red hot penny share

4469 days ago

Snacktime Results: Time to bite the bullet?

AIM listed SnackTime (SNAK) is a terribly disappointing investment recommendation from my twelve years running – I tipped the shares at 145p in May 2009 and it has not been a red hot penny share. The stock is now 17.5p – I apologise. Although my average gain on that site was 42.7% there were some bad tips and this was one of them. The seller and operator of hot drink and snack vending machines across the UK yesterday announced results for the six months ended 30th September and the following reviews these and where to go from here…


4473 days ago

IQE – a safe tech wonder stock?

I recommended shares in AIM-listed IQE plc (IQE) at 24.75p in February of this year on – the site I founded in 2000 and left in September of this year. Shares in this leading global supplier of advanced wafer products and services to the semiconductor industry (which uses them to make the chips which form the key components of high-technology systems) now trade at 28.75p – so we are already a bit ahead here but could this be a red hot penny share? In the following I take a look at the outlook for the company from here…


4478 days ago

Ovoca Gold: Time to cut losses?

I recommended shares in AIM and Ireland listed Ovoca Gold (OVG) in my days (in this case in October 2010) at 30.75p. They rose to above 38p in December of that year but have consistently fallen back since – hitting 10p in June of this year. Currently trading at 12p, I apologise for a recommendation which has clearly not worked out to this point. Perhaps it is time to cut losses? Or is this a red hot penny share in the waiting?


4486 days ago

Caza Oil & Gas: Share spike on drill success but buy or sell?

Shares in AIM and TSX listed Caza Oil & Gas (CAZA) have spiked 28.6% higher today to 18p valuing the company at £29.61 million. Supporters of this Texan oil play, urge me to look at Caza claiming that it will hit 25p before Christmas. But I am always nervous about oil companies operating in the US but listed here. So buy as a red hot penny share or sell as the good news is already discounted – which is it? I had a long chat with the company this afternoon and came to a conclusion. What would JR Ewing say?

The news today came from the company’s Caza Ridge horizontal Bone Spring well on its Copperline Prospect in Lea County, New Mexico. The company states:


4492 days ago

Pursuit Dynamics – When will the Fat Lady Sing?

AIM listed Pursuit Dynamics (PDX) has forever promised mammoth revenues and huge profits. It has never delivered. And as such the technology developer is looking to pass the hat around yet again. But as it admitted today, there is no certainty of success. If it raises cash this merely postpones the inevitable. But I suspect that is an if, and a big if to boot. As such this is farom from a red hot penny share. It looks like an obvious sell and here is why..


4492 days ago

Centaur Media – Time to bank a gain? Or More to come?

I originally recommended shares in UK-focused business information, events and marketing services group, Centaur Media (LSE:CAU) in October 2009 at 44p on – the website I founded in my bedroom and edited until September 2012 ( delivering an average gain per share tip of 42.7%). But Centaur has been a rocky road – with the shares hitting highs of 73p in early 2011 then, as the UK economic environment bleakened, falling to lows of 28.5p in June of this year. Currently trading at 50.75p, in the following article I review the company’s results for its year ended 30th June 2012 – which were released on September 13th – and take a fresh look at the investment case. Is this a red hot penny share or have we run our course?


4493 days ago

Nexus – Reverse Takeover: Hope at last?

AIM listed IT services group Nexus (NXS) has been one of my most disastrous tips of all time. I recommended the shares at 0.89p in December 2006 and many times since on the site I founded and edited for 12 years until September 2012. My average gain per tip over 12 years and 240 tips would have been more than 42.7% had it not been for this shocker. The shares are now at 0.105p following news today of a Reverse Takeover and thus the lifting of a suspension on the shares. I can only apologise for what was a piss-poor tip. In my defence, one of my last acts as a piss poor fund manager was to force out the old management team. I am now more convinced than ever that had I not done this, the company would today be bust. But where now? Could this be a red hot penny share for recovery or is it still a dog?


