
673 days ago

Can David Lenigas read a balance sheet or doesn't the fat Aussie spiv care?

If I have suggested that Mr David Lenigas was a National Treasure and Britain’s most talented objective analyst of small cap shares, rather than a fat Aussie spiv and shameless promoter of penny share dross, I must apologise. Not to Big Dave but to you dear reader.


2226 days ago

Double delight: Two videos of Australian cricket captains crying like babies

So Steve Smith got caught cheating. The man who was a bad and tastless winner ( like all Aussie cricketers) got caught and now pleads forgiveness for what he will soon be calling a moment of madness. He says it was "an error of judgement" Tough luck pal, Australia cheated in the Ashes and you knew about that too as you diod about cheating in prior tests in SA this year. Your regret is not for the cheating but for being caught and a life ban and end of the millionaire lifestyle is exactly what you deserve. 


2710 days ago

Aussie poltroons Slater & Gordon go after Watchstone (formerly Quindell) for £53m - a pox on them both

The Aussie poltroons Slater & Gordon (SGH) who recklessly paid £649 million for the fraudulent businesses of Quindell has announced that it is making a claim on £53 million of that still held in an escrow account by Watchstone (WTG). Slater says that it has obtained an opinion from an independent barrister in respect of the warranties given and the escrow cash and that the brief says it has, on balance, a prospect of success. Oh dear. The only winners here will be the lawyers (other than S&G).


2986 days ago

Reader Poll: Which Aussie Crony capitalist would you feed to the saltwater crocs first?

It is a hypothetical question since we will not get the chance but if you get to play God and decide that you want to chuck one Aussie crony capitalist into a pool of starving saltwater crocs as a reward for his career in shareholder value destruction who would it be. You vote below - deadline 7 AM Tuesday:
