Daniel Stewart

241 days ago

Ben’s Creek – silence is violence: where are your frigging results?

On 13 September 2023 Ben’s Creek (BEN), the overvalued POS run by disgraced Adam Wilson & Peter Shea of Atlantic Carbon and Daniel Stewart infamy announced that “Bens Creek expects to announce its full year results for the year to 31 March 2023 on Wednesday, 27 September 2023.”


354 days ago

The greed of Roland Fatty Cornish – annual accounts out from London's worst Nomad

London’s worst Nomad, Beaumont Cornish acts for dreadful small cap stocks that nobody would miss if they went bust. The frauds it has given a clean pass to are manifest, Johnny Hon’s Global Group to New World Oil & Gas, Daniel Stewart the list goes on and on. Its report for calendar 2022 is out and the word that screams out at you is GREEDThis is more shocking than the penury of Turner Pope exposed here.


385 days ago

Ben’s Creek now it has to borrow at credit card rates: more red flags vicar?

Luckily for MBU (mining advisor Mr. Adam Wilson of Daniel Stewart infamy) it has been dumping its shares in Ben’s Creek (BEN), CEO Mr. Adam Wilson of Atlantic Carbon/Coal infamy as fast as it can. Because today there is news of two more events in what is becoming an increasingly less slow motion car crash.


534 days ago

Ben’s Creek – an after hours share dumping stinker: the stench of Adam Wilson is everywhere

At 6 PM last night, nobody is watching O’ Clock, Ben’s Creek – CEO infamous Adam Wilson of Atlantic Carbon/Coal and Daniel Stewart disgrace – (BEN) announced that its largest shareholder MBU (main advisor the same Adam Wilson) had dumped 22,222,222 shares (5.92% of the equity) at just 18p. As with all share dumping by Wilson entities this is not what it seems and it stinks.


561 days ago

Ben’s Creek – more greed and the morons love it, they love being diluted, shafted without lube

Ben’s Creek (BEN) shares have zoomed ahead by 15% today to 24.5p on news that shareholders are being shafted. They seem to love being screwed without lube by disgraced CEO Adam Wilson of Atlantic Carbon and Daniel Stewart infamy. Words fail me.


563 days ago

Ben's Creek – more related party nonsense, more shareholder cash drained away to MBU

Even Stevie Wonder can now see that the optics here are dreadful. It is as you would expect with Adam Wilson of Daniel Stewart, Atlantic Carbon and Atlantic Coal infamy. It stinks. Today there is another shocking announcement.


614 days ago

Hello Adam Wilson, it’s Adam Wilson here can we chat again? I wanna tell you I love what you are doing

After yesterday’s inadequate disclosure from Ben’s Creek  (BEN) - CEO Adam Wilson – about share dealings by its biggest shareholder MBU Capital – senior advisor Adam Wilson – Mr. Wilson of Daniel Stewart and Atlantic Carbon infamy – has sought to clarify matters with another comical RNS.


617 days ago

Ben’s Creek – the stench of Adam Wilson, today’s very belated 'fess up does not bear scrutiny

I have always argued that promote Ben’s Creek (BEN) is uninvestable on the basis that its CEO Adam Wilson of Atlantic Carbon and Daniel Stewart infamy is a scallywag and also that its assets which sent the last owner into bankruptcy were piss poor.  Today comes news of a share transaction that stinks and an explanation that does not wash.


760 days ago

China fraud specialist, Paul Shackleton, getting a bit forgetful; the ten-year love that dare not speak its name

After his senior role at disgraced broker, Daniel Stewart – enabling China frauds including Naibu – Paul Shackleton should have been banned from financial services. Instead, he is now earning a six-figure wedge at Peel Hunt. But the morally bankrupt bankster is getting a bit forgetful.


988 days ago

Ben’s Creek new advisor – this just reads "sleaze"

If a company is run by Adam Wilson of Atlantic Carbon and Daniel Stewart infamy and also hires former Daniel Stewart boss Peter Shea on a chunky retainer the word that instantly spring’s to mind is sleaze. Another few words are inevitable long run value destruction. And that brings me to this morning’s announcement.


1023 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Shame on Allenby Capital & Optiva – disgraceful float of Ben’s Creek, another US coal dog from colourful Adam Wilson

If this rings any bells it should. Ben’s Creek Group PLC was only incorporated on 11 August 2021 with the “colourful” financier Adam Wilson of Daniel Stewart and Atlantic Carbon ( another US coal dog) infamy the driving force. Now it plans to raise £7 million valuing the shite within this company at £28 million. There is so much that I doubt Optiva and Allenmby are telling mugs who are ponying up ahead of an AIM sewer listing in two weeks time.


1309 days ago

Christmas Karma Going to Get You - Another scumbag who threatened the Sheriff of AIM, Peter Shea

His company Daniel Stewart (DAN) floated Quindell and a host of other frauds. Rob Terry became an investor in it. His brother threatened to beat me up then ran away when I popped up outside the firm’s Christmas party with a video camera. The oiks he employed abused me then went inside to hide. And as I exposed regulatory scandal after fraudulent client after financial crisis, Peter Shea eventually ordered I be threatened with a lawyer’s letter. Natch I said “see you in Court you fascist Bitchez!” There was no libel case brought!


1741 days ago

GOTCHA! Another win for the Sheriff of AIM: Peter Shea of Daniel Stewart, Quindell & China fraud infamy no longer in financial services. Its official!

Before it went bust, City advisor Daniel Stewart (DAN) was one of the firms that made the grave mistake of sending me a fascist lawyers letter. Natch I told it to get stuffed. The brother of boss Peter Shea threatened to beat me up but when I pirched up outside his firm’s Christmas Party a few weeks later he scuttled away like the coward he is. Daniel Stewart floated the mega fraud Quindelland numerous China frauds, covering up for firms like Naibu even after it knew it was a fraud.  Our extensive coverage of this company and of its boss Peter Shea continued even as he tried new dodgy tricks this year as you can see HERE. But now we have good news, as you can see below…


1771 days ago

Truly Gamfooked – a China fraud, IPO to delisting in less than 9 months

Gamfook was a Jersey Registered China play. That is always a good sign it was a fraud. It listed on the NEX lobster pot on Christmas Eve 2018 with Daniel Stewart, a firm with a fine history of floating frauds both British (Quindell) but also Chinese.  The tale of what happened next is a scandal.


1830 days ago

The Curse of the Sheriff of AIM – Atlantic Carbon goes bust, it's ouzo time

You may remember how Atlantic Carbon claimed it was worth a fortune based on “analysts reports” produced by SEC indicted crooks and then planned a London listing after Reversing into Peter Shea’s Daniel Stewart.  Mr Shea and former Atlantic Carbon boss Adam Wilson should not have threatened the Sheriff with a fascist lawyer’s letter over at Daniel Stewart. That guaranteed my wall to wall coverage and exposes and now the curse has struck… Atlantic Carbon, as you can see below is worth not $86.8 million but NOTHING. It has gone bust. Crack out the ouzo.


1902 days ago

The Curse of Daniel Stewart strikes again – management fallout at Atlantic Carbon

Thanks largely to the work on this website, the ludicrous proposal to reverse drowning in debt POS Atlantic Carbon into worthless Daniel Stewart Securities ahead of a Standard List came a cropper in early April as noted HERE. But the curse of doing business with Daniel Stewart and its toxic boss Peter Shea is now becoming clear for all to see.


1914 days ago

Daniel Stewart Administrators Report - go whistle for £8 million

The administrators first report on the late lamented Daniel Stewart (DAN) is out and is published below. Red faces all round and a bit of a £50,000 question for NEX listed China POS Gamfook.


1925 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the critical conflicts of interest that doom AIM to fail

In this bearcast I look at what a dismal failure AIM has become and examine the inherent conflicts of interest which make such failure ( for investors) inevitable. I reference Management Resource Solutions (MRS), Daniel Stewart (DAN), African Potash (AFPO), Arden Partners, Paul Shackleton, Naibu (NBU), Cantor Fitzgerald, Sefton Resources (SER), SP Angel, BlueJay Mining (JAY), Vialogy, Yourgene (YGEN), Quindell (QPP), Globo (GBO) and more. If you enjoyed this how about becoming a hero and donating to rogue bloggers for Woodlarks TODAY HERE


1937 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - another high yielding blue chip Neil Woodford is having to dump & another shite note from FinnCrap

In today's podcast, my last Monday bearcast from the civilised south as opposed to the Grim North,  I start with a look at another blue chip high yield stock Neil Woodford is being forced to sell as a result of the flood of redemptions. Then I have a revelation of shame about Daniel Stewart (DAN) and executive largesse. Then I look at the Yourgene (YGEN) trading statement and the lamentable research note it produced from FinnCrap (FCAP) which I reproduce in full below. Really: it is time to sack FinnCap and get a proper broker on board Finally a look at Adept4 (AD4) and an appeal to you all to join the roll call of heros HERE


1941 days ago

The Curse of the Sheriff of AIM strikes again: Atlantic Carbon/ Daniel Stewart RTO and listing pulled

When running Daniel Stewart (DAN) for the benefit of himself and his family, Peter Shea sent me a lawyers letter trying to stop me exposing what a crock of shit his company was, as it snuggled up to King fraudster Rob Terry. Better still his brother, also a Daniel Stewart employee as were four other family members, threatened to beat me up. So I doorstepped the Daniel Stewart Christmas Party - the brother hid inside the building. Congratulations Mr Shea & your vile family, you have met the Sheriff of AIM.


1993 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A lesson in red flag spotting at Atlantic Carbon - the stench of Daniel Stewart, Adam Wilson and Peter Shea

I follow up on today's shocking revelations about the stockmarket comeback planned by disgraced Peter Shea and Daniel Stewart Securities with a detailed look at Adam Wilson's Atlantic Carbon, formerly Atlantic Coal, its shocking historic accounts, why they should ensure alarm bells ring and why this whole deal and its proposed Standard Listing stink to high heaven


1993 days ago

BREAKING: From Death to a Standard Listing, Daniel Stewart the comeback...

More than a week after we exposed the coming death of Daniel Stewart & Company the weekend press has finally woken up and is reporting how it went into administration on Thursday. But something bigger happened on Thursday. Daniel Stewart, c/o former boss Adam Wilson is coming back to the market via a standard listing. Let me explain with the documents below.


1996 days ago

Tom Winnifrith (bad language special) Bearcast: Daniel Stewart & Pinsent Masons in the dock (Christmas comes early)

There is a lot of bad language in this podcast.  Do not play it in front of the children. In it I cover Naibu (NBU), Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Pinsent Masons (WANKERS) and the latest from their legal battle. I look at TrakM8 (TRAK), Angus Energy (ANGS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), Flybe (FLYB), and AIQ (AIQ).


2002 days ago

Don't worry Daniel Stewart - someone still loves you...

Following my revelations yesterday the deadwood press have their knives out for Daniel Stewart (DAN) today. Maybe the CEO's younger broker did not threaten tol beat them or and they did not get fascist lawyers letters for exposing this POS, but the firm is almost friendless as it prepares for administration. I say almost...


2003 days ago

Updated 2: Has Daniel Stewart gone tits up? Almost......

When the boss’s younger brother threatens to “beat up Tom Winnifrith because of the articles he wrote,” when you get into bed with disgraced king fraudster Rob Terry and then send Tom Winnifrith fascist lawyers letters you know that Mr Karma is going to get you sooner or later.  You are either on the side of the fraudsters or you support the fraudbusters and that brings us to Daniel Stewart (DAN).


