godless liberals

1566 days ago

As Donald Trump catches Covid I put up a new bumper sticker to trigger the Mrs & Olaf

From this corner of North Wales my prayers are with President Trump as he battles not only creepy Joe Biden but also, now, Covid. And thus a new bumper sticker for my battered old van has arrived and is, as you can now see, on display to trigger both Olaf and the Mrs as well as any other godless liberals in these parts.



2935 days ago

Feeling old - my wife's friends look back on a year of births - for me its deaths

My wife is younger than I am and her social set here in Bristol is younger than she is and thus on New Year's Eve I found myself with a group of folks in their mid thirties. I shall be 49 in ten days time. There were a stack of babies and young children there and one adult opined "it is just as if everyone is having babies, is it a Bristol thing?" No, dippy snowflake, it is a function of how old you are.


2940 days ago

Photo Article: My Dad gets a Christmas Card from the Guardian and it annoys him but what about Cyril the rabbit?

Among the dozens of Christmas cards that my father has hanging across the beams and above the aga and on the mantlepiece here in Shipston ,is the one pictured below from The Guardian. It thanks him for being a loyal reader in 2016 as he has the BBC's sister publication delivered every day. 
