176 days ago

Inspirit – more hot air but still no revenue generating product and usual school boy errors from AIM’s worst FD, Nilesh Jagatia

On 22 December at 11.28 AM Inspirit (INSP) released its annual results for the period to 30 June 2023. Suffice to say they were atrocious and riddled with errors. 


375 days ago

AIM jam tomorrow dog Inspirit Energy Holdings – kicking the can down the road for over 10 years or is it 17?

In today’s operational update, Inspirit (INSP) as it has done since its IPO on 26 July 2013, kicked the can down the road, announcing more delays


580 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Just how screwed is MJ Hudson, a timeline of deceit and destruction

In today’s Bearcast I look at Tintra (TNT), Inspirit Energy (INSP), MJ Hudson (MJH) run by the founder of the West Ham United supporters on Linkedin but for whom there look to be no excuses, Bidstack (BIDS) and the Abrdn Smaller Companies IT (ASCI)


593 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Greed vs Fear, Bailey vs Stacey

I explain why this Bearcast is late then cover how more buy notes means a worse share price performance in small caps, Flybe going bust again and how that relates to firms like Inspirit (INSP) and Aston Martin Lagonda (AML) and plans to bring back Help to Buy, the last thing this country needs. Then it is Greed vs Fear, Bailey vs Stacey.


613 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Pantheon collapses, boy you should have heard Peter Brailey on September 10

I start with a health update, finally some joy from the NHS and, even before that, I am starting to feel better. Then it is onto Pantheon Resources (PANR), Inspirit (INSP), and Atlantic Lithium (ALL) and share options, incentivising the dead. Then macro calls on interest rates, inflation, the real economy, shares, bitcoin, gold and oil. Details of ShareStock 2023 on September 23 are HERE


630 days ago

Inspirit Energy – time for an uber expensive cash bail out

On 8 December Inspirit (INSP) announced that “it has entered into a short-term, un-secured debt facility of up to US$250,000 (approximately £205,075). Under the Facility Inspirit will be initially drawing down US$80,000 (approximately £65,624)” It contained the standard lie that AIM and Standard Listed dogs regularly trot out when raising funds to pay for ongoing losses namely “the proceeds of the advance are for general working capital.”


900 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Warned that I must not talk about sucking PR cock even with reference to the FT which does!

Apparently, the chap from the FT may object to me reminding those at the April 5 Woodford event that his paper, like the wretched Mail on Sunday, Daily Mail, Sunday Times et al DID suck Woodford’s PR cock.  Elsewhere, I discuss Red Rock Resources (RRR); Skibiotherapeutics (SBTX); Amigo (AMGO); Avacta (AVCT); Inspirit (INSP); and Mirriad Advertising (MIRI).


995 days ago

EXPOSE: Inspirit Energy Holdings – shocking accounts and bailout discounted placing ahoy

Inspirit (INSP) snuck out its piss poor results on 29 December at 5.30 pm and today sees its shares down around 14%. You don’t need to be Mystic fecking Meg to know what comes next but a detailed interrogation of those results throws up some ginormous new red flags.


1349 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - that insanity over the Tesla price target, why it reminds me of ARM in dotcom madness days

I start with Tesla (TSLA) and a mad broker target. I discuss why it is mad and look back to ARM in the year 2000. Then it is onto plans to allow companies to delay results even more. Mentioned en passant here are Pires Holdings (PIRI) and Inspirit (INSP). Finally I turn to the idea of allowing folks to delay filing tax returns and paying tax.


1361 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: This is utter insanity, use it as a chance to exit your dogs

In today’s podcast I look at Powerhouse Energy (PHE), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Pires Investments (PIRI) and Chris Akers, MyHealthChecked (MHC), Inspirit (INSP), Octagonal (OCT) and Remote Monitored Systems (RMS).


1363 days ago

Octagonal - the tiny auditor big red flag

Facing SEC charges which will destroy its core business and should wipe out its balance sheet John Gunn’s Octagonal (OCT) is toast. But were there warning signs. Is the Pope a frigging Catholic? This site warned you time and time again about this company and also Gunn’s other AIM hound Inspirit (INSP) which is surely also a zero now.


1363 days ago

BREAKING: Inspirit shares MUST be suspended as SEC now files charges against Octagonal and John Gunn suggesting massive RNS lie

On Christmas Eve Octagonal PLC (OCT) and John Gunn issued an RNS which is, with the document below, indicates to be a monstrous lie. The Nomad who signed it off, Mr Roland “fatty” Cornish is – as I showed HERE and HERE  – massively implicated in this mess and should be struck off by AIM Regulation asap. But back to the Christmas Eve RNS. It looks to be a massive lie, surely now shares in Gunn’s other AIM listed dog, Inspirit (INSP) must be suspended too.


1366 days ago

Christmas Eve BOMBSHELL: Octagonal is toast as SEC looking to bust company and boss John Gunn, FCA assisting

At 8 AM on Christmas Eve shares in Octagonal (OCT) were suspended on the AIM Casino. At 1.04 PM, with the market closed, and everybody switching off their screens came the bombshell. Assisted by the FCA the SEC has charged Octagonal’s main subsidiary, Global Investment Strategy UK Ltd. (GIS), for clearing and settling billions of dollars of U.S. securities transactions without registering as a broker-dealer in violation of the federal securities laws. The SEC also charged John William Gunn, its founder and principal, with aiding and abetting those violations. Kerboom. You cannot say that I have not warned you for years that Gunn – who also runs uber dog Inspirit (INSP) – was a prize rotter.