4493 days ago

Skywest Bid from Virgin – What next?

Australian and South East Asia regional airline Skywest (LSE:SKYW) has announced that ASX-listed Virgin Australia has proposed, subject to conditions including regulatory and Skywest shareholder approval, an Australian$0.4688 (AUD$0.225 cash and 0.53 Virgin Australia shares) per Skywest share takeover offer. Those who followed my original share tip on this one from the website I edited for 12 years (but left in September) have thus more than doubled their money. But what to do now?


4494 days ago

Town Centre Securities – A good share tip but how good?

I recommended shares in Town Centre Securities (LSE:TCSC) – a Leeds-based northern property investor and developer – in April 2010 at 148.75p on the site I founded 12 years ago and ran until this September. The company has since paid out 20.88p in dividends and the shares currently trade at 184p – so this has been a pretty decent share tip for those who followed my advice. Results for the company’s year ended 30th June 2012 were released last month and in light of that I wonder if it really is still a red hot penny share or if it is time to take profits.


4494 days ago

Hambledon Mining: a dog to shoot or a recovery play?

AIM listed gold producer Hambledon Mining (HMB) has not covered me in glory. Recommended at 3.25p in November 2008 on the site I founded and edited for 12 years until this September ( the shares now trade at 1.275p. Most mining juniors have not prospered (they raced ahead and then fell) but Hambledon has fared worst than most. This was a bad tip. I apologise. But what to do now? Call it a day and shoot the dog or is this a red hot penny share recovery play? I spoke to the company at length today


4498 days ago

Firestone Diamonds - sell

This has been a shockingly bad tip from me from my 12 years running The shares have popped up today. And so is this still a red hot penny share?

AIM-listed diamond miner, Firestone Diamonds (FDI), has today announced that a definitive feasibility study on its 75% owned Liqhobong diamond project in Lesotho has determined a post-tax Net Present Value at an 8% discount rate of $335 million (£208 million). This is for a 1.2 million carat per annum open pit operation over a 15 year life of mine. Given, at a current 6.125p share price, Firestone is presently capitalised at just £33.5 million ( and has c£4million of debt as well), the shares ostensibly appear to offer strong value – but is this actually the case? In the following I explain why perhaps not.


4499 days ago

Lombard Risk Management Interims – Still a buy at 10.5p (+ CEO Chat)

A long chat with Lombard Risk Management (LRM) CEO John Wisbey has finally come to an end. Interims today were as expected. The issue that I find hard is the company’s policy of capitalising R&D Spend. I shall discuss that in some detail below. I wonder if others quizzing him today on the site I ran for 12 years – – have focussed on this or have pulled their punches?


4499 days ago

NetCall: Good but is it that good?

I first recommended shares in Netcall (NET) on, a provider of customer engagement software, at 13.75p in August 2006 – banking a 58% capital gain in September 2009 when I considered the 21.75p per share valuation had largely caught up with events. Come February 2011 the shares were trading at 19.25p and, with the company looking to have made strong operational progress in the meantime, I re-recommended the shares. Following results last month they now stand at a near five-year high at 29.75p. I thus consider that I have called this one pretty well but what now? Is this a red hot penny share?


4500 days ago

Zoltav Resources – The Joke valuation starts to crumble: a classic short -

I have repeatedly warned that for all the Abramovich hype, AIM listed investment company Zoltav Resources (ZOL) enjoyed a joke valuation. It seems as if folks are starting to pick up on this and the shares have now slipped to 3p. But they are still 90% overvalued and are a slam dunk short down to a 0.25p target. Thos who think that this is a Russian red hot penny share are just mad. Here is why…


4500 days ago

Staffline: 210 Per Cent gain so far but there is more to come

I first recommended shares in AIM listed Staffline Group (LSE: STAF), a provider and manager of industrial workforces which operates from more than 190 locations in the UK, at 77.5p in March 2010 on . The payment of a 3.1p per share interim dividend on 9th November – as declared in the company’s results for the first half of calendar 2012 released last month – will take dividends received since the initial recommendation to 18.1p per share and the shares currently trade at 225.5p. So clearly this is no disaster – it has been a bit of a red hot penny share for me with a total gain of 210% so far. But what to do now?


