
2533 days ago

The Graph that shouts: Wales & Northern Ireland your time is up - bugger off & take Scotland with you

The spendfest demanded by the people of Wales, Ulster, Scotland and the North of England is paid for by the hard working folks of London and the South East. That might sound like a provocative and unpleasant jibe at the expense of idle celts and workshy Northerners as they roam the welfare safaris. But it just happens to be a statement of fact as you can see below.


2926 days ago

The People's Assembly Workshy Bimbo caption Contest Winner

"How can you have a winner?" screamed the new barking mad Jew hating head of the NUS. "Winning is such an elitist concept. I bet you are a white male. Probably a Jew too." And with that she stormed off. But we do have a winner with a caption for the picture below. There were some oustanding entries as you can see HERE (as well as a deranged rant at myself by one loon with a maths problem) but the winner is Santiago with:
