lawyers letter

1386 days ago

Explosive: Here is the fascist lawyers letter sent by lawyers for Neill Ricketts of Versarien to try to gag a critic

I have redacted the details of the poor man who Neill Ricketts claims has libelled him but below is the fascist lawyers letter sent on behalf of the loathsome Versarien (VRS) boss. I wonder who is paying the esteemed firm of Hugh Paddison of Cheltenham? When it comes to libel lawyers, writing as someone who has faced down Schillings and beaten Memery Crystal thrice, these clowns are not exactly new European Super League, more Vauxhall Conference.


1501 days ago

Breaking: Ex fund manager Mark Denning wants ShareProphets to ensure you folks do not know about him - fascist lawyer's letter arrives!

And so a fascist email from a lawyer arrives addressed to ShareProphets requesting that we remove content from our website. The email comes from a Spanish firm called Eliminalia which boasts that it is “dedicated to erasing the past. Our team deletes all the links that exist about your person or business one-by-one, if necessary, initiating legal action to achieve your desired results, thanks to our team of in-house attorneys.”. George Orwell would love these bastards. The person paying Eliminalia to bully companies such as ShareProphets is former fund manager Mark Denning. Well Mark we will publish this correspondence in full so that more folks know about you. And to Eliminalia we will “see you in court bitchez!” So who is Denning?


1986 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Wasting 20 minutes of my life trying to help thicko journalist Mark Shapland

The Evening Standard man is not very bright and still does not understand the import of today’s Muddy Waters Burford (BUR). Look at the tweet exchange below. Would you believe I wasted 20 minutes of my life answering questions about the dossier from this ungrateful knobhead today?. It is not the first time I’ve helped him but with no grace to credit, it will be the last.  I also look at First Derivatives (FDP), discuss the very low grade lawyer’s letter I received today, look at ADM Energy (ADME) and at the comedy show that is Providence Resources (PVR)


2026 days ago

The Curse of the Sheriff of AIM – Atlantic Carbon goes bust, it's ouzo time

You may remember how Atlantic Carbon claimed it was worth a fortune based on “analysts reports” produced by SEC indicted crooks and then planned a London listing after Reversing into Peter Shea’s Daniel Stewart.  Mr Shea and former Atlantic Carbon boss Adam Wilson should not have threatened the Sheriff with a fascist lawyer’s letter over at Daniel Stewart. That guaranteed my wall to wall coverage and exposes and now the curse has struck… Atlantic Carbon, as you can see below is worth not $86.8 million but NOTHING. It has gone bust. Crack out the ouzo.


2068 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Julie Meyer shocker – does she want the good news or the very bad news

As you may recall, the 30th firm of lawyers to act for Julie “Lingerie on Expenses” Meyer, the ;previous 29 having gone unpaid, is trying to stop me writing about her by sending me a fascist lawyers letter. But I am afraid that before I respond to that, I have breaking news which is very much in the public interest to reveal. For Julie the news is in part good and in part terrible.


2076 days ago

And so the fascist - and totally bonkers lawyers letter to Tom Winnifrith is from...we publish in full

I asked you to guess who was so daft and, as you can see HERE, you came up with numerous suggestions all of them wrong. But the sender of this letter below is doubley bonkers…


2137 days ago

The Curse of the Sheriff of AIM strikes again: Atlantic Carbon/ Daniel Stewart RTO and listing pulled

When running Daniel Stewart (DAN) for the benefit of himself and his family, Peter Shea sent me a lawyers letter trying to stop me exposing what a crock of shit his company was, as it snuggled up to King fraudster Rob Terry. Better still his brother, also a Daniel Stewart employee as were four other family members, threatened to beat me up. So I doorstepped the Daniel Stewart Christmas Party - the brother hid inside the building. Congratulations Mr Shea & your vile family, you have met the Sheriff of AIM.


2198 days ago

Updated 2: Has Daniel Stewart gone tits up? Almost......