1410 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Has Pfizer really got a Covid vaccine that works for 90% of us?

I start with the wonder vaccine. Is it a cure all for companies such as Cineworld (CINE) or Carnival (CCL)? Then I consider Julie Meyer in light of the research I was doing yesterday for the Gewanter case and what it says about the UK’s rotten honours system.  Then I look at Inspirit (INSP), Countrywide (CWD), Amigo (AMGO) and Escape Hunt (ESC) where I stand with Steve not Justin the Clown.


1417 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Roland Fatty Cornish, the worst Nomad in London, today's evidence

I start with the US election and stand by my prediction, a win for Donald J Trump but it will be close so I could well be wrong.  Then it is onto Inspirit (INSP), Versarien (VRS), Amigo (AMGO) and Telit (TCM).


1432 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Phil Richards, COIs and a nasty golden blast from the past

A week exactly since my father’s death I accept that my work is substandard and apologise. It is hard to lift myself from this slough of despond. In today’s podcast I cover Inspirit (INSP), Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Kefi (KEFI), Boohoo (BOO), Amigo (AMGO), Contango (CG0) and i-Nexus (INX).


1486 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Nilesh Jagathia is not only a thief but a limpet too

My main podcast today was a history lesson for the loathsome BBC HERE. In terms of bearcast I am not so inpired today, I promise I shall be more on fire tomorrow but do comment on why Harry Adams of Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) is share dealing like a dervish. I also look at the rebel at Inspirit (INSP) and explain why I think he is doomed to fail and why anyone buying the shares needs their head examined.


1501 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is my old chum Paul Atherley suffering from Islingtonitis, Guardian reading derangement syndrome?

In today’s podcast I look at Pensana Rare Earths (PRE), Verditek (VDTK), Zenith Energy (ZEN), Inspirit (INSP) where there is a rebellion about to break out and, natch, I back the rebels, Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and Superdry (SDRY).


1760 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: A warning to fellow olive harvesters, a day of travel hell but one hell of a view in Athens tonight

The photos below are from the roof of the Athens hotel in which I am holed up after a day of travel hell which I discuss and offer a warning to the trio of bearcast listeners coming to join me for the olive harvest shortly. In the bearcast I look at Inspirit (INSP), 13 Energy (E3E), Eurasia Mining (EUA) which is run by a top banana bt has a joke valuation and FinnCap (FCAP) which has a joke valuation in light of today’s interims and is run by a top er… it is run by Sam Smith.


1768 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I apologise you might not be morons you might be criminals instead

In today’s podcast I look at Brady (BRY), Westminster Group (WSG) the dog run by disgraced former Tory MP Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy, Inspirit (INSP), Koovs (KOOV), Neil Woodford dog Verseon VERS) where it must surely be almost lights out time and at IQE (IQE).


1882 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Gotcha! Fatso!

On today’s podcast I discuss Westminster Group (WSG) run by ex Tory MP Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy, Metro Bank (MTRO), the Sith Lord Zak Mir, Sam Antar, Optibiotix (OPTI), Inspirit (INSP) and Dev Clever (DEV) – when are its (sure to be dire) results?


1970 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Greensmith dont be such a knobhead when I scoop a placing by your POS client

This website is placing scoop central. For the avoidance of doubt we do not engage in market speculation we report fact. Peter Greensmith you know that to be the case and are being a knobhead for pretending otherwise. Yes this is a bad language special covering Audioboom (BOOM), Bidstack (BIDS) and Westminster Group (WSG). I also cover Inspirit (INSP) and FairFx (FFX) and explain what has been occupying me today: we have two new cats. Finally as I prepare for a 24 mile training walk on Saturday do the decent thing and donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE


1981 days ago

Inspirit ( an insolvent crock of shite) - is there something you are not telling us?

Inspirit (INSP) is technically insolvent and worthless but is there something it is not telling us? I suggest you to examine the screen shots below.


1981 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I have cracking news for Concepta but still tell its CEO to go feck himself

I start with good news on the Woodlarks front and kind words about the UK’s top share blogger Paul Scott who I must remember not to be nasty to for a few weeks at least. If Paul can be a nice guy so can you too HERE. Then I look at Versarien (VRS) in light of today’s expose HERE, Management Resource Solutions (MRScaught with its pants down HERE, Concepta (CPT), Inspirit (INSP), Chesterfield (CHF) and Bould (BOU). 


1989 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why Julie Meyer was the odd one out & the mystery of Toople and what it did not say

I start by talking you through yesterday's Odd One Out contest explaining the schoolboy error made by Nigel Somerville and others. I look at the Autolus news in relation to Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT) where as a loyal shareholder I shall be attending the May 15 AGM in Oxford with a few questions for Neil "nomates" Woodford. I flag up a shocking little episode at Clear Leisure (CLP) which should make you worry about Octagonal (OCT) and Inspirit (INSP) given that their FD is disgraced Niliesh Jagatia  then discuss Management Resource Solutions (MRS) and finally, in detail, Toople (TOOP). Tomorrow I really will read out a Woodlarks heros roll call. Please join that list ahead of then HERE 


2002 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast on this Brexit betrayal day: Answering a Neil Woodford question for Roger Lawson.

Neil Woodford needs money for his funds urgently but to give to a far more deserving cause which I may have mentioned once or twice go HERE. I discuss damning statistics for the AIM Casino, Inspirit (INP), Mobile Streams (MOS) and in the Woodford section Paypoint (PAY), Imperial Brands (IMB) and now Strix (KETL), another jolly good income and growth play he is dumping. 


2016 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Which is most fecked - MotifBio, RedT or Inspirit?

I apologise for the RedT (RED) tip it shows the arrogance and incompetence of AIM boards at their worst. Is it more fecked than Inspirit (INSP) or Motof Bio (MTBF)? I look at all three and also at Bahamas Petroleum (BPC).I f you enjoyed this, I think, relatively profanity free bearcast, follow a bloke from the Grim North who donated enough to buy a whole house in the welfare safari and support the Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE.


2124 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: RM2, I almost feel sorry for Neil Woodford

Okay, he is a conceited, overpaid, arrogant mother so I don't really feel sorry for him but I explain his appalling problem at doomed RM2 (RM2). I also look at Inspirit (INSP), Sabien (SNT) and Tomco (TOM) all three of which should be taken out and shot as their sole purpose on the AIM Casino is as a funder for the coke and hookers used by crony capitalists in the City. I explain a flaw (or two) in Malcolm's thesis today as I look at three retailers in trouble: Marks & Spencer (MKS), Debenhams (DEB) and Mothercare (MTC).


2148 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - in praise and defence of my friend Luke Johnson

I will not take the populist path of kicking Luke just becuase he is down. Firstly he is my friend and I don't abandon pals just because they are not flavour of the month right now and secondly, and more importantly, much of the criticism is pure bollocks by folks who could not run a whelk stall and do not know what they are talking about. I also look at what makes a dead cat bounce ref Photonstar Led (PSL), Urals Energy (UEN) and Inspirit Energy (INSP).


2325 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Should I walk from Wormwood Scrubs with Brokerman Dan?

I start with two discussion held this morning, one with Lucy Wray and the other with Brokerman Dan. I end with a discussion with Lucian Miers. In between I discuss Faron Pharma (FARN), Wey Education (WEY) which - sorry Andrew Monk - is talking A grade bollocks, Inspirit (INSP) , Pathfinder Minerals (PFP), Challenger Acquistions (CHAL) and Frontera Resources (FRR). 


2341 days ago

Republished: Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Guess which stockmarket system flagged Quindell as one of the 11 cheapest value plays on AIM

Darren uploaded yesterday's podcast by mistake becuase he is a fucking idiot. I am considering his future and mine tonight. Here now is today's podcast. To tip Quindell before Gotham City and I started to expose it was perhaps understandable. But to single it out as a stunning value investment afterwards? Who could have been so fecking dumb? As you can see HERE it was the same system also that thought Globo was a cracking investment when some of us very publicly said it was a fraud. Which system could be so bad? Step forward Ed Croft and Stockopedia and he says that Nigel Wray invests in "sucker stocks"?. I explain why Ed's system is bound to have some horrible failures and miss a stack of big winners.  In this podcast I also look at Vitesse (VIS), Tern (TERN), Inspirit (INSP) which has a mega spoof today and Online Blockchain (OBC) where I am just a confused old dinosaur.


2361 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - No Sleep till Brooklyn

If you are my age you may remember the song, it was a hit when I lived there and today i head over to stay with the same folks as i lived with more than 30 years ago.  Ahead of that there are more words on the gender pay gap data abuse as covered in detail HERE and then I cover  Vela (VELA) and a bursting blockchain bubble, Vitesse Media (VIS)  - opportunistic scumbags - Infrstrata (INFA), Inspirit (INSP), Collagen (COS), MySquar (MYSQ) and Frontera (FRR). And there may be major news on Air Partner (AIR) soon, I seem to have found a whistleblower. Happy days. If you like bearcasts then remember that at UK Investor on April 21 one of many highlights will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH.


2377 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: hat tip BB loon Wildes for his winning phrase

Okay the most frequent poster in our comments section is a nutso commie but hat tip to Wildes for a phrase he taught me today. In the bearcast I discuss how to make real bread ( my next career?), Accrol (ACRL), Micro Focus (MCRO), Inspirit (INSP), Conviviality (CVR), Mothercare (MTC), Online Blockchain (OBC) and have a prize contest on TechFinancials (TECH) - can anyone explain this bollocks to me. The prize will be awarded at UK Investor on April 21 where the highlight of the day will be a live bearcast with myself and Paul Scott. Make sure you book a free ticket HERE using the promotional code WINNIFRITH 


2405 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: I have reported myself, Waseem Shakoor & Lucian Miers to the FCA for market abuse over UKOG

I discuss the history of me being reported by Mike Walters and other morons to the FCA (FSA as was) for market abuse and in that vein I am reporting myself, Waseem Shakoor and Lucian Miers because of our comments over UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), the grossly overvalued, financially challenged mega ramp so loved by morons. Elsewhere I look at RockRose Energy (RRE) - time for a Cynical apology - Kin Group (KIN) and at Inspirit (INSP). Oh yes, and God is punishing me for being smug.


2419 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A Tired Philadelphia Eagles fan - why did I bother waking up?

