47 days ago
Hapless accountants Edwards Veeder were put on notice by myself HERE that I’d be watching the 2024 annual results from Brown Envelope Man’s Life Global Ventures (LFT). Christmas came early for me with a dog’s dinner of an effort from Lee Lederberg and I have written to my good pals at the Financial Reporting Council
53 days ago
Zak Mir’s Lift Global Ventures (LFT) waited until late in the day Thursday to publish its annual report on its website so I have taken a deeper dive into its numbers. Lift has a structural problem in that even if you ignore the investments write offs of £750,000 in Trans Africa Energy and £67,106 of other mostly investment losses it still generated a loss of £159,046 on revenue of £476,506. So, its ongoing business is not sustainable as a public company because of the cost base.
56 days ago
58 days ago
61 days ago
90 days ago
197 days ago
Once again, Gary Newman seems to be engaging with a complete poltroon, “TruthSeeker,” on twitter. Gary, life is too short to waste it debating folks with the IQ of a cheese sandwich. Just block him. TruthSeeker seems to think that I should not be allowed to write articles in the public domain suggesting that Zak Mir takes money for writing pumptastic nonsense about listed companies as that is libelous. He tweets:
302 days ago
The other day, HERE, I revealed how almost half the revenue generated by Miriad Limited, previously owned by Mr Zak Mir aka “Brown Envelope Man” and his wife had to be written off or provided for as potential bad debts by Lift Global Ventures (LFT).
307 days ago
The annual report of Lift Global Ventures (LFT) has now appeared on the Lift website and we can take a more detailed look at the business run by Zak Mir aka “Brown Envelope Man”.
323 days ago
Oh dear. Oh dear. Do you remember when the brown envelope man Zak Mir and penny share promoter Dave Lenigas debated whether Valereum Blockchain (VLRM) shares were worth 100p or 200p as they ramped ahead of a placing? Valereum now, finally, admits that the reason it could not buy the joke Gibraltar Stock Exchange is that it could not raise enough cash to satisfy regulators at the GFSC. That deal is off, the shares are unsuspended and have fallen to just 2p and the new board is now going after former boss Richard Poulden
330 days ago
In today’s podcast I look at why charting is folly, musicMagpie (MMAG), Tintra (TNT), Empresaria (EMR) and numerous lessons we can all learn and Lift Global Ventures (LFT) run by brown envelope man Zak Mir and why its results are so utterly misleading.
332 days ago
Shares in Aquis listed Valereum (VLRM) remain suspended on the Aquis lobster pot at just 3.85p. Founder Richard Poulden has scuttled away and the former rampers in chief David Lenigas and brown envelope man Zak Mir who told us the shares would hit either 100p or 200p have gone strangely silent. The company is technically insolvent. Today another body blow…
357 days ago
Oh dear, oh dear. Do you remember when the Sith Lord Zak Mir was being pushed brown envelopes to say these shares were heading to 200p while David Lenigas said they were going to 100p repeatedly on twitter? Or was it the other way round. Anyhow that pumping allowed Richard Poulden, assisted by spoofery from London’s new Lord Mayor to do a placing at 64p. I have repeatedly exposed the shenanigans and now vindication for me. Ouzo for the Sheriff no more brown envelopes for Mir.
434 days ago
In today’s Bearcast I look at sordid Mir in relation to the scumbags at Dukemount Capital (DKE) where i hope my prior warnings were heeded. I look at IOG (IOG), Ben’s Creek (BEN) and at BP and Bernard Looney
450 days ago
This was a company that under various names was frequently pumped in return for the usual brown envelopes by the Sith Lord Zak Mir and which embraced that kiss of death in the usual way. I did warn folks that as Strat Aero, Remote Monitored Systems and as nanosynth (NNN) it was a bag of shite but natch folks loved up Mir for his bent journalism and trolled me for my efforts so where now? Oddly, I actually want nanosynth to survive but that is because I am a conceited barstool.
537 days ago
From £70 million to nothing, as Deepverge (DVRG) awaits almost certain administration investors in this company will have lost everything. But did someone make a packet? I bring you below three tweets and an article by the Sith Lord Zak Mir of Lift Global Ventures (LFT). The article ( dated 7 February 2023) talks of a “tsunami of cash” being on its way to Deepverge. Hmmm.
539 days ago
I did ask in a prior article who would be stupid enough to back a rescue refinancing at now delisted All Active Asset Capital (AAA)? I should have known. Okay, it is other folks’ money being spaffed but cometh the day cometh the man: the Sith Lord Zak Mir.
559 days ago
Veteran analyst Michael Oliver started using charts when the self proclaimed pioneer of charting, Zak Mir, was only seven.
563 days ago
580 days ago
Most journalists worry that Artificial Intelligence, AI, will in due course threaten their jobs. Zak Mir claims to be a member of the National Union of Journalists but, judging by an update from his Aquis listed Lift Global Ventures (LFT) yesterday, his work will only be threatened by advances in the development of Artificial Stupidity.
596 days ago
I start with my latest run in with my neighbour, the IRA man. Then it is onto Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). I discuss it deceiving investors, how the shares are a 100% slam dunk sell and also a shocking article about it ( see below) on Proactive not, as I said, by my pal Ian Lyall but by another pal Jon Hopkins. Hoppo should be ashamed. Then I look at Anglesey Mining (AYM), Zephyr Energy (ZPHR ) – hard cheese Cliff – Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Boohoo (BOO), where there is no ouzo for Ouzo man, and nanosynth (NNN) which has gone bust so meaning a vindication ouzo for me tonight and more shame on penny share grifter, brown envelope man, Zak Mir.
632 days ago
“Oh dear, oh dear,” as my old friend Old Mother Mike Walters would have said as he apologised for yet another duff loss making, cash guzzling share tip ‘fessing up to bad news. I am surprised Mike has not tipped Aquis listed Valereum Blockchain (VLRM) it is right up his street. Shares in this company were peak ramp 64p, thanks to the efforts of Zak Mir and David Lenigas. They are now 5.5p as yet more confetti is issued. And the worst is yet to come….
665 days ago
In today’s podcast I discuss PILOWs and Agriterra (AGTA), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Zak Mir’s Lift Global Ventures (JOKE) and Versarien (VRS), and Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). I also mention my second training walk for Woodlarks on Saturday as described HERE. Please consider how I suffered tedium if not pain and donate to this great cause. So far just 4 of you have donated, I am sure more of you can afford a tenner. Please donate HERE
710 days ago
Oh dear, oh dear, the Sith Lord Zak Mir’s Lift Global Ventures (LFT) becomes more of a joke every day. Its first investment, when it was a media consolidation play, was Zak’s own company brown envelopes company Miriad, a deal which broke all sorts of rules and stank. Now there is another related party deal, as Lift goes into energy. You could not make this up.
728 days ago
Eldur Olafsson of Amaroq (AMRQ) thinks I am a member of the British establishment. I explain why I am not. No doubt Sir Arthur Cochrane would view me as he viewed his daughter, my grandmother, as a “traitor to our class” But I am. and explain why with reference to Eldur’s company. Then it is onto Zak Mir and the Okyo (OKYO) scandal. Your link to his video is HERE. And the photo below is of Zak himself relaxing today at the Carlton Club. That is the establishment today which makes me so hostile to it all and determined to be a simple goat farmer. Then I answer a, rather unfair, question on Yourgene (YGEN) before looking at Argo Blockchain (ARB) and Angle (AGL)
736 days ago
“For fuck’s sake you ghastly foreigner and all round oik I told you to sod off” screamed in unison both the world’s leading chartist and CEO of Lift Global Ventures and Aloysius as once again the windows of the chartists luxury apartment were flung wide open by the ghostly apparition. “Nadolig Llawen” said the ghost once again and beckoned the great technical analyst to come towards him.
736 days ago
The world’s best known chartist and CEO of Lift Global Ventures had a long discussion with the only bear who should not be serving a life sentence in South Georgia, that is to say Aloysius. They concluded that the ghostly apparition from earlier in the night was a ghastly oik probably a foreigner too, speaking Frog and all that, and so should be disregarded. It really was beddy byes time. But the great chartist struggled to fall asleep. And then….
738 days ago
‘twas the night before Christmas and the UK’s best known and leading chartist and CEO of Aquis listed Lift Global Ventures was perched on the edge of his four poster bed. His faithful teddy bear Aloysius urged him to consider snuggling up with him underneath his duvet, adorned with the Harrow School crest. But something was playing on the mind of Europe’s leading technical analyst, Mr Zak Mir.
747 days ago
First things first. We now need just £240 to wrap up the Woodlarks Christmas appeal. Please give a tenner HERE so we can do that on Monday. Thank you in advance. Second I am a bit delirious and explain why. Finally, is this the end of Zak Mir at the Lift Global Ventures (LFT) swizzle?
791 days ago
You really cannot say that you were not warned over and over again by this website that Argo Blockchain (ARB) would make rich knaves such as CEO Peter Wall, disgraced broker Andy Frangos, paid share ramper (sorry “journalist”) Zak Mir and proven liar and rule breaker John Story richer while screwing ordinary shareholders. The game is almost up. The Fat Lady is gargling. Today’s October update is a disaster.
805 days ago
Fear not. All of the rogues involved in ramping this one over the years have already made vast sums through share dumping and bloated cash payments. Peter Wall, Zak Mir, disgraced broker Andy Frangos, Adrian Beeston, John Story the list of colourful characters goes on and on but they are all okay, there is no need for them to launch a Go Fund Me page. But, Argo Blockchain (ARB) served up dire news this morning which means those mug punters, bulletin board morons and institutional investors alike, who have ignored my numerous explicit warnings, will soon do their conkers.
819 days ago
I start with the latest “let’s get TW hate campaign” with, this time, Avacta (AVCT) owning morons leading the charge. Suffice to say if folks this dumb are long you know to be short. Then onto ADM Energy (ADME), Deepverge (DVRG), ASOS (ASC), Sosandar (SOS), Boohoo (BOO), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and then the laugh a minute show at Powerhouse (PHE), now at 1.65p a compelling short thanks to the antics of PR man posing as a journalist Zak Mir.
828 days ago
Yesterday I flagged up the laughable interims from the Richard Poulden/David Lenigas/Zak Mir ramp Valereum (VLRM) in which the company claimed that a £6 million overdraft facility was a current asset. I know that both Poulden and Mir were keen supporters of the bogus cult of Modern Monetary Theory so maybe that is where this all comes from: rather than printing money, Poulden is printing assets. I blamed Ms Heena Karani and advisors Peterhouse for allowing this novel, and wholly bogus, new development in accounting to be published. I was wrong and offer my apologies to Ms. Karani and to Peterhouse. Well sort of.
828 days ago
Okay you did not need the brains of Lloyd George to work out that this was coming but the stench of panic in today’s package of emergency measures from Argo Blockchain (ARB) should un-nerve even Zak Mir as he is paid to ramp these worthless shares.
834 days ago
At just over a penny, shares in Powerhouse Energy (PHE) are down by more than 75% so far this year. At peak ramp on 31 December 2020 they were 9.8p. To all those folks nursing 90% losses thanks to the (undeclared) paid ramping of Zak Mir and the ludicrous claims made by the company including its disgraced ex chairman, the liar and former Tory Minister Tim Yeo, you know who to blame. And it is not me who did warn you, not that you wished to listen.
843 days ago
In the past it did not matter that Zak Mir took brown envelopes before recording blow-off interviews with CEOs and then publishing it and bullish articles as cliaming this was journalism. Sure it is unethical NOT to declare that you are being paid by a company to write a research report or to record an interview with it, but it is no crime. But it matters now.
850 days ago
Book author J.E.S argues that folks do not understand in any way how inflation is going to impoverish them. I agree/ All those who yakked on about Modern Monetary Theory two years ago, from Paul Mason through most of the BBC to Zak Mir, and urged even more money printing, should be on trial for financial crimes against humanity.
873 days ago
I start with a joke the late Steve Holdsworth would have appreciated for I can confirm that reports of his death were, sadly, not exaggerated. Then onto two US oil plays where I see big troubles ahead: Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and Zephyr Energy (ZPHR). Then onto the failings of Aquis in covering up the sins of disgraced Graham Mullis at Love Hemp (LIFE) and onto another shocker from the lobster pot Evrima (EVA), hat tip M for that one. Finally, a detailed look at Powerhouse Energy (PHE), its dismal interims, Zak’s appalling forecast/plain paid for ramping and the looming cash crisis set to unfold by this time next year. The big tent for ShareStock arrived today. Gosh it is heavy. I am dreading trying to put it up. To get inside it book your seats HERE.
875 days ago
The root causes of all these bubbles popping (apart from the next Lenigas/paid ramper Zak Mir and Richard Poulden shit show) are the same. I explain and discuss.
883 days ago
I start with my troubles in travelling and also with a guest at the Greek Hovel changing all the locks. Suffice to say I am in a bad mood as I head back to Wales. Then it is onto Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) where – goaded by a trolling and abusive shareholder – I remind you why the shares will be sub 10p by Christmas and could well then head rapidly towards zero. Then back to Zak Mir and Lift Ventures (LFT), where I serve up a scenario where the initial Miriad deal was illegal and the cover-up needs exposing, something Aquis Regulation could do at ease. Of course if the NEDS and adviser Optiva are smart and, if my theory is correct, they will resign and whistleblow now as IF the initial deal was illegal and that is now being covered up they do not want to be implicated if things get messy.
883 days ago
It has been suggested to me that my criticism of Zak Mir’s Lift Global Ventures (LFT) is driven by jealousy in that The Sith Lord is clearly coining it in. Au contraire. It is because everything about this stinks. And if the FCA and Aquis Regulation were not so utterly useless they would be all over this. Let me explain why.
884 days ago
I start with the wildlife diversity and will leave you in supense ahead of the drive back to Wrexham which starts in one hour. Then it is onto Zak Mir’s sordid Lift Global Ventures (LFT), more Clem Chambers gimps getting the boot at ADVFN (AFN) and Bidstack (BIDS) where after today’s piss poor interims, even Stevie Wonder can see that the writing is on the wall about the next bailout placing.
957 days ago
THIS article yesterday exposed the activities of Mr. Ron Bauer and his known associate Mr. Adrian Beeston. Now let us see the hook up with my old pal, the Sith Lord Zak Mir and what appars to be a horrific quid pro quo. Or maybe it is just a coincidence…
965 days ago
This is a major scandal – one that will create massive embarrassment for those operating in the depths of the AIM, Aquis and Standard List sewers. And for Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra (NTOG), his buddy, Gavin Burnell of the Globo (GBO) fraud, and Novum infamy, it poses a major question of what they knew and when.
975 days ago
Lift Global Ventures (LFT) – a cash shell that buys assets in the financial media world – was listed at 3p on 29 April, after a fundraise which brought in £1.73 million. That, we are told, was “oversubscribed”, which is obviously a testimony to the brilliance of its CEO, the Sith Lord Zak Mir. Every bandit in town is on the shareholder list, as well as upstanding blue-chip investors like David Lenigas and ex ADVFN boss, Clem “a legend in his own expenses lunchtime” Chambers.
