82 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 gold miners, a surprise lunch guest who I cannot name and a zero which is yet another triumph

I cannot name the guests for whom I cooked lunch but it has delayed me a bit, In the podcast I discuss Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana Resources (AAU), Amaroq (AMRQ) and Dispensa (DISP), today’s triumph where nothing stacks up.


158 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: for this I really should sack Malcolm Stacey, oil, gold, the Yemen and more

I start on the Yemen and why Malcolm is almost sackably wrong on all counts, I look at oil prices and what is really driving them ( hint, look at Darren’s photo from his window today) and at gold prices and a few gold stocks I own including Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana (AAU) and my biggest holding, Amaroq (AMRQ


212 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Wildcat boss Mandhir Singh and his spamming surely the FCA needs to investigate

I start with the Mrs heading to a conference. She was map reading as we drove to the airport. We missed two turns so were late. Naturally that was my fault I then move on to the mendacity if the Autumn statement and then to naughtiness at Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT), called out by Charles Tatnall, for once a hero not a villain, as you can see below. Then it is Ariana Resources (AAU), Regtech Open (RTOP), and Victoria (VCP) which really could be a zero, Stay short.


219 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Yet again its another win for me and another defeat for crooked Chris Cleverly

In today’s Bearcast I discuss the fraud Tingo (US:TIO), Ariana Resources (AAU) where I disagree with my bullish fellow shareholder Nigel, Victoria (VCP), Gear4Music (G4M) and Argo Blockchain (ARB).. My Ukraine/Russia podcast is HERE


261 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - This morning surely we all stand with Israel, I certainly do

I start with events in Israel and videos now emerging which will surely have all decent folks standing with Israel and admitting that the two sides are not morally equivalent. Then onto Malcolm’s latest lunacy, Kefi (KEFI) vs Ariana (AAU) why its apples and pears and the Regtech (RTOP) scandal. Now we can see that its insolvent surely its shares and those of the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) must be suspended on Monday.  


313 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 32: Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources & Chris Bailey on the bonds pension timebomb and blue chips to buy

I am back with these bonus video shows, is this 31 or 32. What the heck: I reset the counter at 32. In this show I interview Kerim Sener of Ariana resources (AAU) and then give my analysis of why I am very happy to hold the shares. Then it is onto Chris Bailey on macroeconomics, the two financial bombshells facing the over 45s and blue chips to buy. I hope that you enjoy the show.


333 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: my gold stocks have 3 years to deliver but some are not in danger

In today’s bearcast I discuss what the BBC won’t be, yet more rain here in Greece. Then it is onto gold and my boredom. I discuss Ariana (AAU), Centamin (CEY), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) – where I have swapped emails with ‘arry this weekend -, Amaroq (AMRQ) and Jubilee Metals (JLP).And yes there are now just 4 of 100 seats left for ShareStock. Ticket emails will be going out within 24 hours on logistics to those who have booked. If you have not, those 4 go on a first come first served basis HERE.


353 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Yes, i still think Jubilee Metals could be 20p+

Last year’s big bear calls at ShareStock were Tingo (TIO) and Pantheon Resources (PANR).Didn’t we do well!!! There are now just 7 seats left for Sharestock 2023 on September 23rd.If you want to enjoy a great day out and get this year’s big bear calls BOOK HERE NOW. On the podcast I discuss Tingo, Ariana Resources (AAU), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Chesterfield Resources (CHF) and Angling Direct (ANG).


373 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: for Catriona & Matthew's Dog: FECK YOU BILL GATES

I start with IT issues which see the Kerim Sener interview delayed. My language and mood is foul. In the podcast I discuss Ariana Resources (AAU), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Verditek (VDTK) and, in some detail, Tern (TERN), predicted NAV by Christmas sub 3p, target price by the start of 2024, 2p.


422 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I hope that Kerim Sener does NOT listen to Nigel Somerville

First, thank you for kind words on my in-laws and yesterday’s burglary. Then it is onto Ariana Resources (AAU), Optibiotix (OPTI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Tintra (TNT), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and Argo Blockchain (ARB).


440 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If I am not here next Tuesday here's why & I buy a new share

I start with a meeting at Joshua’s school next Monday PM. If I am not here on Tuesday that is why. Then to the new share I have bought as I reshape my SIPP to be more grown up. Then I look at shameful David Lenigas and Pennpetro (PPP), Simec (SAE), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), Centamin (CEY), Ariana (AAU), gold generally, and Predator Oil & Gas (PRD).


