
661 days ago

Why Smug Sam Smith quit as FinnCap CEO - nothing to do with leg over, Peel Hunt warns

The notion that Sam Smith quit in order to get her leg over, is this morning blown out of the water by a Peel Hunt AGM warning. If Peel is getting battered, how do you think its notably inferior rival, FinnCap, is doing? When is your warning, your smugness? With results in the next couple of weeks, I suggest.


681 days ago

Sam Smith to quit as FinnCrap CEO – a sign that the merde will soon hit the fan

Okay, Sam has a few things to be smug about. She set up FinnCap (FCAP), and 24 years later, it is an AIM-listed Nomad and broker. Furthermore, she has done it all despite – as per hundreds of sycophantic interviews – being a woman in what is largely a male-dominated world. How very ESG, la dee da dee da. But…


719 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: is it game over for Petropavlovsk?

In today’s podcast, I cover Eurasia Mining (EUA), (MADE), Vast Resources (VAST) and Petropavlovsk (POG). I have more shocking news on Kinovo (KINO), whose shares should be suspended, and discuss FinnCrap (FCAP). I promise never to mention the company again if its CEO, smug Sam Smith, donates £100,000 to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks. Of course, she won’t. So I must ask the 95% of Bearcast listeners yet to chip in: please make your donation, HERE  We are now at 20% of target – go on, make it 21% by tomorrow!


1158 days ago

Putting fat cat share purchases into context: Sam Smith of Finncap

As per its recent trading statement, Finncap (FCAP), like every other City advisory and broking firm, has enjoyed a quite amazing year. It is the nature of this industry that it is either feast or famine and with massive M&A activity, debt and equity refinancings and even IPOs in the small and mid cap space, even Finncrap must have coined it in. That brings us to today’s news that its, self-important, smug and woke, CEO Sam Smith has bought 130,000 shares at 30.5p.


1214 days ago

Smug Ben Goldacre has a safe, well-paid, state funded job - meet a lockdown jihadist

Ben won’t be losing his job because of lockdown. For him there will be no pay cut, no furlough, no money worries. He is not going to see his house repossessed, the business which he has spent years building up destroyed in a flash. He does not lie asleep at night panicking about how he will pay the bills. Ben does not seem to have had his cancer scan delayed. He has not suffered the misery of being barred from being with a dying loved one or from attending his child’s birth. Ben has not had to tell folks they could not attend his father’s funeral. Ben has a really well-paid job and lives in the lovely middle-class City of Oxford surrounded by lovely green fields in which to stroll. Ben wants you all to look on the bright side and obey all the rules of lockdown. Lucky Ben. Smug Ben. Insensitive Ben. Go to hell Ben.


1512 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: when will smug Sam Smith serve up her next profits warning & Richard Branson is a prize shit

I start with my first proper training walk for Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks. Think of my sliding through the mud on my backside and make a donation HERE. The it is onto bailouts and wbhy you and I, ordinary taxpayers, should not bailout folks who own Carribean Islands and pay no UK tax, i.e. Richard Branson. Finally I look at when FinnCrap (FCAP) will serve up its next profits warning and why the shares, now just 17.5p, should plunge to 6p. And I am being generous.


1970 days ago

Shock Winner of smug Sam Smith of FinnCrap Caption Contest announced

After its IPO I asked you all for suitable captions of the photo below. As you can see HERE there were many en tries but there can be only one winner of the sem i naked photo of the UK's top share blogger (mornings only), thirsty Paul Scott. If you feel aggrieved by the winner, fear not, we will have another contest featuring Sam when FinnCap (FCAP) has its first profits warning. So you will not have to wait too long. Anyhow the winner is...