1060 days ago
I am asked this question by a long suffering reader in relation to Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) and do my best to answer. I look at IQE (IQE),the curious share dealing of Mr Drew Nelson and whether I’d be tempted. I still see no sign of the IPO of Zak Mir’s crazy media investment company which he said was imminent two weeks ago. Is it Lift off? I comment on Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and then have a detailed look at Sarah Willingham’s Nightcap (NGHT) in light of today’s expose. It really is a one way bet.Down.
1079 days ago
The Sith Lord Zak Mir always tells me that all publicity for him is good publicity. That is why, as I, alone, report his utterly atrocious stock picking, inability to understand even the basic grammar he was taught at Harrow or his strange business ventures. He should be so incredibly grateful to me. I am almost the only chronicler of the Fall and Rise of Reggie Mir. And that brings us to Lift Ventures. Is it Lift Off or Lift on?
1079 days ago
As I write, four of the top 12 fallers are stocks that I have exposed as total wronguns and one of the four even coughed up that I had gpt a scoop on Friday. In today’s podcast, which should please Matthew and his dog, I cover: Omega Diagnostics (ODX) and its porkies, MGC Pharmaceuticals (MXC), a Turner Pope dog still valued at £40 million even now but not worth a fraction of that, Guild ESports (GILD) & the greed of David Beckham, Vast Resources (VAST) and the fraud Chill Brands (CHLL ) which could be going down the plughole for good within a couple of weeks. I forgot to discuss the latest news from Zak Mir and Lift Ventures. That will have to wait for another day.
1084 days ago
I start with the dire customer service from Scottish Power which is scamming me here at the Welsh Hovel. What to do? Then I am disppointed that none of you could Sherlock ADM Energy (ADME) and its latest fake sheikh. Then, sorry Gary, back to Advance Energy (ADV) and its history with this fine website as Andalas and as CEB Resources, the pumpers (Zak Mir, flip flop Ben Turney, and Justin the Clown), the villains (Dave Whitby) and the lessons. Finally I explain why those predicting financial armageddon are, all of a sudden so plausible, but are wrong, or at least are over-egging the pudding.
1088 days ago
I start by considering events in the Ukraine where my sympathies are, naturally, with Mother Russia but what could it all lead to? Then I consider why shares in Zak Mir’s Lift Ventures might fly but why his plan is flawed. Then onto THG (THG), Deepverge (DVRG) and Union Jack (UJO) and CEOs who say the shares are too cheap too often or who “fear” a takeover at this price.
1089 days ago
This is from the private Telegram group where Zak Mir committed market abuse citing the Good German excuse. This is how shareholders in this company get their rocks off … Whatever ,… A shareholder list this dumb is a sure fire sell signal.
1089 days ago
You may remember that, on November 23, the Sith Lord Zak Mir put out an RNS to say that he had teamed up with the scumbag spivs at Novum Securities to announce that the media company he had created, Lift Ventures, was to raise £1.7 million at 3p and to list on the Aquis lobster pot. I explained what a top of the market rum ‘n’coke this was at the time HERE. Anyhow…
1100 days ago
Let nobody suggest that David Lenigas is a shameless penny share huckster who makes Zak Mir look like a man of impeccable integrity. The great analyst (Lenigas not Mir) has highlighted a stock I own as one of his top 5 ramps, ooops I meant, conservatively analysed value investments, for 2022 but suggests you do your own research before filling your boots. Well since you mention it Dave, I might as well flag up the shite you are talking about one of the five.
1144 days ago
I kid you not. Natch there is a very obviously related party stink, the valuation is a joke, the brokers behind it are scumbags and my friend Zak is a clown who doesn’t have a scooby about media and fintech M&A but do not let me put you off. This madness will at least be entertaining, if not rewarding for those daft enough to back it.
1214 days ago
David Lenigas is to ramptastic tweeting what Colin Bird is to pre placing pumps. He just cannot help himself. Today’s special is a picture of two men in late middle age standing in a tax haven shaking hands. Apparently this is very significant for Aquis lobster pot listed Valereum (VLRM), the crypto play pumped to 80p three months ago as the shameless chartist turned penny share stock promoter Zak Mir called it up to £2, That helped it get away a £1 million placing at 70p. Its shares now trade at 29p but even that is still a staggering 20 times net assets for this loss making business. Maybe three men could shake hands tomorrow in some tax dodging location and that would be even more significant, eh Dave?
1228 days ago
This really is Alice in Wonderland stuff. Sitting on the big mushroom is Dominic White, the ex-chairman of the Supply@ME Capital (SYME) fraud but also boss of Aquis listed Eight Capital Partners (ECP) whose last stated net assets were just £40,000. Now Supply promoter Zak Mir hands over the hookah to the dormouse. Please try to keep up.
1246 days ago
I am back in Wales as of the wee hours and reflect on that. Today has been plum harvesting day. In the podcast I look at Jubilee Metals (JLP) where I am out but should i dive back in and Ariana Resources (AAU) where I am in but should I dive out?. Then the two dogs both beloved of the Sith Lord Zak Mir: Argo Blockchain (ARB) and Remote Monitored Systems (RMS)
1247 days ago
I refer to the resort of Stoupa. My wife knows how much I loathe and despise it and why and yet I found myself there again today. It was, as anticipated, hell on earth. Forget subbing Zak Mir’s copy for eternity this is the real deal. On a lighter note I examine timelines of placings, director share dumps, profits warnings and ramptastic statements at Best of the Best (BOTB) and Braveheart Investment Group (BRH). In a world where anyone cared any more there would be a full steward’s on both. Of course nobody gives a damn and the world moves on. Nothing to see here sir.
1267 days ago
I end with another appeal for brave Ian Westbrook. We are now just over £7,000 from making Neill Ricketts of Versarien (VRS) sweat like the loathsome pig he is. Please do donate HERE. I start with a comment on Kefi (KEFI) from the horse’s mouth, and a look at the fraud Zoetic (ZOE), Deepverge (DVRG), Moonpig (MOON), Uru Metals (URU) and the Zak Mir top of the market call.
1267 days ago
If this is not a sign to sell all your shares I do not know what is. The list of rogues with zero experience of managing money but who are veterans of ramping penny share frauds and promotes who are involved here is such a massive red flag. Lift Ventures was set up with £50,000 from the paid for penny stock ramping site LSE Share Talk on 13 May. The lead director who, it appears, will be managing its investments is Zak Mir who has never managed other folks money in his life bar the generous handouts he got from his parents as pocket money when at Harrow.
1270 days ago
During the early months of this year Zak Mir was the hero of numerous bulletin boards but notably those for Supply@ME capital (SYME) and remote Monitored Systems (RMS) for his almost non stop buy calls and ludicrous price targets. By contrast in calling out Supply as a fraud and Remote as an overvalued POS, I was the villain of the tale. With shares in both companies heading south at a rate of knots I invite you to consider the cartoon below and offer up suitable captions in honour of my good pal the Sith Lord. Post away in the comments section below. Do your worst.
1284 days ago
When a director of a listed company is interviewed by a fine fellow such as my old friend the Sith Lord Zak Mir or Justin “the clown” Waites there are restrictions on what he can or cannot say. Of course some directors ignore the rules and the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation do nothing. But there will be at least a note of caution in making ludicrous claims. But in recent times there has been more evidence of a get-around.
1303 days ago
Valereum Blockchain (VLRM), The Richard Poulden blockchain/NFT/bitcoin ramp hyped disgracefully by shareholder David Lenigas and penny share paid for promoter Zak “the huckster” Mir, has managed to raise £1 million at a shocking 70p. And the shares are now 76p. This is insanity.
1304 days ago
Now that Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) has finally confessed that its much hyped face nappy business is a worthless piece of crap unable to deliver any of the sales contracts alluded to as directors pumped the shares so they could dump their holdings, you may ask what is the company actually worth? The answer will shock those conned into buying the shares by the silky words of Zak Mir and others.
1315 days ago
The number of lies told by this company is so great that I have almost lost count. But then Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) is listed on the AIM Sewer where rule 67 states “Any company can lie to investors via RNS or in podcasts with Justin the Clown or that imbecile Zak Mir and the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation will do absolutely nothing about it.” Okay I made that bit up. And so, with no great hope of it doing anything about quite blatant RNS lying, I have written to AIM Regulation about Remote Monitored Systems and its Nomad and broker SP Angel asking for an investigation into a new £1.5 million lie that emerged yesterday. The letter is below:
1316 days ago
One of these three gents is a good friend (or was, maybe he won’t be after reading this), one is godfather to my daughter and one is a fat and utterly shameless Aussie share promoter who used to think there was more oil in the Weald Basin than in Saudi Arabia and whose latest tweet is below.
1316 days ago
At peak ramp, folks like Zak Mir were telling you that Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) would be drowning in cash from selling gazillions of its high margin face nappies. I warned repeatedly that this was pure fantasy. Today the grim truth has emerged and the shares have slumped. Worse will follow.
1322 days ago
Valereum Blockchain (VLRM) is an Aquis listed illiquid company with a start up business with sod all revenues and sod all cash. But ramped by hucksters like Lenigas and Zak Mir it is now, at 33p capitalised at £21.5 million. Now it seems, according to Lenigas, that IG wil pour petrol on the fire allowing gfolks to buy on margin. What could possibly go wrong?
1351 days ago
Shame on all those such as Zak Mir who have promoted this bag of excrement for today’s trading update was a true horror both in terms of what it said bit also what it did not say. Starting with the latter: this is a trading update which admits that sales are SFA but made no mention of losses or the cash position. Why not? I put it to you that if the company was drowning in cash it would shout about it. That it does not mention it at all screams out the possibility that another bailout placing is on the way. Then there is what is said which is almost as bad.
1351 days ago
As ever, I urge the 95% of bearcast listeners yet to donate to give today to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Now I must warn you that Matthew and his dog may not approve of this podcast, nor will the FCA as in light of today’s expose I discuss its role in enabling the Supply@ME Capital (SYME) fraud. I discuss the failings of the standard list and also why the end of lockdown will see more businesses go bust and I explain why the fine details of revenue recognition are not – as folks like Zak Mir seem to think – accounting porn for Geeks but really do matter.
1368 days ago
Valereum (VLRM) in the Aquis lobster pot has, as of today, zero revenues and – if it is lucky – £300,000 net cash. But mention the magig bitcoin word, throw in a few tokens and some magic beans and, hey presto, promoter David Lenigas and the Sith Lord Zak Mir reckon the shares should hit 60p. That would be a valuation of £38 million. Whatever you say Gents…today’s ramptastic love triangle from twitter is below.
1401 days ago
All chartists, not just Zak Mir, talk total cobblers and so here are two of them on the subject of gold, silver, and copper. Kevin Wadsworth and Patrick Karim talk cobblers. I’d love them to be right but I bet they are not. Enjoy.
1403 days ago
We may previously have given the impression that old Harrovian Zak Mir was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and was a bit of an intellectual lightweight if not an outright poltroon who could not analyse his way out of a paper bag and was also semi-literate. Moreover, we may have suggested that his analysis of certain frauds such as Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and obscenely overvalued promotes such as Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) might in some way be coloured by the fact that a company he works for, LSE ShareTalk, generates revenue from promoting such rubbish. If so now is the time to apologise to Mr Mir, aka the Sith Lord.
1410 days ago
I start with a reference to the covid testing stocks and the £8 billion Government tender I revealed earlier HERE. Then it is onto how companies are circumventing rules about ramping their shares with lies by getting shareholders to do the pumps via folks like Justin the Clown and Zak Mir. The FCA, AIM Regulation and corporate advisors need to stop washing their hands onto a range of abuses by shareholders and deal with it.
1411 days ago
Shares in Supply@ME Capital (SYME) have now been “temporarily” suspended – after I explained to the FCA why a suspension was needed – since January 21. I wonder how the Sith Lord Zak Mir, such a keen promoter of this fraud, interprets the 1 month share price chart?
1412 days ago
Some folks have all the luck.
1418 days ago
Yesterday I discussed the shocking share ramp by David Lenigas, Zak Mir, Peterhouse Corporate Finance of Richard Poulden’s Upper Thames Holdings (UPPT), a business with £300,000 of cash, zero operations, which is capitalised at £6.4 million and still the ramp goes on. Part of that ramp is the hire as a non board advisor of Vinay Gupta, a blockchain guru. Sadly, Mr Poulden your new hire is bonkers. Here is how he explains how we can all become millionaires overnight.
1422 days ago
I warned folks on 22 January that cash shell Ridgecrest (RDGC) was, at 3.1p, a £13.5 million accident waiting to happen. With folks such as the penny share hucksters at LSE Share talk, employers of disgraced promoter Zak Mir, in full on spiv mode, folks were piling in even though the company had cash of just £2 million and no other assets. It was insane. Still, if Zak says the shares are a buy…
1428 days ago
The fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) has repeatedly declined the opportunity to say what its cash position is right now when issuing updates on trading, today being the latest case in point. The reason, as I shall show below, is that it is bankrupt, utterly out of cash. And that may be one, of many reasons, why the FCA does not allow its shares to resume trading. So here is the maths which is so easy that some of the morons who own this stock, perhaps even promoter in chief Zak Mir, might understand it.
1429 days ago
We know that the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) is not great on accounting matters, given the three attempts to account for the £224 million deemed cost of the reverse takeover which has now been accounted for as an asset in the balance sheet, then written off to the income statement and now charged to the statement of changes in equity as I outlined on these pages and also the two changes of year end which led to its suspension. I note that it is still in the process of appointing a Chief Financial Officer. A Chief Financial Officer is clearly needed when you look back across the results published by SYME and the apparent inconsistencies as detailed below. Yes here are more red flags for Zak Mir and other morons to ignore.
1430 days ago
Shares in the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) have now remained suspended for 16 days as the FCA investigation into numerous irregularities continues. As we wait for the final denouement, a question for folks like the Sith Lord Zak Mir who are so keen to promote the stock: let’s turn to page 47 of the prospectus.
1438 days ago
Though he does not declare so in the tweet below, he has elsewhere: penny share huckster and known associate of Zak Mir, Mr Alex McKinley is a shareholder in joke company Remote Monitored Systems (RMS). You know, the maker of masks to stop covid spread that are so good its site turned into a covid hot spot. Yes, that fine enterprise.
1443 days ago
I start by flagging up that I aim to publish an 85 page dossier,m an opus magnus, on a the sort of company Zak Mir promotes at 8.30 AM tomorrow behind the paywall. I see it as a zero. Then I discuss why Zak is, contrary to some suggestions here otherwise, a total and utter genius who did not kill Maddie and then look at his analysis of Jubilee Metals (JLP). I move on to why I’ve bought more shares in AEX Gold (AEXG) before looking at the nest of snakes at Dev Clever (DEV) its bonkers valuation and why it must collapse. I reference this excellent expose of that nest of snakes. I look at investor grief and what is happening at Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and what will happen – and when – at Dev.
