
2745 days ago

Roger Lawson wants taxpayer cash to subsidise ShareSoc

The poltroons at ShareSoc led by Roger Lawson have written to the Business, Innovation and Skills Committee inquiry on corporate governance with a number of suggestions on cleaning up AIM. First up, send large amounts of taxpayers cash to Lawson and his pals. You could not make this stuff up.


4125 days ago

What anti business planet is naive Jo Swinson MP (Lib Dem) on? Why does Call Me Dave agree with her?

Jo Swinson is a Lib Dem Business Minister who is also an equalities minister. Unlike most politicians she has actually worked in the private sector – as a PR person for a local radio station before becoming an MP at the age of 25. Based on that vast experience of the needs of business she has come up with a cunning wheeze to make life ever more miserable for employers with yet more red tape. Just what the company doctor ordered. And it seems that this is coalition policy. Were the leader of the Conservative Party someone whose Dad ran a corner store and whose husband ran a series of companies rather than a pampered suit who did a brief stint in PR before becoming a professional politician, Swinson would be told where to stick her daft plans but that was before Call Me Dave made his party a “nice” party.

If Swinson gets her way, from next year all employees (not just those with kids) will be able to request the right to work flexible hours and cannot be denied unless the employer can show a clear business need. The silly woman