445 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Now the Avacta witch-hunt starts

In today’s podcast I discuss Avacta (AVCT), musicMagpie (MMAG), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana Resources (AAU), Colin Bird’s African Pioneer (AFP), the culture at Odey and why ALL its staff should pay (footnote it is RAB not Odey that owns shares in Kefi, apologies long covid strikes again), what a Labour Government really means for business and investors and Joshua’s school sports day later on.


485 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - madness at the Dublin Marathon, why has Ariana hired a second broker and what does Andrew Bell really earn?

In today’s Bearcast i start with madness at the Dublin marathon. I then cover Red Rock Resources (RRR), Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), Cellular Goods (CBX), where the seaweed shite does not add up – Marechale (MAC) and Ariana Resources (AAU). 


554 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Another disaster from Andrew Monk and an excruciating video from the disgraced broker

I start with a few thoughts on getting old as Olaf suffers her last ever Oxford tutorial. Then it is onto SVB, an apology to Euro loon Jonathan Price – let this be the last – and a few words on Aferian (AFRN). Then, after today’s ouzo moment as the fuzz arrest a fraudster whose company I have exposed, onto the disaster that is Tungsten West (TUN). This company was IPO’d by the Monkey and VSA to monetize and asset first discovered in 1867 and which has flopped more times since 1916 than Monk might care to admit. I discuss its financial woes, VSA’s research coverage and bring you a video featuring Monk dressed as a road builder and celebrating the endorsement of Liz Truss. It is excruciating. Then I cover Ariana Resources (AAU), Condor Gold (CNR) and Chesterfield Resources (CHF) and how some disposals are just so misleading.


557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what to think about 3 gold miners? Has the curse of Chris Cleverly struck again?

Today I look at Conroy Gold & Natural Resources (CGNR), Ariana (AAU) and Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV). Then at Pantheon Resources (PANR) and at ADVFN (AFN). Finally Evil Banksta has sent me this Bulletin Board post below on Technology Minerals (TMI). I have always been bearish on this stock as any company in any way linked to Chris Cleverly is always a dog with fleas. The post below looks to be kosher, thought it may not be, so, I suspect, does not alter the bear case and my target remains 0p.


557 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Ariana Resources sins on Friday, buy sell or hold?

Putting out an RNS at 3.59 PM on Friday is not something I like. But should buy, sell or hold shares in Ariana (AAU) with the stock down to 2.8p.


606 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the argument for not selling rubbish like Red Rock and Wishbone

I start off with why the Times‘ demands for a Sheriff of Tipsters smacks of glass houses and throwing stones. Has its own tipster declared all conflict of interests. Then onto gold, looking at my portfolio and why I have not sold Red Rock (RRR) and Wishbone Gold (WSBN) yet despite my grave governance reservations and their failure to monetise assets whose quality I start to doubt. So why not sell and reinvest in a higher quality play I own like Centamin (CEY), Ariana (AAU) or even Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI). One reason was the illness that laid me so low I just forgot. But there are others which I explain in the podcast, my second of the day after this photo/podcast from Lake Vyrnwy which has given me great pleasure.


627 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: falling out with three old friends edition

Maybe I have fallen out with these folks already: Colin Bird, Richard Poulden, and Andrew Bell. But after this podcast I sure will have done so. I own shares in two companies mentioned. It is my intent to cut my losses when back at my desk in Wales next week and to reinvest the little cash that comes in, in a boring gold play with a dividend which will not be passing the begging bowl around numerous times next year. I think probably I shall buy a few more Ariana (AAU). The three companies that I slate today are Red Rock Resources (RRR), Tiger Royalties (TIR) and Wishbone Gold (WSBN)


768 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: is journalist Bethany Garner of Forbes bent or just incredibly stupid?

I start with Kanabo (KNB), Oxford Cannibanoid (OTCP) and Cellular Goods (CBX). Who on earth would write them up as the three pot stocks to buy. They are all utter dogs facing looming cash crises. Meet Bethany Garner. I then discuss Victoria (VCP) after this bombshell. Then  Gary’s death wish, not as a Euroloon, but in considering buying Revolution Beauty (REVB). Then Ariana (AAU) and why its shares continue to drift.  I start with news of a last minute cancellation here in Greece. If you fancy a last minute luxury break drop me an email. Anyhow it means a more leisurely drive back for me starting, I think, on Monday.


