West Villa United

2813 days ago

The Call Me Dave sham exposed big time this Christmas

David Cameron's rich, tax-dodging, stockbroker father paid for him to go to Eton from where he went to Oxford. One proper job ( well sort of) was arranged for young David after Oxford, a stint as the PR man for Carlton Communications. Then he started to climb the greasy pole. With a Mrs who was even more minted by dint of inherited wealth, the Camerons were clearly in the 1% not the 99% and never had to worry about money.


3076 days ago

Panama Papers: 4 times David Cameron refuses to answer the question re his tax dodging dad - why not?

David Cameron's late dad set up offshore trusts to avoid tax. It was legal but in the view of many of us a tad seedy. Did Call Me Dave or his family benefit personally? Cameron has now issued four statements but not answered the critical frigging questions.

In statement one Cameron said it was none of our business, in statement two he said he owned no shares or offshore Trusts, statement three saw CMD saying his family and he were not benefitting from the trusts and statement four said they will not benefit from them.

But the specific questions we really need to have answered are:
