
613 days ago

Spanking Bethany’s bottom – you can’t say that!

The Bethany in question is Bethany Garner of Forbes who wrote an article a fortnight ago on the three cheapest CBD stocks in London. The trio were, as a I pointed out at the time, the most total dogs, draped in red flags in a sector on its knees.  On Friday one of the three served up dreadful news and its shares slumped so I said Bethany should have her bottom spanked.


613 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - why UK house prices have to tank and why Bethany Garner needs her bottom spanking today

In today’s podcast I discuss today’s breaking news on disgraced Neil Woodford’s comeback and the scandalous deception Nanosynth (NNN) has attempted . Then it is on to UK and US house prices, that Moody’s forecast and related matters. Then Revolution Beauty (REVB) and Oxford Cannibanoid (OCTP) - as tipped by naughty Bethany Garner of Forbes who really should have her bottom spanked for her antics.


631 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: is journalist Bethany Garner of Forbes bent or just incredibly stupid?

I start with Kanabo (KNB), Oxford Cannibanoid (OTCP) and Cellular Goods (CBX). Who on earth would write them up as the three pot stocks to buy. They are all utter dogs facing looming cash crises. Meet Bethany Garner. I then discuss Victoria (VCP) after this bombshell. Then  Gary’s death wish, not as a Euroloon, but in considering buying Revolution Beauty (REVB). Then Ariana (AAU) and why its shares continue to drift.  I start with news of a last minute cancellation here in Greece. If you fancy a last minute luxury break drop me an email. Anyhow it means a more leisurely drive back for me starting, I think, on Monday.


2960 days ago

A ditzy liberal explains why mad Bernie Sanders trumps The Donald on Social Media

Writing in Forbes ditzy liberal media airhead Kathleen Chaykowski explains why Bernie Sanders is winning the social media contest hands down and why, of those folks still in the Presidential race, The Donald is doing the worst. Naturally Kathleen can come to only a couple of conclusions and there are no prizes for guessing what they are.