1008 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I am so ffing bored with Ariana but is that a reason to sell?

I start with a report on life at the only place in the world wetter than Wales. Will harvester B have to swim across the dry river to make it home? There are photos on my site but it is getting a bit nerve wracking. I look at crypto and answer questions from reader Guy as to whether it is a bubble. I discuss the ethics of Matt Earl closing most of his Civitas Social Housing (CSH) short and I admit again to being bored by Ariana (AAU) while others are bored by Optibiotix (OPTI) but is that a reason to sell?


1073 days ago

Tom Winnifrith SHOCKING Bearcast: No individual accountants at all are paying a cent of the fines the FRC boasts about

This is a shocking revelation which I discuss in detail. It shows the Big 4 accountancy firms are actually incentivising partners to engage in risky and incorrect business practices by indemnifying them against all costs if they are found out. The Big 4 then treat such fines as just another cost of doing business. What is going on is a disgrace which expses the moral bankruptcy at the heart of the accountancy establishment and must force the FRC to rethink punishments. I also discuss Ariana Resources (AAU) and why it needs no PR but especially the shysters it currently uses, the deafening silence at Chill Brands (CHLL) which marks it out as a zero and Union Jack Oil (UJO) where I suspect it is tme to give up and look elsewhere in the sector.


1083 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Which high profile journalist said last night "TW was brave and TW was right!"

Jeepers, the answer will shock you but is a reminder that Fleet Street does read this website avidly.  In the rest of the podcast, as my son spends the day vomiting I discuss a work life balance that is becoming increasingly daft. Then I head back to work looking at Ariana Resources (AAU) where I disagree with Nigel and probably lose another friend (Kerim Sener),  Chesterfield Resources (CHF), Boohoo.com (BOO), AO World (AO.), Parsley Box (PUKE), Mercantile Ports (MPL) and Primary Bid and what it needs to change.


1129 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Would I buy back into Jubilee Metals, Is Ariana too boring to back & two dogs

I am back in Wales as of the wee hours and reflect on that. Today has been plum harvesting day. In the podcast I look at Jubilee Metals (JLP) where I am out but should i dive back in and Ariana Resources (AAU) where I am in but should I dive out?. Then the two dogs both beloved of the Sith Lord Zak Mir: Argo Blockchain (ARB) and Remote Monitored Systems (RMS)


1165 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: for the second time I question Ariana

Forgive the late bearcast but the local members of the Guardian reading classes came round to swim with Joshua. In today’s podcast I look at Ariana Resources (AAU), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) and ther IPO frenzy with especial reference to Revolution Beauty and Forward Partners (FWD)


1172 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Disagreeing with Nigel on Ariana and disagreeing with PL on Bluebird/Southern Gold

I record this early in the Greek morning as today is a road trip day as Joshua and I head to Vlach land. I cover two stocks I own – Ariana (AAU) where I am less excited about a special dividend than is Nigel. I reckon its strategy is wrong. And Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV) where I explain why PL’s suggested proxy purchase of Southern Gold is not as smart as he thinks it is.


1176 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the 3 reasons Matt Hancock should have resigned this morning whatever his job

I start with l’affaire Hancock and what it says about standards in public life, whether politics or the corporate world in Britain today. For three reasons, not including the fact that he is useless or the act of infidelity, he should be fired. He will not be. I then consider late results with reference to Ariana (AAU) and the fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME) which is now – perhaps – just three working days from slipping down the plughole leading to the sewer of insolvency.


1282 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - would I get into INSEAD with my reasoning on this?

I start with a few words on Greece and lockdown as per this article from my own website.  Then I discuss why I ignore broker share price targets and then the use of the sort of reasoning I’d need to show to get into INSEAD to do an MBA with relation to claims made by companies. Those two sections cover Ariana (AAU) and Remote Monitored Systems (RMS). I also look at MyHealthChecked (MHC) and at Catenae (CTEA).


1302 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Video Shareshow No 20: 2 hours of gold, flashbacks to 2001, value investing and Kerim Sener

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch, some sparky interviews with  Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources (AAU), where I am a loyal shareholder, and then with the sorcerer’s apprentice Steve Moore on the markets and on what he owns. You can access the show HERE 


1310 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - my first training walk for Woodlarks completed, the shame of it

I guess it was about seven miles that my daughter and I managed and it was terribly muddy so hard going but I am not in great shape. On the last Saturday in May I shall be doing 34 miles. I need to up the pace a bit. In the podcast I cover: AIQ (ASIQ), Online Blockchain (OBC), MyHealthChecked (MHC), Zoetic (ZOE), Kanobo (KNB) and Ariana Resources (AAU).


