375 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast, after sacking Gary Newman I must fire Darren, this is a monstrous lapse of judgement

I discuss Gary’s sacking then a monstrous lapse of judgement from Darren which surely merits a P45. Then the ouzo moments regarding Asimilar (ASLR) and Dev Clever (DEV) and who should be going to jail if the FCA was not so ffing useless. Finally, we now have just 11 tickets left for ShareStock so if you want one book now HERE


479 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the world's greatest musicMagpie expert opines

I start with domestic woes and legal opinion on the claims of the IRA man. In the main body of today’s podcast I look at Purplebricks (PURP) and the role of Neil Woodford and Link. I cover Microsaic (MSYS), Deepverge (DVRG), Pantheon Resources (PANR), Asimilar (ASLR), Argo Blockchain (ARB) – placing at 6p?. I also relay the thoughts of the world’s greatest living expert on musicMagpie (MMAG) and why it is doomed. If you hurry and book a seat at Sharestock – where less than a third of seats are still free - you can meet the expert, who was also a great Quindellologist – on September 23. You can book HERE


514 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: time to buy more Jubilee Metals & for Ben's Creek to make a statement

I start with an event, Offshore Alert, which is so whacky in terms of its first two sessions, this is 2023. I then look at Pineapple Power (PNPL), Asimilar (ASLR), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT) and Jubilee Metals (JLP).


515 days ago

More ouzo for a vindicated Sheriff as Asimilar admits to £36m loss, has no cash and says is leaving the AIM sewer: Told y'all

Oh dear, oh dear. At least Asimilar (ASLR), of which I have often warned, is back from suspension having belatedly published its annual results. But the numbers are, though disastrous, still not credible, there is almost no cash and the company says it wants to quit the AIM sewer. It will be no loss to the sewer.


530 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No Giles McDonogh falling house prices is good news

I start with a slam dunk political bet in the wake of Donald Trump’s looming arrest – a clean sweep for the Republicans in 2024, as I explained a couple of weeks ago HERE. Then onto why house prices falling at the fastest rate for 14 years ( a misleading headline) are to be welcomed but not if you are long Purplebricks (PURP) or the housebuilders. Not that I’d necessarily go short either. Today’s ouzo is sponsored by Asimilar (ASLR). I also cover Genedrive (GDR) and the placing it will not ‘fess to although it is clearly underway. Then I look at Pensana (PRE) where yakking on about climate change and hiring stacks of lesbians from Islington seems not to have prevented a bit of a looming cash crisis. How, I wonder, do folks in London N1 describe a fat lady in a woke way? Hey Magna Carta, guess what I forgot to mention today? HERE is a clue


621 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 57 calls NOT to get a GP Appointment, the useless bloody fecking NHS

I start with a rant. Then I go onto look at Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL), why I am less bullish on oil than Gary Newman, Argo Blockchain (ARB), AAA (AAA), Asimilar (ASLR) and Audioboom (BOOM)


626 days ago

What do you reckon Cliff Weight, is Asimilar the most blatant insider dealing of the year?

The last stated NAV of Asimilar (ASLR ) was 25p per share. We knew it had taken one hit (AAA) but still the NAV should have been c20p (ho ho ho). On Wednesday its shares plunged by 32% to sub 4p begging me to ask this question.


627 days ago

Asimilar – so what is the reason your shares are imploding? I offer three scenarios

Yesterday shares in Asimilar (ASLR) plunged 32% to sub 4p. The last stated NAV was – at March 31 – 25.3p so why the plunge. There are three scenarios.


634 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a vital Christmas question for ALL of you as I discuss a £250m blow-up in waiting

I start with a question for you ALL. Answers please in the comments section below. Then there is a detailed analysis of the cash position of Dev Clever (DEV) capitalised at a suspension price of £249 million. Follow my logic, I reckon it is surviving only by not paying bills and is bust.  I explain all. Please take note shareholders in Asimilar (ASLR). I hope it does go bust as that will pose serious questions for a list of colourful characters who I name and shame in the podcast.


669 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Kefi and more emails, 11 brave men & they were all Iranian & the G issue at Genedrive

I start with 11 weedy virtue signallers and 11 incredibly brave men at the World Cup. Then it is on to Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Fox Marble (FOX), Dev Clever (DEV) and Asimilar (ASLR) and inally a long look at Genedrive (GDR), a case study on crony capitalism and destruction of shareholder value.


723 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the awful forecasts and looming bankruptcy Bidstack is trying to hide

I start with the shameful behaviour of Bidstack (BIDS), a ramptastric RNS and an admission of new forecasts but not what they are. Guess what? They are shockingly bad, notwithstanding the ramptastic RNS, and admit that this company will be bankrupt by the first week of January unless it does a bailout placing. It took me an eternity to obtain the forecasts referenced in an RNS just about those very same numbers. Most morons have no idea how bad they are. I reveal all. I also cover Eve Sleep (EVE), Future (FUTR) and a £315 spoof at almost bankrupt Asimilar (ASLR).


733 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Poulden, Lenigas, the Alien Motley Crew - I've had it with Aussie mining chaps taking the piss with related party deals on AIM

In today’s podcast I end with a few ShareStock logistics matters ahead of Saturday. Before that: Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Alien Metals (UFO), Avacta (AVCT), Asimilar (ASLR), TrustPilot (TRST), Ceres Power (CWR) and Deepverge (DVRG).


733 days ago

BOOM: Aaquaverse going bust – wanna buy some Audioboom shares? Plenty on offer if you are mad enough

Oh dear, Oh dear,  as my old pal Michael Walters would say as one of the many duffers he had tipped aggressively had an encounter with the Fat Lady. The house of cards that is Audioboom (BOOM), AAA, and Asimilar (ASLR) is starting to collapse.


736 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Why contemporary art is really not a better investment than what Warren Buffett buys

It is my ninth wedding anniversary today and I am a lucky fellow indeed. Tonight a romantic meal at the local boozer with the Mrs. Having discussed this and answering my own quiz question I move onto contemporary art where i am glad to be getting out as claims of hs historic performance offer no guide to the future. Then I look at Revolution Beauty (REVB), (BOO), Tomco (TOM), Cake Box (CBOX), (MADE), Asilimar (ASLR), Dev Clever (DEV) and Audioboom (BOOM).


758 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BONUS Bearcast: Dev Clever refuses to admit it and Nigel Wray won't want to hear it, but it is almost bust - a £180m nest of snakes

Dev Clever (DEV) has some very belated results out today. Its failure to update on current cash tells you it is almost bust. So too, I suggest, is its proposed RTO target Veative. And also Asimilar (ASLR) the listed company most of whose NAV is Dev related. I analyse the results and explain, not that Nigel Wray will want to hear this, why the Dev valuation is a joke. This whole mess is a £180 million nest of snakes.


762 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: BREAKING Candy Bros vs Bonnier in court - shit hits fan at AAA, Asimilar and Audioboom

The court case docket is below. I explain what it is all about and why it could crash Asimilar (ASLR), AAA (AAA) and Audioboom (BOOM), I also look at Westminster Group (WSG) where it is placing ahoy as vile ex Tory MP Sir Tony Baldry destroys yet more shareholder value, Ben’s Creek (BEN) and its placing and Predator Oil & Gas (PRD) and the mounting regulatory storm concerning Paul Griffiths. He has got to go. Finally I will announce a new ShareStock speaker tomorrow, book your seats now HERE


779 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Flip Flop, Ben Turney, & Dan Levi go to war again

I have no skin in this game, though I wouldn’t wish to own shares in Flip Flop’s Kavango Resources (KAV). However, as the two men go to war, it is time to grab some beer and popcorn and enjoy from the sidelines. Then, I look at Asimilar’s (ASLR) cash crisis, and Red Rock Resources (RRR) where, despite Andrew Bell pulling his usual trick, I hang on. Finally, I take a detailed look at Ince Group (INCE), where I am now 90% vindicated, with the shares crashing to c. 5p. I await an apology from its PR man, who suggested that, at 52p just before Christmas, I was wrong to be such a bear. To watch my next hat eating, go HERE.


783 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Canadian Overseas Petroleum - absolutely desperate debt facility is NOT what was promised

Anyone who invests in a company run by serial value destroyer Arthur Milholland is asking for it. After deceiving investors ahead of its last placing, his latest vehicle for self enrichment, Canadian Overses Petroleum (COPL) has today served up a new debt structure which is so utterly horrible it tells you just how badly Milholland and Canadian are perceived. I discuss this, the shambles at Mirriad (MIRI), Eden Research (EDEN) and at cash strapped Asimilar (ASLR).


810 days ago

Asimilar Interims – red flags, dubious claims, a cash crisis and unanswered questions

As a long-term bear, yesterday’s interims only confirmed my belief that Asimilar (ASLR) will collapse. Emailed questions go unanswered, so perhaps readers can assist.


852 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - who'd have guessed that David Beckham was not a stock picker?

As you grow old, you should learn from investing. In that vein, I discuss my 1997 encounters with Adonis Pouroulis of Chariot Oil & Gas (CHAR), and why I’d not touch Chariot with a bargepole. I also discuss investing in a bear market, what we should do and the irrational decisions others will make, looking at AAA, Asimilar (ASLR) and Audioboom (BOOM). I then examine Guild ESports (GILD), and what I believe is an upcoming placing at 1p. That will also kick Cellular Goods (CBX) in the golden balls. Finally, I discuss renting out the Greek Hovel, as you can see HERE, and urge the 95% of listeners yet to donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks, to do so HERE.


