
1666 days ago

Another big win for Gabriel Grego – bio-On boss on Italy’s AIM casino arrested

As Gabriel Grego recalls in ShareProphets Radio podcast 13 , the reaction to him exposing the fraud that was Bio-On on Italy’s AIM Casino was typical: evil shorters, talking to our lawyers, all part of a conspiracy by evil Jews against a great Italian company, etc, etc.  The original dossier from July 24 2019 was HERE. It has not taken long for complete vindication.


1683 days ago

FREE Podcast: ShareProphets Radio Edition THIRTEEN with Tom Winnifrith, Chris Bailey and the legendary Gabriel Grego

There are two guests in this week’s show, First up I discuss the clown who runs Sirius Minerals (SXX). Then I welcome Chris Bailey. We discuss where value lies in the market and has the mood music changed, SIG (SHI),  Metro Bank (MTRO), Funding Circle (FCH), the crazy share price of Diageo (DGE) and much more. Then my second guest is the legendary bear raider Gabriel Grego of Globo and Folli Follie Fame. We discuss his latest triumph Bio-On and much more. If you like this and can’t wait seven days for more of the same  and are tired of being a cheapskate you should listen to my Bearcast every day.


1761 days ago

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: New 1 billion Euro short dossier from Gabriel Grego - Italy AIM listed Bio-On

The man who exposed Globo (GBO) and Folli Follie as outright frauds is back with a devestating new dossier on 1 billion Euro capitalised Bio-On which is listed on Italy’s AIM market. This looks like a slam dunk zero to me. The dossier from Gabriel and Quintessential Asset Management is below.. as ever we are first with the news….  