When the boss’s younger brother threatens to “beat up Tom Winnifrith because of the articles he wrote,” when you get into bed with disgraced king fraudster Rob Terry and then send Tom Winnifrith fascist lawyers letters you know that Mr Karma is going to get you sooner or later.  You are either on the side of the fraudsters or you support the fraudbusters and that brings us to Daniel Stewart (DAN).


2473 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Who sent me the lawyer's letter and suspending disbelief (pro tem) on Tesla, Telit & Purplebricks

The lawyer's letter? I must keen you in suspense as I discuss with my lawyers how to respond so you can still vote on who sent it HERE. I also chatted today to Lucian about three slam dunk shorts: Telit (TCM), Purplebricks (PURP) and Tesla (TSLA). Or are they slam dunks? Might disbelief be suspended forever.? I then look at Photonstar Led (PSL) at Conroy Gold (CGNR) and at how AIM gives capitalism a bad name by not letting bust companies such as Andalas (ADL) fail.


2474 days ago

Reader Poll: Who sent Tom Winnifrith a fascist lawyers letter last night?

Oh well I had not had a take down lawyers letter for at least a few weeks so welcome back to England Mr Winnifrith.  The deadline for voting is midnight tonight as I shall be responding on Wednesday. So who do you think wants to gag the Sheriff of AIM? Vote now:


2478 days ago

Julie Meyer critic John Galt has been silenced - by whom? But it will not be for long...

As you can see below the blog of Julie Meyer's biggest critic. former employee turned whistleblower John Galt, has been suspended. This happened last night and one can only conclude that the web hoster received a stern lawyer's letter from someone. Who do we know who has a habit of sending out threatening lawyers letters to all and sundry in response to factually accurate articles? Hmmmmm. Hint, might the old Bill in Malta currently be searching for this person after she skipped a court appearance?  The bad news for Julie....


2487 days ago

Julie Meyer facing new legal battle and serious questions

I wonder if Julie Meyer's lawyers will be sending a missive to The Times to bully it after a devestating piece appeared today. It really does beg massive questions although Meyer says she has done nothing wrong. Having already chatted to a couple of creditors and investors in her companies today I am not sure that her opinion is universally shared.


2558 days ago

So who got twitter to ban an account flagging up adverse articles about Julie Meyer MBE?

If devout Christian Julie Meyer MBE does not like FACT based articles about her and Ariadne Capital Limited ( now in administration) by City AM, The Evening Standard, The Times, ShareProphets ( an avalanche) and ex employees turned whistleblower such as John Galt posting on LinkedIn she could always send yet another fascist lawyers letter to them. But since all that has been written has been based on fact....


2580 days ago

Reader Poll - Lawyer's letter for Mr Tom Winnifrith just received, who could be that daft?

It only took 15 days but I have just received my first lawyer's letter of the year, via email. So here is a little quiz. Who sent the letter:


2767 days ago

Reader poll: Who has been stupid enough to send Tom Winnifrith a lawyer's letter now?

Don't these fools ever learn? For chancers and crooks like Darren Winters, the shysters at Globo, Blinkx, Quindell and Daniel Stewart and for lyin Chris Cleverley and Lord Hain of sleaze and for so many others, sending me a fascist lawyers letter never works out well. That is not for them at least. But it seems there is one born every day. A new letter is in demanding that three years of articles be removed, that damages and costs be paid and that I put my name to a grovelling apology dictated by this poltroon. Who do you think is daft enough to have sent it? Vote now in our latest poll with a deadline of midnight tonight.


2950 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the Week - its ouzo time as Potash booted off AIM

Send Tom Winnifrith a fascist lawyers letter as the fraud African Potash (AFPO) did on September 1 and your fate is sealed. Today African Potash was formally booted off AIM. Now it will fail to raise cash on NEX (formerly ISDX) and will go bust soon. Lyin' Chris Cleverley meet Karma. Ain't she sweet? Amazingly there are still some people out there on the Bulletin boards who think its all my fault and Lyin' Chris runs a great British Company. Whatever. In that vein please nominate the most moronic Bulletin Board or twitter comment you can find in the comments section by midnight on Sunday 15th January. Have fun!