2209 days ago

China AIM fraud Naibu – NEDs who failed & took their dosh now take Pinsent Masons & Daniel Stewart to Court

At the last AGM of Naibu (NBU) before it was booted off the AIM casino I attended its AGM, held at the offices of its Nomad Daniel Stewart, and accused the company of fraud.  Only the NEDs were present - Chinese executive directors failed to show. As I asked about a loan to the CEO’s mum that had not been repaid, the NEDs said they were unaware of this.  I pointed out where the loan was referenced in the annual report and the NEDs said they would go away and investigate. They did not. Only when they stopped getting paid did these useless upper class twits start to ask questions. Wind forward to today and it is time to shift the blame.


2241 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast - Pinsent Masons & Daniel Stewart sued for £180m over the Naibu fraud I exposed - happy days

Pinsent Masons was at the heart of the dirty tricks campaign Sefton Resources (SER) waged against myself and Brokerman Dan Levi as we exposed wholesale lying and fraud. Pinsents was thrashed in Court when Sefton sued us for libel. Scumbag low life motherfucker Pinsents partner Russell Booker was never disciplined so I guess it thinks dirty tricks against journalists are okay. Daniel Stewart (DAN) also sent me lawyers letters but never accepted my kind offer to "see you in Court bitchez", Anyhow the two are being sued for £180 million for their negligence over the Naibu (NBU) fraud I exposed HERE. I discuss that but also why Paul Scott should apologise to 6,000 House of Fraser staff losing their jobs in this bonus podcast.


2562 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - The PLC Death List Update - 9 new entrants

I started the PLC death list in June 2015 with 21 members. The aim is to pick stocks that will either go bust or get slung off the AIM Casino. Each departure requires a nreplacement. With nine new entrants today 40 names have joined this select group. So far there have been two outright failures on my part, Mariana Resources (MARL) and Jersey Oil & Gas (JOG). There was one volte face but I was ahead at volte face point and it was a great call both short and long - Wandisco (WAND), two near kills, InternetQ (INTQ) and Monitise (MONI) and thirteen slam dunk kills: Cloudtag (CTAG), Worthington (WRN), African Potash (AFPO), Jiasen (JSI), Camkids (CAMK), China Chaintek (CTAK), JQW (JQW), Afren (AFR), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Sefton (SER), Outsourcey (OUT - boy I enjoyed that one - Afriag (AFRI) and Auhua. So 13 out of 31 = 40%+ - not bad eh?  Arguably that is 15 out of 31 - almost 50%! That leaves:


2564 days ago

See you in Court Bitchez Odd one out Contest - the result

We asked you a simple question HERE. Look at the mugshots of the dirty half dozen below and tell us the odd one out. For those who could not recognise the ugly sisters they were (top row first, left to right): Dodgy bubble Costis from Greek fraud Globo, Roger Lawson ( who is clearly not a fraudster), the king of the fraudsters Rob Terry of Quindell, lyin' Chris Cleverley of African Potash, Peter Shea of Daniel Stewart and Jimmyliar Ellerton of Sefton infamy. So who is the odd one out? No-one got this one correct.


2571 days ago

Reader poll: Who has been stupid enough to send Tom Winnifrith a lawyer's letter now?

Don't these fools ever learn? For chancers and crooks like Darren Winters, the shysters at Globo, Blinkx, Quindell and Daniel Stewart and for lyin Chris Cleverley and Lord Hain of sleaze and for so many others, sending me a fascist lawyers letter never works out well. That is not for them at least. But it seems there is one born every day. A new letter is in demanding that three years of articles be removed, that damages and costs be paid and that I put my name to a grovelling apology dictated by this poltroon. Who do you think is daft enough to have sent it? Vote now in our latest poll with a deadline of midnight tonight.


2777 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the Curse of Justin the Clown strikes again

In this podcast I look at Daniel Stewart (DAN) where Waseem Shakoor closed his short today. I look at the lunacy there, the lunacy at Cloudtag (CTAG) and show how it is the same folks, the sort of folks who are also preyed on by conman Darren Winters. On that note please read THIS ARTICLE TODAY - and tweet it out and link to it on Facebook and on any website you can. I look at Strat Aero (AERO), Ferrum Crescent (FCR), Avanti Communications (AVN) and then at another stock cursed by the frothing endorsement of the Clown, MySquar (MYSQ) which is a right old dog and its well spun RNS today can't hide that.


2778 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the A to E of AIM fraud. Guess what C is for?

In today's bearcast I look at the A to E of AIM fraud. It covers Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO), Boxhill (BOX, Cloudtag (CTAG), Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Eden Research (EDEN). Can you remember which two of those have sent me a fascist lawyer's letter?


2803 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: AIM Death List Update 4 - Four New Entrants, now 10 kills from 27

On 13 June I started my 21 stock Death list portfolio - 21 shares heading for zero or being booted off the market - see HERE. Until now 27 stocks have entered the portfollio and I am claiming ten kills - not bad eh? Today I go over the four kills since the last update and add four new entrants to the portfolio. Do the Cloudtag morons really want to bet against me with my current kill rate? I review all 21 now current members. The stocks mentioned are: Worthington, JQW, Jiasen, Camkids, China Chaintek, Trap Oil, Mosman Oil & Gas, Monitise, Outsourcery, Magnolia Petroleum, Arian Silver, Sareum, Avanti Communications, Daniel Stewart, Mariana Resources, Sefton Resources, Golden Saint Resources, Sovereign Mines of Africa, Afren, Wandisco, Tungsten, Blur, Auhua, Afriag, InternetQ, Servision, Igas, Cloudtag, African Potash & Slater & Gordon.


2836 days ago

Daniel Stewart - a big fudge to delay publishing ghastly accounts

Remember when the fraudster Rob Terry told his deluded followers that shares in Daniel Stewart (DAN) were worth 10p each. In those days they were listed on AIM but Terry reckoned that they could be worth even more when delisted. Hmmmm. Now slung off AIM things seem to be going from bad to worse.


2836 days ago

Roland "Fatty" Cornish, a £270k dividend for failure and the oddest accounts on this planet

If you thought that the accounts of some of the crap Roland "fatty" Cornish floated on AIM smelled bad, you need to look at the annual report of his own firm Beaumont Cornish Limited. I shall be urging both the FCA and the HMRC to have a butchers as it looks well iffy. But if you have lost a packet in any, or all, of the junk Fatty has floated or acted for - not least Daniel Stewart and New World Oil & Gas - you will be delighted to know that in 2015 his "takings" from dividends alone were £270,000. How's that for transferring wealth from the 99% to the 1%?


2896 days ago

Quindell Fraudster Rob Terry comments on Daniel Stewart - this is comedy genius

Say what you like about fraudster Rob Terry, the man is a comedy genius. I am sure that when he does get sent to prison he will be providing entertainment for his fellow inmates in all sorts of ways. But away from the shower block one way will be as a comedian. Terry's latest commentary on the "blog" of his new ponzi, Quob Park Estate is a comedy classic.


2948 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 4 stocks worth 0p - Servision, CNEL, PCGE & Jiasen

Are you listening Jon Bellis at Belfort Securities? You know your form is acting for fraudsters and shite companies yet you are happy for Belfort to keep banking the retainers. This is morally wrong. How do you sleep at night? In this podcast I discuss four stocks that are each worth 0p: Jiasen (FRAUD) - broker Belfort Securities, Servision (SEV) - where are your crooked accounts? Broker Belfort Securities, China New Energy (CNEL) a fraud, broker the disgraced Daniel Stewart and PCG Entertainment (PCGE) another China Norfolk, broker Belfort Securities.


2977 days ago

Rob Terry's Quob Park Ponzi gets into Crowdfunding with delisted Daniel Stewart

You could not make this up but fraudster Rob Terry is getting into crowdfunding working alongside Peter Shea, the boss of disgraced ex AIM Casino listed China fraud specialist Daniel Stewart (DAN). It was, of course, Daniel Cesspit that listed Quindell on a fraudulent prospectus and signed off of the fraudulent deals with TMC Southern, that conjured up entirely fictitious profits for Quenron in 2011. The SFO will sooner or later arrest Terry and he's going to jail, but it seems as if Shea is determined to implicate himself by association.


3074 days ago

BREAKING: Daniel Stewart - Oh Dear Mr Terry it looks like the Cesspit is now drowning in debt

I've got more bad news for fraudster Rob Terry. No, it is not the Serious Fraud Office & Quindell (QPP). That is for later this year but probably Rob won't have to wait that long for the 6 AM knock. This time it is Daniel Stewart which is almost 10% owned by Rob's new ponzi Quob Park Estates. It seems as if the cash burning broker is now out of cash and has had to start borrowing just to keep afloat. Pro tem. Oh dear.


3097 days ago

Correction: Daniel Stewart may be begging to be bought but MD Barnard says not interested

Earlier we ran an article suggesting that MD Barnard may be considering a marcey low ball takeover of Daniel Stewart. Nope... we apologise for giving shareholders in the disgraced broker a brief glimmer of hope and correct accordingly.


3098 days ago

Hey Morons - what are your Daniel Stewart shares really worth? Ask Waz Shakoor if he's still feeling generous?

There are some folks out there, notably on the LSE Asylum, that think that an unlisted Daniel Stewart (DAN) which is almost out of cash is actually worth anything? Think again, morons.

The Great Northern Bear Waz Shakoor went short at 2.25p


3103 days ago

A grateful reader shows his thanks - it is ouzo o'clock

The chap took my advice and had shorted Daniel Stewart (DAN) and with its shares now being booted off AIM that will be a 100% win for this reader. To show his gratitude he bought me a little present as you can see below.


3111 days ago

Fraudster Rob Terry ups his stake in Daniel Stewart

Disgraced corporate adviser Daniel Stewart will have its shares thrown off the AIM Casino on Friday. Its balance sheet is a train wreck, it is burning cash, its reputation is in tatters and its shares are worthless. So what happens next?


3113 days ago

The Curse of those who send Tom Winnifrith a lawyer's letter - set to strike again TOMORROW

I have only just finished celebrating the AIM demise of Daniel Stewart (DAN), a shite firm that mistakenly sent me two bully boy lawyers letters trying to gag me. Karma has now come for Daniel Stewart as it did for another firm that pissed away shareholders cash trying to shut me up, Globo. So who is next? You are not going to have to wait long. Karma struck today and I shall reveal all on Tuesday.Why not have a guess who got a dose of Karma today in our readers poll. Its easy...


3113 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 January - Daniel Stewart & Eden Research the end game is zero - fraud does not pay

A detailed look at two companies, a history of fraud, panama pumps, bully boy lawyers letters and horiffic cashburn at Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Eden Research (EDEN). The end game is always zero. Warning: this podcast contains bad language


3113 days ago

Daniel Stewart - it's thankyou and goodnight: we dance on your grave

Having hinted previously that its AIM days may be numbered, last night at no-one-is-watching o'clock (5.29pm on a Friday) erstwhile AIM-listed Daniel Stewart (DAN) released an "Update on Suspension" RNS which admitted that following the resignation of Beaumont Cornish, the Nomad of last resort, the company had been unable to find a replacement. In other words no other Nomad is prepared to act and we should expect an AIM execution announcement on Friday of next week.


3127 days ago

And now there is a miss Deputy Sheriff of AIM - congratulations Nigel Somerville

Just a brief note to say congratulations to the Deputy Sheriff of AIM and Mrs DSOA on the birth today of their third child and first daughter. Like a Daniel Stewart placing


3131 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 30 December: Daniel Stewart (bust) the joke goes on, Rob Terry, gay bars & Jabba The Hutt

Sorry that material appeared late on this website today. I was out last night at a play on Christopher Street which some of you may well know well - that explains one part of the headline. Elsewhere I look at interims from Daniel Stewart (DAN) which is just a plain farce. Then onto Afriag (AFRI) and the attempted bribe and LGO Energy (LGO) the two Jabba The Hutt plays. Fraudster Rob Terry was a big fan of Daniel Stewart and also of Imaginatik (IMTK) which I discuss. Fitbug (FITB) is mentioned as - in more detail - is Scancell (SCLP) which seems to be pump priming for a placing.


