
1280 days ago

So there were no blacks or gays fighting in two world wars then?

EU-loving loon Femi Oluwole may have lost the Brexit battle but he is still fighting the woke wars and today his attack is on poppy wearing which, as you can see below, he terms a “war-related campaign”.


1325 days ago

Pity Itzelita for she has an incredibly severe case of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome: pray for her tonight

Do not think badly of this woman for she is ill. She is suffering from a terribly severe case of #TrumpDerangementSyndrome and is showing all the classic symptoms. For starters, she is prone to the most monumental outbursts of exaggeration.


2858 days ago

Juggling a City career and bringing up kids makes you a hero! Give us a break loathsome Andrea and Wayward Elaine

Andrea Leadsom wishes us to think that juggling her City7 career and bringing up kids makes her a role model. Okay her City career was not quite a high flying as her CV implies in terms of what she actually did and in that it was often part time but even were she to have been full time why should I admire her. I am sad to see that the wonderful Elaine Craig, normally about the only sane commentator on matters political from Scotland, also sees this as a plus point for Andrea.

Bringing up kids is always challenging and so being a good mother, as I am sure Andrea was, is something that earns our respect. But when you have shed loads of money the burdens of parenting can be that little bit easier. 

I grew up in a single parent household
