convicted felon

38 days ago

Convicted Felon says Kefi, at 0.522p, worth 8.68p by 2028

The convicted felon is, of course, Charlie Gibson or, to you peasants out there, the esteemed Lord Ashbourne. Now no longer wearing an ankle bracelet after that unfortunate incident with the drink driving, the firearm and the cop, Charlie plies his trade at Edison, a company paid to publish bullish research reports. Without questioning the independence and integrity of Charlie, he who pays the piper, etc, etc. His latest research note is on Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and it reads:


751 days ago

I know it's Edison but a scotching of Kefi doing a placing rumour and a valuation that says shares should treble (or more)

These days he goes by the name Lord Ashbourne but I shall always know Edison’s mining analyst as the convicted felon Charlie Gibson. Anyhow yesterday he was not thrashing some peasant for being a dirty oik or driving while sloshed but instead penning a note on Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). Of course Kefi pays for this research but that makes its steer on a placing all the more relevant. No it is NOT doing one right now as I keep being told by folks who will not accept a slam dunk denial from ‘arry Adams.


2048 days ago

Kefi Minerals at 1.53p worth 8.53p claims convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson

After news last week there is no doubt in my mind that Kefi Minerals (KEFI) really is very cheap. And so I present a note explianing why. Two caveats. 1. It is published by Edison which is paid to push this out so is hardly impartial. 2 The author is my old pal the convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson. To his credit, when not getting sozzled before driving home in his motor to go cuffing members of the working classes, Charlie does actually know a bit about mining. The note is below.


2876 days ago

The Worst Research Note of the Year to date? Edison on worthless Avanti Communications

Employer of convicted felon, the cop mugger champagne Charlie Gibson, investment prostitutes Edison will publish bullish research notes and interviews with any company as long as they dip into their shareholders' funds. The interview with the bombastic prick David Williams who earns a seven figure wedge for running Avanti Communications (AVN) into the ground last summer ( see HERE) was a classic of its genre. Today Edison has published a note saying Avanti shares are worth 109p. The market thinks the report is worthless bog-paper and the shares are down by almost 10% at just 14.875p.


2910 days ago

Tom Winnifrith fleeing to hide in no

I booked my ticket to Athens last night. No doubt the Bulletin Board Morons will assume that I am running scared of the patron saint of fraudsters, the convicted felon, twice bankrupted man barred from being a company director, St Aidan of Banstead. No, I fear not Mr Earley but I head to Greece soon for very different reasons and may be offline for a few days.

PR supremo Foxy Bex asked 


3136 days ago

VIDEO: Edison Interview with Avanti's David Williams - how big is your cock, huge or massive? And more

Paid for researcher Edison is, of course most famous as being the employer of convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson but it is also there to take cash for helping ramp shares in piss poor companies. And few companies could be as piss poor as Avanti Communications (AVN) run by uber bombast David "not worth a million bucks a year" Williams.  But not only does Edison publish crap research on Avanti with a target price of 427p. It also does video interviews. Cripes, the bird quizzing Williams makes Zak Mir look like Jeremy Paxman on steroids.  As you enjoy this shite from Edison you will note the shares are now just 59.5p as Williams seeks emergency bailout funding. Oi, taffy its time for a statement!


3209 days ago

Australian foreign minister Julie Bishop can fuck off - I don't care what you think on Brexit: will you take Rolf Harris back?

Australia's foreign minister Julie Bishop has opined that she thinks that it is in Australia's interests that Britain stays in the EU and votes no to Brexit. Meanwhile 99.9% of Britons think that it is in Britain's interest that Aussie nonce Rolf Harris is shipped back to Australia ASAP. As a convicted felon he'd be following a well worn path and frankly there's no reason why the old kiddie fiddler should be allowed to stay here. While we are at it can the Aussies take Germain Greer back as well?

What on earth 


3468 days ago

Misleading Analyst Research of the day – Edison on Brady

Edison is paid by companies to hire analysts such as convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson to produce research reports. The hooker never tells a punter that he has a small dick and Edison finds itself in the same position: just keep the client happy. And thus once again it has today served up a research report with a massively misleading title. The stock is Brady (BRY) which today served up a first half trading statement.


3488 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 30 June No 1 - Felon Charlie Gibson, Sefton & Impairment

Before I turn to Sefton and the wider issue of impairment (or not) on the AIM casino I am still bristling after being rubbed up the wrong way last night by an apologist for convicted felon Charlie Gibson and so until I get bored I wish to remind you of why Gibson is a felon (HERE). Then onto today's business. To give flip flop a break there are a few comments on Sefton's results and why I am still a bear. Then the issue of asset impairment and today's Kansas news vindicates a lot of what Dan Levi and I said about Jimmyliar Ellerton. But it raises the wider issue of inadequate impairment reviews on the AIM casino.


3488 days ago

Feeling like I am on acid at the Ariana Resources party - the ghost of convicted felon Charlie Gibson

Ariana Resources (AAU) is ten years old. I really do admire its battling CEO Kerim Sener who is a really very good chap. The shares are – at 1.15p mid – very cheap and so I was delighted to attend its 10th anniversary on the AIM casino party tonight. I return very well refreshed - it has been one hell of a trip.

I started off chatting to Malcolm Palle of Mining Maven who is a good bloke. He introduced me to a bald headed fellow who said “Oh you are Tom Winnifrith” and then launched into a diatribe about what a total tosser I was.

Hmmm. It turned out that he was the gopher of Charlie Gibson at Edison Research and he had a real issue about me exposing Champagne Charlie for being a convicted felon drink driving member of the upper classes who beats up members of the working classes because he regards it as his birth right

I am delighted that Champagne Charlie’s gopher wishes to slate me for highlighting the fact that Gibson is a convicted criminal. I take it that Edison is on the side of crime as opposed to the free press. Or perhaps Edison


3604 days ago

Worthington’s Aiden Earley gains interim injunction v Tom Winnifrith: Fraudster Bitchez to be seen in court 11 March

The contents of this article have had to be withdrawn – on a temporary basis because of an interim injunction granted to Mr Aiden Earley. We are appealing this matter as we believe that the activities of this convicted crook and disqualified director, and shadow director at Worthington, merit a wider audience. If you can make a small contribution to our rapidly growing legal bill to ensure that Earley is exposed please do so. Details of why we need assistance and how to help are HERE