3133 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Christmas Day Bearcast - the heros and villains of 2015

Merry Christmas to you all. In this podcast I reveal my seven heros of 2015 from the AIM casino and my ten villains. Yes David Lenigas does feature as does Rob Terry, Marcus Stuttard, Roland "fatty" Cornish, Paul Scott and the firm of Daniel Stewart - can you guess which category each of them are in?


3140 days ago

Christmas Really has come Early - Fatty Cornish Quits as Nomad to Daniel Stewart

Oh joy of joys. I am now enjoying a large ouzo. First David Lenigas leaves the Casino and now this... Roland "fatty " Cornish, the Nomad of last resort, has had enough and has quit as Nomad to the - already suspended - Daniel Stewart (DAN) with immediate effect. What a fucking brilliant day I am having.

That means that if no other Nomad steps up to the plate (and no-one will) Daniel Cesspit shares will be slung off the casino on January 21. Shall we have a party? I'll bring the ouzo, you bring the Charlie.



3141 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 20 December 2 - the TW Death List Christmas Update

On 13 June I started my 21 stock Death list portfolio - 21 shares heading for zero or being booted off the market - see HERE.  On 23 August I got my first kill and so Afren (AFR) was replaced by Daniel Stewart (DAN) HERE. I have now had four more kills and  nearly all those that have survived have seen their shares tank.  Now I update with 4 new entrants, given that I have had four more kills, and I review the original entrants that cling on to life. Just.  The stocks mentioned are: Worthington, JQW, Jiasen, Camkids, China Chaintek, Trap Oil, Mosman Oil & Gas, Monitise, Outsourcery, Magnolia Petroleum, Arian Silver, Sareum, Avanti Communications, Daniel Stewart, Mariana Resources, Sefton Resources, Golden Saint Resources, Sovereign Mines of Africa, Afren, Wandisco, Tungsten, Blur, Auhua, Afriag and InternetQ


3145 days ago

The fraud Naibu - the NEDS report back - sheer 100% AIM Casino comedy

Our coverage of the AIM Casino fraud Naibu (NBU) was detailed and we called it out as a fraud openly more than six months before its shares were suspended. Staff at Daniel Stewart (DAN) knew it was a fraud and did nothing. The NEDS were in denial when I ambushed them at the AGM - HERE. The NEDS and Daniel Stewart staff were a bunch of upper class twits who patronised me and failed investors. But now it is mea culpa time. The hooray Henry's who took the Naibu shilling as NEDS have today published a full update on what is going on. It is horriffic reading.

If you are an investor in Jiasen (JSI) don't laugh too much, I reckon that you are next.

I can do no better than reprint the report in full. This is a disgrace and a day of shame for AIM. Over to the upper class twits:


3147 days ago

Daniel Stewart NED Peter Dicks can't wait to leave, accelerated resignation

Oh dear, the hangover from the Christmas party must have caused a few headaches round at Daniel Cesspit (DAN) but for the AIM listed POS broker life just got that much worse.

On November 2 2015 Cesspit announced:


3153 days ago

Struggling for small talk ideas at the Daniel Stewart Christmas Party - a few one-liners to try

Maybe you have no shame and will tonight be attending the Daniel Cesspit (DAN) Christmas Party but are worried that you might struggle to make small talk with its useless boss Peter Shea and his dwindling numbers of staff? Fear not, just for you, here is a cut out and keep 13 handy one liners to use. There is no need to thank me, in the season of goodwill I'm just trying to help.


3153 days ago

Disgraced Daniel Stewart Christmas Party Tacky Invitation Caption Contest (shares still suspended)

Shares in disgraced City broker (no longer a Nomad) Daniel Cesspit (DAN) remain suspended (for the third time in a year) as it has yet to complete the bailout placing it first said would be finalised "shortly" on October 1st and thrice since but its annual champagne Christmas Party goes ahead none the less and is tonight. The Invitation - which we have obtained, see below - is uber-tacky so please supply a suitable caption in the commemts section.


3184 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 7 November : Paul Scott, Rob Terry and Andrew Bell

I am still recovering from lunch with Paul Scott yesterday. It was great fun but I have no idea how I made it back to Bristol and now I want to go to bed again. In this podcast I discuss the idea of investing in bad companies at the right time. I look at Rob Terry's antics on Friday at Daniel Stewart (DAN)  and Imaginatik (IMTK) and discuss flip flop tipping Red Rock Resources (RRR).


3187 days ago

Quindell Fraudster & insider dealer Rob Terry shocking revelations about Daniel Stewart

Over at Ponzi Quob Park (QPE), the fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy has penned a lengthy post about Daniel Stewart (DAN). It is shocking and begs massive questions.


3191 days ago

Fraudster Rob Terry tweets into life again via the Quob Park Ponzi

The last tweet was September 23. But Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry and his Knob Park ponzi are again tweeting promising news next week. Might this be an update on his discussions with the Serious Fraud Office or from fraud to farce, news about AIM Casino POS Daniel Stewart (DAN)?


3197 days ago

Quindell fraudster Rob Terry: Go on tell us about your boardroom discussions with Daniel Stewart

Once upon a Quindell (QPP) time the fraudster Rob Terry seemed to be suffering from twitter diarrhoea. But for the past six weeks his new mouthpiece, the Quob Park Ponzi scheme has been almost silent. One might almost suspect that on legal advice the fraudster was being advised to say schtum as he awaits arrest by the Serious Fraud Office. He should not have to wait long. But, meanwhile, what about his discussions with Daniel Stewart (DAN)?


3199 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23 October: Daniel Stewart, Globo, Suspensions happening & hangings I call for

A wide ranging little podcast with none of the bad language ( well less) in my earlier bearcast on CEB Resources (CEB) and its scumbag CEO Dave Whitby (HERE). In this edition I cover Globo (GBO), Daniel Stewart (DAN) – with breaking news  - Northbridge Industrial (NBI), Auhua (ACE), New World Oil & Gas (NEW), ADVFN (AFN), Sefton Resources (SER) Holders Technology (HDT) and Northern Petroleum (NOP) 


3201 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - waiting for Globo ( and Daniel Stewart)

Already there has been bad news today for Globo (GBO) but we are waiting for the hammer blow flagged up yesterday HERE. I discuss this. Talking of waiting...I move onto Daniel Stewart (DAN). Then a few words about Northbridge (NBI) and Cloudbuy (CBUY) before a bit of a swipe at Uk Oil & Gas (UKOG) and Alba Minerals (ALBA). There is a mention of Ortac (OTC) and also of Mariana Resources (MARL) and its overpaid POS CEO Glenn Parsons.


3216 days ago

Daniel Stewart – problems with the placing? Come on ‘fess up chaps

Daniel Stewart (DAN) shares remain suspended because it can't publish its annual results until it does a placing otherwise the (piss poor) numbers will be heavily qualified. What is going on? Is there a wee problem?


3217 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 5 October - Suspension is never good & a cheap joke

A visit to the quack today was not good news but at least the woes of English rugby and LGO Energy (LGO) are there to cheer me up. in this podcast I discuss Alexander Mining (AXM), Cloudbuy (CBUY), the hoods at Equities First Holdings LLC (EFH), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Imaginatik (IMTK), Wandisco (WAND), Mirada (MIRA), Range Resources (RRL), tech stocks vs mining stocks, Amanda Van Dyke and, to end, I can't resist a cheap joke about the rugby.


3218 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 4 October - Jim Slater, Zak Mir, Daniel Stewart and closed shops

In this webcast I cover Daniel Stewart (DAN), red flags, a closed shop that should be ended to improve AIM at a stroke and another in the legal system, Zak Mir and Jim Slater tipping Optimal Payments (OPAY) and why I disagree and also how I suffered as the lefty mates of my Mrs talked utter rot at lunchtme. I am truly traumtised. I am also handing out 20 free investor class tickets to The Gold, Bears & Traders show on November 28 and 1 person booking an investor class seta tonight using the promotional code BCGB will be upgraded to a Golden Ticket giving access to the after show party with the speakers, etc. So book now at www.GoldandBears.com  using the code BCGB


3218 days ago

An Open letter to Roland Fatty Cornish – quit Daniel Stewart NOW before the Rob Terry stink kills you off

The revelations today by Nigel Somerville make it clear that Rob Terry is up to his old tricks again with regard to share dealing in Daniel Stewart (DAN). Somewhere along the line he is dissembling in his regulatory filings. Nomad Roland “fatty” Cornish is already in all sorts of hot water over the scandals at Gate Ventures (HERE) and New World Oil & Gas (HERE), he now needs to save what is left of his reputation and quit acting for Daniel Cesspit now. I have written him a letter in the spirit of compassion and brotherly love urging him to do just that. It reads:

Dear Roland.

I write to you as your friend. I write to help you. There is no need to thank me for this I just wish to help you. Because I am, as you know, just such a nice guy.

I appreciate that you have had a spot of regulatory bother of late


3218 days ago

Daniel Stewart – tell us about the missing 3.5 million shares?

I am not saying that this is a sign of fraud. I am perfectly willing to accept that it is sheer gross incompetence on the part of Daniel Stewart (DAN) but perhaps it might care to explain how 3.5 million shares went missing earlier this year?


3222 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 1 October - after the fraud conference

A few reflections on the AFCE Fraud conference today at which I spoke and on the Boohoo (BOO) supper with Paul Scott last night. Then onto Daniel Stewart, Caza (CAZA), LGO Energy (LGO), Wandisco (WAND) and Magnolia Petroleum (MAGP). Then the fire alarm went.


3222 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 30 September - fuckwit PR men & other matters

Interupted by fckwit PR men and a host of other things this is not a good day. But at least in 48  hours Pizza hardman Darren Atwater has the FSAL headache and I shall be away from acursed London and back in Bristol. On the podcast today: Outsourcery (OUT), Wandicso (WAND), Paragon Diamonds (PRG), Sefton Resources (SER), Fitbug (FITB), Koovs (KOOV), Boohoo.com (BOO), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Golden Saint Resources (GSR) and Blur (BLUR).


3223 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 29 September - a victor crows

It is back to old style bearcast today as I cannot get Audioboom to work. I am sure that it is all my fault. I crow about: winning the living wage debate last night and Volex (VLX). Then it is onto Panmure Gordon (PMR), WH Ireland (WHI) - please sue me for libel bitchez - and Daniel Stewart (DAN). Then I give a good kicking to tosser Dragons Den star Piers Linney and his POS company Outsourcery (OUT)


3223 days ago

CELEBRATE: Daniel Stewart Profits Warning – please post abuse about Rob Terry

Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry told deluded followers of his new Ponzi Knob Park Estates that shares in Daniel Stewart (DAN) are worth 4.2p possibly 10p. Oh dear. They closed today at 1.4p (off 6.7%% for some reason) and well after hours we got a dire profits (or rather lack of profits) warning.