889 days ago

BREAKING: AAA shares changing hands at just 25p via spreadbetters is the Asimilar house of cards about to collapse?

Whiffy investment company, Asimilar (ASLR), has engaged in numerous Spanish practices, exposed on this website. Anyone owning its shares will, one day, need to lube up and take what is coming to them – it is just a matter of when. Could that time be dawning; could the house of cards be about to collapse?


912 days ago

Asimilar – when is a profit not a profit? This is a nest of snakes waiting to bite you

I have covered in some depth the numerous smoke and mirrors deals at Asimilar (ASLR) and it is an accident waiting to happen as its results today demonstrate very clearly. The company boasts net assets at the September 30th year end of £41.74 million. At 27.5p the market cap is £33.5 million. Put simply the market does not believe the net asset number. It could easily halve or, far, worse.


1101 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - what about the victims?

I discuss a fascinating article about XL Media (XLMHERE in the Times of Israel. If I wanted to list a fraud I’d be big on ESG as was XL. Chris Bailey’s fund manager pals would love it as I stole all the cash. I look at gender targets and ask what they should be, referencing Principals of Cambridge Colleges. I look at Mercantile Ports (MPL) and PrimaryBid and then what I plan, or hope, to do next about the fraud Umuthi (UHS), ask the victims to tell their stories. I look at Paul Johnson’s Power Metal Resources (POW) and its latest news which takes me back to 2007 and Mark Watson Mitchell’s Yellowcake. I comment on Asimilar (ASLR) and then go to town on Deepverge (DVRG) and its journalist trolling cock of a CEO Gerry Brandon explaining why I believe investors were materially misled in the run up to the £10 million June 7 placing and why the company is, for a variety of reasons, a total bargepole. It is just not investment grade material.


1390 days ago

A Standard Listed stench: Dev Clever, does not give a flying feck about the truth as goes ahead with bonkers share subscription

This is so rotten and corrupt at every level that the FCA should be crawling all over sub Standard listed Dev Clever (DEV) and Mark Horrocks driven sub standard listed Asimilar (ASLR). It seems that FCA staff are too busy shitting under their desks to do anything about it.


1396 days ago

Dev Clever shares now 6.5p to sell – surely the Asimilar stink is now utterly nonsensical as deadline approaches

Even at just 6.75p mid, the market cap of Dev Clever (DEV) is £31 million which – for a company with sub £1.5 million cash, annual sales of, perhaps, £2 million and which is heavily loss making – is ludicrous.  But what is now coming ever more sharply into focus is the ludicrous financing deal with AIM listed Asimilar (ASLR).


1450 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Now less than 2 hours to make it across the border

Lockdown in our part of Wales starts in just under two hours. The Mrs has already escaped to England with Joshua. I am staying here but need some supplies so must rush to get them from a store where they don’t make you wear a face nappy before the North Wales fuzz sets up roadblocks on the bridges over the River Dee. Before my Dukes of Hazard style contraband run, I discuss various conspiracy theories over Rolls Royce (RR.) and IAG (IAG). I look at the massive issues now hanging over Verditek (VDTK) as I expose its latest desperate ramping and another past lie. Finally, Dev Clever (DEV), what is going on with Asimilar (ASLR) and Mark Horrocks as its share price slides again.


1458 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the 1 question the morons need to ask SYME's market abusing boss Alessandro Zamboni

Of course he cannot answer, or not truthfully anyway. And that is the giveaway.  Elsewhere I look at what has really happened at Big Sofa (BST),  the AA (AA) which is toast, Amigo (AMGO), Asimilar (ASLR) and Dev Clever (DEV). Now to go put frozen peas on my hand and arm.


1480 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - is this the smelliest nest of vipers on the London market?

On the exact occasion of my 7th wedding anniversary I am off to see my father so just a brief bearcast from me. Well quite a long one actually but it is recorded early. I start with Carnival Cruises (CCL), then TrainLine (TRN) and then the stinking nest of vipers that is Asimilar (ASLR), Dev Clever (DEV), All Active Asset Capital (AAA), Mark Horrocks, Chris Akers, Novum and Peterhouse Capital. Hold your noses as you listen.


1486 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Will Asimilar be the much deserved Waterloo of Chris Akers? This stinks!

I start with a brief discussion of Rule Britannia where it is clear that the BBC and others (including the Mrs) have not actually read the words or studied their history. I will do a much longer piece on this when back from seeing my father in Shipston. I look at Asimilar (ASLR), All Active Asset Capital (AAA), Mesh PLC, and Chris Akers – a scandal where the unravel is surely underway. I comment on DFS (DFS) and furlough economics, on Iconic Labs (ICON), and on Amigo (AMGO) as well as on Xtract Resources (XTR), where there is yet more good news making you who followed my tip and I who bought shares even richer. Also covered is NoGold who has no gold exposure and lambasts me for tipping gold shares and making you all richer… even more of a miserable old git.