1448 days ago
Of course you do not have to listen to me or, in this case to an industry veteran. Why not just listen to Zak Mir, Alex McKinley and the other “experts” and fill your boots with this con when its shares resume trading. On that note, Looker published its delayed accounts today and its shares were unsuspended at 9.35 AM. I wonder why the FCA is not unsuspending Supply@ME Capital’s (SYME) shares yet? Anhow back to the expert auditor who notes:
1449 days ago
You would have thought that after the last scandal we exposed, where Zak Mir acted as a good German and posted on the private Telegram chatroom false ramps on the orders of a Eurasia Mining (EUA) director, the company would be a bit more careful about how it discloses information. Think again. Today the shares crashed by 40% as it was announced that M&A director Alexei Chukov dumped 27.4 million shares at 29p. On the “private and secret” Telegram chatroom punters panicked as we showed you HERE.
1451 days ago
I warned you on Friday that with the scoundrel penny share spivs at LSE Sharetalk, the house of Zak Mir, ramping away, the 3p share price of AIM shell Ridgecrest (RDGC) was insane and that even broker Peterhouse which has only last Wednesday raised £2 million (gross) at 0.6p would be vaguely embarrassed. Indeed, that seems to be the case as now the company has been forced to issue a statement.
1453 days ago
I start with the question of who should pay for lockdown via taxes or inflation. Then it is onto an article by Harriet Dennys in the Mail on Sunday on NightCap (NGHT), the AIM baby of Sarah Willingham of Dragon’s Den which could go bust by July. The article is so bad, so full of massive factual errors and so utterly misleading that it is easily the worst piece of financial journalism I’ve seen so far this year. And that includes articles by Zak Mir. Seriously, writing this sort of bollocks does have consequences.
1455 days ago
I guess with shares in Supply@ME Capital (SYME) now suspended, the paid for penny share ramper Alex McKinley of LSE Sharetalk, employer of the Sith Lord Zak Mir, needs to find other shite to promote with ludicrous targets plucked from thin air. I flagged up one zero sales entity enjoying full on ABM pumping here, now have a butcher’s at Ridgecrest (RDGC) which this loathsome sewer dweller is pumping today.
1470 days ago
With London’s worst Nomad, Roland “Fatty” Cornish advising it we have time and again warned you that VAST Resources (VAST) is the sort, of dog that even paid for hustlers like Zak Mir wouldn’t tip. Okay he probably would but you get the picture. Today we have a major disaster and the shares have crashed.
1485 days ago
The advisor to Remote’s largest shareholder Gareth Cave, who wants to kick the chancers off the board, said on Twitter: “I started in the City almost 35 years ago. I have never seen anything like the shareholder revolt brewing at #RMS”. It does look as if Paul Ryan and Trevor Brown will be getting the order of the boot. Cripes, things are so bad that even fellow spiv and a long time promoter of this stock, the Sith Lord Zak Mir, has turned on the board. That is not a rat jumping ship. That is a flea on a rat jumping off the rat after it has jumped ship.
1486 days ago
But the Bulletin Board Morons who have fallen in love with this con are delighted so that is the main thing – it will allow the insiders to dump more shares while getting the Sith Lord Zak Mir to tell everyone they are buying!
1505 days ago
Round at Supply@ME Capital (SYME) HQ it really is starting to look like the May Day parade in Moscow. So here is another matter for promoters such as the Sith Lord Zak Mir and the dwindling band of bulletin board fanatics to consider.
1519 days ago
I see that Supply@MECapital’s (SYME) multi-shamed boss, Alessandro Zamboni, has done yet another soft interview with the Sith Lord Zak Mir. Repeated interviews with a man who makes Justin the Clown look like Jeremy Paxman are a strong red flag. You can’t deliver operationally so try to get the ramping away with a man who won’t ask awkward questions. So I asked a bear, who is short, when the shares will stop dribbling lower as they do most days and completely collapse. He said:
1523 days ago
The video is slick and features the Sith Lord Zak Mir blowing off UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) boss Lyin’ Steve Sanderson in a soft paid for interview. What investors might note is that the 2016 claims made by Lyin’ Steve have been shown to be utter fantasy. Meanwhile the protestors continue their fight and the way that UK Oil & Gas has tried to bully them with legal threats is no credit to capitalism. Enjoy.
1538 days ago
The out and out con that is Supply@ME Capital (SYME) has today issued another statement of delay in rolling out its nonsensical business plan. Perhaps it will buy time for the founding shareholders to dump more shares while getting the Sith Lord Zak Mir and other promoters to pretend that they are net buyers.
1568 days ago
And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with Chris Gilbert the boss of Fox Marble followed by me explaining why, though I am 80% down, I am sure Fox will multibag from here. Then a very long – and very funny – session with Zak Mir with his top share tip among London small caps, his view on the markets, the real economy and discussions on Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Eurasia Mining (EUA) & the lies of both, on Big Dish (DISH) and more. Finally it is me onSupply’s lies again and also on why Trainline (TRN) miust surely see a share price collapse. You can access the show HERE
1569 days ago
I am in Shipston with my father and start by discussing how I deal with phone calls here. I look at another crazy Covid story then at Versarien (VRS), Amigo (AMGO), Vela (VELA), Falanx (FLX), Cineworld (CINE) and at a clever arb for fools like Zak Mir who believe in Supply@ME Capital (SYME), that leading enterprise from the province of Norfolk.
1575 days ago
Another day and another massive red flag is hoisted by con Supply@ME Capital (SYME). Surely even the Sith Lord Zak Mir will not be able to promote this as good news while keeping a straight face?
1590 days ago
Sorry to the in-house Euro loon Jonathan Price who reckons that my interest in the US election is excessive but two new polls yesterday cast further light on the races in Pennsylvania and Florida which as I noted yesterday are two of the three states that will decide the election. I discuss this and then Justin Urquhart Stewart on gold where he gets his numbers so wrong that I am more bullish than I was as I think this tells you something of wider import. Finally onto my good mate the Sith Lord Zak Mir, a chap called Carl Linton who is a plumber and heating engineer, and the current mood of market craziness.
1597 days ago
Aided and abetted by Good Germans such as the Sith Lord Zak Mir as well as active stock manipulation by unscrupulous social media operators, the ramping of con company Supply@ME Capital (SYME) continues. But at the heart of this are the activities of CEO Alessandro Zambini whose activities I exposed at the weekend. This is clear market abuse and I have written to my great fans at the FCA asking for a formal enquiry.
1597 days ago
The other day, the Sith Lord Zak Mir produced a slavish piece of PR puffery dressed up as journalism suggesting folks buy shares in Supply@MECapital (SYME) at c0.7p – a £250 million valuation. It was vomit inducing and, even by the standards of my semi-literate and utterly innumerate friend, it was utterly moronic.
1623 days ago
I speak as a shareholder and a supporter but this is quite literally insane. The company has appointed Alistair Ford, who works for paid for stock promoters Proactive, as a director. And this is where it gets bizarre. Ford has given an interview to the Sith Lord Zak Mir,
1641 days ago
I have spent most of the day recording videos for MineProphets and should warn you that Zak Mir has served up a double kiss of death. Anyway the content is – forgive my conceit – excellent so please book your seat now HERE. In the podcast I discuss scumbags at Blue Rock Diamonds (BRD), Great Western Mining (GWMO) and its scumbag broker Novum, Kefi Minerals (KEFI) where I was wrong about something and Big Sofa (BST).
1662 days ago
It was Harrow that gave Sir Winston Churchill his great powers of oratory. It was Harrow that made Lord Byron such a wonderful poet. And it is the same establishment that has allowed the Sith Lord Zak Mir to polish up the complete turd that is today’s statement from Big Dish (DISH) into something almost respectable. Given that Zak is almost completely illiterate I applaud him.
1670 days ago
A reminder, July 18 keep it free. I first discuss the latest ideas of Rishi Sunak to revive the real economy and point out the problems and contradictions. Then I consider Zak Mir’s cunning plan to make a killing on the stockmarket and a variant of the Sith Lord’s wheeze suggested to me by a private client stockbroker. Will it end in tears?
1683 days ago
I noted that in terms of the Eurasia Mining (EUA) scandal, my old friend, the Sith Lord Zak Mir played his part in the promote only becuase he was obeying orders. Now I see that he is pushing shares in almost insolvent Powerhouse Energy (PHE) ahead of its merger with almost insolvent Wastte2tricity. Peter Brailey exposed the ludicrous nature of Zak’s ramping HERE yesterday.
1719 days ago
I start with a few reflections on recordings I am doing and how lucky I am. there have been a lot of laughs so far today and to his credit the Sith Lord Zak Mir is quite funny. Anyhow, this is all for the Shareprophets Shares Conference where the 70 hours of video content really is, and I say so myself, of a very high quality. If you like bearcast, You really will enjoy what I am producing so book your tickets now HERE. In today’s podcast I discuss the latest misguided thoughts of the one global star of the investment world not speaking next Saturday, I refer, of course, to Roger Lawson of ShareSoc, on regulation in the wake of the latest NMC (NMC) news. I then look ata clear failing where the FCA needs to act fast, Akazoo and the role of Tosca Fund. I am on the warpath.
1756 days ago
It is not often that a press release has me reaching for a dictionary but today’s Covid 19 update from Big Dish (DISH) manages that. The company’s evil spin doctor my old pal the Sith Lord Zak Mir, tries to use a long word but I am not sure he knows what it means.
1814 days ago
Updated: Eurasia Mining (EUA) boss Christian Schaffalitzky talked about a dividend, PR guru the Sith Lord Zak Mir was told to suggest on a secret chatroom that directors would be buying millions of pounds of shares in the market and the shares zoomed.
1860 days ago
A stream of articles on this monstrous lie was followed by lunch with Big Dish (DISH ) founder Aidan Bishop and his PR spinner the Sith Lord Zak Mir here at the Welsh hovel. I urged the company to make a full apology and to make serious boardroom charges. Today it has gone only half way there. It is not enough to make the shares investable.
1882 days ago
The Sith Lord Zak Mir and the head honcho at Big Dish (DISH) will arrive shortly at the Welsh Hovel to take me to lunch. Some folks have all the luck. Ahead of that I discuss two things where, to me, the numbers do not add up: Cloudcall PLC (CALL) and the Labour Party manifesto. I offer another, non financial, reason NOT to vote Labour HERE
1890 days ago
I discuss Malcolm Graham Wood and his analysis of Sound Energy (SOU), Versarien (VRS) and its need for a statement, Amur (AMC) and its latest silly statement, Big Dish (DISH) and the threat of a visit from the Sith Lord Zak Mir to the Welsh Hovelm Plutus Powergen (PPG) and Bonhill (BONH) and what its statement does NOT say.
1909 days ago
Anyone buying shares in Big Dish (DISH) is off their rocker at two levels, notwithstanding the appointment of my good friend, the Sith Lord Zak Mir as the company’s PR man. Firstly, as I discussed here, is the fact that it is prepared to tell manifest industrial scale lies to investors. Secondly…
1923 days ago
I start, to annoy NoGold, by describing another hidden gem we have revealed at the Welsh Hovel. Then it is onto Castleton (CTP), Bahamas Petroleum (BPC) and Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT). If, like the Sith Lord Zak Mir, you are going to the AIM Awards Dinner tonight just remember who ultimately has paid for your gluttony.
1925 days ago
Yes my good friend is going to the AIM Awards dinner now that he is an evil PR man (for Bigdish Ventures (DISH). Elsewhere I discuss the news about the Thomas Cook (TCG) stores and the lesson for Sirius Minerals (SXX). I look at Reabold (RBD), Brady (BRY) and Iconic Labs (ICON) as it serves up a bollocks packed RNS.
1931 days ago
BigDish (DISH) “is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement with NFS Technology Group to integrate BigDish within its Point of Sale software solution for restaurants” – noting “NFS Technology Group have been operating for over 20 years and has over 1,500 clients”. The shares are though currently more than 4% lower on the day at 3.25p. Hmmm…
1992 days ago
In this third edition of the ShareProphets Radio podcast sponsored by Riverfort Global Capital, this week, in order I discuss the political threats to the UK stockmarket, interview the UK’s best known chartist Zak Mir and then discuss all things Versarien (VRS), the most overpromoted stock on AIM, with bear raider Lucian Miers. Enjoy. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same you should listen to my Bearcast every day.
1993 days ago
I reflect on two sorts of fraudsters in the news, King conman Rob Terry HERE and chaps at Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL) HERE. I offer a cameo of life here in Greece explaining why the economy is such a joke, discuss Versarien (VRS) its latest news, the kiss of death from Zak Mir HERE, and its valuation and also comment on Optibiotix (OPTI) and the demise of the spivs at SVS Securities
1993 days ago
As you may know I like the management at Big Dish (DISH) and its PR guru/Digital Communications Officer the Sith Lord Zak Mir is one of my very few friends. Pro tem. As such it pains me to say this but this company is now shown, with the publication of its results, to have lied to the market on May 30th 2019 in the most serious of ways, just eight days ahead of a £2.1 million placing. This should be jail time for someone.
2025 days ago
We live in a mad, mad world and I cite four examples of this: the banning of the original US flag by Nike 48 hours ahead of July 4, illiterate Zak Mir going into PR, the PI love-in on Bulletin Boards with utterly worthless Premier African Minerals (PREM) and the IPO of Funding Circle (FCH). I look at Dialight (DIA), and Fastjet (FJET) and then list my top ten shorts worth more than £250 million (with two slightly smaller cheats included) and explain the bear case for each.
2025 days ago
Oh dear, Oh Dear. We have another operational update today. This just looks ever more messy for Big Dish (DISH) as we once again return to the 30th May ramptastic RNS which came just seven days before a £2.1 million placing.
2120 days ago
I think we have found an interviewer dimmer and more sycophantic than both the Sith Lord Zak Mir and Justin the Clown. I bring you a paid for video made by Core TV featuring an interview by a toothy bimbo with Lyin Steve Sanderson of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG). Shareholders should not worry about dilution, we are fully funded for our next two wells, look at the cash we are and will generate. Fabbo.
2156 days ago
My daughter Olaf is on half term and bored so has called twice to discuss the great issues of the day. Being an Islington leftie she reckons that ISIS supporting nutter and her son should be allowed back into the UK. I disagree. In the podcast I also look at Footasylum (FOOT) and the lardbucket loud-mouth wild card when it comes to being short retail, at Yourgene (YGEN), Falanx (FLX), African Battery Metals (ABM) and Red Rock (RRR), Victoria (VCP), Motif Bio (MTBF) and Plexus (POS). To go heckle Zak Mir, drink as much free booze as you can and grill Andrew Bell next Monday book your seat HERE
2183 days ago
With the Sith Lord Zak Mir hosting, presenting CEO's knew they would some really tough questions (that's sarcasm folks) after presenting. Third up was Tony Sanders of Catenae (CTEA) The next City forum hosted by the Sith Lord is February 25. Put the date in your diary now.
2183 days ago
With the Sith Lord Zak Mir hosting, presenting CEO's knew they would some really tough questions (that's sarcasm folks) after presenting. Second up was Glynis Frew of Hunters Property (HUNT) in which Nigel Wray is a big investor. The next City forum hosted by the Sith Lord is February 25. Put the date in your diary now.
2183 days ago
With the Sith Lord Zak Mir hosting, presenting CEO's knew they would some really tough questions (that's sarcasm folks) after presenting. First up was Greg Bandy of Red Emperor (RMP) The next City forum hosted by the Sith Lord is February 25. Put the date in your diary now.