3230 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 23 September - these folks are ALL avin a bubble

The countdown to Corrie live is underway. If you wish to understand what life is really like in the muder and drug dealing infested sexual hothouse that is the Grim Northern welfare safari tune in tonight. How can I compete with that in a podcast? But I do my best discussing Golden Saint Resources (GSR), JQW (JQW), Vmoto (VMT), Wandisco (WAND), Publishing Tech (PTO), Daniel Stewart (DAN) and Plethora (PLE)


3237 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 16 September - All My Christmases at once

Jeremy Corbyn was right not to sing the Natonal Anthem and its a poor song anyway - that was my earlier podcast today which you can hear HERE. In terms of the markets it is all my Christmases at once - a chance to comment on friends including the greedy bastards who run Vislink (VLK), fraudster Rob Terry, Daniel Stewart (DAN), Imaginitik (IMTK), ValiRx (VAL), Motive TV (MTV) and also on SeaEnergy (SEA) and Avanti Communications (AVN). Then there is comment on the bad AGM result at Hotel Corp (HCP) - victory for the crony capitalist bastards on the board - all that is wrong about AIM. And I start with words of praise for my pal Jim Mellon noting events at Copper Development (CDC) and also at Glencore (GLEN) - is this a Burmah Castrol moment?


3243 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 9 September - more nonsense from and questions for Quindell

I start by clarifying certain rumous circulating that I am starting new businesses or getting involved with those who do. Au contraire. Very much au ffing contraire. Then it is onto today's ludicrous announcement from Quindell (QPP). I also cover Sefton Resources (SER), Goals Soccer Centres (GOAL), Auhua Clean Energy (ACE) - a dirty AIM dog if I ever I saw one - Asian Citrus (ACHL), Aquatic Foods (AFG), Daniel Stewart (DAN), Iofina (IOF) and of course Monitise (MONI)

Bulletin Board Morons can line up to apologise to me over Monitise and Iofina ( and of course Quindell) at any time. Don't all rush.


3243 days ago

Emmit – another AIM scandal exposed where Daniel Stewart showed it is not fit for purpose

Emmit PLC (EMT) was booted off the AIM casino in May of this year but said that – notwithstanding a parlous financial position – it hopes to make a comeback once it has completed an RTO. I suggest that it has zero chance of this given the revelations below, revelations which show that its former Nomad Daniel Stewart (DAN) was not fit for purpose. Daniel Stewart deserves a massive censure and fine for the scam it allowed to take place. A scam that has cost investors millions. 

The FCA flagged up a pension scam involving shares in Emmit last year stating: 


3251 days ago

The latest mad missive from Quindell fraudster Rob Terry of Quob Park – questions questions

Via his new scam Knob Park Estates the Quindell (QPP) fraudster Rob Terry has sent out a new missive which even by his standards is a quite deranged piece of fantasy. It begs just so many questions and almost makes me want the SFO to delay his arrest so that he can keep entertaining us with such nonsense.

Terry admits that the recent stockmarket weakness has affected the value of listed investments. I should cocoa. Quindell is off by a fifth and Daniel Stewart (the largest investment) by 60% from its peak. But this is Terry of creative accounting fame so Quob Park’s NAV is going to be boosted by other sorts of profits. Natch we turn to fraud


3260 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast PLC Death List Update - who is to replace Afren?

71 days ago it was world gin day and to celebrate I came up with 21 Companies that I thought would be brown bread by December 31st 2016, either delisted or bust or both - the Death List HERE. So far Afren has lived up to expectations and so I replace it with a new death list entrant in today's podcast.  It should be listened to in conjunction with my macro stockmarket crash bearcast of yesterday HERE

The companies featured today are Worthington, JQW, Jiasen, Camkids, China Chaintek, Trap Oil, Mosman Oil & Gas, Monitise, Outsourcery, Magnolia Petroleum, Arian Silver, Sareum, Avanti Communications, Daniel Stewart, Mariana Resources, Sefton Resources, Golden Saint Resources, Sovereign Mines of Africa, Afren, Wandisco, Tungsten


3260 days ago

WH Ireland – How big is its mis-selling scandal? Only a lunatic would trust this firm with his cash

The Mail on Sunday carries a horrific story about a 78 year old man who has seen his life savings disappear thanks to WH Ireland (WHI) the AIM listed stockbroker. Reading this I conclude that only a total lunatic would entrust WH Ireland with his or her cash. With the stockmarket now clearly in bear territory WH Ireland would be unlikely to prosper even without this scandal and at 125p the shares are a stonking sell – second only in this sector to those of the POS Daniel Stewart (DAN).


3276 days ago

Rob Terry Not to float Quob Park (wonder why?) and more ramping of Daniel Stewart

The fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell (QPP) infamy is a busy guy as he prepares for the inevitable dawn raid by the Serious Fraud Office as a precursor to a trial and a custodial jail sentence. His latest posting on the website of his new vehicle Quob Park is quite simply delusional.

Terry discusses the merits of getting a public listing HERE and argues that it would be better if Quob Park did not list. Hmmm. We can think of another good reason or fifteen why a listing is not going to happen. How about the fact that Quob’s founder (Mr Terry) is the subject of a SFO Criminal Investigation? Or the fact that PWC has come out and said that the accounts he prepared at Quindell (and even its IPO document) were plain fantasy? Or that Mr Terry misled the poor lambs at KPMG in relation to prior audits? The list goes on. And on. And on.

It is just inconceivable that a Rob Terry entity could gain a public markets listing. Even the AIM casino would say no and no Nomad in town would touch Terry with a bargepole. 

Then Terry goes onto to argue that Quob’s biggest investment – Daniel Stewart


3278 days ago

What should I call the Quindell book? And a few words on Daniel Stewart – the best short in London

When are you going to publish the Quindell book?  I was asked this numerous times yesterday and having chatted to the pizza hardman Darren Atwater, we think that the answer is October. But what to call it?


3284 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 31 July in honour of disgraced PR man Tim Thompson

In today's podcast I look at Coms in detail and then at Rightster en passant whose PR man is the disgraced dirty tricks specialist Tim Thompson of Range Resources infamy and where there is a detailed piece to come later,  before having a butchers at the ludicrous joke that is LightwaveRF. I refer to my Jiasen piece earlier and have a warning for other China Norfolks. In that vein I also mention the POS Daniel Stewart. Then en passant Mosman Oil & Gas and flip flop's Red Rock share tip.

Footnote: The Interim CFO at Coms has called me back. What a very nice lady. I stand


3292 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 22 July - China in recession, China AIM Casino fraud

The sabbatical can be broken for one of three events: the arrest of Rob Terry, suspension of trading in shares in Daniel Stewart and big China fraud news. Sadly Terry has not yet been lead away in cuffs but it will happen. But I sat down with my lefty father pleasing him as I discussed crooked capitalists (the deluded old boy reckons all capitalists are crooks) with reference to China macro-economics and China fraud on AIM in light of today’s news from Geong and Gate Ventures.

I refer in the podcast to the delusional China claims made by Getafix HERE and to Nigel Somerville’s excellent piece on Aquatic Foods HERE 


3295 days ago

Daniel Stewart & Quindell: same ramper, same lunatic shareholders, same harassment of critics – same end game

Last week I had a feeling of déjà vu – it was the Quindell summer all over again. The harassment had begun and I was wondering why.

At Free Speech & Liberty Pizza the phone kept ringing. We’d pick it up and there was silence or music. We’d put it down.  Few minutes later we’d get the same call. Same result. Someone was trying to jam our phones. There were a few patently bogus reviews of the restaurant on Tripadvisor – obvious fabrication.   That was just what happened last summer as Quindell morons thought they could shut me up by putting this place out of business.

As it happens we are trading more profitably than ever. Folks rather like us for standing up for free speech.

Then there was the twitter harassment.


3295 days ago

Formal Request to FRC, FCA and AIM Regulation to investigate Daniel Stewart

I have this morning from the train contacted the Financial Reporting Council, AIM Regulation and the FCA regarding the 2012 and 2013 accounts of Daniel Stewart PLC regarding the issue I raised yesterday HERE. It has long been my contention that DS is not fit to be a listed company and in that spirit I have asked that its accounting which appears, at best, to be aggressive, be formally investigated. The letter follows. 

To: The Financial Reporting Council, The FCA, AIM Regulation
cc: Roland Cornish of Beaumont Cornish, Nomad to Daniel Stewart. 

Dear Sirs.


3295 days ago

Daniel Stewart & Naibu – more truly shocking detail: the £16 million stink gets worse

Naibu (NBU) was a fraud from the day it joined the AIM Casino in April 2012 thanks to disgraced Daniel Stewart (DAN) but a careful analysis of the subsidiary accounts of the City Crony Capitalists shows the stink is even worse than we imagined.

We demonstrated that Naibu was a fraud from pre IPO on a number of occasions but notably when exposing the undeclared criminal record of CEO Houyan Lin (HERE) and also the undeclared debts on the balance sheet (HERE) In fact the whole company was a fraud from top to bottom which is why CEO Houyan Lin has been in prison since November last year (not that Daniel Stewart warned investors) and why the shares have now been booted off the casino altogether.

The Daniel Cesspit subsidiary


3297 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 17 July, another shift with Foxy Beatrix from Budapest

Once again I find myself at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza alongside foxy Beatrix from Budapest who tells me that she is a keen reader of George Orwell. She says all the right things. I bet you are all insanely jealous of me. I digress. In this podcast I discuss Tomco, New World Oil & Gas, Frontier Resources, Fitbug, Gable Holdings and Daniel Stewart where I hear bad things abut the cash burn.


3299 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 15 July: hangover, foxy Beatrix from Budapest and Rob Terry

I am not at my sharpest, the Irish gene was at work last night.  Working through a hangover I welcome foxy Beatrix from Budepest to Free Speech & Liberty Pizza as a replacement for the disgraced witch Christina from the Carpathians. Back in the world of shares this podcast looks at Mosman Oil & Gas and JD Wetherspoon then onto Rurelec, Falanx and Jiasen. Finally, I have a detailed discussion about the Rob Terry stocks, Imaginatik (read Steve Moore's piece today) and Daniel Stewart - when the insider and fraudster is led away in cuffs as he surely will be both these stocks will collapse.


3314 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 1 July

I forgot to mention convicted felon Champagne Charlie Gibson in the podcast. Silly me. But in case you have forgotten why he is a felon go HERE and why I am going to keep mentioning it go HERE. In the actual Bearcast I look at Sirius Minerals and Monitise and then have breaking news on the unlikely hero of the day China fraud specialist Mr Paul Shackleton and bad news for investors in Gate Ventures. Then it is onto Daniel Stewart with a bad Winston Churchill parody. Then onto Speedy Hire, Lightwaverf, Independent Oil & Gas and Phorm where the chickens are coming home to roost, at last.


3316 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 29th June

Oh happy days, oh happy days. Firstly my daughter turns 14 today. Born at just 1lb 4 oz she was a miracle baby and has turnd into a cracking young lady. Secondly the Slater & Gordon/Quindell mess gets messier by the day. Lube up Rob Terry, B Wing awaits. And then I move onto Greece and China to equity market valuations and then on to Progility, HSS Hire and Lamprell.


3318 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 26 June

In today's podcast I relay my experience of Argos, there is always something new in life. Anyhow I now have new headphones so I hope the sound quality is better. Then onto Daniel Stewart, Rob Terry, Imaginatik, Mwana Africa, ValirX, biotech in general, Auhua Clean and IGAS


3320 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 24 June it is ouzo o'clock all day

Ching ching, a day to celebrate.  This podacst starts with two apologies ( one to Big Dave Lenigas) and covers Alecto, Daniel Stewart, Elementis, Afren, Mosman, Monitise and of couse Rob Terry, fraud, Quob Park and Quindell


3321 days ago

Quindell shares suspended, FCA investigation, Tom Winnifrith "I'm 100% vindicated" - for Rob Terry prison beckons

Shares in Quindell (QPP) have today been suspended on news that the FCA is now formally investigating and that Quindell itself is now investigating a host of other fraudulent related party transactions over and above the over-statement of profits. The fallout for Rob Terry, Quindell shareholders, ex CEO Rob Fielding and the other crooks in the cabal will be massive. Jail beckons for some. Daniel Stewart is in the merde as Quob Park will unravel. For me I am now 100% vindicated. Or as Rob Terry would have, it 2+2 = 150% vindicated.

