 days ago

My Hero (again) Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon lashes Corporate Governance woke Brigade, notably the Commie sociologist running charlatans PIRC

So much for the #BoycottWetherspoons campaign pushed by Remoaning drips. JD Wetherspoon (JDW) Q1 like for like sales grew by 5.3% and overall sales were up by 5.6%. When pro-Brexit parties win the election I know where I am going for a celebratory pint. In bringing us this good news, my hero Tim Martin also lashes out at the woke Brigade of corporate governance bores, notably the rank hypocrisy of the commie sociologist (I kid you not) who runs PIRC. This is brilliant stuff and I have highlighted the PIRC section as sheer genius as the deadwood press has long quoted PIRC time and time again to create non-stories. Martin brilliantly exposes PIRC as Charlatans. The greatest living Englishman writes:


1978 days ago

#BoycottWetherspoon fails again: great FY numbers and heroic Tim Martin lashes out at Brexit blocking elitists

So much for the #BoycottWetherspoon campaign. Its value pricing and support for British products and democracy are serving it well. Full Year numbers out today impressed (despite the Boycott campaign sales went up by 7.4%). And chairman Tim Martin again stepped up to the plate and is our hero of the day for sticking it to the elitists who wish to block Brexit because they know better than we dirty 17.4 million plebs. The great man, Tim, opines:  


2043 days ago

#BoycottWetherspoon not working, heroic Tim Martin weighs in on Brexit again

The silly campaign by whining remoaners to boycott JD Wetherspoon (JDW) is not working. Ha! For the 10 weeks to 7 July 2019 like-for-like sales increased by 6.9% and total sales increased by 6.6%. Year-to-date like-for-like sales have increased by 6.7% and total sales increased by 7.4%.. In bringing us this good news, chairman Tim Martin is again our hero of the day for some sane words on Brexit Tired of Project Fear from the BBC, the Quislings at the CBI, The Guardian, the pink EU propaganda sheet that is the FT and our own Malcolm Stacey?  Over to Tim who writes:


2162 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon tells it as it is on Brexit

Anyone who points out how the Financial Times is always on the wrong side of history when it comes to the EU must be a good guy and that brings us to Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) announcing interim numbers today who opines:


2212 days ago

#BoycottWetherspoons flopping, and the People’s hero Tim Martin lets rip on Brexit again

The #BoycottWetherspoons  (JDW) campaign by mad remoaners is flopping badly. Hooray. The company has released a  cracking trading statement and its chairman, the People’s Hero, Tim Martin has again let rip on Brexit.

We are told that for the first 12 weeks of the second quarter (to 20 January 2019), like-for-like sales increased by 7.2% and total sales by 8.3%. In the year to date (25 weeks to 20 January 2019), like-for-like sales increased by 6.3% and total sales by 7.2%. Well, Jonathan Price, Polly Toynbee et al stick that in your pipe…


2290 days ago

Hero of the day, JD Wetherspoon’s Tim Martin, busts numerous Brexit myths, lambasts the FT, Oxbridge tossers et al

In delivering a slightly disappointing trading statement for JD Wetherspoon (JDW) which just cannot buck massive macro headwinds, its chairman Tim Martin writes from a hospital bed a few words on Brexit. If only wretched Theresa May would listen to the great man who lashes tossers like the staff of the Financial Times, the Oxbridge 1%-ers with their elitist group-think and the CBI and who opines:


2345 days ago

Brexit hero Tim Martin debunks a stack of myths as JD Wetherspoon reports strong results

Note to prat Jamie Oliver. Insult 52% of us over Brexit and you lose custom and shutter your disgustingly overpriced outlets, tell the truth as Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) has and you might report cracking numbers as Tim has done (again) today. The great man has also debunked a stack of Brexit myths, noting:


2382 days ago

Photo Article: Another reason to go to a JD Wetherspoon today

JD Wetherspoon (JDW) led by its founder, our great hero, Tim Martin, has introduced some new Brexit beer mats at its pubs. Yet another reason to pop along today for a pint as you can see below...


2409 days ago

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon puts wretched traitor Theresa May straight on Brexit and business

Mrs Theresa May, the worst Prime Minister since the 1800s, understands nothing of business which might explain why she is happy to betray the 17.4 million and her party members by signing up to the worst Brexit deal imaginable. This will see her party obliterated at the next election – bring it on!  Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) does have real world experience and today opines:


2471 days ago

My Bennite Grandfather would be proud: Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon slams EU Customs Union as a "protection racket"

Once again Tim Martin is the hero of the day. As the parasites of the CBI, who have never created a cent of wealth as risk taking entrepreneurs, and low grade career politicians lecture the 17.4 million about what we really voted for, Tim reports back from the coal face. This man is a great British hero of whom my Bennite grandfather from the 1975 campaign, Sir John Winnifrith, would been proud. Tim opines in today's trading statement from JD Wetherspoon (JDW):


2577 days ago

Heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon tells it as it is on Brexit. you reading Jamie Oliver?