2183 days ago
With the Sith Lord Zak Mirinterviewing him, Adam Reynolds had nothing to fear. But there were questions from the audience that were far more daunting and interesting than those posed by Britain's worst chartist.If you are, like me, a holder of Optibiotix (OPTI), Yourgene (TGEN) - my Q1 nap pick - Big Sofa (BST) - my tip of the year - or Conc epta (CPT) you will want to watch this. I have never been more bullish on the quartet. This will be our year and I know Adam feels the same. The next City forum hosted by the Sith Lord is February 25. Put the date in your diary now.
2191 days ago
The one technical analyst we take seriously, no not the Sith Lord Zak Mir but Jordan Roy-Byrne, sees resistance levels on the charts for gold and silver which indicate that we are not in a bull market yet and indeed we may see some short term weakness. Courtesy of Palisade Capital, over to the great man...
2232 days ago
The next City Forum is on January 21 with Adam Reynolds as the guest speaker being quizzed by the Sith Lord Zak Mir. I bet Adam's quaking about that grilling. Three companies will also present and take questions as will Adam. Put the date in your diary. From this week's seminar here is Britain's Buffett being interviewed by Three Brains himself
2232 days ago
The next City Forum is on January 21 with Adam Reynolds as the guest speaker being quizzed by the Sith Lord Zak Mir. I bet Adam's quaking about that grilling. Three companies will also present and take questions as will Adam. Put the date in your diary. From this week's seminar here is Brian Kinane of Riverfort Global Opportunities (RGO), formerly Paternoster Res presenting and taking questions.
2232 days ago
The next City Forum is on January 21 with Adam Reynolds as the guest speaker being quizzed by the Sith Lord Zak Mir. I bet Adam's quaking about that grilling. Three companies will also present and take questions as will Adam. Put the date in your diary. From this week's seminar here is Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX) presenting and taking questions.
2233 days ago
The next City Forum is on January 21 with Adam Reynolds as the guest speaker being quizzed by the Sith Lord Zak Mir. I bet Adam's quaking about that grilling. Three companies will also present and take questions as will Adam. Put the date in your diary. From this week's seminar here is Sosandar (SOS) presenting and taking questions.
2238 days ago
Okay, I know that an interview with Proactive Investor is not exactly taxing, the questions make those posed by the Sith Lord Zak Mir look like the Spanish Inquisition in full flow. But Optibiotix (OPTI) has more great news today and Steve O' Hara rams that home in the video below. The shares are 96p and I am certainly not selling any at anywhere near this price - they are going a lot higher.
2241 days ago
In today's podcast I look at Tomco (TOM), Watchstone (WTG), the bastard son of Quenron, Condor Gold (CNR), dire numbers from WH Ireland (WHI) and the read across to the FinnCrap IPO, Amedeo Resources (AMED), the Sith Lord Zak Mir and Optibiotix (OPTI) and at Haydale (HAYD)
2248 days ago
If you are a proven liar like Steve Sanderson of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) who won't buy any shares in his own company but wants to ramp them ahead of the next placing what do you do? Easy. Pay Sharetalk (we will interview anyone who pays the fee) to record an interview with the Sith Lord Zak Mir who makes Justin the Clown look like the Spanish Inquisition and ramp away. Today's podcast is a classic bit of Leni-maths as Lyin' Steve explains to a credulous Zak how to value an oil stock and why UK Oil & Gas could be worth hundreds of millions of pounds if not more. Of course Lyin' Steve is talking utter crap as I explained HERE. Meanwhile enjoy...
2259 days ago
Warning: This podcast contains references that vegans with a sense of humour bypass (i.e 99% of them) may find offensive. In this podcast I reflect on walking past a dark restaurant in a prime location yesterday. I consider Vodafone (VOD) and the security of its dividend. Finally I ponder whether I am being far too harsh on a company ramped in a sordid manner by Justin the Clown and the Sith Lord Zak Mir and run by a total knobhead, that is to say Amur Minerals (AMC)
2372 days ago
Okay the video is from blowjob TV that is to say Proactive from yesterday and thus the interviewer makes Zak Mir look like Jeremy Paxman. But, remembering that chairman Davidson has a reputation to lose, take note of what he implies about buying even more shares and also about deals not yet announced. His quiet confidence is clear and that is why even at 86p-88p you would be certifiable if you sold any shares. We certainly will not be at anywhere near this level.
2525 days ago
If only I was not in Greece, I would be sorely tempted to head along to an evening of free booze hosted by the Sith Lord Zak Mir and the disgusting piece of Northern slum vermin that is Richard "Gollum" Gill. Seriously it could be fun.
2602 days ago
The chart of UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) looks truly sickly. It might well have been a Zak Mir charting buy it looks that bad. However much paid promoters like Malcolm Graham Wood and the (dwindling) armies of its BBM fans say buy, the trend is clear. So how about a Christmas contest?
2676 days ago
It is an old stockmarket truism, just like "everything tipped by both Zak Mir and Justin the Clown will always go down". But while the latter truism bears the test of time, proving to be 100% accurate how did the former do in 2017?
2683 days ago
Interims from Strat Aero (AERO) today are dire. They show a company that was bust on June 30, one with zero earnings visibility and an ongoing cash burn. There is a lack profits warning and a tacit admission that a bailout placing is inevitable. I should cocoa. But even if there is a heavily discounted bailout this company is probably toast. The shares are worth 0p. SELL. This is, like most stocks promoted by the Sith Lord, Zak Mir, toast.
2755 days ago
This is not the normal fare from gold bulls Palisade Capital. The firm's technical analyst Jordan Roy Byrne is uber bearish warning that July will be awful for both gold and gold stocks. Watch the latest video from Jordan, for a TA saddo he is better than most. All we need now is the Sith Lord Zak Mir saying that the charts look bullish and the bear case would be complete.
2853 days ago
I really should not be giving the oxygen of publicity to the half witted duo that is PR Genius Steffi and Sith Lord Zak "Judas" Mir but just to point out how corrupt they are here goes - if you are made of stern stuff there is a video below..
2860 days ago
A couple of days ago I noted how the London South East Bulletin Board ( aka the LSE Asylum) appeared to be heading towards insolvency - HERE. It is the fate which, almost, invariably happens to companies that hire Zak, the Sith Lord, Mir. For Judas is also Jonah. And now a closer examination of its historic numbers shows that the crisis may be far worse than even we thought. Timber!!!!!
2917 days ago
After languishing unloved for a while in the low sixties, shares in Optibiotix (OPTI) are really steaming ahead and are now 78p to buy. We hope you bought in the low sixties as we repeatedly urged. If not it is not too late. The shares are a buy at up to 80p and I expect to be advising you to sell at WELL OVER 100p by Easter. So what has happened?
2999 days ago
A slight tweak in the ShareProphets business model means that, as of November 1st nearly all, of the e-books that I have penned will no longer be available for free on this website - you will have to buy them on Amazon. So TODAY IS THE LAST DAY to get free copies of titles such as "The 49 Golden Rules of making Money from Shares" as well as the 49 Red Flags book and the book Ben Flip Flop Turney and I produced on how to value oil, gas and mining shares. The same applies to Zak Mir's crap e-book on charting.
3056 days ago
The Mail on Sunday is such a truly vile publication that as a service to this website, I read it so that you do not have to, just in case it contains anything of interest. This week amid the usual nonsense about how immigrants give you cancer and a scoop about loathsome crook Keith Vaz MP playing away from his Mrs with a couple of Polish rentboys, the paper covers ramp de jour Cloudtag (CTAG). Needless to say the coverage is shocking.
The weekly small cap round up is penned by Ian Lyall of Proactive Investors, a company which earns its money taking money from small caps to help them ramp their shares. As such this column does not go big on investigative fraud busting or hard hitting analysis. It mght as well be written by Justin the Clown or Zak Mir so packed is it with sacharine piffle.
And so we come to Cloudtag where Lyall notes:
3083 days ago
Ok this is my declaration of war because the fraud and crimes at Strat Aero (AERO) concern not just this one POS AIM Casino company but also touch many other players in the game. You can read the explosive 338 page legal document we published on Friday HERE. I am amazed that some of those named in it, Zak Mir for instance, have still not read it. They should. But mark my words, what went on at Strat goes on across the AIM board every single working day. If this really blows up there are an awful lot of folks who will be sweating.
3089 days ago
Old Gervais is a credible fund manager so what on earth is he doing appearing on a new video show "The spiv Olympics" produced by the LSE Asylum? Its host is Sith Lord Zak "I will do anything, tip any crap for money" Mir, guest one is some barrow boy from low life bucket shop Optiva and the third guest is an uber-spiv from the Asylum itself. So far in three days only 480 folks have watched this shite and Darren and myself are two of them. But Zak needs the money so needs the Asylum to think he has a mass audience so do your bit to assist a poor chartist.
3112 days ago
Dave "Rule breaker" Whitby and his colleagues at AIM Listed Piece of Turkish Andalas Energy (ADL) are on the spoof again with a ramptastic RNS saying nothing at all of of any interest whatsoever. Folks know Whitby's game and the shares are off at just 0.165p because what is really happening is the start of the ramping that proceeds a deeply discounted placing. Next up a soft interview with Zak "Judas" Mir, a podcast with Justin the clown or a presentation at a Proactive seminar? Perhaps a buy note from Edison? We have seen the Andalas ramp before and surely no-one is stupid enough to buy it again?
3133 days ago
Thor Mining (THR) has just issued a release saying that its CEO has recorded an interview with Zak Mir for the lamentable t1psTV. Jesus wept: like it thinks we care? But there is something that CEO Mick Billing is not telling anyone tempted to buy into this rampfest.
3135 days ago
Paid for researcher Edison is, of course most famous as being the employer of convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson but it is also there to take cash for helping ramp shares in piss poor companies. And few companies could be as piss poor as Avanti Communications (AVN) run by uber bombast David "not worth a million bucks a year" Williams. But not only does Edison publish crap research on Avanti with a target price of 427p. It also does video interviews. Cripes, the bird quizzing Williams makes Zak Mir look like Jeremy Paxman on steroids. As you enjoy this shite from Edison you will note the shares are now just 59.5p as Williams seeks emergency bailout funding. Oi, taffy its time for a statement!
3147 days ago
Oh dear, Oh dear, when even those you pay to produce buy notes, refuse to promote your shares you know that you are in trouble. Equity Development, which has been pumping Fastjet hard since 2013 has today said it cant set a target price any more. Cripes, I suppose that if FastJet can spare a few quid it could always get Gollum and Zak Mir to ramp its shares but back to those paid for rampers we can take, at least a bit, seriously.
3147 days ago
It is good to see that Inspirit Energy (INSP) is spending the £750,000 from the bailout financing of last month wisely. Canapes and stockmarket hookers all round.
I refer to an RNS out today saying that there is a canapes and nibbles evening on June 14. So here is how it goes. Back in the autumn of last year Inspirit paid to appear on t1ps TV to get a soft interview from Zak "Judas" Mir. t1psTV did not disclose the payment and CEO John Gunn assured the world that no placings were needed even though that was patent bollocks. Ramp, ramp and ramp again.
3147 days ago
We have been on the case of bargepole stock Fusionex (FXI) since the world's greatest tech analyst Kevin Ashton flagged it up as a sell at UK Investor 2015. The bear case grew with Zak Mir giving it the kiss of death with not one but two buy tips but it was the trading statement last Autumn that really woke folks up to the genius of Ashton as an analyst and of Mir as a counter-indicator. Today we have interims. Natch, the shares are down - at 158p - but the stance remains a stand out sell.
3164 days ago
There has been a real attempt to ramp Inspirit Energfy (INSP) on a six month timeframe ahead of today's placing. There were tweets from my fave Monaco based Colonial with whom I have a summer truce and whom I thus shall not mention, the utterly meaningless share purchases (spoofed ya!) by John Gunn and a series of soft paid for interviews with Sith Lord Zak "Judas" Mir and others when Mr Gunn said there was no need for a placing. So today there was a placing.
3185 days ago
In this podcast special I look at Andalas (ADL), the lessons for folks and also the future if it has one and where should the shares go and where will they go. All the clowns are in there, flip flop Ben Turney, the Sith Lord Zak "Judas" Mir,, Dave "rule breaker" Whitby and of course the crown prince of clowns, Justin the Clown himself
3194 days ago
Do you have any questions for the new management team at Strat Aero (AERO)? I do and they are below. Would you like to quiz whoever is in charge well thanks to the Sith Lord Zak "Judas" Mir you can. You can also ask Judas a few questions and, to get the ball rolling, I have one regarding David Lenigas.
3245 days ago
I have noted before that the little watched internet TV channel tipTV charges companies to appear then serves up a soft ramptastic interview and fails to declare that it is being paid to pull its punches and assist the rampathon. This is wholly unacceptable but tip TV persists. I guess it needs the cash.
The last reported accounts (year to September 30 2014 - HERE) showed losses of £178,717 and period end net current assets of £102,204. Hmmmm sweet FA viewers, spunking £15,000 pcm it does not look good. Better get a few more companies to pay for ramptastic interviews. But it gets worse. I am reliably informed that the company was almost out of cash just before Christmas so we can assume that when 2015 accounts finally come out they will also be a train-wreck. Oh...it gets even worse...
David Lenigas companies have been among those getting interviewed most often and in the softest possible terms by t1p TV interviews such as the investment prostitute Louise Cooper and Zak, the Sith Lord, Mir. Not only did these folks not tell their viewers that companies were paying for soft questions what they also neglected to mention is that a major shareholder in tip tv is David Bick.
Does that name ring a bell?
3265 days ago
A wide ranging podcast starts with comments on Eden Research, Ken Brooks and the abject failure of the FSA/FCA to protect investors. Then it is onto three shite companies starting with the letter M: Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), Motive TV (MTV) and Mosman (MSMN). I look at Circle Oil (COP), Trinity (TRIN) and Tethys (TPL) as well as Servision (SEV) where my target price remains 0p. Then a brief stockmarket lesson for the Sith Lord on what a dead cat bounce actually means and a look at Aureus Mining (AUE).
3275 days ago
It is not a great day for the AIM Casino. First down PeerTV (PTV) and now Oxus Gold (OXS) has called in the administrators and Nomad SP Angel has quit. The shares have been suspended since it lost its spurious legal case in Uzbekistan and now the money has all gone.
3289 days ago
The Sith Lord Zak Mir will be leaving the rebel alliance for good on Sunday. As of now this site is (with the exception of the miserable froggie Thierry who has penned a great piece today) fundamentals only, no TA nonsense. We will do some buy tips but not of that ramping shite Bulletin Board Morons love - this site is becoming more critical and bearish. In terms of the market I comment on the joke that is ISDX in light of Nigel's great article today then onto MX Oil (MXO) - explaining market abuse & insider dealing for Wildes and other morons - LGO Energy (TOAST), Koovs (KOOV), UKRProduct (UKR), EG Solotions (EGS), Webis (WEB) and BMR (BMR)
3292 days ago
It was all so predictable. On 6 January African Potash (AFPO) issued an RNS which was both utterly pointless but also just about credible enough to have the Bulletin Board Morons/Zak Mir frothing. The morons ploughed into the aftermarket - not noticing that the RNS was in fact just confirming that part of a deal already announced several months prior had been completed but that no financials were revealed - paying up to 2.1p per share. The crony capitalists said "thank you very much cannon fodder" on the back of the pump and today came the dump... a placing raising gross proceeds of £825,000 at just 1.7p. However...