To those folks who harassed me with legal threats (Schillings your letter is on display at Free Speech & Liberty Pizza to remind you of your shame), with death threats (also on display), with smears, with attacks and harassment of myself, my dependants, my colleagues, I suggest a moment of reflection. I do not expect apologies, but reckognise that I use the word "fraud" only where I can prove it and months of painstaking analysis - you can see here - proved that. I have now been fully vindicated.

The statement is a horror for Quindell and reads:


3329 days ago

Daniel Stewart says no reason for share price rise - it lies, the reason is fraudster & insider dealer Rob Terry is ramping the shares ...and also Quindell

Daniel Stewart (DAN) has today been forced to say that it knows of no reason for the increase in its share price and to warn that it's bailout £1 million funding will be at a discount to the current share price. Daniel Stewart lies. The reason the shares are heading to more luducrous levels is that Rob Terry, the fraudster and insider dealer of Quindell (QPP) and The Innovation Group (TIG) infamy is ramping the shares and here is the email that proves it.


3348 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 27 May

I start the podcasts with some observations about a flurry of road repairing here in Greece and explain what is going on. I then move onto geo political risk which is not discounted in equity valuations and to the general abandoment of risk assessment in small caps with reference to Daniel Stewart, ValirX and Tern.


3348 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 26 May - a short edition

Ok rabble, it is the last day in Greece with the Mrs. She flies home to her true love (Oakley, the morbidly obese three legged cat) later and so this is just a short message on a day when the stockmarket is showing signs of true madness. Should we all give up being value investors and buy any old rubbish and go with the flow? No. It will end in tears. Inter alia I refer to Coms, Daniel Stewart, Scotgold, Kea Petroleum and the China bubble.


3361 days ago

Exclusive: How the London Stock Exchange Secretly Screwed investors over Daniel Stewart PLC clients

In November of 2014 the Qualifying Executives in the Nomad team at Daniel Stewart, led by China fraud specialist Mr Paul Shackleton all quit and it was forced to tell those AIM Casino companies it represented that they needed a new Nomad or would be slung off AIM. I can now reveal that the London Stock Exchange then secretly screwed ordinary investors in order to avoid its own humiliation.


3362 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 13 May

Back from lunch with my old Dad who is now in Greece this podcast looks at inter alia New World Oil & Gas, Daniel Stewart and in detail Mosman Oil & Gas and Northern Petroleum.


3366 days ago

Daniel Stewart – “See you in Court you fascist bitchez”

On 30th April I ran an article stating “Daniel Stewart – shares suspended at 4.30 PM today?” The shares were in fact suspended the next morning as the company had been unable to find a replacement Nomad for Westhouse which quit on April1. Shares in Daniel Stewart will retrade from tomorrow as it has found a Nomad that will act for it but with very odd conditions.  Daniel Stewart responded to this article by sending a pompous and fascistic letter demanding that I pull the article within 48 hours and swear never to repeat its content or else.  Suffice to say I will see the bitchez in Court but the tone of the correspondence is both amateurish and fascistic at the same time.

The original article (which I am happy to republish here so screw you Dan Stew) reads:


3366 days ago

Forgive me mother for I have sinned with chemical warfare at the Greek Hovel

My mother was a bit of a hippy self-sufficiency nut in the early 1970s. I spent a happy holiday on a commune in Wales not fully taking in why the dreamers who lived there were so doomed to failure. I wonder what she would think of the Greek Hovel?

At one level I am sure she’d support the idea of eco-loos, ultimate plans to be self-supporting with solar energy and to grow or catch more and more of my own food. But would she be proud of me today as I head out to spray lethal chemicals on the land?

You see the frigana (little thorns that can turn into trees) is back. Last year 


3366 days ago

Daniel Stewart gets a Nomad but even Fatty Cornish draws a line with toxic Rob Terry

Nomad Beaumont Cornish, run by Roland “fatty” Cornish may act for China fraud Gate (GATE) and have covered himself in opprobrium over New World and Digital Learning (see HERE) but even fatty draws the line somewhere and that is over getting involved with Rob Terry of Quindell infamy.

Terry is an insider dealer. That is to say he traded shares in Quindell when in possession of price sensitive information (the resignation of Canaccord). He is a fraudster. That is to say he committed securities fraud when on 2 September 2013 Quindell issues shares to party A stating that it was to party B as a reward for hitting performance targets when in fact it had missed those targets by a mile. And there are numerous other frauds Terry committed but this is the easiest slam dunk.

On March 31 Terry


3366 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - 9th May

A few reflections on Greece - where it is now almost 30 degrees - and on who austerity really hits out here. Then onto 3 companies that issued key news at no-one is watching at all O'clock yesterday: Ubisense, EMED and Daniel Stewart.


3367 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast May 8th - Rejoicing & snakes edition & Daniel Stewart ho ho ho

My first visit to the Greek Hovel prompts a wildlife diversity report which will appear on www.TomWinnifrith.com later. Meanwhile I explain why the Tories ARE the party of social justice and look at New World Oil & Gas, Insetco, Daniel Stewart, China Chaintek, Independent Resources, Falanx and Just Eat. Postscript... 

After hours on a day when we are all kanckered and so NO-ONE IS WATCHING Daniel Stewart has announced a) a profits warning b) that it now needs to raise an additional £1 million and c) that Beaumont Cornish has agreed to be its Nomad so shares can resume trading ( and will slump) but only: 


3372 days ago

Daniel Stewart Shares Suspended, Maybe Roland “fatty” Cornish needs convincing on funny money

And so a month after Westhouse quit as Nomad to disgraced City advisers Daniel Stewart (DAN) no nomad has been prepared to take on this bag of shite and – again – its shares have been suspended from the casino. If no-one wishes to destroy what reputation they might have and act as Nomad by June 1 then Daniel Cesspit shares will be booted off the casino for good. I warned you about this yesterday HERE. But Cesspit reckons that all is far from lost.

It claims that it is an advanced negotiations to secure anew Nomad. The word in the Square Mile that the man prepared to act for Daniel Cesspit is none other than Roland “fatty” Cornish of Beaumont Cornish. Heck fatty floated New World Oil & Gas and GATE Ventures and signed of total porkies by Angust Forrest’s Digital Learning Marketplace so I guess he has no reputation to trash.

So why the delay? Perhaps it is that Fatty is not quite sure about the colour of Daniel Stewart’s money. Has it tried to pay using Peter Shea bank notes?


3372 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - May 1st (workers day) edition

Thank god i am not  at Free Speech & Liberty pizza as every commie in London is marching past to celebrate "workers day". When is the day that celebrates the real stars: capitalists? After passing on news of Oakley's health I cover Daniel Stewart, the China frauds including Sorbic and Jiasen, Ascent Resources, Mosman Oil & Gas (joke), Coms, Mopowered, Horse Hill, Berkeley Minerals, Greville Janner, Begbies Traynor, UK house prices and the POS AIM Casino company that has sent me a lawyer's letter.


3376 days ago

Daniel Stewart – shares suspended at 4.30 PM today?

The countdown to the possible suspension of trading in shares in disgraced AIM casino broker and (ex) disgraced AIM casino Nomad, and China fraud specialist Daniel Stewart is well and truly on. Thanks to disgraced insider dealer and fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell infamy, the shares could be suspended tonight. Jolly good.

Former Nomad Westhouse quit on April 1


3378 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 27 April - Ive just had enough

Shares rise for no reason, the company say there is no reason, they fall, a few spoofers make money. In other cases stocks are being ramped in ways that are completely outside the rules of the game. Sorry to do this but I have to use the weekend's nonsense from Sefton (SER) as an example. Either there are rules in which case this stock needs suspending and some folks getting a slap on the wrists or there are no rules in which case the hoods are running the asylum and AIM is officially not an honest place to do business. I also look at Mosman Oil & Gas, Daniel Stewart ( apologies timescale a day out on that one) and a few other POS stocks.


3385 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Farewell Peter Landau edition

He sent me a string of lawyers letters but today Peter Landau lost his last AIM directorship as Black Mountain was booted off the casino. Hooray. Coke & Hookers for myself and Oakley tonight.  I look at three other companies that may well go the same way, Insetco, Daniel Stewart and Gate Ventures and how the issue of Nomad resignation works. I also look at Advanced Oncotherapy, Torotrak and discuss when Uk Investor Show videos will start to appear - we will start very soon with a Horse Hill treat. PS You still have until 4.30 PM TODAY to enter the UK Investor Greek Hovel prize draw HERE


3388 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Working with no trousers edition

I explain the trouser predicament I face at the end of the podcast. It is all to do with UK Investor Show on Saturday and I look forward to seeing you there. Before we get to my issue today I look at Ultrasis (toast), Daniel Stewart, Sefton Resources, Kromek, Igas, Horse Hill nonsense and Optimal Payments.


3388 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - Daniel Stewart Nomad quits, Rob Terry of Quindell stink special

Nomad Westhoiuse has done the decent thing and quit as Nomad to shamed and disgraced Daniel Stewart (DAN) and it is all down to his links with the insider dealer and fraudster Rob Terry of Quindell infamy as I explain in this podcast. I really enjoyed recording this.


3391 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bear with a sore head Cast - April 15

Thank you to the uber-foxy PR bird for Symphony, brokers Tim & John, foxy bex and the PR spinner to David Lenigas for last night. This bear now has a very sore head and is feeling fragile. Notwithstanding that I go into battle today starting with the Horse Hill omnishambles notably in regard to Solo Oil, moving onto two Chinese POS stocks warning today, to that specialist in China Frauds Daniel Stewart and its own profits warning. I then look at why Kirkland Lake is to leave the Casino and then also at another China POS stock now on ISDX having been booted off the Casino. A second bearcast on Quindell & Slater Gordon is to follow.


3396 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Horse Hill & Breaking snippets on Igas & Gate

Today's podcast has to start with the runners and riders in the great Horse Hill stakes. After today's news are the shares still cheap or a stonking short. I move on to hot rumours about Igas and to a taster of what is to come on Gate Ventures. It is then onto Afren, Daniel Stewart and a return to old fave ( and sender of snotty lawyers letters) Globo


3397 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 7 April

Thanks to bloody Doc Holiday and the Mrs and her damned organic vegetable box this is my third take on this Bearcast and I have thus wasted 40 minutes of prime time working and am not pleased. In the podcast I look at Wildhorse Energy and insider dealing ( no apologies for crude racial sterotypes about Australians and how they got there), Daniel Stewart, Good Energy and Malcolm Stacey's other weekend share tips, Mosman Oil & Gas and have a detailed look at Condor Gold.


3401 days ago

Tom Winnifrith’s Easter Sell share tips No 1 – Daniel Stewart at 1.35p

This share price is simply insane. You can defy gravity bit not for long and at 1.35p Daniel Stewart (DAN) is capitalised at £10 million – it is at least 85% overvalued and so is the first of my here Easter short ideas.

The reason that the shares have roofed it is that Rob Terry, the insider dealing – as yet – unconvicted fraudster from Quindell bought a 7.4% stake last week at an average of c0.35p. Some folks reckon that this guy is a genius and can make 2+2 equal whatever you want. He is in fact just a crook.

Rob Terry 


3403 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 2nd April

In today's tetchy podcast I touch again on Insetco, on Quindell and then move onto Coms, Stanley Gibbons, Motive TV and Daniel Stewart


3404 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - April 1

I start with Aiden Earley and Worthington - Gotcha! It was NOT an April Fool, he really is speaking on "faith & money" at UK Investor Show on April 18. Then on to Quindell, Daniel Stewart, the criminal Rob Terry, Coms, Hunter Resources (sorry bad language in that section but the tools deserve it), Real Good Food, China Chaintek and the other Fujian frauds, Afren, The Innovation Group and then West African Minerals, Mwana, my good friend Jim Mellon and the issue of shareholder democracy.


3405 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Worthington WTFCast - 31 March

Fraudster Rob Terry buying into disgraced and worthless broker Daniel Stewart? Labour saying it was the party of deficit reduction? Can life get any stranger. Yes it can thanks to old Mother Worthington (WRN). Its latest RNS just takes bizarre to a new level, something I discuss in this podcast special.


3405 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Extra - Is Quindell's Rob Terry buying into Daniel Stewart

It has just been announced that Mr Rob Terry now owns 7.4% of Daniel Stewart. Is it THE Rob Terry, fraudster, insider dealer and crook? I explain why that Rob Terry owes Daniel Stewart a favour plus there is a follow up on Gulf Keystone.

The shares are now 1.8p valuing this POS ( Daniel Stewart) at c£13 million. It has unrestriced ( ie non reg cap net cash) of c£600,000 and is, at best, making a tiny profit. This is a stonking short.


3405 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 31 March

In today's podcast recorded with my cats Tara and the morbidly obese three legged Oakley listening carefully I look at Daniel Stewart (more to come on that), Coms, Hunter Resources, Gulf Keystone and free speech on ShareProphets, Premaitha, Aquatic Foods, Nanoco and - in detail - Northern Petroleum


3414 days ago

The Vyke fraud, Daniel Stewart & Mr Paul Shackleton again and did the FCA actually do anything about it?

You may not remember Vyke PLC. It disappeared in 2011 from the AIM Casino and went bust shortly thereafter. But it raised millions of pounds from investors thanks largely to the efforts of disgraced crony capitalists Daniel Stewart – and yes Paul Shackleton of Naibu infamy was involved as his name appears on RNS releases – and it was a fraud. The FCA was alerted but did it do anything? Was Daniel Stewart censured and if not why not? At this stage I pass onto a reader who recounts his experiences:

I first heard of Vyke when some muppet spammed an unrelated Interactive Investor discussion board with the usual “this is a ten bagger” rubbish, so I took a look at the company. Shares were then about 80p and the house broker, Daniel Stewart, had published a ‘research’ note with a price target of 540p.  It took me about two hours to work out that at best Vyke was a bag of nails and might well be a fraud and I said so on that discussion board.


3416 days ago

Daniel Stewart & Paul Shackleton: An Open letter to the FCA & AIM Regulation demanding a Naibu Investigation

ZAI Corporate Finance & Big Ray Zimmerman are squarely in the frame regarding the fraud Naibu (NBU) but in my view it is former advisor Daniel Stewart and its then lead Qualifying Executive (QE) Mr Paul Shackleton who are most culpable and I have today written to the FCA and AIM Regulation asking that both be investigated and punished most severely for their role in allowing the continuation of a fraud that has cost investors millions of pounds.

Shackleton (now at WH Ireland) and Daniel Stewart were meant to report to the AIM Regulation team and the FCA any concerns they had about Naibu up until ZAI took over as Nomad on December 12 2014. During the first eleven months of 2014 I showed that Naibu CEO Houyan Lin (now in prison) had an undeclared criminal past and numerous times accused this company of fraud.


3417 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 20th March

I save the best, Quindell, to the end of the podcast but ahead of that cover Gulfsands Petroleum, Igas, Gulf Keystone, Northern Petroleum, Mosman Oil & Gas, Afren, Digital Globe ( read Steve's piece HERE), Daniel Stewart, Gate Ventures before ending with Quenron and PWC.

If you enjoy this sort of thing you will love UK Investor Show. With fewer than 200 of 2,000 seats left for April 18th book your place now HERE


3424 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 12 March

My podcast today was delayed by a lot of sleep. But I hope that it is worth the wait. I discuss the next Nomad to face scandal, have some very serious questions for Daniel Stewart PLC and look at Gate Ventures, Mosman, Soco and Gulf Keystone in detail.


3431 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - 6th March

First things first. If you like Bearcast you'll love UK Investor Show so book your tickets for April 18 in Westminster now as they are 80% booked out as of today. You can book HERE. On today's podcast: Quindell and the loon conspiracy theories reach new heights, Worthington, Coms, Hunter Resources, DDD, Aga, APR Energy, Daniel Stewart and ValiRX.


3435 days ago

A song from Tom for Doug Ware of Worthington, Rob Terry of Quenron & Houyan Lin of Naibu

Doug Ware of Worthington tried to bully me into not exposing his company as a top to bottom fraud with letters from his ninth rate lawyer, smears on his corporate website and by calling in the Police. Doug you picked on the wrong man. Folks round at Daniel Stewart threatened to beat me up partly because of what I wrote about Houyan Lin, Naibu and the other Daniel Stewart China frauds. They picked on the wrong man too. And so here's a song for you both and for Rob Terry of Quenron who played the same game. And for all the Bulletin Board Morons out there who smear, harass and threaten me.

Hat tip to reader (JPS) for this selection, in the words of another guy who was born a rebel (ie in Dixie in his case) and is called Tom...


3479 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast 17 January - Pressfit, Paul Shackleton, WH Ireland, Daniel Stewart, an AIM casino scandal special

Pressfit (PFIT) listed on the AIM Casino on August 1 2014. Its first profits warning came within three months. It was booted off the AIM Cesspit yesterday. It is Chinese. I name those responsible for this scandal - firms and individuals - and suggest that all concerned need steep fines and an immediate termination of their City careers and explain why.


3485 days ago

Hey Roger Lawson: Mr blinkx expert how are your shares doing?

I have not picked a fight with anyone for a week or so but as its my Birthday tomorrow I thought I’d treat myself and have a go at Roger Lawson of ShareSoc as he has written a piece today that is mean spirited in omission if not content. Journalists like fights and I have been goaded.

Lawson gives all the credit for the Naibu kill to my pal Paul Scott. Paul has done great stuff on Naibu and I praise him for it. But with respect it was I who exposed the criminal past of Naibu’s CEO, I who raised Naibu’s profile at its AGM, I who discredited the tawdry research on Naibu by Daniel Stewart and I think that I should get some credit for my work on Fuijian frauds generally.  It was I who first openly accused Naibu in print of being a fraud and oft repeated that charge. Just search this website. The omission by Lawson is deliberate.

Lawson and I fell out big time over blinkx (BLNX). He wrote 


3511 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Emails Rob Terry of Quindell & Cohorts with advice

In light of today’s revelation that a Class action is heading towards Quindell, the fraudster Rob Terry and others I have just sent a friendly email to Terry, Laurence Moorse and folks whose firms may well become co-defendants in a class action suit:  Peter Shea of Daniel Stewart, Bobbly Hilliam at Cenkos, Emma Kane at RedleafPolhill and Victoria Geoghehan at Bell Pottinger. Gents & ladies it is payback time...hope you all have good lawyers.

Ref class action 

Dear All 


3511 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: Lost Money on Quindell: Class Action against Quindell PLC, Rob Terry, Laurence Moorse to be launched

Law firm YourLegalFriend will tomorrow launch an initiative aimed at pursuing both Quindell PLC and its current board of directors as well as Rob Terry in order to get back the vast losses suffered by investors in Quindell.

Yourlegalfriend is a well-established firm of lawyers run by Colin Gibson, a KPMG-trained accountant (nearly 10 years with the firm), who was later a listed company FD then CEO on first a main list then an AIM listed company for a total of around 8 years.

I have spoken to Mr Gibson and he understands the issues and is serious in pursuing this matter.  I have urged him to widen the action into pursuing Canaccord, Cenkos, Daniel Stewart, Redleaf PR, Bell pottinger and KPMG and he states that as more evidence emerges that the scope of the action is likely to be widened. The release that will be issued tomorrow follows. I urge all Quindell shareholders who have lost money on this fraud to contact Mr Gibson and his team first thing tomorrow.




3514 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 12 December

I am starting to feel quite ill and am looking forward to getting back to Bristol and heading off to bed with two cats as hot water bottles and a stiff whiskey. That is not a typo, emember my genetic origins. Ahead of that today's podcast exposed Paul Farrely MP (Lab) as a useless POS, puts the Tories on the spot on AIM regulation and covers Naibu, Daniel Stewart and the new Daniel Stewart (ZAI), Hargreves Services and Quindell. I also look at tech stocks to short: Blur, Wandisco, Mopowered and Outsourcery


3514 days ago

Tom Winnifrith on the spot video as Crony Capitalists at Daniel Stewart have champagne party

Daniel Stewart held its champagne Christmas party last night. Its own shares are suspended as it does not have enough cash but the crony capitalists need to party on. I filmed this video outside to make a few points.

Daniel Stewart staff have boasted about how they want to beat me up.I know that one day someone will attack me for what I write but I want these shysters to know that I am not afraid of them and will not be cowed into not speaking out where I see wrong. I hope that I made that point.

As it happens the hoods were shown to be all talk.


3515 days ago

ZAI Corporate Finance is the new Daniel Stewart – a list of Bargepole stocks (its clients)

As we know Daniel Stewart will stop being a Nomad tomorrow night and so shares in its clients will be suspended from the AIM Casino unless they get a new Nomad PDQ. So today China Chaintek (CTEK) announced that ZAI Corporate Finance had taken it one. FFS – Alarm Bells vicar? Due diligence? A list of ZAI bargepole stocks is needed now.


3515 days ago

Crony Capitalism Filming Alert – Daniel Stewart Christmas Party

Daniel Stewart is tonight having its Christmas party and has today phoned my colleague Kathy to say that she has been disinvited because of her association with me. As you know certain staff of Daniel Stewart have publicly threatened to beat me up because of my criticism of their POS firm for floating a series of frauds and for pointing out its own woeful financial position (shares suspended). Well bully boy crony capitalists here is your chance….


3516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast - Daniel Stewart ties itself in knots over China Chaintek - Research? LOL

Hapless Daniel Stewart is tying itself in knots over AIM Casino listed China fraud China Chaintek (CTEK). A research note out yesterday is just LOL stuff as I explain in this mini bearcast.


3516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - 10 December

I am back in Clerkenwell at Real Man Pizza if any Quindell morons or Daniel Stewart employees want to come and "deal with me". On the Bearcast today, Sefton Resources, dead cat bounces, Kenmare Resources, insider dealing, Mwana Africa and of course the fraud Quenron.


3516 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast Rampage as Rob Terry dumps his Quenron shares

No apologies but this Bearcast contains strong langauge. Fraudster Rob Terry has dumped nearly all his Quindell (QPP) shares. It is time for the morons to apologise to me as I am now 110% vindicated. I discuss lessons learned (other than do not mess with the Sheriff) and also what folks should do next. Start by apologising to me and my staff then have a measured go at Terry, AIM Regulation, Cenkos, Daniel Stewart, Canaccord and KPMG.


3517 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - China Frauds, China Chaintek & Daniel Stewart

A podcast extra today on the Modus Operandi of China frauds, on a trading statement from China Chaintek (CTEK) that simply does not make sense and serious questions for Daniel Stewart and Mr Paul Shackleton who signed off on this bollocks. I also cover Naibu ( another Shackleton "verified" fraud and Jiasen which also announced a load of cobblers today. Reminder for investors in Chaintek and Naibu the clock is ticking. Shackleton you are now a marked man , the Sheriff is on your case.


3521 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast - Time to revolt against the Crony Capitalist nomads, brokers, PRs and boards

I was thinking, as I rode home through ghostly olive groves illuminated by a full moon, about the mindset of Daniel Stewart employees who want to beat me up. My crime is to point out the fact that they have earned vast sums by floating and raising money for frauds, so screwing ordinary AIM investors. 

