Cheap Beer

2620 days ago

Photo Article: Ways to annoy the Mrs No 34: putting up a Tory election poster In Bristol East, then Greece

I am back in Bristol for a few days and was wandering back from lunch with Joshua when we happened to pass the Conservative Club. The door was open and i was conscious that I needed to renew my father's membership. Though not a Tory, or indeed a Bristol resident, he likes the idea of being able to access cheep beer at a place not far from our house.


3021 days ago

Tom & Lucian Miers preparing for a boozy lunch

We were meant to record a video. In fact we did record but something went wrong and the Conservative Club with its cheap beer beckoned. And thus the video short letter appears as a contemporaneous note.


3021 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 14 April: Dancing on the graves of Ruspetro & Gulf Keystone

Lucian will be here soon so I thought Id better record ahead of our trip to the Conservative Club with its tempting cheap beer. On the agenda I fail to mention that Finncap are complete and utter bastards but they are. I do, however, cover Ruspetro (RPO), Gulf Keystone (GKP), SeaEnergy (SEA), Rose Petroleum (ROSE), Sierra Rutile (SRX), Burberry (BRBY), Mothercare (MTC), a couple of Paul Scott jokes - please do not tell me he has any friends in the Mothercare management community that he thinks I may be offending - as well as a word or two on Challenger Acquisitions (CHAL) 


3773 days ago

Saturday Evening Student Pasta Offer Starts at Real Man Pizza

Every day of the week, anyone with a Student ID can buy a pizza or a pint of beer for just £3 at Real Man Pizza Company in Clerkenwell (and a litre of wine at £10). But as of this weekend we have a bonus Saturday offer for students.

At any time after six just show your student ID and you can enjoy one of ten pasta dishes for just £5. Personally I’d recommend penne e salmon but the gnocchi sorrentino comes a pretty close second.

This bonus student offer starts this Saturday from 6 PM and will run every Saturday thereafter.


4141 days ago

The launch of the Real After Office Deal At Real Man Pizza Company ( free garlic bread & cheep beer and wine)

If you happen to work near Clerkenwell we have a new offer for you and it all came out of a late night chinwag with some of our customers over a glass or two of Manx Spirit...

Chatting to a delightful group from our neighbours at Metapack (The UK’s leading supplier of delivery management platforms for e-commerce) Aldo and I have come up with a new idea for those working at Metapack or indeed any of the other offices around us.

Fancy a drink or seven after work? Well why not pop into Real Man, your local Italian restaurant?. Come along any day of the week after five in a group of six or more and we will serve you our wine of the month at just £14 a bottle and a pint of the awarding winning Curious beer we stock either as a light or dark ale for just £3.95 a pint.

And we will send two helpings of garlic bread (with or without cheese) direct to your table as a welcome gift.

Every day of the working week, the offer stands.  In winter Real Man is warm. In summer we open the windows and it is light and breezy.  So if you fancy a few after works drinks with colleagues just pop in. We look forward to seeing you at Real Man.

Can’t say fairer than that. Especially as Aldo does make very good garlic bread with cheese.

Full details can be found HERE


4433 days ago

Auberon Waugh, Polly Toynbee and £1.25 Peroni for Euro 2012

Lucian Miers wins the Master Investor DVD for answering the competition correctly: North Devon 1979, Auberon Waugh and Rinka. I am not sure that Waugh was a terribly nice man but generally you do not stick the boot in just after someone dies. Rather famously, the loathsome Polly Toynbee did just that with a vile obit in 2001