3295 days ago
I start by explaining to Zak Mir what a dead cat bounce actually means. That brings me to Golden Saint Resources (GSR). Then there is a detailed analysis of the worthless POS that is Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP), comment on why Wildes is so wrong on LGO Energy (TOAST), on Sports Direct (SDI), Premaitha (NIPT) and finally on Games Workshop (GAW) and Mysale (MYSL). I also continue pointing out why lunatics like George Ferguson the barking mad Mayor of Bristol, only serve to make retail stocks even more of an avoid.
Warning: bad language alert.
3320 days ago
For those folks who believe in charting or want to hear which stocks the Sith Lord wishes to curse with his kiss of death we provided a special breakout room for financial masochists at the show. I normally write "enjoy" at this point but somehow that does not seem appropriate
3343 days ago
As of today there are just 4 seats left unbooked for the 2015 Gold & Bears Show on November 28 in London. So book a free seat now for a fireworks event with Jim Mellon, Gabriele Grego (Globo’s nemesis), John Hempton, Sam Antar, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Amanda, Dominic Frisby, 50 CEOs etc., etc. To get a free ticket for one of the last seats
3352 days ago
It gets worse. Shares in AIM and ASX listed Oilex (OEX) have now been suspended on Oz as the full scale of its legal difficulties emerges. The stock has never really recovered from the dual kiss of death of being tipped by both Zak Mir (HERE) and by market abuser Chris Oil (HERE) and is today down another 31% at 0.375p – roughly 90% below the levels when tipped by the dynamic duo a few months ago.
3358 days ago
Listeners have pity on me. Lunch with the UK's top share blogger beckons. That means the regime which leaves Paul looking so trim and svelt - ie lots of alcohol - plus long lectures on margins in online retailing. If that does not turn a sober fellow like me into a drunken share blogger nothing will. Away from that I explain why I am not really a snob and then make a snobbish comment or two, then discuss CIC Gold (CICG), ECR Minerals (ECR), Falanx (FLX) and Optibiotix (OPTI) and the curse of the Sith Lord Zak Mir and Plethora (PLE) and its premature ejaculation drug. I dont understand what it is all about but invite readers to share their personal experiences so that we can get a grip on what's going on here.
3360 days ago
Under a single transferable vote system Sith Lord Zak Mir would undoubtedly have been fired by ShareProphets at midnight. But our poll operated under first past the post and so he survives – it seems our readers just could not agree on why he should be fired.
3361 days ago
Sefton Resources (SER) has today updated its shareholders via a release which can only be described as semi-literate. Was it written by Zak Mir? Notwithstanding the appalling syntax the message is clear: shareholders are fucked. We bring the release with a ShareProphets translation service in bold.
3361 days ago
Surely it cannot take Sith Lord Zak Mir long to cobble together the gibberish in his articles? Yet he is late in filing. The Pizza hardman Darren Atwater and I are undecided about whether we should fire him. What do you think? Vote now in today's poll.
3363 days ago
Following on from his disasters at Sefton Resources (SER) – suspended – MX Oil (MXO) – halved mummy’s cash and Lenigas Cuba (CUBA) another 50% hit, what other shares have the kiss of death blessing of market abuser Chris Oil, the man who says he is Britain’s Buffett. I bring you a video of him being interviewed by a hapless Sith Lord, Zak Mir. Sometimes the Sith Lord makes even Justin the Clown over at ADVFN seem probing.
3381 days ago
Another day and another ramping announcement of sod all import from twitter moron fave CEB Resources (CEB). If the CEO is not appearing on a paid for interview on tips TV patting away daft questions from the Sith Lord Zak Mir, he is busy churning our more IR guff. But the big question he will not answer.
3384 days ago
I am staying wth my father and lefty step mother in Shipston and so there are a string of jokes at his expense. Talking of jokes I mention, en passant, Sefton Resources (SER) but also the total joke that is Golden Saint Resources (GSR). Then there is BBA (BBA), Telit Communications (TCM), Surgical Innovations (SUN) - cue predictable Zak Mir joke - and eServGlobal (ESG). Finally I comment on Adgorithms (ADGO) and flag up superb Peel Hunt research HERE
3386 days ago
I start with a discussion of World Mental Health day and then move onto David Lenigas and Afriag (AFRI). Then to the matter of trading whilst insolvent and discuss the cases of Quindell (QPP) ten months ago, TXO today and in great detail Golden Saint Resources (GSR). On that matter I raises questions for its Nomad Roland "fatty" Cornish and ask who is the compliance officer at the crowd funder assisting Golden as the chap is clearly the most certifiable imbecile in the Western World. Anyone know? Then it is onto CEB Resources (CEB) and Surgical Innovations (SUN) where there are two reasons to sell first thing on Monday: fundamentals and Zak Mir tipping it today HERE
3392 days ago
My good friend Jim Mellon owns a pub in Notting Hill, West London, The Commander, and if you want free booze c/o Jim roll up roll up on Wednesday at 6.30 PM. Now here’s the catch.
3392 days ago
In this webcast I cover Daniel Stewart (DAN), red flags, a closed shop that should be ended to improve AIM at a stroke and another in the legal system, Zak Mir and Jim Slater tipping Optimal Payments (OPAY) and why I disagree and also how I suffered as the lefty mates of my Mrs talked utter rot at lunchtme. I am truly traumtised. I am also handing out 20 free investor class tickets to The Gold, Bears & Traders show on November 28 and 1 person booking an investor class seta tonight using the promotional code BCGB will be upgraded to a Golden Ticket giving access to the after show party with the speakers, etc. So book now at www.GoldandBears.com using the code BCGB
3394 days ago
I had sme great news just now but cannot share it with you. On the other hand my day has been cursed. PR girl fuckwits calling during bearcast, Paragon Diamonds (PRG) owning morons on twitter and above all - since flip flop is on holiday - I have to sub Zak Mir's copy. Please God what have I done to deserve this? I comment on Paragon, Churchill Mining (CHL), Forte Energy (FTE), LGO Energy (LGO), Golden Saint Resources (GSR), Horizonte Minerals (HZM) and the loons who love CEB Resources (CEB) and why they are loons. I am now off to work on a cracking new mining share tip for Monday on the Nifty Fifty.
3400 days ago
In today's podacst I start with an apology to India from yesterday's Bearcast. Then it is on to defend Malcolm Stacey for his column today on refugees - for once the old boy is 100% correct although most folks seem to disagree. Then it is onto Zak's piss poor analysis of China frauds (HERE). Finally CEB Resources (CEB) which looks like a totally overvalued AIM Casino ramp.
3405 days ago
ShareProphets Press' third e-book of 2015 is by Zak Mir. In it, the UK's most well-known technical analyst looks at the 10 best shares to buy for Autumn 2015.
3407 days ago
This was not going to be my tip in the recently published book "The Magnificent 7" which you can download for free HERE. I was set to tip Optibiotix (OPTI) at c40p. Unfortunately for you (but fortunately for me since we own shares in the company) the share price has raced ahead to a 48p offer. I still think that they could head much higher and Zak Mir reckons that Optibiotix shares will be 60p by October. I think, that is what a chartist terms a long term view.
I take a rather longer, long term view than my illiterate Old Harrovian pal Zak and note that at least one broker (Hybridan) reckons that Optibiotix shares could trade at 200p by 2017 IF it delivers on all that it has promised. But I accept that there are a lot of IFs in that analysis and anyway you don’t want a stock that has already raced ahead since August.
And so that brings me to a sister company, Premaitha (NIPT)
3411 days ago
On 14th July 2015 AIM Casino dog Iofina (IOF) made its last announcement – the usual bag of shite trading update. Its shares closed the day at c22p. The shares are now 14.5p having fallen steadily over the past two months but aggressively of late. So when and what is the bad news?
Obviously Zak Mir tipping the shares as a buy on August 8th was a bit of a kiss of death but there must be something worse to come?
3455 days ago
The August Edition of UK Investor Show Magazine is now live and the cover story explains why the fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy should, and will, go to prison. There are seven share tips from Tom Winnifrith, Zak Mir and Steve Moore and the ShareProphets writers answer the question "if you had to what stock would you bet the ranch on". Amanda van Dyke explains why she is still a gold bull and there's more..
3473 days ago
Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was Gareth Burchell of the event sponsor Shard Capital . His conversation with the Sith Lord covering opportunities in small caps was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE
3474 days ago
Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was Andrew Bell of Red Rock Resources (RRR). His conversation with the Sith Lord was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE
3474 days ago
Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was the mining guru Amanda Van Skye discussing mining shares. Her conversation with the Sith Lord was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE
Amanda is one of 7 writers to have tipped a gold stock to buy in our latest book which you can order for free HERE
3474 days ago
Among the speakers at Zak Mir's event at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza last night (13 July 2015) was Andy Frangos of MX Oil (MXO). His conversation with the Sith Lord was recorded on video and can be seen below. To ensure you get priority free booking for Zak's future events register HERE
3483 days ago
The July edition of UK Investor Magazine went live last night. It is free to access and the cover story is “David Lenigas, saint or serial sinner” – a joint effort by myself and the Sith Lord Zak Mir. There are a couple of company profiles, three stocks to buy and three to sell. One of those is Quindell which really could be worth 0p again! And there is more…
Richard Poulden explains why gold really will sparkle this year, Zak Mir interviews Neil Ritson of Solo Oil, there is a share tip from Beaufort and the house view on Greece and why it should vote Oxi.
3493 days ago
One of Sith Lord Zak Mir's guests at his Traderscafe on Monday was Nick Batsford, the founder and a presenter at TipsTV a enterprise about which I have commented before. The video of his appearance is below.
3493 days ago
The second PLC presenter at Zak's Traders Cafe on Monday was the ever likeable Matt Lofgran of Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG). Rather than present he opted to be interviewed by the Sith Lord. The video of that and him taking a few questions from me is below
3495 days ago
Not at my sharpest today - blame Zak Mir. In this podcast I cover ADVFN, Imagantik, Alecto, Greka Drilling, Green Dragon Gas, Monitise, Auhua, Falanx, Jiasen and its 25th June date.
3495 days ago
Kerim Sener of AIM listed Ariana Resources (AAU) popped into present at the new event organised by the Sith Lord Zak Mir last night.I have always liked Kerim and also think Ariana shares are cheap.Anyhow, here is a video of his presentation.
3495 days ago
Is charting cobblers? Of course it is. Zak Mir tried to pretend otherwise at Zakstraderscafe last night but ended up defending fraudsters and liars including Rob Terry and arguing that fraudbusters were the real criminals. The debate was one sided. It made the Brazilian mens national team against the West Ham ladies look like a level contest. To see the Sith Lord crushed watch below.
3496 days ago
The floor wiping will start at 6PM tonight at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza - all welcome. I refect on the joy of writing about or investing in real companies with profits, cashflows and assets and lament the popularity of stocks which are nothing like that on the AIM Casino. I look at Armstrong Ventures now run by my old pal Peter Redmond and Pires Investments - also a POS. Then at Jiasen, Falanx (statement needed chaps), Afren, Mosman Oil & Gas and Touchstone Gold.
3512 days ago
In between treavelling back from the Greek Hovel to Bristol there is always tiime to launch a new free monthly magazine - Uk Investor Show. Issue one leads on Greece and I have a centre spread on why it is kebabbed whatever. There are share tips and bear calls from myself and share tips from Steve Moore and Zak Mir. Columns by Chris Bailey and Thierry Laduguie and comment on why UK house prices must fall and on the election. You can download it for free with no registration needed HERE
3514 days ago
He was Zak Mir's guest. Ben & I think that Chris Oil is a criminal and a market abuser. But here is the man himself on video. To register for more free booze and pizza at ZaksTradersCafe events ( the next one is 22nd June) click HERE
3519 days ago
I sit with my back to the door at the Kourounis taverna typing away, writing almost anything to avoid the torture of completing the subbing of Zak Mir's book. Is it too early for an ouzo to stiffen my resolve to face the torture that awaits?
The cop at the Kardamili police station, who lives in my home village of Kambos, has just wandered in and pats me on the back "yas Tom" says he and wanders to the bar. This reminds me that I visited the police station at Kardamili once again last week. You may remember that last summer I spent a couple of hours detained at the Kadamili nick thanks to a bent cop and bent hotelier and so my memories of the place were, shall we say, mixed.
But I am trying to get Greek residency so that I can buy a car, a motorbike and a gun for the Greek Hovel. And that means that I had to go to Kardamili police station to present my papers. I took my Greek speaking wife with me for protection. Would I meet the bent cop who incarcerated me last year? Would I meet his goon of an assistant who looks like the nasty gay character in Coronation Street? I was rather nervous.
3520 days ago
I was just planning to return to the Greek Hovel after an hour of subbing Zak Mir's golden prose. I had forgotten just how appalling is the way that he mangles the English language and am feeling pretty shell shocked. It has taken two ouzos to get this far and my task is only 30% done.
And at that point I heard a cry from the bar at the Kourounis taverna "Tom, ouzo".
3522 days ago
Another mellow, okay not entirely mellow podcast from Greece. Naturally there is mention of snakes in the introduction and then a few words on how Zak Mir simply is not dominating this website but even though charting is palpable nonsense we aim to please. Then onto a detailed look at why markets are being driven higher by crony capitalists using other folks cash and HAVE to retrace sharply. Then there is another see you in Court bitchez challenge - to a lying scumbag from Lombard Risk, and a few comments on the dog Tungsten.
The podcast was recorded on 21st may but I was then beset by IT snags. The odd thing is that the fastest internet connection in the Mani is in the Greek Hovel. In luxury Kardamili where I am staying with the Mrs connections break or are slow, then break. So on Friday morning I have headed back to the hovel where I am sharing my milk with a feral cat to upload this.
3528 days ago
Fancy free booze and pizza at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza in Clerkenwell? Zak Mir will be offering both as he relaunches ZaksTradersCafe - a new monthly seminar event. The first gig is on June 1 and to preregister to get advance booking rights sign up HERE.
3536 days ago
As deranged blogger Chris Oil sweats on whether the Takeover Panel will make him bid for New World Oil & Gas he is bleating in twitter about how no-one is talking about his penchant for inviting foppish middle aged Old Harrovians into his hotel bathroom anymore. Always keen to please we bring you our Monday Caption Contest. Simply post your entries in the comments section below, deadline midnight tonight (UK time)
3550 days ago
As the death star implodes our Bothan spies have given us news of where most of the former stormtroopers are heading but cloaked by the dark side of the Force, the next destination for Sith Lord Zak Mir seems shrouded in mystery. But the Bothans have picked up on one little nugget.
3550 days ago
With all stormtroopers bar one now working out their notice – or having already jumped on board an escape capsule – from the imploding Death Star, that is Jim Mellon’s asset stripped media business, the question is what happens next?
