1513 days ago
I start with Joshua’s Advent caldendar and with some right wing harridan on twitter who reckons suggesting Jesus was a refugee is anti Jewish left wing fake news. Then it is onto Falanx (FLX) en passant, Online Blockchain (OBC) and to Remote Monitoring Systems (RMS) both of which have disgraced themselves yet again today.
1658 days ago
The survey below is from the USA but the same applies here. Most folks feel that they can say what they want as long, as they are on the centre left. If you express views on the desirability of patriotism or of a smaller Government; on women not having penises or that abortion at 34 weeks is murder; on the desirability of criminals having long sentences in miserable prisons or that the NHS doesn’t work properly; that Christmas is what we celebrate on December 25 and it has everything to do with Jesus or that no statues should be ripped down, you may have a problem. Being a communist is viewed as trendy.
2249 days ago
I really worry that kids are forking out £9,000 a year by virtue signalling fools on the left wing madrassas that pretend to be British universities in 2018. Today's horror show comes from Professor Tanja Bueltman a history professor at Northumbria University.
2310 days ago
Karen White insists that she is a woman. She is what progressives would term a woman with a penis. Right now she is "transitioning" but is a woman. Got it? Welcome to the transgender asylum.
2373 days ago
This is not hard. Simply name the odd one out and why in the comments section below....
2734 days ago
There is a change to the annual ritual. For about thirty years A level grades got steadily higher. Those of us who had to interview those with A*s at History who thought that Waterloo was a train station named after an Abba song knew that was because they were getting easier but when pointing this out were ritually abused as insulting hard working students and teachers who were so stressed out that they need 15 weeks holiday a year. This year the ritual is being tweaked.
2755 days ago
Abi Wilkinson is a freelance journalist based in London writing about politics, inequality, gender, popular culture, and anything else that takes her fancy. She normally writes in the Guardian which likes articles about gender ( fluid, natch) and politics as long as they involve money tree worshipping and or/smashing the even half rich. Abi's latest piece really is peak stupidity in thus summer of left wing madness. Abi reckons that what we need is a 100% inheritance tax.
2813 days ago
Radio station LBC yesterday fired right wing loudmouth Katie Hopkins. I don't agree with a lot of what the Daily Mail columnist says but quite a few folks do. She is outspoken and a hate figure for the free speech hating intolerant liberal left. Over in the US comedian Tim Allen saw his long running hit show Home Improvement canned two weeks ago by ABC. Other less popular shows have not been axed. But then Tim is that rarity from Hollywood, a Republican and a Trump supporter to boot. Hollywood rejoiced at Tim's downfall.
2893 days ago
A twitter spat to start the day with Hugo Rifkind a journalist who is a journalist because of who his pop is (Malcolm) not because of any great ability. Or in fact any ability at all. Mr Rifkind spews out inane tweets in the same way as my morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley pisses on the doorstep. He does so constantly and the world is none the wiser as a result. Among this morning's bon mots was:
3011 days ago
After the Socialist MP Joe Cox was murdered by a mentally ill man the left wing Guardian Newspaper was quick to blame and condemn right wing Brexit campaigners who it claimed - with no evidence at all - had prompted this act. So what is its take on the tweet yesterday from Monisha Rajesh,a writer on travel matters who the Guardian uses regularly. She thinks that President elect Donald Trump should be assassinated.
3180 days ago
The excitement of the junior doctors strike is over. The pampered and overpaid apprentices, training to be in the top 3% of wage earners (for a 40 hour week) said it was not about money but about saving the poor old NHS. So the Government offered them more cash and the greedy bastards stopped striking and threatening to emigrate en masse. Shame. So next up in the public sector summer of fun are the University Lecturers who are having the day off today and tomorrow.
I write as the son and husband of a lecturer so am fully aware of how much work they do. Or rather how little. And they are well paid for doing very little. They have more or less complete job security unless they commit a heinous offence like questioning global warming or liking UKIP on their facebook page.