3122 days ago
The pantomime that is the British Political Scene continues. It seems that Stephen Crabb, until last week a contender to be PM, has been playing away from home, sexting some woman he met campaigning to stay in. That is for Britain to stay in the EU, not from Mr Crabb's todger to stay in his pants.
I am no angel and if 43 year old Crabb wants to play away with a woman young enough to be his daughter that is entirely his own affair. There is nothing wrong with picking up birds in my book. But I am not so sure that his Mrs would see it that way, but, in itself, the texting though tawdry in substance, is none of our business.
Except that Crabb claims to be a devout Christian and even the pathetic and wretched
4226 days ago
Go back to bed and take an aspirin, I fear that I find myself agreeing 100% with Nick Clegg who for once shows himself as a true liberal. Meanwhile the Tory party nauseates me. The issue is tax breaks for married couples.
Call Me Dave has already pledged to hand out £150 a year in tax breaks to folks who opt to get married. But some of his more reactionary colleagues in Westminster (step forward Tim Loughton MP and Peter Bone) want the number to be £2,000. The Tory party is split on how much should be handed out to one section of society who have made a lifestyle choice of which they approve but they wish to use money paid for by every sort of taxpayer to fund those who follow this moral path.
Clegg may support Secret Courts, gagging the press and various other appallingly illiberal measures but on this one he is bang on the money. Government should never seek to use money taken from all sections of society to bribe people to follow one lifestyle course of which they approve purely on moral grounds.
If I suggested that there should be tax breaks for those men who frequented gay bathhouses to have sex with complete strangers you would think me mad.
4253 days ago
The industrial tribunal concerning Tory MP Mr P, Mrs P and their former lesbian housekeeper gets better and better. I am praying intensely that the housekeeper wins as this is a real corker if true. Naturally if she does win Mr P will do the “honourable thing” like bribe taking Patrick Mercer (Con) or pervert Lib Dem MP Mike Hancock and ….carry on in Parliament claiming full pay and perks.
As you may remember the live-in housekeeper is suing for unfair dismissal claiming Mr and Mrs P sexually harassed her and wanted a threesome. You can read about that on this website here
Life in the P household sounds pretty highly charged. Mr P says that the lesbian housekeeper was in the habit of sunbathing naked. He does not seem to have minded as this went on for a long time. Meanwhile the housekeeper insists that Mr P would frequently walk around the house visible to both Mrs P and the domestic staff completely naked.
Back to basics, sleaze, the mid 1990s or is it 1963?
4254 days ago
You could not make this up…Call Me Dave’s Conservative party is not having a good week. Patrick Mercer MP is caught taking bribes, there is the Downing Street Sex Scandal but it gets better. A Tory MP (named only as Mr P) and his wife ( Mrs P) are up before an industrial tribunal. Their former housekeeper was a lesbian who had just split up with her partner. She claims that Mr & Mrs P made explicit sex moves on her and wanted a three in a bed session in their South Coast home. She was not interested and is now suing for constructive dismissal in an industrial tribunal which is underway as I write.
In case there is a God, I am fervently praying that a) the housekeeper wins and b) Mr P voted against gay marriage and has made a stack of statements about personal morality, getting back to basics, etc. Whatever one says about Call Me Dave’s Conservative party it is providing great entertainment at the moment.
4257 days ago
It appears that two middle aged senior political figures (both married) have been shagging each other. The affair has now ended. The Daily Mail has the story and knows the names but cannot print them for “legal reasons.” Call Me Dave is said to be shit scared as this is explosive and will apparently blow him off course. Er …what course?
Given that the political class contains a good few closet homosexuals we should not assume that this affair involves any women. A few of the Cabinet, like Sir George Young, are too old to be runners and riders in the great Downing Street sex scandal. But elsewhere who knows?
Cash for questions, back to basics sex scandals it is right back to 1995…all we need now is a new single from Oasis and a battle with the next release from Blur.
Footnote: Apparently there are some heterosexuals in the Westminster village. Iain Dale ( not one of them) assures us that it is a man and a woman involved.