3553 days ago
By popular demand it is back but for the next two weeks we add a General Election twist. As ever the rules are simple. Filthylucre and Bananabob cannot post their own comments on this website as entries as they are just too good. But any other comment on a Bulletin Board or twitter is eligible. But we also allow you to post any comment made by a politician during the Election campaign which is self-evidently ludicrous and unjustifiable. The most ludicrous or idiotic statement wins. We knew Vince Cable would come in handy one day. Although that mad Aussie who leads the Greens gives crazy old Vince a good run for his money.
For this week any comment from today until midnight next Saturday is eligible. Please note that articles written by Sith Lord Zak Mir are not eligible for inclusion as whilst all charting is nonsense, Zak should not be singled out for opprobium and he keeps a small portion of society entertained with his burblings. Tweets by Jim Mellon are also barred as we know he cannot be serious.
3589 days ago
News has reached various rebel alliance outposts of massive explosions at the Death Star with almost all of the storm-troopers working at the Evil Empire now formerly put on notice. Oh dear. And we hadn’t even launched a major assault yet!
The word is that all staff bar one or possibly two at the t1ps/master Investor/Oilbarrel and Minesite organisations have now formally been put on notice. Senior stormtrooper Richard Gollum Gill will be leaving in a month’s time after his “resignation” and for some reason no-one else has been daft enough to offer the poisonous and talentless little shit a job.
Others such as Sith Lord Zak “Judas” Mir
3711 days ago
"Bulletin Board Morons, Cenkos Securities, Steamy & the QPPSAG, Zak Mir at t1psTV, Alan Green, Redleaf PR we have beaten them all, we have beaten them all. Rob Terry, can you hear me? Rob Terry your boys took a hell of a beating! Your boys took a hell of a beating!” And so today’s BearCast special begins. Rob Terry has been forced to quit Quindell but has he really left – what next for this company which is a fraud…
3833 days ago
And so I replied to a Quindell (QPP) shareholder who tweeted the constructive suggestion that I was a bit of a fatty. Fair cop I am. I have put on a few pounds over the past two years since hitting fighting weight in the summer of 2012. I blame married life, owning a restaurant with great food, having to drink with Zak Mir etc., etc.
However, I am now back in Greece and on a truly Spartan regime. There is the weight loss caused by manual labour in the sun at the Greek Hovel I cannot say that in the UK I do much manual labour in the sun or otherwise. There are the pounds shed as I pace the one secure room in the hovel late at night wander what on earth is making all those noises outside.
I have not had a drink in ten days
3982 days ago
There are now fewer than 100 Copies of the revised 2014 Edition of Malcolm Stacey’s classic e-book The Armchair Tycoon left to give away for free this month.
This book has something for everyone in its 180 pages, whether you are a stock market novice or an expert.
You can download your copy for immediate delivery for FREE HERE
And we also still have some copies of “Cracking the Code of Trading Gulf Keystone” by Zak Mir to give away for FREE just by clicking HERE
If you want more?
Zak "Judas" Mir’s new book, the 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Shares by Technical Analysis can be downloaded for FREE HERE
or if you think charting is a load of tosh…
You can download a free copy of “The 49 Golden Rules of making Money from Shares” by Tom Winnifrith drawing on conversations he has had with well-known investors including Nigel Wray, Mark Slater and Jim Mellon as well as his own 25 years of market experience, by clicking HERE
We hope that you find all of these books a useful and enjoyable read.
3989 days ago
37 big name speakers, experts in everything from tech stocks to gold to value investing to emerging markets to shareholder activism. The variety and expertise is there for all to see. That is the line-up for UK Investor Show on April 5 in London – no wonder that most of the tickets have already been booked. So who is speaking?
Well what are you interested in? On the main stage…hosted by Louise Noel:
Value Investing? There is a session with Ed Croft of Stockopedia, Nigel Wray and Paul Kavanagh of Killick.
Shareholder Activism? There is a session with Roger Lawson of Share Soc, blogger and activist Paul Scott, music teacher and activist Nigel Somerville and Richard Hemans of the Vialogy action group
Emerging markets? The Legendary Terry Smith is on stage
Growth Investing? There is a Mark Slater Presentation
Already most of the tickets for this event have been sold. So to book yours NOW click HERE
Tech Stocks? A panel session featuring angel investor Cassandra Harris, Vin Murria of Advanced Computer Software ( the Queen
3990 days ago
Okay this is not the overall chart. Zak Mir is not quite up there with Jeffrey Archer although I gather that both of these great men do need someone with even greater literary skills to turn their original golden prose into best-sellers. However…
My very good friend for many years, and godfather to my daughter, Zak proudly sends me the screenshot below, demonstrating that in the personal finance, technical analysis category The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money Using Technical Analysis is now the 4th best selling book. Congratulations to publisher Shareprophets Ltd and, even more so, to Zak.
Priced at just £6.25 on Amazon you can join the masses buying it here.
Or you can download a free version here.
4010 days ago
Zak Mir is perhaps Britain’s best known chartist – for 20 years he has been a leading practitioner of technical analysis. And today he has published a major new book: The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Technical Analysis of Shares which will be priced at £10.25 on Amazon. However Shareprophets has three hundred free copies to give away.
In this book Zak lists the 49 key technical set ups which act as the clearest indications of share price movements. He explains why they are critical and what exactly to look for. And for each set up he gives a clear example from recent history that demonstrates what happened and how this was a money making signal.
e-copies of this book will be despatched by the end of the month and we have just 300 to give away before then which will be sent out on a first come first served basis.
To ensure that you get your free book click here
4013 days ago
I have explained a number of times in the past two weeks that I am getting an early glimpse of what life will be like when I go to Hell, that is to say I have been subbing a book written by my good friend Zak Mir. It is 4.30 AM and I am delighted to say that the torture is over. Or as Zak would say it:
“Indeed, notwithstanding the aforementioned reference above to 4.30 AM, it could very well be said that on the basis of the bear trap exhaustion gap fill reversal Tom can go to bed. This is especially in the wake of the way that his resistance support has indeed been completely broken by the aforementioned reference – see above. In fact, having driven the last person to edit my work – Stephen Eckett, indeed through all resistance points on the way to the asylum, anyone tempted to undertake the aforementioned task will in fact soon become Dead Cross with a sell signal on my literacy.”
Yippee. Now to think what Hell will really be like. While watching the England Cricket team tour Australia for eternity I will be forced to spend any gaps between play subbing the works of Zak Mir, getting texts from triumphant Aussies and from my daughter saying that she is volunteering to work for Chris Rennard while having to listen to Al Gore reading out his great work of fiction, An Inconvenient Truth.
I have a foretaste of the worst part of it but have survived with my sanity, almost, intact.
4017 days ago
I stumble out of bed at 5.30 determined to sub more of Zak Mir’s book before the markets opened. But I have an excuse, the back door is open and whilst one cat (Tara) is sitting there waiting for breakfast, my aged three legged cat Oakley is nowhere to be seen. Aha…hunt for Oakley and I can defer the torture of subbing Zak’s book – great news.
I stroll out into the garden and hear wailing from next door. Peering over the wall I see that, somehow, a hugely overweight cat with three legs has managed to make it over. But he appears unable to attempt the return journey and is just wailing. But it is 5.35 and our neighbours do not strike me as early risers. Indeed by 7.15 when the Mrs emerges to cook my breakfast there is still no light on at Number 58.
But then there is a wailing from outside the back door. It is Oakley. After God knows how many hours he has managed to remember how he got over the wall in the first place and has returned. Since he is far too obese to fit through the cat flap (we are buying a dog flap this weekend) he now demands to be let in. The Mrs, who loves Oakley more than she loves me, enjoys a tearful reunion with possibly the stupidest cat in South West England.
Drama over. Now to Zak’s book.
4020 days ago
The weekly video postcard is back from its Christmas break. You know how you do not want to do something so you put it off and it gets worse and worse and harder to do? Like the washing up or subbing a book by Zak Mir? Of course once you start such a task (subbing Zak’s book excepted) it is easy. And so I fear next week’s video very little.
On the agenda this week, prompted by this piece earlier, is Scottish independence and its funding but also UK welfare abuse and reforms.
4022 days ago
An early birthday present from Carlton Cole and Mark Noble sees West Ham out of the relegation zone but that will not change the fact that I am today 46, closer to 50 than 40.
I did not expect to be spending this Birthday living in Bristol, married to a Guardian reading Sociology Senior Lecturer or less than 18 months into running a new business. Life is full of surprises.
I have now been working for 25 years and in the old days would now be just 19 years from retirement. For the Mrs – who did a Post Grad - the figures are 16 and 26. So Maybe I shall call it a day at 58 and live off the State (via the Mrs). I suspect not, work is too much fun.
My father’s generation expected to retire at 65. My generation? It might be 58 it might be never. The one thing we do know is that it is not an automatic gold watch at 65.
For me a picnic at Chew lake looms followed by a walk with the Mrs and Uncle Chris Booker.. and then back to subbing Zak Mir’s new book. Happy Birthday indeed.
4028 days ago
The cab from V-cars was early and the streets were empty and so I found myself outside Bristol Temple Meads at 4.25 this morning with 22 minutes to kill before the departure of my train. As the other passengers scuttled in I delayed. Once on the train I have no excuse not to sub Zak Mir’s book and so standing awkwardly in the cold seemed a rather attractive idea.
The only chap not to scuttle in slumped and snored on one of those ice cold, terribly uncomfortable metals benches, with lots of little holes designed to leave bumps on your bottom, that Network rail is so keen on. He looked a tad rough and was taller than me and rather muscular but he was wearing a suit of sorts.
On that basis I though he was more likely to be a passenger than a drunk old tramp and so wondered if I should wake him. If I do nothing he might miss his train. He can’t blame me but I know it will piss him off. If there is one thing worse than getting up at 4 AM to catch a train, it is getting up at 4 AM to catch a train and then missing it. But what if he turned out to be a violent drunk who lashed out? The British way is, I suspect, to show polite indifference and walk on.
Hmm, I could always walk on and sub Zak’s book. If he did beat me up and hospitalise me that would be a three day excuse for not subbing Zak’s book. That thought swung it for me. It was a win win.
And so I shook him gently. He snored on. And then a bit more aggressively stating “first train mate”. He awoke. He was indeed thoroughly pissed but seemed grateful as he wheeled in circles, tottering towards the Station.
A good deed to start the day…and now to Zak’s book. Aaaaaaagh
4030 days ago
Yes, I am sub-editing a book by Zak Mir. My good friend is a top technical analyst but his Harrovian education has left him not quite semi-literate for that would be an insult to the semi-literate, but with what one might term a unique style.
Zak does to the English language on a daily basis what Call Me Dave has done to the Idea of governing with basic Tory principles. He twists, distorts, invents and produces something with only a fleeting resemblance to the original.
However I have enjoyed ten years of translating, ooops I meant editing, Zak’s prose. I know that trying to sub a whole Zak book did drive my friend Contra Coffee Man Stephen Eckett to the brink of insanity a couple of years ago, but if anyone can do it, it is me. A fine book is on the way.
Naturally I am procrastinating like hell. So I am writing this piece. The Mrs has offered me the opportunity to do some tidying and to cook supper and do all the washing up as well as empty the cats’ litter tray. “No problems my dearest.” I know the alternative.
4052 days ago
Tickets for the UK’s premier investor show, UK Investor worth £12 each are on offer at no cost at all in a special Christmas offer. But while we did have 500 to give away we now have only 120 left – after that the price goes back to £12. So grab your free ticket now.
The show is on April 5 2014 in Westminster and stars men like Nigel Wray, Terry Smith, Lucian Miers, Zak Mir, Matt Earl, Tom Winnifrith, David Lenigas, Steve Moore, Matt Sutcliffe, Alpesh Patel, Thierry Laduguie, Malcolm Stacey, Dominic Frisby, Richard Poulden plus the Queen of Mining Amanda van Dyke. In all, there are more than 30 big name speakers and 90 growth companies presenting.
Yup, that will be 90 growth companies there at CEO level for you to meet and quiz.
You can get full details on the speakers and companies at www.ukinvestorshow.com
We had 500 free tickets but now have just 120 left to hand out: To get your free ticket click HERE
After these have gone it is back to £12 a pop.
4240 days ago
It is always good to be firmly reunited with old friends. Robert Sutherland Smith and I started working together along time ago when he was only 148. I am pleased to say that he is, as of yesterday, devoting his freelance enterprises to www.shareprophets.com – thus the four key writers who made t1ps what it (once) was: myself, Steve Moore, Zak Mir and RSS are all reunited again over at www.shareprophets.com
RSS will continue to pen a monthly Pond Life column here but three times a week he will be analysing a FTSE 350 yield stock over on Shareprophets. Having started his City career in 1967 ( the year before I was born) RSS knows what he is talking about.
While some financial websites groups have recently admitted to sharply falling numbers I am delighted to say that after less than two months www.shareprophets.com already has 7,000 registered users who go there for free share data on all UK listed stocks as well as breaking news and cutting analysis from 20 writers with the men who made t1ps what it was at the heart of it.
If you have not registered you can do so for free at www.shareprophets.com
4253 days ago
The June Edition of Spreadbet Magazine is now live and features Tom Winnifrith on the failed AIM system, Zak Mir, an interview with Lucian Miers and a cover feature on gold. You can download it for free by clicking here.
4268 days ago
They do not like it up ‘em. Shares in some of the darlings of the AIM Cesspit have taken a bit of a hit of late and some folks, the believers, believe that this is the result of a great conspiracy involving myself, Evil Knievil, Lucian Miers, Zak Mir, Red Evans and others. How about a quick look at the facts.
It is almost flattering to think that our wee band could wipe £300 million off the market value of Quindell (QPP). If only we were so powerful. As it happens Zak, myself, Evil and Lucian were all bearish on this company and we have been proved right. We are not always right but here we were correct. But the whole world is asking valid questions of Quindell now and that is why the shares have tanked. It is just that we called it correctly first. Is it a crime to be right and to ask valid questions?
4273 days ago
I have not dared look at the Gulf Keystone (GKP) Bulletin Board threads since myself and Zak Mir went openly bearish. The more I look at this the more I am bearish. Bear raider Lucien Miers outed himself as a bear over the weekend and he has dared look at the thread on ADVFN.
None of the points he raised is answered in any way. Instead there is a torrent of abuse for him (and also again myself, Zak and Shareprophets). Lucian thinks we should all now enter the witness protection programme. You can read all of our thoughts at www.ShareProphets.com – we are not deterred and will not be deterred from writing again.
4280 days ago
A piece by myself and the great literary genius Zak Mir. Thanks for all the positive feedback on the Shareprophets.com service. And also for the suggestions! And so we have, over the weekend incorporated a few new features in the website.
First up is that your registration is now remembered so that you now do not have to login every time you access the site. Just periodically. This should make it easier to use.
Second up is that we have established a twitter account @ShareProphets – if you want an alert by twitter every time that we publish a new article just follow us on twitter. If you are interested...