2957 days ago

African Potash Accounts - A question for Lord Peter Hain of Sleaze

I am sorry if I sound a bit one track minded today but you will remember that African Potash (AFPO) sent me a fascist lawyers letter ( c/o now three time losers against me Memery Crystal) demanding I pay it £2,000, unpublish my articles on it, never write on it again and pay it damages on top back in September 2016. Natch I declined the offer and the fraud that is Potash has been in freefall to insolvency ever since. Moral of the story: don't mess with The Sheriff of AIM. Now, I have a question for Lord Peter Hain of sleaze who chairs the company's remuneration committee.


3015 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I have a proposition for PR fecking genius Steffi

I start with a quick discussion on how we in the UK just don't get US politics and explain why Donald Trump will win - in fact he is already 8% ahead you read it HERE first! Then I explain why Peel Hunt is probably going to bully me with a lawyers letter regarding the Berkeley Energia (BKY) note HERE.  My proposition for Steffi is not to make an honest woman of her...that would be going too far but concerns her worthless client Golden Saint Resources (GSR) and is prompted by her unhappiness at my earlier Bearcast Special HERE. I look at Andalas (ADL), Greka Drilling (GDL) and BlueRock Diamonds (BRD). I am now trying to renew my father's parking permit with Warwickshire County Council and have been kept hanging on a line for ages by the incompetent bastards. String em up with piano wire.. 


3075 days ago

African Potash, libel and disclosure - let's start with payments made to Beryl

As yet African Potash (AFPO) has not started the process of suing me for libel for pointing out that it committed securities fraud, something it effectively conceded it had done in its fascist lawyers letter/suicide note of last week. One of the joys of the UK libel system is disclosure. That is a process where I can ask the other side to produce certain documents which are relevant to the case. And African Potash knows that disclosure will sink it for good. So let's bring it on and I shall be starting with seeking details of payments made by Potash to Beryl Holdings.


3079 days ago

Marcus Stuttard of AIM Regulation: African Potash admits to fraud - will you please act?

I have today published the lawyers letter sent by Memery Crystal - lawyers to Globo - but which also acts for the fraudsters African Potash (AFPO) demanding money from me, trying to gag me but also admitting that its client has committed securities fraud. The letter also implies that Nomad Cantor Fitzgerald approved releases (and lack of releases) which meant investors in a placing on 12 January 2016 were utterly deceived as to the trading position at Potash. And that is a clear cut case of fraud. But will Marcus Stuttard, the head of AIM Regulation do anything about it or is fraud now acceptable on AIM? I have written to the man who basks in the title "The Sheriff of AIM" as you can see below.


3079 days ago

Memery Crystal pens a suicide note for African Potash - lawyers letter for Tom Winnifrith

Bully boy lawyers Memery Crystal want me to pay its costs, damages to the fraudsters at African Potash (AFPO), to unpublish 18 articles about the fraudsters and not to write again pointing out that African Potash has committed fraud. But the lawyers letter itself offers fresh admissions that massive fraud has taken place. The lawyers also warned me not to publish what is effectively a suicide note for Potash, i.e the Memery Crystal letter (sent incidentally to the wrong address, a made up email). So...


3080 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Highland Natural Resources really is run by some well dodgy fellows

Still no lawyers letter from African Potash (AFPO) has arrived at Sheriff Towers. It really is like waiting for Godot. But at least my mother in law has remembered that it is my wedding anniversary tomorrow. I discuss another thing happening tomorrow, that is to say African Potash which has no cash having to repay $1.1 million to its FD's Mrs, Katrina Clayton. I look at Highland Natural Resources (HNR), Gulf Keystone (GKP), Glenwick (GWIK), Opera (OPRA) and then Gable (GAH) which really has posted a most enormous red flag today. Sell - target 0p. 


3155 days ago

Exclusive: Kerboom Drummond Brothers & Nilesh - shocking lawyers letter reveals all - its game over for you

Are you a pissed off shareholder in Teathers Financial (TEA), Inspirit (INSP), Octagonal (OCT) or any other company associated with Justin and Jason Drummond or Nilesh Jagatia? If so you are going to get even more pissed off as I have obtained and publish below a lawyers letter which exposes wholesale fraud and deception at their last outfit Media Corp (MDC). It is shocking.