I do not claim to be an Angel but I do not regard pointing out the wickedness of this as being a terribly bad thing to do. But the Crony Capitalists who have grown rich on AIM, the Nomads, brokers, PRs and boards really do not like hearing this unpleasant truth. They actually think I am a bad guy for rocking the boat and as such wanting to beat me up is acceptable.

In 2014 the Crony capitalists have had a good year. Investors on the AIM Casino have had a shit year.  I explain why the system is flawed, why the City does not understand the anger we peasants feel and how we peasants ( ie investors) need to start taking concreate steps to make our anger known.

We have 50 free copies of Tom's Book "The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Shares" which covers these issues and others to give away today. For your copy fill in the form HERE


3521 days ago

ValirX – an apology, it is a POS but

In today’s BearCast I suggested that ValiRX (VAL) might be suspended as its Nomad was Daniel Stewart and it needed a new Nomad and that no Nomad with any degree of integrity would take on this utter POS company. I apologise for one error in that assertion. 


3522 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 4th December - Once again Angry Edition

Once again I am angry for reasons that I shall go into another time. But on that basis I let rip in this podcast at African Consolidated, Acta SPA, Quindell and then review the various clients of disgraced Daniel Stewart whose shares may be suspended soon: Valirx, Peer TV, Naibu (a cert), Pressfit and China Chaintek.I also discuss the abject failure of AIM in dealing with those individuals responsible for listing frauds.

We have 50 free copies of Tom's Book "The 49 Golden Rules of Making Money from Shares" which covers these issues and others to give away today. For your cooy fill in the form HERE


3523 days ago

Daniel Stewart – Two clients suspended – who will be next

As we know Daniel Stewart (DAN) has lost its NOMAD licensed. Not because it floated a series of frauds which it did. But because its staff, its Qualifying Execs have all quit. So the individuals who earned whacking bonuses for floating frauds can now float frauds elsewhere. This is shocking – there is no personal sanction for them. But this means that Daniel Stewart’s PLC clients must now find a new Nomad or they will be booted off the AIM Casino. Carnage ahoy, two down, who is next?


3525 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 1st December as the Olive Harvest gets underway

The Olive harvest at the Greek hovel is finally underway and so it is a late BearCast. On the agenda: Beacon Hill, Radiant Growth (a Daniel Stewart special), Xplorer (a disgrace), Petroceltic, Rose Petroleum, Quindell (a fraud) and New World Oil & Gas (a total shocker).


3528 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's EVEN MORE ANGRY Bearcast - 28 November

The Albanian olive pickers have still not arrived and may well be replaced with Greek workers later today. I am now very angry. Will I make it home by Christmas at this rate? In this podcast I look at Range Resources (RRL) - suspended again and reveal the REAL story of my battle to tell you the truth about this POS - Beowulf Mining, Kalimantan Gold, Daniel Stewart, Naibu, Pressfit, China Chaintek, Gulfsands Petroleum and of course the fraudsters at Quindell


3528 days ago

EXCLUSIVE – Daniel Stewart loses Nomad License – death knell for it & the China Frauds

Daniel Stewart (DAN) is still listed on AIM - though its shares are suspended - but it clearly does not give a flying fuck about disclosure rules because it has yet to issue an RNS saying that it has lost its license to be a Nomad. So I will announce it on behalf of this POS enterprise. Peter Shea you can thank me later. The ramifications for the China frauds it represents are massive.


3531 days ago

The Russians are entering Berlin...Quindell, the downfall Part 2

In response to a number of requests I have created another Quindell  (QPP) downfall video featuring all your favourite characters in this gripping tale: Rob Terry, Laurence Moorse, Cenkos, Equities First Holdings LLC, Steamy, bullyboy lawyers Schillings, Canaccord, Daniel Stewart, foxy Bex at Redleaf PR, Paul Murphy and Dan McCrum from the FT, the FCA and of course the press chearleaders for the bulls, Shares Magazine and Zak Mir.

My last Quindell downfall video was recorded when the shares were 138p. You can watch it here.

The shares are now 69p. 


3532 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast (with a sore head) - 11 November

I many not be at my sharpest but I am not pulling any punches as the Quindell scandal deepens. This podcast covers Quindell, Daniel Stewart, Cenkos, KPMG, the lies, the fraud, the implosion and what the fallout will be. I also look at blinkx ( dire results & another Sheriff win), warn you about African Minerals and look at stocks on a PE of less than 1.


3536 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast for 7 November

I have only just driven across Ireland and arrived at Ballymaloe to record this but there is plenty to discuss in this hard hitting podcast. Oh yes it is very hard hitting indeed. On the agenda: Quindell (end game) and Cenkos (lies), Coms ( a bombshell revealed), Radiant Growth, China frauds and Daniel Stewart, Sefton, APR Energy (political risk generally) and African Minerals (vindication and 0p on the cards). Ouch, its stinging all round.


3553 days ago

Reader Poll – The race to 0p or suspension results – a three horse race

At the weekend we asked you which of the most worthless POS and in some cases fraudulent stocks on the AIM Casino would be the first to go to 0p or be suspended. It ended up as a three horse race with all three front runners having just one thing in common – the involvement of Daniel Stewart, always a red flag.

Daniel Stewart shares are already suspended so for it to win it has to go bust. Fingers crossed. Anyhow the results were:


3553 days ago

Reader Poll Sponsored by Daniel Stewart – the race to 0p and/or suspension

Which is the worst stock on the AIM casino? The one that is heading to 0p and/or suspension most quickly? What do you think?  Vote now in our reader poll. Quite simply which of the following stocks will be worthless first. The ones marked (F) have engaged in fraud and the ones that are marked (D) suffer the massive red flag that is Daniel Stewart involvement, past or present.


3557 days ago

China Fujian Province Shoe Fraud update ref Naibu & Camkids

I have noted before the remarkable take of Ultrasonic a China shoe fraud from Fujian listed in Frankfurt. It is of note of you are stupid enough to own shares in AIM Casino listed Naibu (NBU) and Camkids (CAMK) which are also shoe plays from Fujian and also frauds.

The alarm bells for Ultrasonic first rang when it appointed Daniel Stewart to consider a dual listing on AIM. No actually that last sentence was, like the numbers in the Naibu annual report, completely made up. It was, like the Naibu reported balance sheet, just a joke.


3564 days ago

The Pressfit scandal - the final straw: Daniel Stewart should be closed down now

The IPO of China POS Pressfit (PFIT) and its share price collapse today is yet another disgrace on the AIM Casino brought to you by Nomad Daniel Stewart. In this podcast special Tom Winnifrith examines this IPO, the parties involved and the Conflicts of Interest. Thereis only one conclusion, AIM Regulation must shut down Daniel Stewart at once.


3565 days ago

Tom Winnifrith's BearCast 22 October - No Apologies to Daniel Stewart

This podcast does not mince its words. The latest AIM Casino China POS outrage pulled by scumbag Nomad ( shares suspended still) Daniel Stewart kicks things off. And we end with another POS floated by Daniel Cesspit.


3566 days ago

Reader Comment of the day: TurboMuncher on the Quindell cash Crisis

It is abundantly clear that Quenron (QPP) now faces a cash crisis of monumental proportions. I am sure that the FCA is now monitoring its Regulatory capital position with extreme concern. And if you want to know what happens when this becomes an issue have a look at Daniel Stewart HERE. I flagged up earlier today, one way in which Quenron is hiding this time bomb from investors – by delaying salary payments HERE – but the other obvious way is by not paying its bills, something you would not be able to gauge from the cobblers in its trading statement of Monday. But poster TurboMubcher has the data and puts it into context for you in an excellent post:

Do I get a thumbs up for the Dun & Bradstreet lead, T-Dubya?!  ;)


3579 days ago

Daniel Stewart IPO Department – Caption Contest winner revealed

As ever there was no shortage of readers keen to stick the boot into near bankrupt crony capitalist AIM Casino advisor Daniel Stewart (DAN), the firm run by Peter Shea that made millions floating Quenron (QPP).  Earlier this week we revealed the shock picture of its IPO department headed by smooth talking Paul Shackleton and asked you for your captions. And the winner is:


3579 days ago

Daniel Stewart – Crony Capitalism on the AIM Casino in a Nutshell – new shock revelations

Yesterday we revealed that while Daniel Stewart (DAN) does not have enough regulatory capital to operate as an FCA authorised firm it has enough capital to plan a lavish Champagne Christmas party (where’s my invite?) HERE. But it gets worse. Much worse. This is crony capitalism in a nutshell.

All FCA firms must file quarterly returns on Reg cap. Yet this shortfall was only flagged up by new auditors in September. When did the shortfall arise? Were prior quarterly returns inaccurate? Who has been fired?

Why does Daniel Stewart not have enough capital (i.e. cash)? Because it is run as a firm for the benefit of Chairman Peter Shea, fuck the shareholders. As such I draw your attention to the 2013 accounts. In that year Mr Shea took a salary of £170,000 plus a subsidiary (DS Leasing) paid 312,000 to the Daniel Stewart Partnership which is in fact a partnership of which the beneficial owner is …Peter Shea. So in a bad year for DS PLC Shea took out £182,000. Contracts that with 2012 which was a good year for the PLC. In that year Shea took out £457,411 (including the £12,000 to the “partnership”.

That is the way it works. In a bad year


3579 days ago

Daniel Stewart - not enough cash to keep the FCA onside but more than enough for champagne all round

You could not make this up, Daniel Stewart (DAN) the City Crony capitalists who make their cash from advising firms on the AIM Casino has today admitted that it is truly financially buggered but not so utterly buggered that it can’t afford lavish champagne receptions at Christmas. Having made millions floating Quenron (QPP) and the China frauds Naibu (NBU) and China Chaintek (CTEK) as well as raising cash for blue-chip Globo (GBO) this is a comedy that keeps on giving. 

In its statement today the Cesspit advisor ‘fessed up and admitted: 


3581 days ago

Daniel Stewart shares still suspended – shock picture from its IPO Department Revealed: Another Caption Contest

Shares in Crony capitalist Nomad and broker Daniel Stewart (DAN) remain suspended on the AIM casino as the financially challenged enterprise has still failed to get its accounts signed off and published. While we wait we have managed to obtain an exclusive image of its IPO Department. This is the part of the firm that brought you winners like Quenron (QPP), Naibu (NBU) and China Chaintek (CTEK), made £1 million raising cash for Globo (GBO) but could not quite manage to float China fraud Fraspens in August. So what will be its next offering?  I ask you by midnight tonight to post a suitable caption below.


3581 days ago

Sunday Caption Contest Daniel Stewart Edition – winner announced

Some sparkling entries in the Sunday caption contest which celebrated the financial woes of crony capitalist City advisor Daniel Stewart (DAN), the firm that coined it in floating Quenron (QPP), Naibu (NBU) and China Chaintek (CTEK). Lest we forget Daniel Cesspit has also made more than £1 million  in recent years raising money for Globo.  Double coke and hookers all round. You can see all the caption entries HERE but the winner is:


3582 days ago

Sunday Caption Contest – Daniel Stewart Special (again)

Let’s face it the firm that floated Quenron (QPP), China Chainek (CTEK) and Naibu (NBU) deserves to go bust so we won’t be able to laugh at Daniel Stewart for that much longer given how its shares are suspended, it cannot get its own accounts signed off on time and is almost out of cash (see HERE). So let’s have fun while we can. With a deadline of midnight tonight lets have your captions for the picture below:


3582 days ago

Daniel Stewart & Steamy Caption Contest – Winner announced

A stack of cracking entries were posted in Friday’s Daniel Stewart and #QPPSAG moron in chief Steamy caption contest – picture below. You can see the full roster of reader wit HERE. Although I am tempted to award the prize to myself for some sterling efforts the winner is:


3582 days ago

Friday Caption Contest – Daniel Stewart & Steamy Special

Daniel Stewart (DAN) earns its money advising companies (not all of them frauds) how to list and behave on AIM. It brought us Naibu (NBU) and Quenron (QPP). Two days ago its own shares were suspended on the AIM casino because the cash strapped firm could not publish its accounts on time – see HERE. In honour of this…

We bring you an old cartoon in honour of Daniel Stewart, and its employees who raised money for Naibu, China Chaintek and Quindell, with the original caption below.