1383 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Sorry Nigel, it is better to travel than to arrive

I forgot to say that day 7 of Joshua’s Advent calendar sees Mary & Joseph arrive in Bethlehem where there is no room at the inn. I then express frustrations with builders.  In the actual podcast I look at why I disagree with Margaret Hodge MP with whom I share a virtual platform shortly on anonymity on the internet, Ariana (AAU) where I am, of course, a loyal shareholder, Telit (TCM), and Coral Products (CRU).


1431 days ago

Photo Article - what to get the ex-wife for Christmas: Kerim Sener has the answer

With the exception of me, are Ariana Resources (AAU) shareholders the geekiest geeks on this planet? Answers on a postcard to Nigel Somerville please. For it seems many of them want to wear Ariana branded T-shirts and thus the company is selling a range of clothes and other accessories with all profits given to local charities. And among the many items on sale HERE is one which is the ideal gift this Christmas for an ex wife, as you can see below.


1433 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Olaf imprisoned by Covid deranged Queens & my gold stocks reviewed

Queens Colleage Oxford has enccouraged students to snitch on their peers and my daughter, now under house arrest, has fallen victim. What a mad and dark world we live in. After discussing this I look at all the mining stocks I own and one I sold, reviewing where we are now and where the real excitement lies at: Kefi (KEFI), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Centamin (CEY), AEX Gold (AEXG), Ariana (AAU), Asiamet (ARS), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Pensana (PRE) and Red Rock Resources (RRR).


1484 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Am I a nicer and more sociable guy than Luke Johnson and has Boohoo boobed in Leicester

I start with a look at Boohoo (BOO) shares in which a falling on back of reports in a paper founded on profits from the slave trade that suppliers in Leicester are using slave labour. Then I ask if Luke Johnson or I am more sociable and what this means about folks stopping working from home. Then onto gold stocks in general, Hummingbird (HUM), Kefi (KEFI), Red Rock Resources (RRR) and Ariana (AAU). I look at Amigo (AMGO) , Attis Oil (AOGL) and finally why today’s shocking Versarien (VRS) expose really could indicate a major scandal. Footnote:


1490 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Bell, Adams & Bird are only heros because gold is going up, right?

I start this bonus bearcast prompted by your emails and comments while I started to make some Damson Jam with Joshua with a few comments on the wisdom or otherwise of averaging down with reference to Wishbone Gold (WSBN). Then I look at NoGold’s claim ( poor fellow having no gold exposure of late) that gold is being driven higher by herd behaviour. Finally I am told that Messrs Andrew Bell (Red Rock Resources -RRR), Colin Bird (Xtract esources – XTR, and others) and Harry Adams (Kefi) are only looking like heros, rather than zeros as has been the case for many years,  because gold is going higher. Referencing also Mr Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources (AAU) I discuss this and the nature of investing in mining stocks. 


1497 days ago

Tom Winnnifrith Bearcast: Should I protest at Turkey's invasion of Greek waters by selling Ariana as I argue we should all #BoycottTurkey?

I discuss this ethical question as my brother in law salivates at the idea of picking up a gun and heading off to fight the invading Infidels.  Should I sell Ariana (AAU) or not? I look at wider gold issues. I cover Versarien (VRS), ASOS (ASC), the so called economic recovery, and finally Verditek (VFTK) where I am vindicated by today’s fess up but it is not enough of a mea culpa, boardroom heads should be rolling. The stock is, pro tem, uninvestable.


1501 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I will be spending a lot of time with the FCA it seems

I start with a few other comments on Greek Hovel matters. Then I move on to talk about three companies which I shall be or are discussing with the FCA: Zenith (ZEN), Eqtec (DOG), and Verditek (VDTK). Then onto NatWest Group (NWG) where I apologise for my bad language. Finally my thoughts on the gold price and comments on gold stocks I own: Centamin (CEY), Ariana (AAU), Kefi (KEFI), Bluebird Merchant (BMV), and Xtract (XTR).


1501 days ago

Video: Volatile Selloffs Expected Before $10,000 Gold and $300 Silver

And you thought that our own Nigel Somerville was nutso. Meet macro strategist David Hunter. Hmm, now what are my shares in Ariana (AAU) & Xtract Resources (XTR) worth on a DCF basis with gold at $10,000 oz? I am only kidding; this is quite literally insane.