3163 days ago

This Blog is 4 years old - Happy Birthday: my top twenty stories & 20 Greek stories

I see from numerous congratulations messages from folks who I I do not know, sent via LinkedIn, that I am celebrating another anniversary. Having checked it out it appears that is four years old. It was a very strange birth indeed.


3191 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I saw a snake & have a photo and this is a cracking bearcast BTW

I shall put the photo up later on but this is the first snake of the current greek trip - day 6 and one down!. I am a modest man, as you know, but feel that I have little to be modest about in saying that this really is a most excellent podcast covering Nostra Terra (NTOG), Avanti Communications (AVN) and a new lawyers letter,, Outsourcery (OUT) and LGO Energy (LGO) all in some detail. 


3208 days ago

And the POS AIM Company that sent a fascist "you are being watched" lawyers letter re UK Investor is..

In yesterday's reader poll we asked you which AIM listed company you thought had sent us a lawyers letter regarding the UK INvestor Show. We print the letter below but 79% of you guessed wrong!


3208 days ago

Reader Poll: Which PLC has sent a fascist lawyers letter warning UK Investor speakers - we are being watched

This is becoming a bit of an annual ritual. And it is always a kiss of death for an PLC that tries to bully UK Investor Show speakers with fascist lawyers letters. Like it really worked out well for blinkx (BLNX) did it not? So which PLC has made its shares a slam dunk sell with a fascist lawyers letter last night reminding us that they have bought a ticket and we are being watched and threatening awful things. You vote in our latest poll - deadline midnight tonight. Is it:


3222 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the week (11/16) in honour of charlatan and snake oil salesman Darren Winters

Darren Winters sent me a lawyers letter in the Autumn for calling him a charlatan and snake oil salesman and threatening me with legal action if I did not withdraw what is a statement of fact. I shall see the Winters bitchez in court and he is a moron for thinking I'd say anything else. Anyhow Winters got another courtroom beating from team Sheriff today so maybe he has learned who not to try to bully. Back to real morons and this week's Bulletin Board Moron of the Week contest where there was only one winner...


3224 days ago

Lawyers letter received does anyone NOT know who #xxxx and #xxxxx #celebrityinjunction are?

It was fun while it lasted but a lengthy lawyers letter from #xxxxxxx persuades me to remove an earlier article. Meanwhile on twitter #celebrityinjunction and #xxxxxxxx and #xxxxxxxxx all seem to be associated and popular. Does anyone in England NOT know who married celebs  #xxxxxxxx and #xxxxxxxxx are? Details can now be found:


3298 days ago

TMC Southern - the mega Quindell fraud of 2011 now overdue 3 sets of accounts

The fraud that created nearly all of the fictional profits reported by Quindell (QPP) in 2011 was the panama pump involving Mark Ford's TMC Southern. I exposed it HERE in August 2014, got a fascist lawyers letter in response, and Quindell admitted that my allegations were correct in the summer of 2015. But still Rob Terry and his pal Mark Fraud are trying to cover up this ford. Check out Companies House HERE


3349 days ago

David Lenigas suffers complete sense of humour failure - sends lawyers letter

You would have thought that Jabba The Hutt would be too busy looking after his portfolio of trainwreck companies to send out a lawyers letter. But oh no, Big Dave has been wasting someone's cash with a nasty missive from his bully boy briefs at Kerman & Co to the well regarded City firm SP Angel.


3415 days ago

Charlatan Darren Winters sends fascist lawyers letter to Tom Winnifrith – this tale will horrify you

So, rather few of you guessed in our reader poll of last night. It is the snake oil salesman and all round charlatan Darren Winters who has send me a bully boy lawyer’s letter. Why he has sent it and what follows will truly shock you. The letter is marked “Not for Publication” but…


3415 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3 October - so which dicksplash sent the lawyers letter?

