3964 days ago
The Tory party can normally rely on the support of hard working folks who just want to keep more of what they earn and make a better life for them and their families. Today it is sending a message out that it does not give a flying fuck about those folk, as long as its fat, out of touch, sleazy inner circle are looked after. The Tory party and David Cameron will not be forgiven for Maria Miller.
The Culture secretary has made a million quid profit flogging her house. It was the taxpayer who funded that “investment” as Maria Miller fiddled her expenses. Maria Miller stole money from hard working taxpayers to make herself even richer.
So out of touch, stupid or arrogant is David Cameron that he does not see how the continued presence of Mrs Miller as an MP let along a minister is a complete insult to the very folks who normally are his core constituency.
It is clear that a lot of Tories cannot sense that anger but instead blather on about how this is a media storm whipped up by papers who are hostile to Miller over gay marriage or Leveson. They assume that with these patent smears they can deflect attention from the key issue her: Mrs Miller has made a million quid by bending the rules and using taxpayer’s cash. And we the peasants are furious.
Thatcher or Tebbitt would have realised this
3966 days ago
My weekly video postcard covers greedy pig sleazy minister Maria Miller and the corruption of the political classes – this is not just about Miller although why she has not be fired escapes me it is about the whole system.
Next week I am in Delphi, I shall try to get footage home but like many things in Greece, the internet does not always work.
My weekly financial video postcard covers the fireworks at the UK Investor Show and can be viewed HERE
4016 days ago
In a shameful piece of journalism, The Daily Mail today carries a piece stating that Culture Secretary Maria Miller is set to be slammed by the Parliamentary Standards Commissioner Kathryn Hudson for fiddling £90,000 of expenses. Who planted this story? I bet you a fiver it was the spin department of Maria Miller. To a trained journalist it is so obvious that this THIEF is spinning hard, albeit in an incredibly amateurish fashion, to keep her nose in the trough.
The article cites sources, friends of Miller, Tory MPs but makes it clear that it has not been spoken to be team Piggy Miller. The article protests too much.
The substance of the piece is that Hudson has indeed found Miller guilty of fiddling her expenses But…
Clearly the only person who benefits from this story appearing is Maria Miller in that one is left with the impression that the Watchdog might just be a bit incompetent, that the crime is not really that serious and that if she does get axed from the cabinet it is only because she was a woman and that most MPs are essentially on her side. As such it is blindingly obvious who planted this story and who all the “sources are”. Shame on the Daily Mail for running such crap.
Looking at the points in order.
4113 days ago
At 11 AM today the world fell silermnt as we remembered those who have their lives for this country in wast justifiable and wars illegal – step forward Tony Blair on the latter count. What was the war criminal thinking at 11 AM today and what will he be thinking at 11 AM on the 11th day of the 11th month tomorrow?
As such I offer you up a picture of David Cameron’s role model at PM as he wears his poopy with pride. What is Blair thinking? Please post your suggestions in the comments section below by Friday
For what it is worth my entry is:
4120 days ago
It is almost the 5th of November and as such it is apt that we think again of our lords and masters the Right Honourable Members of parliament as they slave away tirelessly working on behalf of us. And that brings us to Ed Davey, a Lib Dem MP and an Energy Minister – indeed the man who headed our45 person delegation flown out to the most recent conference on how to cut carbon emissions to stave off global warming.
It has emerged this weekend that Davey gets his own energy bills paid for by the taxpayer as do almost half of MPs. Better still he claims more in expenses to cover the cost of renting a constituency home than it would cost to buy the house on a mortgage. Heck – that is value for money. As it happens Davey represents a London seat so why the fuck should taxpayers have to pay for any home of his at all?
As a bonus the taxpayer also pays rent on a constituency office for Davey. And a director of the company from whom the office is rented is er…his wife.
This is all perfectly legal. But does it make you think that we are “all in it together?” Austerity is for little people…it does not apply to the political classes. As such I ask for your captions for the picture below in this week’s Ed Davey MP edition. Please post away in the comments section by Friday at 9 AM.
For what it is worth my entry is:
4253 days ago
Shares in AIM listed POS Company Woburn Energy (WBN) have been suspended today from the Cesspit. So if you ignored my prior warning to sell, tough luck it is too late now. And it could get worse, despite the heroic efforts of sleazy Tory MP Tony Baldry who is still picking up £3,333 a month for 4 hours work at Woburn.
4417 days ago
It is reported that speaking on radio 4 today, Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said that for many MPs choosing to live on an MP’s salary meant “foregoing Christmas presents for their children”. An MP earns £65,378 a year. Plus expenses. The less said about that the better. The average male salary in the UK is c£30,000. The average woman earns £24,000.
Either MP’s kids all ask Santa for Porsches every December or Bridgen is a totally out of touch tosser. Enough said.