4501 days ago

Elektron – Not a Good tip from me, do we hang on?

initially recommended shares in Elektron Technology (LSE:EKT), a designer and manufacturer of precision engineered components for connectivity, instrumentation, monitoring and control, in April 2011 at 37.25p as the company looked be recovering well from the impacts of recession and customer de-stocking. The shares initially performed well for, the site I foundfed in my bedroom and ran for 12 years until this September,– hitting a high of 45p in the month following the recommendation. However, as macro economic progress has once again stalled so too has Elektron’s profit recovery – as most recently witnessed by results released in September for the six months to 31st July 2012. The shares are now 18.5p valuing Elektron at £22 million. I apologise for having made a bad call in my initial recommendation. What to do now? Is this a red hot penny share?


4504 days ago

Jubilee Platinum – Time to Give Up? Or Double up?

I tipped Jubilee Platinum (JLP) at 17.75p back in 2003. It zoomed ahead to 60p plus. It is now 8.75p valuing it at c£28 million. Is it worth hanging on? One can build a credible bull case but also a bear case as I consider below. I interrupted the holiday of chairman Colin Bird to discuss this and my conclusion follows at the end.


4504 days ago

Gable Holdings: Up, up and still more up to come!

I first recommended shares in Gable Holdings (LSE: GAH), a European non-life insurance company underwriting a range of specialist commercial sector policies, in July 2006 when the shares traded at 18.5p. This has been something of a slow burner – the shares having commenced 2012 trading at just above 22p. However, they have moved sharply higher since early summer to currently trade at 31.5p – a near high since my original recommendation. Now sitting on some meaningful gains here, the following takes a renewed look at the investment case.


4505 days ago

Impellam – 750% ahead and more to come?

Today I give my moronic bulletin board critics – notably mad and bad Bob Burnard – the opportunity to comment on my September 2009 recommendation of shares in AIM listed staffing and outsourced support services company Impellam Group (LSE:IPEL). I first recommended shares in the company, which primarily operates in the UK and North America (although it has smaller operations in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand and mainland Europe), at 40p (a level they have not traded below since) – and they currently trade not too far off the highs since, at 340p. This represents a 750% capital gain in little more than three years – not too much of a disgrace I would argue. Now though the question is what to do from here? In the following I take a renewed look at the investment proposition…


4505 days ago

Shanta Gold – Placing Complete, PI screwing all done – Now we Plebs can and should buy

And so the screwing of Private Investors in AIM listed gold miner Shanta Gold (LSE:SHG) is completed. The company has today announced that it has raised $35 million (£21.8 million) in its bookbuild placing announced yesterday at 17p. The new investors will own 38% of the equity. We plebs have been rogered, we feel sore but an objective look at the investment case still leaves the shares as a buy. Here is why.


4506 days ago

Minoan: Godawful tip starting to come right big time

I need little reminding that I tipped AIM listed Minoan (MIN) at 87p back in January 2007. The shares are now 10.5p (even after some interesting news today). This has been a stinker but is now starting to come right and the shares really are very cheap indeed. And here is why.


4506 days ago

Empresaria: average down?

I timed my original (June 2007) recommendation of shares in international recruitment group Empresaria (LSE:EMR) badly. This tip, at 169p has been an unmitigated failure and for that I apologise. The macro economic backdrop has not helped but there have also been clear company specific issues. The shares have recovered somewhat from late 2011 lows of 17.5p to currently trade at 23p – capitalising the company at £10.25 million. Last month the company announced results for the first six months of calender2012. Is it time to call it a day? I think not and here is why.


