three legged cat

3322 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 4 January - bent share tipsters & useless companies

I am now back from New York and arrived in Bristol about an hour ago. 7 hours sleep, since Saturday at 11 AM your time, and I am cream crackered. And so I shall shortly be joining the Mrs and my morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley in bed and going straight to sleep. Before that a bearcast covering BSD Crown (BSD), Inspirit (INSP), Evocutis (EVO), Scancell (SCLP) Motive TV (MTV) and the curent rumours surrounding 3 bent share tipsters and the FCA.


3650 days ago

Another Pussy Video - Tara Inaction

I guess some of you might have arrived at this page via google or whatever expecting something different. Sorry pervs, this is just another video of Tara, the lifelong friend of my morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley.  Unlike Benefits Street who will play up to the camera, Tara seems terrified of it. As I prepared to shoot she was waving her paws around for no apparent reason. The camera appears and she just stares at it - very sweet but more inaction than in action


3680 days ago

Using My Christmas present from the Mrs and looking forward to the Birthday present

As you may know the Mrs has decreed that I cannot work in the house because I make it untidy, stop her having freedom to canoodle three legged cat Oakley, watch Coronation Street and “work” on Facebook, etc. And so I was consigned to the garage as my new study. As October turned to November I flagged up that the garage was a little on the nippy side.

And so for Christmas by biggest present was a radiator. I have until now managed to avoid using it and have happily worked away in the kitchen. The Mrs has this morning put her little feet down and so I am now in the garage. The radiator is blasting away against my left leg which is toasting nicely. My right leg is about surviving. But above the desk my fingers are freezing as I tap away. I suppose it keeps me awake. The Mrs is however almost quoting the blessed Margaret – of whom she strongly disapproves: “The lady is not for turning.”

Meanwhile as a birthday present I am to be allowed to give a lecture to the sociology students currently taught by the Mrs. These impressionable young people currently have their minds filled with all sorts of nonsense