For reasons mainly to do with girls (well two of them) I have always been a Philadelphia Eagles fan. The last time they won a championship, Hurst, Peters and Moore were playing for West Ham - the two teams have a lot in common. Anyhow I stayed up late and for once fortune is not always hiding. Why did I get up? The market is a sea of red and I discuss that. I look at IQE (IQE) after chatting to Matt Earl, at Woodford Patient Capital Trust (WPCT), Inspirit (INSP) and at Shield Therapeutics (STX). Nomates Neil Woodford has not replied to my polite invitation of yesterday


2457 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - I just don't get the Provexis valuation at all and another question for Neil "nomates" Woodford

Star Wars beckons. Happy days. Ahead of that I discuss Stanley Gibbons (SGI), Provexis (PXS), Fishing Republic (FISH), Inspirit (INSP) and have some more questions for Neil "nomates" Woodford.


2458 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: News from the boiler room (translated by Tom) - our results are shite and we are going bust!

In today's bearcast I look at results from the walking dead, the boiler room POS Inspirit (INSP), I cover Nighthawk (HAWK), Oracle Power (ORCP), Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG), Mysquar (MYSQ) - with some new matters of concern from out East - and Milestone (MSG) where silence on Larry the liar is just not good enough


2459 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Lyin Steve serves up a horror at UKOG, Woodford's disaster of the day and a question for an old friend

I start this bearcast with a tale of Joshua meeting snow for the first time - a photo later maybe. Then it is onto Lyin' Steve Sanderson and today's horror story at UK Oil & Gas (UKOG). The share price collapse is only starting. Today's disaster for Neil "Nomates" Woodford is HaloSource (HALO) which I discuss before posing a question for my old pal Jim Mellon about SalvaRx (SALV).  I comment on London Capital (LCG) and promise more on that debacle tomorrow while also noting that it is countdown to results day at Inspirit (INSP). Get your beer and Christmas popcorn ready...


2464 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Servision, Milestone, Concepta and Integumen - who to kick in the gonads the hardest. Merry Christmas

I am still in a foul mood about you know what. In this podcast I cover Westminster Group (WSG) and its vile chairman Tony Baldry, Concepta (CPT), Servision (SEV), Inspirit (INSP), Sabien (SNT), Milestone (MSG) and a broken promise, Conroy Gold & Natural Resources (CGNR) and Integumen (SKIN)


2466 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is Darren Atwater a metropolitan elitist lunatic or Britain's Buffett

I am still livid about matters concerning my wife's place of work and with it showing no sign of movement I have today discussed the matter with my lawyers.  Bah fucking humbug, there is no seasonal goodwill from me in 2017. In this podcast I discuss Inspirit (INSP) at length also Falanx (FLX) - shares in which we own - Low & Bonar (LWB), Minoan (MIN) and Gotech (GOT), formerly Guscio.


2476 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: waiting for an email from the Oxford University Alumni department

Yes I have spent much of the morning in conversation with folks in the City of my birth. I do have an Oxford degree - does Larry Cummins of Milestone (MSG)? The questions mount, the shares are tumbling -  I explain whay happens next. I look at the latest bullshit from holocaust denying fraudsters MySquar (MYSQ), comment on the pointless ramp of boiler room dog Inspirit(INSP) on UK Oil & Gas (UKOG) and on Anglo African Oil (AAOG) and finally have a few words on a stock we own, Sosandar (SOS).


2484 days ago

Tom Winnifrith bearcast: this time Neil Woodford is only talking 50% bollocks but what about Brokerman Dan on Ascent you ask?

The publicity hungry, failing, fund manager Neil Woodford is all over the papers. On the markets he's right ( and bearish) but when discussing his own (failing) funds he is talking utter bollocks and I explain why. Brokerman Dan (Levi) has formed a shareholder action group on Ascent Resources (AST). I discuss his case against them and make a few suggestions to the company. I comment on R4E (R4E) on the disgraceful behaviour of Pathfinder Minerals (PFP), look at RM2 (RM2) and then finally at Sabien (SNT) which look either to be on the brink of a last gasp fundraise ( at a more than 99% discount to the IPO price) or of insolvency. In the same breath I mention Inspirit (INSP), another AIM boiler room dog that should be shot.


2502 days ago

Inspirit - time for another placing to stave off insolvency don't you think?

We have had no news from the Inspirit (INSP) boiler room run by John Gunn and once graced by the great Dave Lenigas since its last placing completed in early September. By my maths the company is once again insolvent so how about another placing Mr Gunn? As a reminder of the maths...


2509 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - in praise of Waseem Shakoor

Waseem has a few wise things to say and I note why I always listen to him even if he is being beastly about a stock I own. Do you really benefit from closing your ears to a contrary viewpoint from a guy who is more often right than wrong? No. Elsewhere I look at how gravity cannot be defied forever and Inspirit (INSP), Avanti Comms (AVN), I3 Energy (I3E). Then I answer a question on Falanx (FLX) where I am long and very happy as results loom, about Snoozebox (ZZZ) which has gone tits up (Sheriff 1, Cynical Bear 0) and finally what to make of the Persimmon (PSN) statement.


2697 days ago

Inspirit Bailout Placing - tell me there was no market abuse here: look at the chart

Look at the daily chart below. Tell me there was no insider dealing or market abuse going on here. It is that of Inspirit Energy (INSP). And then at 2.10 PM we finally had two announcements.


2766 days ago

An Open letter to John Gunn at Inspirit and Octagonal - you MUST suspend or fire Nilesh Jagatia NOW!