4506 days ago

1Spatial new contract almost won - share price can double again

AIM listed tech stock 1Spatial (SPA) has been a bit of a star recovery play over the past couple of months and an announcement of a potential new contract win today has lifted the stock ( 2p just a month or so ago) to 4.125p, valuing the business at £14.45 million. But there is far more to go for – my target price remains at least 8p and here is why.


4506 days ago

Shanta Gold – Private Investors Screwed Again But It is still a buy

AIM listed gold producer Shanta Gold (SHG) has announced that it will today raise a minimum $30 million (£18.6 million) via an institutional placing. An accelerated book build will take place today so we do not know the price but I reckon that it will be in the range of17-18p. Yes private investors are being screwed and the share price movement in the days leading up to today stinks like a mackerel’s rectum but the shares, at 17.125p valuing Shanta at £54 million) are still very attractive for the long term investor. Here is why


4507 days ago

S and U – You have almost Doubled your money so far but more to come: buy at 910p – target £12

I first recommended door to door and auto credit provider S&U (LSE:SUS) at 582.5p. Following half year results announced on 26th September, the shares now trade at 910p but along the way the company has also paid out dividends of 207p making a total return to date of 92%: those who follow me have almost doubled their money. But there is more to come and I reckon that this stock is worth holding up to £12 and here is why.


4508 days ago

James Cropper: Sell and bank gains

I first recommended shares in specialist paper and materials group, James Cropper (LSE: CRPR) back in November 2002 at 168.5p on a site that I now feel no need to mention. There have been dividends along the way (70.3p to be exact) but with the shares currently at 177.5p the total returns have clearly not been as I would have hoped (a mere 47%). Having said that the stock has recovered from low early 2009 levels (54p) at which point I was urging followers to average down aggressively. But what to do today?


4508 days ago

Chamberlin: Take Profits on fears over earnings visibility

I first recommended shares in foundries and engineering company Chamberlin (LSE:CMH) on a website that I do not mention any more, back in November 2003 at 161.5p. Now at 187.5p, the bare stats show that this is one that has not exactly roared ahead. However, those who kept the faith – and averaged down aggressively as I advised – when the shares were trading at sub 40p in early 2009 are probably a bit happier. The current share price represents a more than 4½ year high and is a testimony to the focused modernisation work that has been undertaken within the company by its top notch turnaround CEO Tim Hair. But what does a trading statement issued today mean for the shares? This is my take…


4508 days ago

Archipelago Resources: 129% ahead so far but still a buy at 63p – target (at least) 95p

I first recommended AIM listed gold producer, Archipelago Resources (AR.) back in December 2004 at 27.5p on a website that I do not mention and few read anymore. After publishing some pretty impressive drill results today which indicate real upside possibilities at its 95% owned flagship Toka Tindung mine in Indonesia the shares are 63p. But I reckon that they are worth at least 95p (probably more) and here is why.


4511 days ago

Range Resources – what on earth is the CEO saying?

I have been a bear of AIM listed penny share oil dreadful Range Resources (LSE:RRL) for some months. I remain a bear with the shares at 4.87p valuing the company at £114 million. But my attention is now drawn to a quite remarkable interview given by CEO Pater Landau with the blogger Brokerman Daniel. Dan is a good fellow but this stuff is extraordinary and makes me more bearish than ever. Dan and I disagree on this one and here is why.


4511 days ago

Reach4Entertainment – Bad Dog is Getting Better Daily: Speculative Buy?

On 21st September I wrote: Theatrical agency Reach4Entertainment (R4E) has been one of my worst tips ever. 81p in 2007 – when the company was called First Artist has become 3.5p today. My former colleagues at a site I shall not mention decided to shoot the dog after interims on 12th September. Unlike them I have spoken to chairman David Stoller and I think they are wrong. News out today very much starts to vindicate the writer who could be bothered to speak to the company and having had a quick pizza again with Stoller 10 days ago I am more convinced than ever ( with the shares now at 4.75p) that this may be a speculative buy. Here’s why.