4281 days ago
Calling the bottom of any market is always impossible. I leave that to cleverer, if illiterate, folk than me. i.e. chartists like my good pal Zak Mir. But it strikes me that those who regard now as an opportune time to get back into mining (and plausibly oil) stocks are getting ahead of themselves. Yes, the sectors have performed abjectly. But I sense that there is far worse to come.
The story starts a few years ago when gold was racing ahead, folks were convinced that China would consume 120% of every tonne of base metals produced and that it would do the same for oil. Extrapolating these macro trends into a super cycle allowed an awful lot of marginal project,s or even non-projects, and arguably just dreams, to gain a stock market listing and secure equity finance. In the four or five years that have followed a few things have changed.
Firstly, it has become abundantly clear to investors that management teams across the resources sectors live the life of riley, awarding themselves huge pay packages and jetting here there and everywhere at vast expense. Generally having a great old time.
Secondly, very few of these management teams have delivered anything in terms of value creation. There are actually more mining companies in the world than there are projects to work on
4283 days ago
In case you missed the UK Investor Show and fancy watching real master investors this weekend we have it all on video and those videos are now starting to go live.
If you want to hear what infamous bear raider Evil Knievil is buying and selling or what top chartists Zak Mir, John Piper and Clem Chambers are long or short of there is no need to leave your own living room this weekend – it is all here on video for you.
Or fancy Mark Slater’s top share picks and thoughts on the market – he is here too with a full slide presentation and video. As is gold guru Dominic Frisby, the UK’s most cerebral short seller Lucian Miers and also Nigel Farage MEP in full flow.
The videos are from the UK Investor Show two weeks ago so if you want to hear what these folks are thinking, buying or selling just relax, pour yourself a beer and spend the weekend at your PC.
There will be more videos appearing over the weekend featuring Britain’s Buffett Nigel Wray, Secret Millionaire and property guru Nick Leslau, mining guru-ess Amanda Van Dyke as well as the CEOs of Leyshon Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas and a dozen other companies. For alerts on when they appear register now at www.shareprophets.com
Meanwhile, sit back, relax and watch the explosive action.
To see Evil Knievil, Zak Mir, John Piper and ADVFN CEO Clem Chambers in action – click HERE
You can watch UKIP leader Nigel Farage here
You can watch gold guru Dominic Frisby & access his slides HERE
You can watch small cap legend Mark Slater and access his slides HERE
And you can watch infamous bear raider Lucian Miers HERE
Over the next 48 hours we will also be publishing videos featuring Leyshon Resources, Fastnet Oil & Gas, Nigel Wray and Nick Leslau and mining guru Amanda Van Dyke. For all their thoughts and hot tips and much more stay tuned to your PC this weekend.
Following the amazing success of the UK’s only serious investor show we have just announced that the 2014 event will be held at a larger venue in Central London on April 5th . More details soon.
We will upload more videos from UKInvestor very soon to give you something entertaining to watch from home all weekend
Now, for me, back to the beach.
4290 days ago
Earlier this week Zak Mir indicated that if CPP (CPP) shares closed at above 7.35p they would go to 12p and that the shares were a good risk reward buy at 7p – see HERE. There is more chance of the Pope opening a strip joint in the Vatican than of this happening. This company is worth 1p at the very best and is a slam dunk short. We should point out that Lucian is actually short.
CPP has stated very openly in an RNS on 17th April that it is, to use the technical term, absolutely buggered.
4294 days ago
I am still completely wiped out. It is incredibly draining doing presentation after presentation and half way through the post event celebrations I fell asleep (ok I had enjoyed a few drinks as well) but I still feel utterly drained. And so once I have ruined a few other weekends by breaking news of a planning oil company merger involving a well-known name I think I am off to sleep again.
Thanks for the many emails from folks who said that they enjoyed the show. On balance so did I. I thought that the talks were more interesting than for many a year. They have been put on video and so will start to go up from Tuesday in a variety of places. But suffice to say you should register now at www.shareprophets.com to catch many of them.
The location was not ideal. Not least that in order to feed my addiction I had to scrounge a spare packet of Marlboro Light from David Lenigas who had thoughtfully come well supplied. But ADVFN and I know enough now and the show was a success and so we are now planning for UKInvestor 2014. Watch this space – we will announce the date soon.
Highlights for me?
The young man who now writes tips appearing disguised in dark glasses to gain entry (not having booked a ticket). When spotted by Steve Moore, he claimed that he was at Excel to go to the International Cake show down the hall and made a swift exit.
Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray – optimistic about the UK economy and as a double act far more powerful than as individuals. A lot of wisdom was shared by the pair.
Losing the debate with Richard Poulden once again. I am now 3-2 down but I really will try to do slides next year and stage a comeback.
Mark Slater. The obligatory dirty joke but the quality of his analysis of the markets and of individual stocks (three of which have been tipped by myself and Steve) was incredible.
Nigel Farage – unscripted, lucid, funny and on most issues bang on the money. I had a good chat with him and Chris Booker after the event and he is a very funny and pleasant chap. C Booker’s Thatcher tribute was bang on the money and nailed a number of leftie canards.
Above all I really enjoyed meeting so many of you who attended (particularly, I should say, David from Oxford). Thanks for all the kind words and I hope that you enjoyed the day. On stage I had more fun than I have had for years. I can say what I like these days and I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I actually enjoyed the day in a way that I have not enjoyed MI days for a long time. With the speakers, stand holders and the audience I felt far more at home than I can remember being for years.
The home team from RMPC & ADVFN staging our first show should be thanked, notably John W, Clem, Fiona and especially Mike Hodges and from our side Darren, Nigel, Sarah, Steve, Robert Sutherland Smith and Martha. It was their first run at this, the second time is always easier.
So thank you to all who attended. ADVFN and RMPC starts work on Monday on UK Investor 2014 which will be bigger and different. I hope to see even more of you there then.
PS I should mention one other highlight. The after show pool games. I defeated Andrew Bell of Red Rock. Zak Mir fluked a victory against me. And then it was the final: The UKIP volunteers against myself & Zak. They had been trying to persuade Zak to sign up to UKIP although he is obviously a bit too right wing for them. And so with the prize being that if Zak and I won they would allow him to become the party’s immigration spokesman (Zak’s views are unprintably stern on this matter, making Evil seem like a total Guardian reader) we played. The bad news for UKIP is that Zak and I won.
4298 days ago
It is time for the workers to take control. Well at least in the world of financial writing. We have had enough of writing about stocks that do not interest for folks who mess us around and do not treat us with respect. For the avoidance of doubt I am not referring to ADVFN who are top bananas. But the workers co-operative has today launched www.shareprophets.com – our own project x.
Comrades Zak Mir, Steve Moore, Lucian Miers, Aubrey Brocklebank, Adnan Siddique, Sam Bottell, Dru Edmonstone, Brokerman Dan, Doc Holiday, myself and others to be revealed will all be writing there. There is data on the stocks you follow, alerts on when comment appears on stocks that interest you, and a lot more to come. And it is totally free, just go register at www.shareprophets.com and answer the confirmatory email sent to the address you give and you are in.
The writers will write about what THEY want. There is no Big Brother dictating what they should cover or say. Free speech, free comment, no holds barred. Game on.
I look forward to your feedback on the site, we will tweak it as we go alive but it is now live and almost 100% bug free.
4313 days ago
The UK’s only serious one day investor conference is now less than three weeks away. Details can be found at www.UKinvestorshow.combut the final touches are now being put in place for what seems set to be an explosive day. If you have registered for a ticket it will by now have landed with you. A bit more on tickets later but first to the prizes on offer for those attending.
The show is at Excel and doors will open at 9 am sharp. The day ends at 5 PM, In between you can mingle among the dozens of stands manned by PLC CEOs chatting to them about whatever you wish. A full (reasonably up to date) list is on our website www.UKInvestorshow.com or you can listen to a series of talks by investment legends, folks who really are Master Investors, such as Mark Slater, Lucian Miers, Dominic Frisby, Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray.
The first talk starts just after 10 am and is a three way session with property legend and secret millionaire Nick Leslau and his long time business partner Britain’s Buffett Nigel Wray with me in the middle. I get to choose most of the questions but… five of the questions come from the audience and win prizes.
We will send out an email shortly to all ticket holders with a short form on it asking for your questions for Nick & Nigel. Simply print that off fill in your question and when you arrive at the Excel centre drop the question off at the Real Man stand before 10 AM.
If your question is picked a bottle of premium English wine from the Chapel Down vineyard is yours.
More prizes? How fat is Evil Knievil?
Well a second anyway. On that form we will also ask you to guess the combined weight in stone and pounds of Evil Knievil, myself and Zak Mir. I give you a hint: - Evil is almost half of the total on his own. Entries in Kilogrammes will automatically be disqualified. Imperial only.
And there are more prizes to come. We will send out details with the next email.
For full details on the all-star speaker line-up and on the companies presenting go to www.UKinvestorshow.com
One last favour? All tickets were sent to those who booked last week. If you have not received a ticket to the show please email [email protected] ASAP and we will send one before Easter.
And if you have got a ticket but cannot use it please let us know. We have now been able to allocate tickets to most folks on the waiting list but there are still a few waiting. If you are not using your ticket let us know so that we can give it to someone who wants to attend.
If you wish to attend and have not booked we cannot guarantee that there will be a place on April 13th for you but you can apply to join the waiting list at www.UKinvestorshow.com
Tom Winnifrith
PS Off for a run now to see if I can lose a couple of pounds and push Evil’s share of the combined weight to more than 50%
4340 days ago
The March issue of SpreadBet Magazine is now live. Some poor sod had to turn Zak Mir’s abuse of the written word into English and there is an article by me on EMED and much more. You can download it for free by hitting the link below.
4346 days ago
And so we are told the great bull run in gold may be at an end. As I write, the one true currency is trading at $1570 oz. I am told by chartists, not that I listen to a word they say, that as long as a $1550 gold price holds then the story is intact. The problem with chartists is that they are such short termists. They regard a three day trade as a long term investment. Okay, before Zak Mir wades over to Real Man Pizzain Clerkenwell to drink me under the table again as punishment, that may be harsh. But the way to look at gold is on a forty one and a half year view and I am not sure that many technical analysts have bothered to go back that far..?
4347 days ago
Well not exactly. It is just that now I am on Facebook my old friend popped in to Real Man to discuss strategy. Thankfully he is off to Leeds now to spend an evening on the town in a curry house with Richard Jennings of SpreadBet Magazine so there is no danger to my liver. Zak said that he was on Facebook and suggested that I become his Facebook friend. Well why not?
And so I searched for Zak Mir. Top of the list is Zaki and Miri make a porno. Apparently it has 4,744 likes. Well I knew that Zak was a popular fellow as the self proclaimed top chartist in the UK but I was unaware that he was that popular. Or indeed of his latest sideline.
Apparently it is a film. Zak said that when it came out big averts used to flash by on London buses and he would read it as Zak Mir makes porn and get rather confused. Heaven knows what Mrs Mir, a formidable lady made of it all. Anyhow that is not him.
There is a Zak Mir in Texas but he is not the one. In fact I cannot find THE Zak Mir on facebook at all. Perhaps he is too busy diversifying.
4348 days ago
I have no idea what the following gobbldeygook from my old friend Zak Mir means but I gather it is called Technical Analysis. But he seems to think that shares in Avanti are going up. I agree. But for the life of me I have no idea what Zak is on about. The great man writes…
It would appear that Avanti Communications is something of a Marmite company in the sense that traders seem to either love it or hate it – especially in terms of the fundamentals. This concept is represented quite well by the price action trace over the past year as it shows wild swings for the share price either side of the 200 day moving average currently at 340p. In fact, at either end of the range we have seen sharp bull and bear traps making any predictions regarding this stock fraught with danger.
4356 days ago
Today’s unfilled gap to the upside shows people were short and caught on the hop.
The target above 280p is 350p, especially while floor of gap at 257p remains unfilled.
4356 days ago
Of course all charting/ technical analysis is hogwash but now and again I humour my old pal Zak Mir by bringing you a snippet of his work. On EMED my target price is 38p but Zak seems to think the shares should race ahead to 20p. That would be a start. Here is his share tip – not from t1ps.com natch.
As can be seen from the daily chart of EMED Mining over the past couple of years, we have been treated very rough ride terms of the noisy price action. But the most painful part of the journey could be described as that seen this time last year when the stock jumped from below 8p up to 16p and then back again. It could be argued that for Bulls of the stock to have survived that kind of experience, really would underline their loyalty / blind faith as far as the company is concerned. At least on the back of the early 2012 white knuckle ride it is evident how since May last year despite all the volatility, a rising trendline has been put in place by the shares one that currently runs level with the key 200 day moving average at 10p.
Indeed, the most obvious thing to do is to draw a parallel trendline to this multi-tested 2011′s support line in order to discover what the likely upside here could be – a likely 2 to 3 month price target at 20p for the stock. Indeed, it may be achieved even sooner than this suggested timeframe as yesterday’s 13p low at former post-July resistance remains in place as the fresh support for the stock.
4367 days ago
My old friend Zak Mir wandered into Real Man Pizza at 6 PM last night with THAT look in his eye. I should have made my excuses and fled. A wide ranging discussion followed and the wine flowed freely until I finally kicked him out at 3 AM. Heck, Zak actually paid so it would have been rude of me not to accept his hospitality
Mrs Mir seems to let Zak off the leash about once a quarter at which point he descends on me with THAT look in his eye. Readers of this blog must just accept that on the day that follows I will be somewhat less productive than normal. My alarm is pre-set and so I am up and at my desk but I cannot say that I really have the appetite for much in the way of work.
There are five writing assignments that I must complete today and Clerkenwell’s finest Celtic Italian restaurant has already taken 40 bookings for lunchtime ( about two thirds of capacity) and thus with the staff fully stretched I am on call as super chef. Once that is all done I am going back to bed. It will be relatively light blogging today. Blame Zak Mir.
4376 days ago
I tried to steer Zak Mir away from the dark side of Technical Analysis and towards the true shining path of fundamental research last night. Of course I failed. Zak explained that as a semi-literate Old Harrovian he had to stick to charts. Words fail me. Or rather they fail him. That is the problem…. But, during the course of our discussions, he sent over a table of the highest yielders in the FTSE 250 Index and it is illuminating. The three highest yielders (Cable & Wireless, First Group and Man Group) offer such moth watering yields that they are too good to be true. The yield tells you that the dividend must be cut.
Below that trio, there are only 11 stocks (out of the 247 that remain) that offer 6% or more. Frankly, I would not be terribly sure that all of them will hold their payouts. As a value investor this is pretty alarming.
4382 days ago
think equities will go up, but I am bearish. If that sounds like the sort of TA nonsense that my pal Zak Mir spouts I apologise. Let me explain. Equities will go up because the bond bubble is only starting to burst. We will likely continue to see steady outflows from bonds into equities at an institutional level and that will push shares commensurately higher given the sheer mass of capital that is parked in bonds at present. To be more precise, it will push blue chips and mid caps higher as those are the sort of liquid stocks institutions will buy. I am not sure that it will do much for the riff-raff tail on AIM however!