Nilesh Jagatia the former FD at now delisted AIM bad boy Teathers Financial (TEA) is now enmeshed in controvery not only over Teather's serial ability to file accounts on time but over how shareholder's cash was used not only on entertainment involving semi clad young ladies but also for apparently personal spending by Nilesh. One hopes that by now the Old Bill and HMRC have been asked to have a butcher's. Amazingly Mr Jagatia remains as FD at two other AIM Companies both, as it happens, run by John Gunn: Inspirit (INSP) and Octagonal (OCT). I have now written to John Gunn.


2769 days ago

BREAKING: Teathers Financial shocker: Nilesh Jagathia - Show Me The Money!

The way that shareholders' cash was pissed away on corporate jollies & semi clad young ladies by the former board of Teathers Financial (TEA) has already been documented fully here. But documents have now fallen into my possession, here at Winnileaks, which ask even bigger questions about FD Nilesh Jagathia who is pro tem, still FD at AIM-listed Inspirit (INSP) and Octagonal (OCT). After this bombshell I wonder for how long.


2817 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why we must read accounts from the back forwards and Sirius vs Cloudtag

I admit that i am too lazy when it comes to reading report and accounts. I should be more of a geek like Steve Moore. In today's podcast I explain why my sloth is a sin and why we should all read from the back to the front. I also look at investment versus trading, Sirius (SXX) vs Cloudtag (CTAG). Other companies mentioned include African Potash (AFPO), Inspirit (INSP) and Strat Aero (AERO). I am now offline as I tidy up the mess created by Oakley and the different mess created by me before the Mrs and Joshua return home.


2818 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - News from the Inspirit Boiler room is bad but Advanced Onco's bad news is er?

I start with thanks for all the offers of support in dealing with the criminal poltroon Aidan Earley of Worthington (WRN)  - now in liquidation - infamy. I then look at Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) and the questions it is NOT answering. Then I touch on Audioboom (BOOM) before going onto Parallel Media (PAA) before ending up with the basket case that is Inspirit Energy(INSP), its bleak future and its links to the Teathers Financial (TEA) scandal. Finally I brace myself for a night of woe tomorrow.


2845 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Staring down the barrel - just one week left for the bailout placings

I am just so tired after day 4 of the olive harvest. You can see today's report - into the lair of the snake - HERE. In this podcast I cover: Cloudtag (CTAG), Strat Aero (AERO), Andalas (ADL), the CFD firms and the FCA, notably Plus 500 (PLUS), African Potash (FRAUD), Corero (CNS), Inspirit (INSP) and Fishing Republic (FISH).


2850 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Speaking at length about AIM fraud to a bird from Bloomberg

She was horrified. I am not sure she agreed with my line that the mainstream press were part of the problem not the solution but she agreed that AIM had its issues. On the bearcast today I look at Red Leopard (RLH), Formation Group (FRM), Mobile Streams (MOS) and its charming CEO - Andalas (ADL) - whose CEO is a tosser - Strat Aero (AERO), Finnaust (FAM), Inspirit (INSP), Plus 500 (PLUS), Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO)), TrakM8 (TRAK) and Cloudtag (CTAG) plus one way of looking at it which sees 300 companies on AIM as a sort of fraud.


2868 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Inspirit Energy - cash run out? Supplier has to go to Court to get paid

Oh dear. Oh dear. It looks as if the cash position at John Gunn's boiler room Inspirit Energy (INSP) is getting so very tight indeed. With the shares slipping to just 0.24p to sell and there being no sign of jam tomorrow being turned into anything resembling an order, we have just been passed judgement in a court case which closed this week.


2882 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: banking £309 fecking quid from Audioboom - 21 bottles of ouzo ahoy!

Yes my royalties have arrived. I comment on Audioboom (BOOM), Andalas Energy (ADL), Inspirit Energy (INSP) and Cloudtag (CTAG). My other podcast on why Hillary Clinton is the World War Three candidate is HERE.


2908 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Chancellor Philip Hammond you are even more useless than the last chap

Yes I am beginning to miss George Osborne. No I lie, he really was useless. But so too is Hammond. I comment on him believing the boy who cried Euro Wolf (Nissan) and handing over taxpayers cash as a result but also on the way that he is set to allow the deficit to balloon again - this man is a danger to your wealth. At a company level I look at Inspirit (INSP), Cloudtag (CTAG), SKIL Ports and Logistics (SPL), Quantum Pharma (QP) and my pals the fraudsters as African Potash (AFPO) - Lord Peter Hain when will you blink and quit? 


2909 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Moron investors in the Cloudtag fraud feel on top of the world

I start with the woes of Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank. Then on to why dogs leave it to the last minute to report results. As such I look at Strat Aero (AERO), Vislink (VLK), IGAS (IGAS), and Wolf Minerals (WLFE). I touch on Inspirit (INSP) as it runs out of cash and is - I gather  - not paying suppliers. I then look at the two frauds: Highlands Natural Resources (HNR) and Cloudtag (CTAG) where the morons are as happy today as the Quindell (QPP)  Morons where when those shares hit 650p. How the morons laughed at the silly old bears as they told us that £20 was on the cards. But of course those backing the Cloudtag fraud insist that it will be different this time. 


