Al Capone

2445 days ago

50p on a unit of Alcohol - Scotland sets a precedent for stupidity

Finally it looks as if the SNP is going to get its way and from next year if you buy booze from a shop in Scotland you will have to pay a minimum of 50p per unit of alcohol. Scotland sets a world precedent in stupidity.


3540 days ago

Memo to HMRC re Robert Simon Terry of Quindell

Al Capone was never prosecuted for his real crimes, it was the tax man who got him. I shall be making dam sure that for his lies and fraud Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) does not get off so lightly. However I am equally concerned that all directors of the AIM Companies who have done deals with Equity First Holdings LLC do not try to avoid Capital gains Tax on the shares they have sold. A formal note on all of them will go to HMRC in due course but pleasure before business, let’s start with Robert Simon Terry of Quindell. This article will be sent to HMRC.

As he thinks about filling in his 2015 tax return Mr Terry might think that the £7,465,596 he received from Equities First LLC on November 5 2014 should be viewed as loan proceeds and this should be tax free. I would very much hope that Mr Terry tries that on because he will then face potential charges of tax evasion to add to his rap sheet.
