
2044 days ago

Democrats and The Daily Mail go full #TrumpDerangementSyndrome – Kavanaugh’s Diary from 1982

Under its new editor the Daily Mail appears to have caught a full blown case of the #TrumpDerangementSyndrome normally associated with those on the left. Thus it splashed with Kavanaugh’s Diary from 1982 which it claimed could be a smoking gun.Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.


2588 days ago

Diary of a Diabetic day 1

Of course I have been diabetic for years. I think that i was first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in about 2007 so in my late thirties. It is the price paid for years of drinking too much and eating the wrong foods and - after I stopped playing rugby aged 32 - for not doing that much exercise.At times I have managed the disease so that it might as well have not existed. But then I get complacent and let things slip, kidding myself that things are not really that bad. Now they are very bad.