2928 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Loads of Pornography and Welshmen shagging sheep + Sepura and 1 down 1 to go with Phil Edmonds

Pornography, naked women, sheep shagging Taffs. Actually there is nothing of the sort in this bearcast but I mention it just to annoy Kay Larsen,a prudish and stupid PR spinner for Sepura (SEPU). Kay is a really silly cow and we have crossed swords before so I rub her nose in it with her client whose statement today is a scandal. The rozzers really need to have a butchers. Then I cover Modern Water (MWG), Falcon Oil & Gas (FOG) and a trio of uber dogs with uber fleas: Blur (BLUR), Inspirit (INSP) and related party Octagonal (OCT). Then I look at Phil Edmonds creation Sable (SBLM) which is now a month away from AIM casino death. Its sister company is the fraud African Potash (AFPO) and I cover this matter in detail. It looks as if the Mrs will give birth tomorrow so if I take a break and you miss me either listen to the archive HERE or google "tourettes audio" and find something similar. Warning: this podcast contains some very bad language especially for the prude Kay Larsen.


2929 days ago

Inspirit Energy - if it is out of cash by end October is it placing ahoy (Again)

On May 17th 2016 Inspirit Energy (INSP) raised £750,000 gross ( call it £700,000 net) at 0.5p per share but since then the news from the boiler room has been limited. The shares have tanked to just 0.29p and, worse, still, basic maths suggests that the jam tomorrow producer will be out of cash again within weeks. Is it placing ahoy? Methinks yes. Here are the maths.


2952 days ago

Octagonal Accounts - the dealings with Inspirit, how cosy: what a small world

We know from an Inspirit Energy Holdings (INSP) announcement on 17 May 2016 that Octagonal (OCT) remains a major shareholder in Inspirit and that John Gunn is a director of both Inspirit and also Octagonal. This really is a cosy old relationship between the two AIM POS companies.


2990 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Insulting Froggies on Bastille Day and Morons on Gulf Keystone day

It is of course Bastille Day and that, of course, prompts a few jokes at the expense of the Froggies. I then move into Gulf Keystone (GKP) and a spot of moron baiting and working out moron investing game theory. I then move to a detailed look at Digital Globe (DGS) before covering en passant XCite (XEL), LGO Energy (LGO), Trinity (TRIN), Circle Oil (COP), Premier Oil (PMO), IGAS (IGAS) and Nostra Terra (NTOG). I also comment on Glenwick (GWIK), 88 Energy (88E), Strat Aero (AERO) and Inspirit Energy (INSP) 


3015 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Teathers/Drummonds/MediaCorp scandal the darkest day yet for the useless bastards at AIM Regulation

The earlier piece on the Drummonds, Nilesh Jagatia and the Media Corp scandal needs to be read in full. What horrifies me is that it shows that AIM Regulation knew everything in July 2014 but failed to act.  The Bogus Sheriff of AIM, Marcus Stuttard, should either resign on Monday morning or find out who failed to protect investors, sack him and agree to compensate anyone who has lost money in Teathers Financial (TEA) and possibly Inspirit (INSP) as well. I warn you that I use bad language in this bonus podcast as I am furious with the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation over this appalling failure.


3015 days ago

Exclusive: Kerboom Drummond Brothers & Nilesh - shocking lawyers letter reveals all - its game over for you

Are you a pissed off shareholder in Teathers Financial (TEA), Inspirit (INSP), Octagonal (OCT) or any other company associated with Justin and Jason Drummond or Nilesh Jagatia? If so you are going to get even more pissed off as I have obtained and publish below a lawyers letter which exposes wholesale fraud and deception at their last outfit Media Corp (MDC). It is shocking.


3016 days ago

Discredited Teathers director Nilesh Jagatia has form in failing to produce accounts on time

It seems that Nilesh Jagatia, discredited director of Teathers Financial (TEA), has got recent form when it comes to failing to submit accounts by the statutory deadline. Mr Jagatia is finance directors of a number of Plcs, including one of my old favourites, the piece of Turkish that is Inspirit Energy (INSP). Just like Teathers, in December last year Inspirit received a First Gazette to strike the company off the register of companies for failing to provide its accounts on time. What is it that Mr Jagatia doesn’t understand about the legal requirements concerning his job?


3022 days ago

Proactive Investors - surely it & the Daily Mail should declare that this is paid for ramping?

I have no problem with folks taking payment to promote a stock. If a company wishes to spunk shareholders cash to pay an IR firm like Proactive to record a soft interview with its CEO that is not an issue as long as commercial interests are declared. You have got to be transparent. But Proactive Investors and the Daily Mail are showing no transparency and this is surely wrong. I refer to Inspirit (INSP) ramping.


3030 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - where has all the money gone at Teather's Financial?

In today's bearcast I look at Inspirit (INSP) and Teathers Financial (TEA) and the common threads that show why both bring shame on AIM and are uninvestable. I then look at Teathers and ask where has all the money gone and what is it trying to hide? And I explain to two prize twits what a flip flop means. 


3030 days ago

The AIM Nightmare board - joining CEO Piers Linney is FD Nilesh Jagatia - check out his CV of doom

Who would you want running the AIM PLC board from hell? Naturally with Outsourcery (OUT) becoming his 39th business failure, or is it 38 I lose track, Dragon's Den flop Piers Linney has to be the CEO. I'd nominate that silly woman from Easyjet (EZJ) as Group Equal Opportunities Officer. The Chairman has to be the patrician twit Gibson Smith formerly at the LSE. The FD...check out the CV of Nilesh Jagatia of Inspirit (INSP) and Teather's (TEA) infamy now on the run!


3030 days ago

Teathers Financial & Inspirit FD Nilesh Jagatia on the run

Earlier today we flagged up a planned rampfest investor evening organised by jam tomorrow and hot air producer Inspirit Energy (INSP) which - according to the original RNS - featured an array of attractions including Zak Mir - who was laughably described as the UK's favourite technical analyst, which Nomad signed off on that crap? - and a chance to quiz FD Nilesh Jagatia. Oh goodie goodie thought a number of folk from the Teather (TEA) shareholder action group who would like to ask Nilesh about how he has trainwrecked their company and if he condones blackmail?


3030 days ago

An Evening with a snake and a hooker c/o Inspirit

It is good to see that Inspirit Energy (INSP) is spending the £750,000 from the bailout financing of last month wisely. Canapes and stockmarket hookers all round.

I refer to an RNS out today saying that there is a canapes and nibbles evening on June 14. So here is how it goes. Back in the autumn of last year Inspirit paid to appear on t1ps TV to get a soft interview from Zak "Judas" Mir.  t1psTV did not disclose the payment and CEO John Gunn assured the world that no placings were needed even though that was patent bollocks. Ramp, ramp and ramp again.


3031 days ago

Inspirit = In fecking denial = In The Merde

There is trouble in the boiler room...not that you'd know it if you read the bollocks being pushed out by jam tomorrow POS Inspirit Energy (INSP). The company has today issued an RNS which is laughable. It really is the most blatant crap you will read all day. Over to the boiler room:


3047 days ago

Inspirit Energy - news from the boiler room - yet another placing, next one soon

There has been a real attempt to ramp Inspirit Energfy (INSP) on a six month timeframe ahead of today's placing. There were tweets from my fave Monaco based Colonial with whom I have a summer truce and whom I thus shall not mention, the utterly meaningless share purchases (spoofed ya!) by John Gunn and a series of soft paid for interviews with Sith Lord Zak "Judas" Mir and others when Mr Gunn said there was no need for a placing. So today there was a placing.


3048 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: bad language alert I am in a fecking awful mood

I was in a great mood this morning. I am now in an awful mood and explain why. After that I cover Ten Alps (TAL), Lakehouse (LAKE), Inspirit (INSP), Alecto Minerals (ALO) and Imaginitik (IMTK). I am now off to slash some more fecking frigana while thinking about certain folks in the Square Mile.


3090 days ago

Inspirit Energy Holdings - David Lenigas repolishes this turd from the boiler room

It has all gone a bit quiet in the boiler room but in the absence of any real news who better to step up to the plate and pretend that there is good news than fat Aussie share ramper Jabba The Hutt? With just 25 days to go until he is 100% exposed at UK Investor Show by myself (SEE HERE), today David Lenigas tweeted:


3157 days ago

Inspirit Energy – look at the competition and tell me Inspirit is not a joke

Last week I pointed out that Inspirit Energy (INSP) is merely a relaunch of a company that went bust and as such any claims that its IP was either revolutionary or valuable were likely to be spurious. Just to demonstrate this compare its offering with that of a listed competitor

Flowgroup (FLOW) has already launched its version of a microCHP boiler product with a customer facing website which lists prices and looks far more complete than that of Inspirit (INSP) which simply states it is "taking expressions of interest for prospective customers interested in our pre – production field trials”


3160 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BONUS Bearcast 26 January - Questions for David Lenigas on the Afriag car crash

Yesterday's statement from Afriag (AFRI) stinks. The shares are plunging today and the destination is 0p. I have a series of questions for Jabba the Hutt about his baby but will David Lenigas answer? And where does that leave his other hounds still on AIM (pro tem) such as Inspirit (INSP) and Evocutis (EVO). If Afriag was telling the truth yesterday, surely their days on AIM are also numbered?


3161 days ago

The Real story of the Birth of the Boiler Room at Inspirit Energy

Annual accounts and other statements indicate that John Gunn has a very significant holding in AIM Casino listed Inspirit Energy (INSP) which some private investors probably take comfort from. The ally of Jabba The Hutt always says that he is in it with ordinary investors. Well, up to a point. Let's rewind.


3178 days ago

The 49 Red Flag Tick List - Inspirit Energy

I published a book last year "49 Red Flags" - there are actually 50 listed and the book explians why each is important in avoiding piss-poor investments. As a little exercise the deputy Sheriff of AIM and I have applied the check list to Inspirit Energy PLC (INSP) and the results are appalling.


3182 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 4 January - bent share tipsters & useless companies

I am now back from New York and arrived in Bristol about an hour ago. 7 hours sleep, since Saturday at 11 AM your time, and I am cream crackered. And so I shall shortly be joining the Mrs and my morbidly obese three legged cat Oakley in bed and going straight to sleep. Before that a bearcast covering BSD Crown (BSD), Inspirit (INSP), Evocutis (EVO), Scancell (SCLP) Motive TV (MTV) and the curent rumours surrounding 3 bent share tipsters and the FCA.


3186 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast New Year's Eve - HNY, Pete Landau in the dock, Lenigas boiler room play Inspirit in the shit

Happy New Year to you all, I hope that you have a wild party tonight. Remember kids, if someone tries to sell you drugs just say no. You should always try to get drugs for free. Only kidding.  Thanks to today's news about Pirate Pete Landau I am in a good mood. You send the Sheriff of AIM lawyers letters and karma is going to get you in the end. My good mood is compounded by diabolical interims from the David Lenigas boiler room operation Inspirit (INSP). It really is in the merde. I discuss companies that leave it to the wire to report.