Actually I shall keep you in suspense on that one - so you can still vote in the TW libel poll HERE - but I do discuss what a lamentable effort this fascist missive is when compared to previous bully boy lawyers letters. Then it is onto Guscio (GUSC), Plastics  Capital (PLA) and the farce that are LTIPs and then onto the failings of capitalism in the US and UK and why we are sleepwalking on soma with no real wealth being created.


3570 days ago

New Reader Poll - which AIM Listed company has sent Tom Winnifrith a lawyers letter today?

Jeepers, I have not had a lawyers letter threatening me for almost seven weeks. Life was almost getting boring but I am - at a stroke - reinvigorated. It goes without saying that I am not backing down and have sent a pretty terse reply just now. So which POS enterprise is wasting its shareholders cash this time? Time for a new reader poll - I'll reveal the correct answer when we get to the next stage. Have fun:


3642 days ago

Worthington – I am going to piss all over you, literally

And so the lawyer’s letter – well email – from Worthington PLC (WRN) to me has arrived. And as with lawyers letters from Quindell, Sefton, blinkx, Globo and others it is now on display at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza House. In fact it is on display in the gents as you can see below.


3649 days ago

Is Worthington to follow Quindell, blinkx and Sefton and send me a lawyer’s letter? Round 2 with Pinsent Masons?

Great News! Is it once more into the breach dear friends? Can I add a lawyer’s letter from Worthington (WRN) to those already received from blinkx, Globo, Range Resources, Sefton, Quindell, and other scumbags? I wonder. In case you are tempted Worthington “your company is a fraud” – I have seen off bigger scumbags than you and I really do not fear you at all.

Why do I wonder? Two days ago I asked Worthington a simple question by email. “Who are the advisers working on your attempt to get relisted on the main market?

My answer today from Ms Harriet Lucking:

Many thanks for your email and apologies for the


3725 days ago

The wankers at Canaccord send pompous lawyers letter as it hides its shame on Quindell

When Canaccord was ramping Quindell with its crap research notes it was happy for them to be plastered all over the internet. It fired analyst Kevin Ashton who wanted to say sell and ignored his dossier on crimes at Quenron as it just wanted to earn vast fees and commission for acting for Quenron or raising cash for it. How times have changed.

It seems that Canaccord does not want folks


3746 days ago

Quindell does not realise that its defence blog against me is now a key part of the prosecution case

Quenron sent its first lawyers letter demanding a grovelling apology signed by me but written by the fraudsters, a promise never to write about it again and a retraction of all my articles on 19 August.  As you may have noticed, I have told Quindell where to stick that letter and I want it to serve Court papers on me as that will start the process of disclosure. As of today, after two and a half months no papers have been served despite me upping the ante with specific allegations backed by proven factual evidence of both accounting and securities fraud.  Quindell really does not want disclosure to get underway does it. Shall I give you an example of why?

Having established that the 18 million shares it issued on 2 September 2013 were not issued to who Rob Terry said they had been issued to and that he lied about why the shares should have been issued at all as he engaged in securities fraud, would Mr 2+2 can =5 like to reveal a few details about the c 9 million shares issued by Quenron in October 2013?


3825 days ago

Quindell Lawyers Letter Received – it’s Stalinist and I shall see you in Court Bitchez

I have this morning received a lawyer’s letter from Quindell (QPP) as has ShareProphets. It does not cite any specific factual errors made by me but none the less demands that I withdraw all articles on ShareProphets, put my name to an apology and admission of God knows what else drafted by Quindell and that I never write about the company again. Is this not a tad Stalinist?


3884 days ago

Exclusive: Quindell: Evil Knievil, The Lawyers Letters and the FCA

Post the report from Gotham City on Quindell (QPP) the colourful insurance come technology come country club company made great play of how it had issued a number of lawyer’s letters to those involved in what it saw as a “co-ordinated attack”. One recipient of such a letter was bear raider Evil Knievil.

Mr Knievil had not at that point spoken to Gotham and filed his letter from Quindell’s uber-expensive City lawyers in his dustbin. He has not responded. Two months later Quindell has not sent him another missive.  Come on Rob Terry this is poor form.