Out of the frying pan into the fire. Are equities good value. The FTSE 100 I propose to ignore as it is heavily weighted towards stocks that are always on low PEs (Banks) and those which are British companies in name only – all their earnings are overseas. Instead I wish to draw your attention to the FTSE 250 Index which, at 12763.64 trades, now on a trailing price earnings ratio of, wait for it, 18.66 times. Towards the top end of its long term levels.
4383 days ago
An enjoyable evening at Real Man Pizza Company finally drew to an end. Zak picked up the tab. I hope he submits it as an RSH expense claim.
I suppose after my last 5 AM bender with Zak I should feel lucky to escape at 10.30 PM. We were joined by Richard Jennings of SpreadBet Magazine – he is the one on the right.
The two Northerners (some GNSH & Glasgow respectively) engaged in an act of macho bravado with an order of the Snaefell Diabola, the hottest pizza in the UK. Jennings was demanding water within seconds and wimped out after less than half a pizza. Zak claimed that as an Asian he was used to hot food. He managed one slice.
Perhaps you are more of a macho man than Zak Mir. Feel free to pop along and out it to the test.
4392 days ago
We can always learn more about how to be better investors by learning from the experts. If your New Year Resolution is to do that then you need to book a ticket today to meet real Master Investors on April 13th in London at the UKInvestor Show, organised by ADVFN. The speakers are not career stockbrokers or rent a quote journalists but men who have actually made hundreds of millions of pounds by buying and selling the right assets. True master investors.
You can book your free ticket HERE
Leading the line-up are Nick Leslau and Nigel Wray. Nick was one of TV’s secret millionaires and is probably the most successful property investor of his generation. The firm he runs owns Madame Tussauds, thousands of pubs and much else. Over many years he has worked closely with Nigel Wray, aka Britain’s Buffet , the master of small cap investing. Nigel is the biggest shareholder in Domino’s Pizzza (LSE:DOM), having bought in at 36p – the shares are now c£5 – and is also a big holder of Alliance Pharma (LSE:APH) another stock worth watching.
Next up is Mark Slater, son of Jim and an extraordinarily successful fund manager in his own right. For detailed bottom up analysis of smaller growth plays you just cannot beat Mark and his detailed stock specific presentations are always packed with ideas. He is followed by Dominic Frisbey, comedian and gold guru. Have you ever seen his debt bomb video? If not watch it http://tomwinnifrith.com/articles/204/debt-bomb-great-video-well-done-dominic-frisby as it is a classic. Dominic is not only someone who writes about gold but he has made more than a million quid from more or less zero capital buying and selling the stuff. His theme: gold.
We have the UK’s two best known bear raiders in conversation (with me). That is to say Evil Knievil and Lucien Miers (profiled HERE). In what is promised to be a structured presentation they will outline their market views but also specifically a top ten shorts for 2013.
Moving on we also have a keynote presentation from another Nigel. That is Nigel Farage MEP the leader of UKIP on why the UK should save itself billions and quit the Evil Empire. Farage is funny and articulate and he has a good point don’t you think?
If you want a free ticket book NOW HERE, as the 2,500 seats will go on a first come first served basis
But it does not end there. During the afternoon we have two alternatives for you.
Choice One is the Traders Session. Lead by Clem Chambers of ADVFN, half a dozen of the UK’s best known traders will discuss strategies, charts and ideas to make money in 2013. On stage are Zak Mir, John Piper, Simon Denham of London Capital and Alpesh Patel.
Choice two are the breakout rooms where you can hear presentations on how to make money in mining stocks by Amanda Van Dyke a partner at Dundee Securities and chair of Women in Mining, on turfing out useless boards and shareholder activism by Roger Lawson of ShareSoc, on how climate change laws will cost you dear by Christopher Booker and on making money from alternative investments by Mike Hall of Stanley Gibbons. Each speaker will do two presentations.
That knockout line-up is surely enough. To book free tickets which will be allocated on a first come first served basis click HERE
Not enough? Well how about the companies attending giving you a unique chance to chat to the CEOs of companies you may be invested in or thinking about backing. Among those already lined up are: EMED, Minoan, Vatukoula, Stanley Gibbons, Ortac, Intandem, Leyshon Resources, ReThink Group, Northern Petroleum, 1Spatial, Wishbone Gold, PGC Entertainment, Anglesey Mining, Red Rock Resources, Regency Mines, Sharescope, Mechan Controls, Symphony Environmental, K3 Business Technology, @UK, Alexander Mining, London Capital Group and the list goes on and on. There will be around 80 stands on the day.
The venue is Excel in London and the fun starts at 9.30 AM on April 13th. There are 2,500 tickets available and they will go on a first come first served basis. But hurry. Already the show is one third booked out!
If you want more details or to book a seat go HERE to the UKInvestor Show website.
I look forward to seeing you in April
Tom Winnifrith
4396 days ago
Just a note that the January edition of SpreadBet Magazine is now out. The publication now features a monthly feature from me and this time I am writing about how bearish I am about certain junior miners but how my conviction buy for 2013 is Archipelago Resources. The mag also features stacks of other stuff from folks inccluding Dominic Picarda and my old pal Zak Mir. There appears to be no end to those happy to sign up to sub-edit Zak’s semi-literate streams of consciousness.
You can download your free glossy bumper issue HERE.
4398 days ago
Six down one to go. I refer to my seven tips of the year for 2013. The seventh will not appear on any website but will be the first share tip on my new partnership with ADVFN, Onefreesharetip.com – sign up HERE.
It is simple – sign up for free and tomorrow you get my last share tip of the year. In the three working days that follow you get the tip of the year from each of ADVFN boss and columnist Clem Chambers, my pal Zak Mir and ex t1ps.com senior writer Steve Moore.
Thereafter every working day of the year we will send out by email a free share tip from a panel of 20 top tipsters, bloggers and analysts. Each of us serves up around one tip a month. All you need to do is sign up here
If you missed my previous six tips of the year:
On New Year’s Day my SIXTH share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On New Year’s Eve my FIFTH share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On 30th December my FOURTH share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On 29th December my 3rd share tip of the year ( of SEVEN) went live ( here).
On 28th December I published my second share tip of the year ( here).
The day before I published my first share tip of the year ( here).
On Boxing Day I published my macro-economic assumptions for 2013.
The only way to receive the FINAL TIP OF THE YEAR in your email is to register HERE at OneFreesharetip.com
Go on, you know it makes sense.
Happy New Year
4409 days ago
I rather lose track of which days the stock market is open between now and the New Year. Some days are holidays. Others are half days. And on others the market is open but as far as I can see only utter stock market anoraks (my good friend Zak Mir and myself) or the criminally insane will give two hoots about what is actually going on over Christmas. But there will be announcements, and those will include prelims and interim results. Frankly however, any company issuing results between now and January second is one I would not wish to own shares in. There may be the odd exception but generally it is a golden rule.
Companies will issue results when nobody bar Zak, myself and the criminally insane is looking for one of two reasons.
4410 days ago
Just a brief note on AIM listed Falklands Oil & Gas (FOGL). Thanked by no-one really I have been warning folks to bail out all summer. And I have remained bearish. My most recent piece was on November 27th when I said that the stock was still a sell even down at a 37.5p share price. The share price is now 29.75p. But it will get worse.
It is always good to agree with a good pal and I have few better friends than Zak Mir. I do not really understand the world of technical analysis but according to him the charts look dire. He has thus published this sell advice today .
It rather chimes in with my own fundamental sell advice published here on November 27th.
I think that makes the conclusion a universal “sell”
4411 days ago
Companies should be fairly predictable in the timing of their announcements. On a December year end you would expect results in March, an AGM in May and June, Interims in August/September and a year end trading statement in December and January. There may be news of a big contract win (one of my tips) or a profits warning (one of Zak Mir’s tips like HMV – only kidding Saqib!) – but otherwise the pattern should be predictable and regular. If it’s not it is invariably a bad sign.
4411 days ago
Tom Winnifrith is a bit of a marmite individual. Read some Bulletin Board posts and he is the spawn of Satan. Read others (I try to as much as I can to improve my grammar) and it occurs to some people that he makes some extremely good points. At a financial level some of his pieces, such as this little gem on Falklands Oil & Gas and notably this little gem on US Oil & Gas not only real insight but are also extremely funny. Indeed, for us Old Harrovians a sense of humour is everything, the only thing that differentiates us from the savages, or as they taught us in public school – socialists. I can think of no other financial tipster who would write a piece about a company whose shares were heading South and manage to include a video of Adele singing Skyfall ( or Sharefall as Tom termed it) to show that the Fat lady is about to sing. But that was Tom’s piece de resistance yesterday for shareholders in Vialogy.
4412 days ago
Although it can be seen on the daily chart of EMED Mining that the shares have been in a volatile state at best over the past couple of years, the dominant charting feature still remains in place in the form of a rising May 2011 price channel. This nominally has its floor level with the 9.5p zone, something which suggests that we can assume further upside is on it way.
It is also implied that any weakness toward the uptrend line of last year should be regarded as a buying opportunity. Indeed, the attraction from a technical perspective is that while last year’s support feature remains in place the upside here could be substantial, if only in percentage terms. This is said on the basis of a 2011 resistance line projection heading towards 18p plus, a feature that can be regarded as the 3-4 month target. What can be said currently
4412 days ago
f you want to hear quality speakers there is only one UK Investor show to attend next year and that is The UKInvestor Show held on April 13th at Excel in London. The speaker lineup is now almost complete with news that Mark Slater, the most successful fund manager of his generation is on board.
Mark joins as the other main stage speakers: Nigel Wray (Britain’s Buffett), Nick Leslau (property legend and secret millionaire), bear raiders Lucian Miers and Evil Knievil, gold guru Dominic Frisby and UKIP leader Nigel Farage.
And that is not all: The trader’s session (also a main stage event) is chaired by Steve Moore and stars Clem Chambers, Alpesh Patel, Simon Denham, John Piper and Zak Mir (plus one name to reveal shortly)
And in the breakout rooms we have the Goddess, Amanda VanDyke on making money from mining stocks, Stanley Gibbons boss Mike Hall on alternative investments, Roger Lawson on shareholder activism and Christopher Booker on how global warming costs you so much.
There is the Poulden v Winnifrith debate (10 minutes of main stage comedy) and 80 companies presenting at CEO level.
No other show comes even close to assembling such an all star lineup.
There are just 2,500 tickets on offer. They go strictly on a first come first served basis. Already more than a fifth are gone ahead of the official launch of the show campaign in the New Year. Treat yourself to a free gift this Christmas. To book your free seat and to get more details click HERE.
4412 days ago
Zak Mir is an old friend and godfather to my daughter. He is a very funny man. He can be incredibly cool and he can also be Geek of the Year – ask him about his fascination with weather patterns. That is train spotting for the middle classes. The one chink in his armour is his deprived education background. Not a reference in a PC way to the oppression of a you Asian lad growing up in a post industrial Glasgow decimated by the evil Thatcher. Oooooo all those nasty white racists and bloody English. Thatcher! How they suppress my fellow Celts. Nope, Zak lived in a posh bit of Glasgow ( I gather there is one) and went to Harrow which is clearly a dreadful school as I have never met an Old Harrovian who could write more than three words (they all seem to be able to manage f*ck off pleb) without introducing some spelling mistake or grammatical error.. .And so we come to Zak’s latest ebook – an ideal TA Chistmas gift.
4416 days ago
UKInvestor Show is an event about making money but I have always thought such a show needs one non investment speaker and I am delighted to say that Nigel Farage MEP emailed this morning and he is up for it. The leader of UKIP will talk about how staying in the EU costs all of us so much and why we should leave now.
And so on April 13th at Excel we now have a main stage line up of Nigel Wray (Britain’s Buffett), Nick Leslau (property legend and secret millionaire), bear raiders Evil Knievil and Lucian Miers and Dominic Frisbey, Mr Gold and Nigel Farage. And there is one other surprise for you on the main stage.
The traders session ( also a main stage event) is chaired by Steve Moore and stars Clem Chambers, Alpesh Patel, Simon Denham, John Piper and Zak Mir ( plus one name to reveal shortly)
In the breakout rooms we have the Goddess, Amanda VanDyke on making money from mining stocks, Stanley Gibbons boss Mike Hall on alternative investments, Roger Lawson on shareholder activism and Christopher Booker on how global warming costs you so much.
There is the Poulden v Winnifrith debate (10 minutes of main stage comedy) and 80 companies presenting at CEO level.
You have to admit that is a cracking line-up. No other show even comes close. If you want to hear a master investor speak this is the only show worth attending. To register for your free ticket on a first come first served basis go HERE.
4431 days ago
My pal Zak Mir asks me to plug this article. It is all TA (Technical Analysis) gobbledygook to me so I have no idea what it means but it is about Avanti Communications (AVN).
Avanti has served up a roller coaster ride of price action so far in 2012 that apart from being excellent fodder for a whole books worth of technical analysis, has although given traders / investors the most painful of journeys. But at least after an accelerating decline from an initial August bull trap retreat it would appear that the bulls have a “final” opportunity to go long on an non catching a falling knife basis, or even worse, a leap of faith.
This is said on the basis of a falling line of support from August last year on the daily chart currently running through the 211p level.
4445 days ago
Zak Mir tells me that he feels like death after leading me astray with our all night drinking session. Good. It serves him right. I feel the same way but have now realised the truly horrible consequences of my actions. That is to say I appear to have arranged at some stage during the evening to meet someone else for supper tonight. You can safely assume that I shall not be drinking alcohol and that I will not be staying out late. I am too old for all of this.
Meanwhile Corby goes to the polls today in a by-election caused by the resignation of the frightful Louise Mensch.
4445 days ago
Saqib Ahmed Mir ( Zak) is my daughter’s godfather and one of my few friends. He is also the most unreliable man on this planet and it is entirely his fault that this will be a light blogging day. You see he was meant to pop in to Real Man Pizza for a quick glass of wine at around six last night. By the time he actually pitched up it was 11 PM, I had already had a few glasses to while away the time and was finding it hard not to pen a third article comparing the accuracy of shots by the woeful England football team and the laudable Israeli Defence Forces.
By the time Zak left our mutual pal Alpesh Patel was heading off for a 5 AM TV appointment despite my misguided efforts to persuade him to pop into Real Man for a quick drink instead.
4468 days ago
There was I sitting in the pub minding my own business when a bloke came up and invited me to take part in the pub quiz. Normally I am always up for a good quiz. But a) he looked like a total weirdo and b) he said that it was weather themed. I declined.
This would, however, be where my good friend Zak Mir would have been in his element.
4497 days ago
Zak Mir was a late starter in the reproduction game but once he got going there has been no holding him back. And so once again I find myself congratulating him and Mrs Mir who gave birth to a boy on Friday, their fourth child. Having sworn to become a good Catholic when marrying Mrs Mir, I am sure that his Holiness is proud of how Zak has followed his teachings in at least one regard.
You are discovering my obsession with Venn diagrams. Rather like my LinkedIn isolation of being a friend of Albania, Israel and a West Ham Supporter, Zak also stands on his own. I cannot believe there are many Glaswegian, Old Harrovian Moslems now following a Catholic life. His Harrow education has left Zak barely literate,