1724 days ago
Investment analyst David Hunter of Contrarian Macro Advisors has views that are controversial and not in any way mainstream. In terms of shares in general, David expects a rebound this summer and fall followed by another pull-back in the market. The market should rally for a few more years due to massive money printing by the Fed and central banks.
3513 days ago
In this podcast I look back to my own experiences of the dotcom bubble of 2000-2001 you see I remember it well, the lunacy, the excess and how it all ended in 2001-2002. It ended in tears. My mind is drawn to this as I contemplate the New Media bubble of 2015 and signs that it too will end in tears. I refer to two excellent articles, one on Zero Hedge HERE and the other on this website by Matty Earl, the Dark Destroyer (HERE). Both offer real insight. And I then speculate on why New Media will blow up and on the wider ramifications.
3741 days ago
Does asset backing mean asset backing? Not always 10p can be worth 10p or 5p or 0p - wthout wishing ti sound like Rob Terry - it all depends on what the asset backing comprises. Tom explains this key metric of investment analysis looking at 4 specific companies: Golden Prospect, Naibu, Paternoster Resources and Quindell as well as Mark Slater's share purchases after the bursting of the dotcom bubble.
4522 days ago
We have all lived through various bubbles of which the 1991-2001 dotcom bubble was the most famous. After each bubble bursts everyone (with hindsight) says “oh, that was a bubble, we will never be that stupid again.” And then they are. I shall be sinking my teeth into New Media this autumn. But at least no-one has been mad enough, until now, to go back to the insanity of the Tulip bubble of 1637. But now… step forward China and walnuts.