Bristol City Council

837 days ago

Want to take your 5 year old to see naked adults talking about sex? Move to Bristol

Yes, Tobacco Factory Theatres really does think 5-year-olds want to see semi-naked adults talking about sex. In the old days, folks making such a suggestion would have been arrested. But, supported with your tax cash, via the Arts Council and Bristol City Council, the progressive class knows – far better than actual parents – what is good for little Johnny. Or Janet, as his parents would now rather “they” be known.


2734 days ago

There was me in my underpants and the Gauleiters of Bristol's Environmental Services Operatives showed mercy

The Mrs asked me to put the bins out today. According to the complex glossy grid posted to us by cash strapped Bristol City Council, it is a 4 bin day. I am still not sure what the difference is between the green box and the black box but they together with the big black bin and the brown food bin must all go outside by 7 AM and if you are caught putting the wrong stuff in the wrong box you are publicly stoned to death in a multi cultural ceremony to demonstrate Bristol's commitment to diversity as well as saving the planet. 


2747 days ago

The Drunken Sailor thrown overboard by political correctness in the Nursery

At home with Joshua, the Mrs and i regale our son with the nursery rhymes we knew as children. I guess we both grew up in households that were, in many ways, small c conservative, whatever my mother's views on self sufficiency and other throw offs from the hippy world of the late sixties. To these rhymes we add my own creations. The first verse of yesterday's was:


2912 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: another Vision of suffering for eternity in hell

Earlier this week I discussed HERE how eternity in hell might involve being lectured by a ponce from Bristol City Council on Health & Safety Rules and EU regulations on child car seats. I have another vision of hell today and it involves the Mother in law, Mothercare and discussions about prams. On other, more stockmarket related matters, I discuss, in some detail, Avanti Communications (AVN), Grafenia (GRA) and Glenwick (GWIK). I have a few more words on our devastating expose earlier today (HERE) on Strat Aero (AERO) and I offer praise up to the delightfully politically incorrect Anthony Coombs of S&U (SUS) for his trading statement today covering Brexit in which he sticks it firmly to the liberal chattering classes of doomsayers.


3465 days ago

Your Vote matters says Bristol City Council – Really? Prove it – I register anyway

As part of the dirty tricks campaign waged by the Labour party, the Mrs left me off the electoral register thereby denying me the opportunity to vote. I am sure that Ed Miliband is profoundly grateful to his one loyal supporter in this household for this act of electoral sabotage.

As luck would have it, the Mrs is away, and a letter from Bristol City Council has landed on the doormat. It stresses that “Your vote matters, make sure you’re in.”  Keen to ensure that the sanctimonius eco-Nazis at Bristol City Council do not target me for disobeying them I have done as they urged and registered online to vote and applied for a postal vote at the same time. I have now filed the letter and envelope in the correct recycling bin.

But can Bristol prove that my vote matters? As far as I can see none of the main parties, and I include UKIP and the Greens to humour any fruitcakes or eco-smellies who are reading, are prepared to be honest with the electorate about the deficit and debt.  None are prepared to fess up that with an ageing population we just have to extend the retirement and pension age by a decade and a half, to slash welfare spending and to accept that we cannot any more afford an NHS giving free healthcare on demand.

But no politician is honest about this. They all tinker
