2009 days ago
Project Greta Thunberg is a fraud. I do not blame the poor 16 year old Swedish girl who predicts that we have just months to save the planet from irreversible global warming, for she is quite obviously very unwell and also being manipulated. She is part of a fraud but right now the great and the good simply sit back and bask in the glory of the liberal media as they admire Emperor Greta’s new, planet friendly, clothes.
2962 days ago
My business partner Darren Atwater is a godless liberal believer in the bogus religion that is global warming. While the rest of us celebrated Christmas he went back to Canada for Winterval but found his own faith in the book of Gore sorely shaken. At his father's house in Vancouver in the last days of 2016 the global warming was far heavier than normal and the poor hipster had to dig his way out.
3338 days ago
It has been a warm December here in New York and the global warming nutters are having a field day. As you may be aware, New Yorkers think that the Big Apple is the centre of the Universe and that the flyover states, being populated by God fearing, gun owning, law abiding , hard working Republicans, can be ignored completely. So we can all ignore the deep snows and floods in Texas, the planet is heating up becuase New York is warmer than normal.
The local weather reprt on CBS News just told me that we have enjoyed the warmest ever December in New York. Hmmm..warmer than the Medieval warm period? warmer than, say, 1500 BC? How does CBS know? Of course what CBS means
3340 days ago
There are floods in the UK and there have been big floods in India. The evil combine of Big Government, big business, the useful idiots of the liberal press, academics on the payroll and the usual global warming nutters clutch at this straw as proof of their bogus religion. The facts, as ever, do not support their cause.