
1264 days ago

More Taxpayer cash needed for strippers of colour & transgender strippers – a tale of our times

The handouts are happening in the woke US state of Oregon.  More than 75 strippers will be each given grants of $2,250 for assistance with rent, utilities and internet.  It is all so 2020.


1382 days ago

Virtue signalling in the era of Covid - daft feminists play the victim again. Yawn.

Yeah whatever… in this era of competing to scramble up the pyramid of victimhood, Covid 19 has been a Godsend to many of those who do not actually do anything useful for society. So what if more than 60% of Covid deaths are men, let’s flag up a study on how women have suffered. Have you spotted a similar study for men? Me neither.


2036 days ago

Trump should not have nominated Kavanaugh as he is too liberal – next time don’t give an inch to the deranged Democrats

Do not get me wrong. After the battles of the last few weeks I am delighted that Brett Kavanaugh has been appointed to the Supreme Court. Quite simply the Democratic Party tried to subvert the constitution with a hit job, an orchestrated smear. A good man fought back and, eventually the lack of tangible evidence and gaping holes in the testimony of the accusers meant that the Senate had to ratify. For that, and the tears of a mob of pathetic snowflakes, D list celebs, angry and snarling feminists and others with full blown #TrumpDerangementSyndrome, gives me great joy this weekend. However…


3345 days ago

Weekly postcard #103: Speaking as a feminist about International Women's day

Today is International Women's day and, speaking as a feminist, I pose a number of questions for my fellow fiminists covering Israel, Oxford, Rotherham, affirmative action, abortion, prostitution and other matters. I sense that some of my fellow feminists might struggle with a few of these questions.
