broad beans

949 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: last night's fruits of my labour

There are a few firsts in last night’s produce, all of which came from what was once the jungle, but is now a football pitch-sized vegetable garden.


1071 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel - coming to the end of our winter food

Last night, the remaining squashes stored from the Autumn went into a stew. Today at lunchtime we ate the last of the winter potatoes seasoned with almost the last of my dried herbs, some rather miniscule sprouts from the winter crop and a small cauliflower from the same vintage,all of which you can see below. The last of my stored apples were used to make an apple sauce for a joint of pork.


1428 days ago

Photo Article from the Welsh Hovel: Biting the asbestos bullet day 1 - Saturday

The workers arrived at 7 and the skip shortly afterwards with the first project the removal of the asbestos shed at the bottom of the vegetable garden, the area formerly known as the jungle. Notwithstanding my work into the early hours on family papers, I’d set an alarm and was there at the outset to make coffee for all.


1473 days ago

Stunning Welsh Hovel photos - the jungle is now almost a vegetable garden

If I tried to explain my pride at what you see below to daughter Olaf she would just roll her eyes with that “daddy you are so old and boring“ look. So, dear readers, humour me and share my pleasure at what you see below.


3119 days ago

What is it with the younger generation? Now they can't find a row of beans?

Having recently noted the failure of my step brother T and the Mrs, collectively the younger generation, to know what a potato plant looks like, I suggest to my father that I might include broad beans in his supper tonight. "All gone" he says. "Really?" I responded "who said so?" was your step brother T.
