face nappies

315 days ago

The wrong Tom Winnifrith: my late father would have been horrified

I have a facebook account which I very rarely use. I post links to my articles on it and now and again visit it it to check whether I am the subject of a two minute hate here in the last village in Wales. Following revelations that the Welsh Government imposed draconian lockdown rules on us for purely political rather than scientific reasons I am waiting for some of the face nappy fascists here to apologise but suspect they will not. Anyhow I was on facebook the other day and was contacted out of the blue by a chap living in Greece. My late father would have been horrified.


1029 days ago

Photo article from the Welsh Hovel - that will be £43 to clear the anal glands said the doctor

Suffice to say, as the doctor outlined exactly what the problem was this afternoon and then what the solution would be I felt really very uncomfortable indeed. Luckily…


1087 days ago

Masks Dont stop covid spread - the New York and New Jersey Data

How many times do I have to serve up data from directly comparable regions with differeing mask policies where data, real world data, shows that far greater face nappy wearing makes no difference at all to covid spread, whatever the mask jihadists of my home village insist. “But you are not a doctor” they squeal “so your opinion does not count!” But I do look at data and the data does not lie. I showed you England vs Wales then three Southern States in the USA.  Now let’s look at New York State and, on the other side of the Hudson River, the Garden State, New Jersey.


1151 days ago

A mask fanatic friend writes to me … seriously you could not make this shite up

I have an old friend B who is a good man and not dumb at all but he is a complete mask fanatic and he could not wait this morning to send me a link to a news article about how, as of Tuesday, folks in England will get fined £200 for not wearing a face nappy in Asda. No face nappies are needed in JD Wetherspoon but Botswana covid does not drink so that is all right. Follow the science comrades. It gave my old friend B such pleasure to spread the news of more draconian laws, I was almost happy for him. But…


1151 days ago

Punching bad Germans is funny says lefty Radio 4 comedian Jenny Eclair

If a comedian appears on any BBC Radio 4 show the two things that you can guarantee is that they are 1) left wing and 2) Not in the slightest bit funny. “Trump, Nazi, wanker”. Cue screams of laughter from elitist London audience. And then there will be a blatantly racist and sexist one about Trump’s Mrs being dumb as proven by her accent and how she clearly slept her way to the White House. Cue more howls of laughter from the moronic London middle classes. So that brings us to Jenny Eclair…


1242 days ago

Another chart the mask fanatics & cultists cannot explain

A couple of weeks ago, I showed data from three US states which demonstrated very clearly that wearing a face nappy makes sod all difference to covid spread. Now here is data from closer to home which makes the same point. Can the mask cultists explain this? Of course not so they will insist that I am not a doctor so not allowed to opine. Of course my job does focus on looking at numbers and explaining them but Harold Shipman is more qualified to interpret data than I am. Whatever..


1253 days ago

BREAKING: The chart that demonstrates beyond doubt the utter pointlessness of mask mandates

Now back in Wales after a two month break from the cultists, I am again running the gauntlet of the mask jihadists as I go about my daily life, heading to the village shop without a face nappy. I cite the Danish study, they insist that nearly all Welsh doctors say masking works. I point out the seven day rolling average deaths in Sweden has been 0 for more than a month, they say you are not a qualified doctor your views do not count. But, of course, my work is all about looking at numbers and data, something the jihadists of Holt cannot hope to understand at a meaningful level. So here is a chart for them to consider and then ignore as they relay instead on the “expert” views of a bloke on the telly.


1279 days ago

A Modest Proposal for the Orwellian mask jihadists of Holt

Provoked by the sheer silliness of some of my neighbours back in the last village in Wales, I signalled my opposition to mask wearing on the village Facebook site last night. The response, as you’d imagine, has been Orwellian. And as such, I have a modest proposal for the face nappy jihadists…


1300 days ago

It is almost as if it wants to distract from looming bad news: Remote Monitored has another spoof announcement

They keep on coming, these spoof announcements which will make bugger all difference to Remote Monitored Systems’ (RMS) cashburn currently running at seven grand a day. I suspect this is to butter the morons up before admitting that the Francis McIntyre million face nappies a month deal has gone up in smoke. We were told on May 4 that it would be up and running again within two months. That would be by next weekend. Really? So today’s spoof?


1323 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcasts - the basic Economics that Martin Green taught me applied to face nappies

Tonight a new treat for Joshua and myself as we can celebrate wins on Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Remote Monitored Systems (RMS). I also discuss Plutus Powergen (PPG) and Tern (TERN).


1344 days ago

England Death rate falls to lowest since records began in 2001 – the madness of Covid hysteria exposed

That I need to preface this article by saying that all deaths are regrettable is a reflection of the hysteria that the Covid GroupThink has created, which thus drives a mob torching of anyone challenging that GroupThink. But here are some bald facts. In April 2021 – a cold month – the England death rate was, at 851.2 people per 100,000, the lowest since the ONS started tracking mortality rates in 2001. 38,899 folks died in April, 6.1% below the five year average.


1366 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ignoring Brokerman Dan's advice on underwear for walks as I do 24 miles today

The photos later (not of underpants), the walk is done but I paid the penalty of ignoring dan’s golden rule. We have now raised more than £14,000 and as you think of my pain today will the 96% of bearcast listeners who have yet to donate please do so here. Otherwise I will talk about Dan’s underpants again. In the rest of the podcast I take issue with ex soccer player Andrew Johnson on tax and then look in detail at the claims made by Versarien (VRS) about its graphene enhanced face nappies and why they do not stack up at two levels and, as such, why there really should be a UK product recall.


1406 days ago

Remote Monitored Systems – does anyone believe this Amazon joke projection? Have a look for yourself

Bulls of Remote Monitored Systems (RMS) or paid penny share hustlers, such as LSE Share Talk, are forced to make extraordinary projections about sales of Pharm2Farm face nappies in order to justify urging folks to chuck their cash down the pan by buying these shares. For the current valuation is bonkers. Just see for yourself and ask a few questions.


1576 days ago

Lies, damned lies and covid statistics from the Government and the deadwood press

In order to justify its civil liberties and economy wrecking lockdown, social distancing and mask policies, the Government needed to say there might be a “second wave”. And lo and behold if you believe Matt Hancock or the other half of this GroupThink madness, that is to say the BBC, ITV and the deadwood press, now we have it. Except that we do not.


1626 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I will appear in court for PWC if asked to defend £63m joke Quindell claim

I start with a few notes on Covid hysteria, referring you to my earlier piece on perceived death rates HERE but also to research showing how pointless wearing face nappies is HERE. I look at R4E (R4E) and how Richard Jennings asks me to explain why Dr Green’s valuation of Bluebird Merchant (BMV) is a joke. I am a Good German and oblige. The shares, which I own, are – I believe – very cheap, but the analysis of Green is piss poor. Indeed it is so piss poor that the journalist-smearing old bastard should be fired at once. I look at Watchstone (WTG), Quindell as was, and its £63 million claim against PriceWaterhouseCoopers filed in the High Court today. I shall happily give evidence for PWC. I comment on Avacta (AVCT), Versarien (DOG), and Red Emperor (RMP).


1646 days ago

Coronavirus cartoon of the day, the mask fascist!

I need add no real comment to the cartoon below, other than to say that the Government’s policy of face nappies is a proposterous joke deigned to distract us from its economy & civil liberties wrecking blunders of the past few months.