1508 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Versarien, Lanstead, Innovate UK - chapter & verse on what is being hidden and what Nomad SP Angel MUST do next

There are breaches of TR1 rules and a lack of transparency on Versarien’s (VRS) cash position. We need clarity, and that clarity will demonstrate why the £5 million UK taxpayer loan is 100% illegal. I move from one dog to two others: Iconic (ICON) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) before offering some price targets on Ariana (AAU) where I am a very happy shareholder.


1513 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow Number 7: Two and a half hours on gold as it hits record high, what to buy or should I play the "green revolution" instead?

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch some sparky interviews with Nigel Somerville on gold and where it goes next, on how to play the gold bull market, what stocks to buy and what non stocks to buy and how a gold bug positions the rest of his portfolio. Then Paul Atherley from a non gold miner, Pensana Rare Earths (PRE), a play on all this green shit everyone – bar me – seems to love. And I explain why I have bought Pensana shares even though I think man-made global warming is utter bunkum. Finally two stocks where the valuation is insane: Dev Clever (DEV) and Trainline (TRN). You can access the show HERE


1527 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Shareshow No 6: 2 hours 17 mins of Richard Poulden on the collapse of the west and of empires, Kerim Sener of Ariana and me on Supply@ME capital and 6 more shorts

And now from Wales, by just 30 yards, it is my new, I hope, weekly video show. This costs 99p per episode, and you can either listen to, or watch some sparky interviews with Richard Poulden on the collapse of empires but also of the West at every level.  Also covered is the death of oil and how we should save our finances against such a backdrop and with Kerim Sener of Ariana (AAU). I also explain why Supply@ME Capital (SYME) is a crooked zero and I review the six short ideas from the previous five shows, one of which is already a zero. 

You can access the show HERE


1542 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I apologise to the FCA

Thanks for the kind words about looming paternity leave for an old man.  Ahead of that the stench is not of nappies but of wrong doing at Versarien (VRS) and at Supply@ME Capital (SYME). I apologise to the FCA over Redcentric (RCN) and offer handy advice to Catenae (CTEA) as the share price goes bonkers. And Darren has fixed everything so please book your seat for MineProphets ( where Ariana (AAU) has just signed up) on July 18 HERE


1740 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tin hat on time as the Morons and greedy City w*nkers are exposed again and don't like it

In today’s podcast I look at the lessons from the Oracle (ORCP) debacle, at gold miners and how M&A will destroy value over the next 24 months, at Kefi (KEFI), Ariana (AAU) and at long term AIM uber dog Sareum (SAR)


2066 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Luke Johnson is THE acceptable face of capitalism, Frontera (which is not), 1 day to go

How I suffer for you dear listeners. All is explained. Then there is a long discussion on the administration of Patisserie Holdings (CAKE). I move on with a few more words on The Escape Group (ESC) which I covered HERE and then look at Eve Sleep (EVE) and the folly of Neil Woodford, Scancell (SCLP), Anglesey Mining (AYM), Ariana (AAU), Bluebird Merchant Ventures (BMV), Chesterfield (CHF) and Metro Bank (MTRO). Finally it is one day to ouzo time (again) on Frontera Resources (FRR).


2067 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bullcast - reviewing my own portfolio

The regvular bearcast will appear later. In this podcast I cover Optibiotix (OPTI), Yourgene (YGEN), Wishbone (WSBN), Falanx (FLX), Concepta (CPT), Big Sofa (BST), Red Rock Resources (RRR), Reach4Entertainment (R4E), Obtala (OBT), Ariana (AAU), Wandisco (WAND), Fox Marble (FOX), Argo Blockchain (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh) and Kefi (KEFI)


2072 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: If First Derivatives only wants questions about how big its CEO's cock is I have a nasty surprise for it

In today's podcast I have some bad news for Bath Spa as the Mrs prepares to head to the Grim North relating to what happened after I gave this talk. I also have bad news for First Derivatives (FDP) as it prepares for a "Capital markets Day" session of mutual masturbation with the dumb sell side analysts and even dimmer fund managers who have stuffed other folks cash into this stock. I cover Totally (TLY), Wishbone (WSBN), Ariana (AAU), Quadrise Fuels (QFI) and Richoux (RIC) 


2338 days ago

UK Investor Show 2018 Video: Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources

Kerim Sener is the founder and CEO of AIM listed gold producer and explorer Ariana Resources (AAU). He is one of the nicest and most honest guys on the market and I think Ariana shares are cheap. To see what he had to say at the UK Investor Show 2018 watch the video below. Enjoy!