Jamie Oliver insults Brexit voters (i.e. 52% of the population) and his business is going down the plughole. Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon tells it as it is and has served up a cracking trading statement today with his company trading strongly and ahead of forecast. Perhaps a lesson there for you Jamie, you patronising and unintelligent little man. Back to our hero Martin whose message on Brexit is uncompromising, lashing out at the CBI, The Guardian and others who tell lies.


2627 days ago

Marcus LeRoux in The Times City Pages - what a Remoaning twit as he smears Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon

Marcus does not seem to like Brexit so has a go at our great hero Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) today. My comments below each of the two sentences from nasty Marcus are in bold.


2655 days ago

JD Wetherspoon's Tim Martin - exposes the Brexit lies of big business and the media (again)

Once again Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JDW) is the hero of the day exposing the lies, for that is what they are, spouted by big business and the dishonest media on the subject of Brexit. Martin lets rip in his company's latest trading statement. A true hero writes:


2708 days ago

Take a wise-up pill Juncker & Barnier says heroic Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon

Once again, Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon (JD) has let rip with a devestating attack on the EU and its attitude to Brexit. It comes as JD unveiled a 43% increase in Full Year Profits achieved, as the fake news broadcasters at Channel 4 and the BBC would say "despite Brexit." Over to our hero of the day, Tim Martin:


2773 days ago

Our Hero Wetherspoon's Martin: Re Brexit the CBI should put a sock in it, the FCA is weak and unrealistic

Tim Martin is again our4 hero of the day, speaking out against the FCA,m the CBI, the Financial Times and other remoaners" who are trtying to dilute Brexit with disingeneous comment. On the occassion of a trading statement from his JD Wetherspoon (JDW) chain of ghastly plastic pubs, Martin has let rip. The great man states:


2843 days ago

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon lashes out at Quisling Brexit Remoaners , notably at the CBI - Tim you are our hero of the day.

I may hold my nose and tonight go into one of Tim Martin's horrible pubs for a small glass of the less than impressive wines he has on offer to show my support after the UK's greatest businessman launched a blistering attack on the Brexit remoaners and notably the ghastly creature, Carolyn Fairbairn of the CBI. Overall it is a pretty upbeat trading statement from Wetherspoon (JDW) and the shares are up 3.5% on the day. Or as the BBC would report it "Despite Brexit, it is a pretty upbeat trading statement." Tim's prose is golden. Over to the great man...


2889 days ago

Joanna Cherry of the SNP on Question Time - deficit denying brain of a pea

Joanna Cherry MP is the sort of pea-brained individual who seems to rise effortlessly to the top of the SNP. She speaks precisely and with an assurance that she must be correct. The only problem is that she talks almost complete nonsense. She starred on the BBC's Question time last week and served up such a total corker on the deficit that the hand picked audience of leftard had almost audible orgasms of delight.


2948 days ago

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon - a total fucking genius: another Brexit lecture from The King

Mr Martin you are our hero. You say what we all think about the traitors art the Bank of England, City experts, the spineless twerp Cameron and the remoaners. You say it as it is. Today's comments in the trading statement are just utterly bang on the money.


3023 days ago

Brilliant Stuff: Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon - EU leaders are punishing EU companies with Brexit dogma

There is a minor profits warning from JD Wetherspoon (JDW) today and thus I urge you to all go and buy a pint of its finest cheap lager to show solidarity with the company's founder and boss Tim Martin who has used his trading statement to point out how EU leaders are hitting their own people, not us, with the mad anti-Brexit actions. Over to hero of the day Tim Martin:


3079 days ago

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon on Brexit - this man is a visionary

In today's statement from JD Wetherspoon (JDW) its boss Tim Martin lets rip on those doomsayers from Project Fear who lied to us ahead of the referendum on Independence Day, June 23rd. that fat self righteous windbag Nicola Horlick - who stuffed her clients into Bernie Madoff funds - the banksters at Goldman Sachs, the smug FTSE 100 bosses, lyin' George Osborne and Dodgy Dave Cameron himself all get it in the neck from the visionary Martin. This statement is poetry. I loathe Martin's plastic pubs but I shall hold my nose and go to one in appreciation of what follows. Over to our hero of the day, Mr Tim Martin:


3137 days ago

Hero of the day Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon skewers those who lied about Brexit

Tim Martin of pubs chain JD Wetherspoon (JDW) is a Eurosceptic and a man who calls a spade a spade. In today's trading statement he deals with those who lied blatantly in the run up to the referendum. Tim Martin: we at ShareProphets salute you. Personally I find his pubs fairly ghastly but next time I am passing buy I shall pop in and have a drink for Mr Martin toasting you publicly. Does Mr Martin serve ouzo? Tim writes in the RNS: 


3501 days ago

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon on the Fool Osborne's Living wage plan - spot on

Tim Martin of JD Wetherspoon has today commented on the moronic plans of George Osborne to put SME's out of business, ooops I meant to say to pushing the minimum wage up to £9. For Paul "Trotsky" Scott, "Red" Darren Atwater and others here are some hard maths. Just who is subsidising who? Look at how much profit JD makes per pub and how much tax that pub generates. Over to my hero of the day Tim Martin: 