3196 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special: David Lenigas quits the AIM casino shocker - end of an era

Jabba The Hutt quit all five AIM Casino boards he sat on today. In this podcast I reveal the events of the weekend and discuss why he may have left. I warn him that the Nationals are on his case and so smearing me will be ever more pointless. And then I look at actions of the Bulletin Board morons who are still in denial. And finally at what this means for the Jabba stable. It is bad news. The best bet for near term zeros are Afriag (AFRI) and Evocutis (EVO) but Rare Earth Minerals (REM), Inspirit (INSP), Solo Oil (SOLO) and LGO Energy (LGO) are also all slam dunk sells as I explain.


3196 days ago

David Lenigas quits ALL AIM companies? Why? Its ouzo o'clock anyway for the Sheriff: Another KILL

This morning fat Aussie share ramper David Lenigas has, without warning, resigned from the boards of all five AIM Casino Companies on which he sat: Inspirit (INSP), Afriag (AFRI), Rare Earth Minerals (REM), Bacanora (BCN) and Evocutis (EVO). Why?


3196 days ago

A Reminder of my 12 Questions for ex AIM boss David Lenigas - he never answered

Jabba The Hutt has yet to announce his resignation from the board of Inspirit (INSP) but it must be imminent as he has quit four of his five remaining AIM directorships this morning. I guess in the boiler room they are not at full speed yet. Why the sudden departure from AIM? More on that later but here is a reminder of 12 questions I posed on 28 November for David Lenigas and of why you should have sold shares in EVERY company associated with him. Update: Big Dave quits Inspirit too.


3199 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 18 December: Pensioner mugger WH Ireland time to face Karma

I am still on the prescription pain killers as you may be able to guess. And I am still pondering what to get the Mrs for Christmas - any ideas please post away in the comments section. I end with a question for Jabba The Hutt and Afriag (AFRI): tell me David Lenigas what is happening on January 20 2016? In the podcast I cover Infrastrata (INFA), disappointing news from Armadale Capital (ACP), Inspirit (INSP), Octagonal (OCT) - two John Gunn /Lenigas creations - Asian Citrus (ACHL), eServGlobal (ESG), Impact Holdings (IHUK) and ask the question could WH Ireland (WHI) - full dossier on its sins HERE -  run out of free cash soon? The answer after today is that the pensioner muggers could well do so. Karma.


3199 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 December - Concha another day of shame for AIM

I am sitting here with my father in Shipston. We have just had a long argument about the deaths of Cranmer, Latimer & Ridley. Naturally we both insisted we had the facts right. I am now 1p better off as I was right. My father has gone to the White Bear early in protest. Back to the podcast, I start with US base rates and why the UK will follow and what that means (house price crash, bad for certain equities). Then it is the AIM disgrace of the day Concha (CHA), onto Afriag (AFRI), Inspirit (INSP), Ultimate Sports (USG), Fastjet (FJET), and the shocker of a July IPO Adgorithms (ADGO). It is another day of shame for AIM.


3207 days ago

Video: Tom Winnifrith: 12 Questions David Lenigas WILL NOT ANSWER from Gold & Bears - November 28 2015

In this presentation from Gold & Bears I posed 12 questions that Jabba the Hutt will not answer. I then ran through the Lenigas portfolio explaining why you should sell shares in each of: LGO Energy (LGO), Rare Earth Minerals (REM), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Inspirit (INSP), Lenigas Cuba (CUBA), Evocutis (EVO), Solo Oil (SOLO) and AfriAg (AFRI). Enjoy...


3244 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 3 November - call the Financial Ombudsman Now

This podcast ends with me thanking many readers for making me laugh. Before that I look at Lenigas Cuba (CUBA) and suggest that all 2p investors contact the Financial Ombudsman now. Then I discuss the - unfashionable - idea of taking responsibility for our own actions. Then I cover the fraud Globo (GBO) before looking at LGO Energy (LGO) and Inspirit (INSP) where placings loom very soon indeed. Then I cover World Careers Network (WOR), Standard Chartered (STAN), PeerTV (PTV) and Getech (GTC).


3245 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2 November - no sympathy for the greedy

Should one feel sorry for shareholders in Lenigas Cuba(CUBA). Explicitly No! I explain why. Where does this shambles leave David Lenigas? In a bad spot I suggest for Afriag (AFRI), Inspirit (INSP) and LGO Energy (LGO) all of which need to raise cash. I also cover Cambian (CMBN), Caza (CAZA), Stellar Diamonds (STEL), Gfinity (GFIN), Atalaya (ATYM)- formerly EMED - and Fitbug (FITB) 


3270 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 8 October: To quote Rambo "Don't push it or I'll give you a war you won't believe"

Naturally I have a complete box set of both the Rambo and the Rocky films on DVD. I have suggested to my Mrs and her mad lefty friends that we have a relaxing weekend in watching both box sets but for some reason they don't seem too keen. Perhaps they would settle for Delta Force? Did I read that there wil be a new Rambo film where he takes on ISIS? Bring it on. The quote is prompted by a threatening email received from the boss of a firm booted off the AIM casino. It will not wash. In this podcast I discuss Belzone Mining (BZM), aka Bellend Mining, Cloudbuy (CBUY), Inspirit (INSP) where I suspect the next news from the David Lenigas boiler room will be another placing, Sareum (SAR), Motive TV (MTV) and Getafix Stacey fave Feedback (FDBK).