4512 days ago

Range, Sefton, Qihang etc – Revenue and FREE cashflow

You know my views on all three stocks. More on Range (LSE:RRL) later but it is still a sell with a 1.5p target after today’s news. Sefton (LSE SER) at 1.16p remains a sell down to 0.1p. At 13p Qihang Equipment (LSE: QIH) is also a sell with a target price of 0.1p. But I note BB comments about these penny share dreadfuls which just nag on about production levels and compare that to the market cap and insist that I have got it all wrong. Well here is why the BB morons need to rethink – and incidentally this applies to all companies.


4513 days ago

Universe Group – Speculative Recovery Buy?

Universe Group (LSE: UNG), a developer and supplier of payment and on-line loyalty systems, is a long-running, and long-running disappointment of a, recommendation from my past. I apologise to those who have lost money in the shares over the years due to me. Management cocked up and I should have bailed years ago, having tipped the shares at 41p in 2001. I got it wrong and am sorry for that. However, the shares have recovered from lows of 1.25p at the start of this year to a current 2.75p (capitalising the company at £5.2 million). Could there be further recovery ahead? An analysis of the company’s results and statement for the first half of 2012, released last month, suggests there could be and this is why…


4513 days ago

Sefton Resources IR Shindig – Jim Ellerton skewered, buggered and humiliated

Give him his dues, Jim Ellerton, chairman of AIM listed oil penny share dreadful Sefton Resources (LSE:SER) took his public skewering, buggering and abject humiliation with some grace. But, make no mistake, his IR Shindig at London’s Armourer’s Hall last night was utterly disastrous. He might find a few more suckers to buy his stock – some folks are so stupid that they deserve to lose money. But the admissions extracted, the accusations he could not answer and a presentation that is now, I gather on Sefton’s website, and which basically shows why this company is such a worthless POS left objective and experienced observers in no doubt as to where this is heading. Down. I summarise below the main skewerings of an event which has been captured on video which I may release in part shortly. For the avoidance of doubt my target price is 0.1p.


4514 days ago

Chaarat Gold – Great Grades, Share Price All Wrong

I have not covered myself in glory with AIM listed gold soon to be producer Chaarat Gold ( CGH). I first tipped the shares at 45p in May 2010 and indeed gave them another bullish write up at 24.375p just a couple of weeks ago.

The shares are just 21.5p today valuing Chaarat at a mere £53.8 million. That is despite the company today releasing an incredibly encouraging set of drill results from its Tulkubash gold project in the Kyrgyz Republic. The shares are worth at least 48p and here is why.


4514 days ago

Bond International – Sell

I recommended Bond International Software (LSE: BDI) on a website I now do not name at 73.5p in July 2009 in a belief that modest economic recovery would see sales and margins rebound from their then levels. The shares hit highs of nearly 90p later that year but subsequently suffered as economic recovery failed to emerge as originally hoped – hitting a low of 32.75p in January of this year. They have now recovered somewhat – to a current 52.5p – though I am unimpressed by recent results for the first half of 2012. I apologise for having called this one wrong. There are better homes for you cash than this provider of software for the international recruitment and human resources. I’d sell now and this is why…


4515 days ago

Norseman Gold PLC – Not in Administration- Brief Explanation

I am bombarded with emails today insisting that Norseman Gold PLC (LSE:NGL) is in administration. It is not. I think I know where the confusion lies, let me explain.


4519 days ago

Lombard Risk Management – Trading Ahead of Forecasts: Buy

AIM listed compliance and banking software group Lombard Risk Management (LSE:LRM) has this morning served up a pretty upbeat trading statement saying that first half ( to September 30th) numbers will be slightly ahead of expectations, that it has just won a major contract and has a strong pipeline. That is what we see. There is more to come. And here is why…


4520 days ago

1Spatial – Mega Contract win – shares have doubled in 3 weeks ( will double again)

Today comes news from AIM listed tech stock 1Spatial (SPA) that it has secured a major new contract win and the shares have raced ahead to 4p on the news. But the gains are not over yet and here is why.


4521 days ago

East West Resources ( Ambrian as was): sell

I tipped East West Resources (LSE:EWR) – the stock formerly known as Ambrian when it was a gold investment company called Golden Prospect at 5.25p back in October 2001. The shares peaked at c60p as the company became an investment bank. Today the stock is back at 11.375p. I was a total git for not bailing out much higher. A total bloody git. There has been the odd dividend along the way but I make no excuses. As things stand, today this one should be sold for a gain of 116% ( dividends would add another 40% or more) but this is still a piss poor result given what might have been. I am so cross. Here is why the shares should be sold even though the June 30th NAV was 17.8p per share


4524 days ago

Symphony Environmental: 65% down but it will bounce back

I have not covered myself in glory, in tipping AIM listed Symphony Environmental (LSE:SYM) at 10.25p in may 2010 as the shares are 65% down at 3.625p. Half calendar year numbers yesterday went down badly. But there are two reasons why this stock is potentially very cheap and should, in due course, race back well past 10.25p and beyond and this is why.


4525 days ago

Zoltav Resources – Joke valuation, joke company – stonking short

I have noted before that the valuation of AIM listed investment company Zoltav Resources (LSE: ZOL) is a total joke. Results today suggest that other folks are starting to twig. I am aware that Roman Abramovich’s son is the largest shareholder so that might float your boat but this good ship is going down. The shares now trade at 3.275p, valuing Zoltav at £12.5 million. My target price was 0.5p but I am slashing that and here is why.


4526 days ago

Pan African Resources – 570 Per Cent ahead on this tip so far – more to come

I tipped AIM listed gold stock Pan African Resources (LSE:PAF) at 2.6785p back in November 2005. Long term investing pays off. Ignoring dividends, those who bought then are 570% ahead with the shares at 18p. That values Pan African at £260 million but having just had a long chat with CEO Jan Nelson I am convinced that there is more to come. And here’s why.


4527 days ago

Continental Precious Minerals: Uranium play trading at discount to cash

Continental Precious Minerals (TSX: CZQ) is listed on the TSX market and at 22 cents it is valued at C$12.48 million – yet sits on net cash of C$13.8 million. It also happens to own a potentially enormous Uranium prospect in Sweden. In two years time, Continental will either have farmed out its prospect to a major so meaning that it sits on a royalty stream (but has no capital commitments) or it will be a cash shell – its projected expenditure over the next two years is less than $3 million. On a risk reward basis that looks pretty attractive to me.


4528 days ago

Sefton Resources You couldn’t make it up… well they could - Utter Bullshit

Another day and another release from AIM listed oil and gas penny share dreadful Sefton Resources (SER) which is laden with optimism but tells you absolutely nothing. But it does at least appear that there is some movement on disclosure – i.e. it admits that the market was misled but it has not admitted to the big lie. The shares are up on the hype but remain a stonking short ahead of the next inevitable issue of equity to pay chairman Jim Ellerton’s monstrous fees


4529 days ago

JJB Sports - Officially bust – 100% win for me in 19 days

JJB Sports (JJB) shares have just been suspended. Administrators have been appointed and the company says that while assets can, and will, be sold shareholders will get nothing. Nil. Rien. Zippo. Surely everyone can understand that?


4532 days ago

Reach4Entertainment: Bad Dog or Good Dog?

Theatrical agency Reach4Entertainment (R4E) has been one of my worst tips ever. 81p in 2007 – when the company was called First Artist has become 3.5p today. My former colleagues at a site I shall not mention decided to shoot the dog after interims on 12th September. Unlike them I have spoken to chairman David Stoller and I think they are wrong. And here’s why.


4532 days ago

Minoan – Better Late than Never: Buy

After years of waiting AIM listed Cretan property play/travel group Minoan (MIN) has finally got within spitting distance of getting planning consent for its Cave Sidero in Crete it announced today. Better late than never. Talking of which the news actually came out in the Greek press yesterday. Some subscription tipsheets will respond to the news. My twitter followers knew 24 hours ago as I tweeted out the link. Follow @tomwinnifrith to be ahead of the curve…


4534 days ago

Rethink Profits warning - buy

AIM listed recruitment group Rethink (RTG) has not covered me in glory to date. I tipped the shares at 9.125p in May 2011 and today, after a profits warning, they stand at 7p valuing the company at £6.7 million. Okay there have been a few dividends along the way but this is a valid chance for my cross-dressing critics to have a pop at me. But I have just had a quick drink with CEO Jon Butterfield (Floreat Floreat Schola Warwicensis) and I believe that the market has over-reacted and the shares are dirt cheap – this could be an excellent recovery play among the penny shares.


4536 days ago

Sefton Resources – Someone is misleading about output (August data now out): Sell

Another month goes by and yet again I ask “should you believe a word that AIM listed Sefton Resources (SER) says“?” Data out tonight makes me certain that there is a major issue here and thus, unless Sefton can show that the State of California is inventing production data, I regard the shares, at 1.5p, as a slam dunk sell.


4536 days ago

Shanta Gold – Low Risk Very Cheap Gold Play

I first tipped AIM listed gold explorer and producer Shanta Gold (SHG) at 21.5p in July 2011 on the site I ran for 12 years until this September – In my most recent performance stats (august 31st) it is in there at 20.5p but the shares are today trading at 29.25p and are still, very cheap. The Tanzanian based company is valued at £93 million, has cash and is now producing gold and material cashflows from its lead asset at Luika. I reckon that the stock is hugely undervalued. It really is a Red Hot Penny Share!

So what does Shanta own and what is it really worth?


4536 days ago

Intandem - Catch up with Gary Smith

Back in the last century there was a CEO who appeared on Show Me the Money and sat next to me. It was Gary Smith who now runs AIM listed film producer Intandem Films (IFM). Large numbers of viewers phoned in to ask if he was my big brother? There was a bit of a likeness. A million years later he is still not my brother. He still travels the country supporting Blackburn Rovers (hell is not being the CEO of an AIM company suffering enough?) and he is not only the CEO but a material shareholder in Intandem.

Gary and I do have quite a bit in common. Dashing good looks, taste in women, supporting piss poor soccer teams and conversation is always free flowing. Intandem is an AIM tiddler – at 1.875p the market cap is just £2.4 million. Given that Gary and his key staff own 30% I would be sorely tempted to take this private if I was him. Intandem has cash and does not need to raise any more. But Gary is a public markets man so he will stick it out.


4537 days ago

Skywest – Share Price Virgin on the very cheap indeed

The UK market has never really warmed to SkyWest (SKYW) – something for which there are understandable reasons. It is a stock that I have followed on a website whose name I do not mention (tipping it at 12.25p in December 2006). And so with the shares at 19.25p ( and having ponied up some decent dividends along the years) this has been no disaster. But it is not exactly a superstar. However, a tie up with Virgin will change all of that.

SkyWest currently has two main businesses. One is providing charter services for mining companies ferrying men and supplies out to mines in the middle of nowhere. The second is a near monopoly on certain small West Coast of Australia coastal passenger routes. The game changer is a deal with Virgin whereby SkyWest will build up its fleet to take onsell traffic from Virgin. That will be a game changer.


4547 days ago

ReThink Group CEO Chat -Looks a Buy at 8p

A good chat last night with Jon Butterfield, like me educated ( I use the word loosely in his case) at Warwick School, and now the CEO of AIM listed recruitment group ReThink (RTG) – a pretty solid penny share buy. The company reports its interims in mid September so there are certain things Jon could not say but what is in the public domain is pretty clear. The case is solid. But like all smaller AIM companies there is no firework scenario right now to drive a dramatic short term gain