2514 days ago

Buy Ariana at 1.3p - target 2.78p

Maybe the target is a but on the full side but this is the house broker Beaufort talking so it is clearly not impartial. Its mining analyst, Sheldon, is a sensible fellow and the nine page report on Ariana Resources (AAU) is comprehensive. Just to keep Nigel Somerville happy...


2648 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: all Things Fraud and Fright-er-ful

I am pretty much finished here in Greece as I explain in the podcast. And as such I start the journey home tomorrow to spend time in sun-drenched England with the Mrs, Joshua and - of course - Oakley, my utterly pampered three legged cat who is, I gather, now being given iced water to cope with the heat. In this podcast I look at Barclays (BARC), the SFO and the nature of fraud. I look at Thor Mining (THR) where events disgust me and at Ariana Resources (AAU) where I am dissapointed and less accepting than Nigel Somerville is.


2808 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Explaining what a kitchen sink is - ref Cobham

Oakley is about to be petrified as the working classes are arriving. He fears them greatly. He fears hoovers even more. But ahead of that I record quickly. Today I cover Darren's bogus religion of global warming and Ariana (AAU) - the market has this wrong - Cobham (COB) - what ia  kitchen sink - my dream St Valentine's Day massacre involving three listed companies which could all go bust on February 14. Please God! I also look at PCG Entertainment (PCGE) and its news today. Hats off to my friend comrade Richard Poulden. I also chide young Steve for not giving credit where credit is due to Majestic Wine (MJW) and have a few words about Aidan Earley. I thank him publicly on one matter although a lawyers letter has been received.


2949 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Preparing for a bashing by my Guardian reading public sector funded family

My father berates me angrily for pointing out what greedy. lazy overpaid bastards the teachers are as we celebrate another bumper results day for the mickey mouse tests that are GCSE's. It will get worse when my Guardian reading sisters (Doctor & Social worker) arrive. Away from that I look at Molins (MLIN), African Potash (FRAUD), Strat Aero (JOKE), Ariana Resources (AAU) a good company and Arian Silver (AGQ) a dog with fleas. 


2982 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - looking back to 2001 and forward to 5PM today

I start by looking at the collapse of Crowdmix and how it so remoinds me of 2001 and what is says about the tech bubble, someting that is very much on my mind right now, as you can see HERE. Then I look forward to tomorrow in Shipston but more imprtantly to the demise, later today, of Worthington (WRN). I cover Ariana Resources (AAU) where I am cross and puzzled, Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) - how is the placing going Belfort? - Weatherley (WTI) and Ferrum Crescent (FCR)


3051 days ago

Video: Dragons Den Session 4 from UK Investor: Ariana, ValiRx, Kibo & Jubilee Platinum

The fourth Dragon's Den session at UK Investor show saw myself (Tom Winnifrith), Brian Kinane and Steve Moore each invest £1,000 in shares. Our choice of where to invest was ValiRx (VAL), Jubilee Platinum (JLP), Kibo Mining (KIBO) or Ariana Resources (AAU). Enjoy.


3051 days ago

Video: Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources at UK Investor Show

I believe shares in Ariana Resources (AAU) are cheap and am happy to hold. Indeed we bought more after the UK Investor show. See what you think as Kerim Sener presents.


3063 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2nd May - why I like gold & why we own what we own

is this is a bullcast? We have 15% of our portfolio in gold becuase we are bearish about shares. Does that make sense? I discuss why you should own some physical gold and then why we own the shares we do, notably Petropavlovsk (POG), Ariana (AAU) and Wishbone (WSBN) but also much smaller amounts of Eurasia (EUA), Bluebird (BMV) and Armadale Capital (ACP)


3130 days ago

Ariana Resources at 0.95p worth 2.79p?

The research note making this suggestion comes from the house broker so treat it with a bucket of salt. Having said that, mining analyst Sheldon Modeland is no idiot and I also happen to think that shares in gold junior Ariana Resources (AAU) are cheap and thus in that vein (pun geddit?)


3205 days ago

Video: Ariana Resources presents at Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

And now it is my friend Kerim Sener of Ariana Resources (AAU) presenting at Gold & Bears. For what its worth I reckon that its shares are very cheap. Enjoy