3584 days ago

Naibu, Camkids, China Chaintek (Daniel Stewart) Caption Contest Results

On Monday we asked you for suitable captions for the picture below. You can see the full range of entries HERE but the winner is:

Alcira16247 with “Arghhh! Good God! You found it up Mr Terry’s, ……WHERE!

In light of recent events (see HERE) I would like to suggest a late entry:

“ In response to an urgent request from Daniel Stewart, the finance department at Naibu work out how to pay the next ten years annual retainers in advance


3586 days ago

Daniel Stewart – what a total joke: shares suspended

Daniel Stewart (DAN) earns its living as a Nomad and broker to AIM listed stocks. That is to say it charges fat fees for advising them on how to play by the AIM rules, for listing them and for raising money for them. It has no standards so was responsible for bringing Quindell (QPP) to the Casino and also acts as Nomad to China fraud Naibu (NBU) and tried to float China fraud Fraspens in August but seems to have failed. Today Daniel Stewart’s shares have been suspended.

On 30 May its auditors of 15 years (Keelings) quit and Daniel Cesspit appointed PriceWaterhouse Coopers to check its books. We know that results for the year to March 31 2014 will have been covered in red ink.


3595 days ago

The Industrial Scale China stock Fraud in Fujian home to Naibu, China Chaintek and Camkids revealed

This article appeared in the Chinese publication  Caixin Online at Christmas 2012. Staff reporter Qu Yunyu has done a superb job. It should be required reading for the crony capitalists round at Daniel Stewart, Allenby Capital and Abchurch Communications as well as AIM Regulation and for anyone mad enough to hold shares in Naibu (NBU), Camkids (CAMK) or China Chaintek (CTEK). It is explicit about what has gone on. If you own shares in any of the Fujian companies on the AIM Casino you should sell them all at once. The article – with a few choice sections in bold from me -  reads: 


3595 days ago

The London Stock Exchange fiddles while AIM Burns, top broker Andrew Monk weighs in

There is so much wrong with AIM. China frauds seem to list at will. Companies can lie without censure. Folks like Sean Nutley at Silverdell and Rob Terry at The Innovation Group (where is he now BTW?) just “get away with it. Investors have completely lost trust in the Casino. It is a joke. The LSE could change it simply by getting the hapless bunch of complete cretins at the AIM Regulation Team to enforce rules, to kick off piss poor Nomads who float crap (Daniel Stewart) and to publicly name and shame. But instead it tinkers with the rule book. Top broker Andrew Monk of VSA weighed in this morning with this comment: 


3595 days ago

China Chaintek interims – this stinks of Norfolk too

From the team that brought you Naibu (NBU) we also have China Chaintek (CTEK) which released its interims today and it goes without saying that they do not stack up either. My target price for the shares is 1p (the value of the cash dividend on offer) but since it will probably be the last when the stock goes ex my target price will be slashed to 0p.

As a reminder, team Naibu/China Chaintek is dodgy serial floater of China frauds Zedex Capital, the Nomad which floats utter shite from China and the UK and which brought Quenron to the AIM Casino (Daniel Stewart) and PR spinners for most of the China Norfolks, the upper class twits at Abchurch.

Chaintek, is like Naibu and the two German China frauds to have emerged in the past three months, from Fujian province China. They all make shoes. Chaintek is in logistics and its main customers are claimed to be shoe producers.

I do not need to go into much detail


3596 days ago

GOTCHA! Naibu - The bombshell revelation - surely the shares must be suspended NOW

I do hope that someone round at Daniel Stewart, Nomad and Broker to AIM listed China fraud Naibu (NBU) has learned to read Chinese since the crony capitalists FAILED to do adequate due diligence on this POS before it listed. Because I have a little press cutting for you chaps from 2008. If you are not too busy spending the £600,000 you have made in fees from Naibu in the past 18 months you need to read it and then resign at once as Nomad and broker and have the shares suspended. This is a bombshell.


3596 days ago

Winners & Losers from the Naibu fraud: Daniel Stewart & Shareholders

This is not my dynamite revelation, I merely set the scene…China fraud Naibu (NBU) floated on the AIM casino in May 2012 at 124p. The shares are now 19.5p. So UK shareholders have lost 5/6 of their cash in less than 18 months. So who are the winners from this farce? Well let me introduce to its Nomad and broker Daniel Stewart. This will appall you and perhaps explains why Daniel Cesspit (which also floated Quenron) is trying not to resign.


3596 days ago

Daniel Stewart, Abchurch, AIM Regulation are you ready - Its a Gotcha on Naibu at 7 AM

I hope that Daniel Stewart and upper class twit PR buffoons Abchurch Communications have enjoyed spending the vast fees they have earned in assisting China fraud Naibu (NBU) to list on the AIM Cesspit. And I hope AIM Regulation are ready because at 7 AM the Sheriff of AIM will be breaking news which MUST result in a share suspension if the Casino is to retain any credibility. It is Gotcha time for these bad guys and then we can start moving onto Camkids (CAMK) and China Chaintek (CTEK). Oh.....


3596 days ago

Naibu FRAUD watch Day 1: now on a PE of 0.46 and 132% upside in shares if Daniel Stewart believes its own SHIT – why wont it say buy?

Shares in Naibu (NBU) have slumped another 10% today to just 21.5p. The company is an out and out fraud and it is only a matter of time before the shares are suspended. If it had a smidgeon of integrity, its Nomad and Broker Daniel Stewart (which likes acting for China frauds and also listed Quenron) would resign. But it seems that the greedy ethics free crony capitalist bastards at Daniel Stewart would rather keep banking fat monthly retainers.


3596 days ago

Was it Naibu that scuppered the Fraspens IPO or has Daniel Stewart stopped floating shit on the AIM Casino

The sorry saga of AIM listed China fraud Naibu (NBU) gets murkier and murkier and at the heart of it is City Nomad and broker Daniel Stewart, the firm that brought Quenron to the AIM casino and acts for Naibu. I asked it to show integrity at the weekend by quitting Naibu given my explosive revelation HERE. But Daniel Cesspit would rather bank the fees. So let’s talk Fraspens. Fraspens who you say? Well let me explain, on 21 July this fine enterprise issued a press release announcing inter alia:


3596 days ago

Now on a PE of only 0.45, why does Daniel Stewart not rate Naibu as a buy? Because it’s a fraud!

Shares in China based AIM listed fraud Naibu have slumped to just 23p today – they were 50p on Thursday before the disastrous interims were published. House broker and Nomad Daniel Stewart (the firm that signed off on the Quenron IPO) stated on Friday that earnings will be 46p this year and that fair value is 50p. So why is it not rating the stock as a buy?

Surely a PE of just 0.45 and share price upside of 140% makes this a screaming buy. The only problem, as Daniel Stewart knows full well, is that this is a fraud 


3597 days ago

The Naibu Norfolk – house broker slashes target price by 75% and rates as a “corporate hold” – nonsensical note

I feel rather sorry for my old pal Simon “Wincey” Willis the analyst at Daniel Stewart, house broker and Nomad to Chinese Norfolk Naibu (NBU) as he has been forced this morning to publish a note that he knows is nonsensical.

Wincey writes:


3597 days ago

Naibu Interims – this stinks to high heaven, shares plunge but target is 0p – this is a Norfolk

Shares in Naibu (NBU), the AIM Cesspit posterboy Chinese company that claims to make sports shoes are off 30% today at 35p. You cannot say that I have not warned you that this is an outright Norfolk and interims today make that clear. The target price is 0p.

Before we deal with the interims I want you to note that CEO Houyan Lin elected to take his final dividend in shares not cash. That he did so was information that had to be dragged out of hapless Nomad Daniel Stewart (the company that listed Quenron as well as Naibu) – it knew this on 15 August but failed to tell investors until 10 September.

The scrip dividend was at a price of 64.8p. The market price at election time was sub 50p and Mr Lin knew when electing that interims would be dire and see the share price crater. So why did he take shares not cash (which he could have used to buy shares much cheaper in the market)? Because this is a Norfolk and today’s interims make that clear.

The headline numbers look great. 


3603 days ago

The Naibu fraud – two critical questions and tests of integrity for Daniel Stewart as the stock heads to 0p and/or a delisting

Apparently at 31p shares in Naibu now trade on a 2015 and 2015 PE of c0.7. Any stock trading on such a rating is either the cheapest stock on this planet or an outright fraud, a Norfolk. Naibu is a fraud. My target price is 0p and this stock will lose its Aim listing soon. It could be very soon. If Daniel Stewart, nomad and broker to this POS – and the firm that listed Quenron – had any integrity it would resign at once as Nomad and broker. As such I ask two questions of Daniel Cesspit.

  1. My old friend Simon “Wincey” Willis is the analyst covering Naibu.

3630 days ago

Open Letter to Peter Shea CEO Daniel Stewart cc AIM Regulation re Quindell & fraud

Peter Shea is CEO of Daniel Stewart a firm that listed Quindell (QPP), acted as its Nomad and broker from May 17 2011 to January 31 2012 and which was paid handsomely in cash, shares and warrants for its efforts. As Nomad to Quindell it was responsible for ensuring that it did not do things such as hand cash to pals of Rob Terry or lie to shareholders but did it do its job?


3639 days ago

The Official Rob Terry & Quindell Downfall Video

All the players in the Quindell (QPP) tale are in there: Rob Terry, Laurence Moose, Mark Ford, PR girl Foxy Bex, Steamy from the ridiculous QPPSAG, Cenkos, Kevin Ashton, Daniel Stewart, Gotham City, ebola, the UKLA and Canaccord. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed producing this video.


3639 days ago

Naibu – Daniel Stewart pumps out buy note but will not answer critical question – target price cut to 0.0000001p

Following the comical trading statement from AIM listed POS China joke company Naibu (NBU) earlier this week – see HERE - Broker and Nomad to this Norfolk, Daniel Stewart, has published a buy note but refuses to answer my utterly critical question. The shares have slumped to 43.5p putting them on a PE of 0.95 and a yield of 13.8% if you believe the forecasts. I do not and am thus slashing my target price from 1p to 0.0000001p and will reduce it further if Daniel Stewart cannot answer this question:


3668 days ago

Cenkos, Canaccord, Daniel Stewart all say buy Quindell but do they mean it? Er……

Cenkos, Canaccord and Daniel Stewart are the three City firms that have made most money from listing Quindell (QPP), advising it and helping it raise cash. For these three City firms Quindell has been an enormous money spinner. And the last published research reports from these three fine houses all advise investors to BUY Quindell stock with price targets a multiple of where the shares are now. But ….

While these firms want their clients to buy shares in Quindell as it keeps the gravy train on the road would these firms risk their own capital investing in the company? Facts speak louder than words.

I start with Daniel Stewart.


3673 days ago

The Sheriff of AIM at the Naibu AGM – The Pre Shoot-out Video

Outside the palatial offices of City financiers Daniel Stewart I waited for the massed herds to arrive at the Naibu (NBU) AGM. In the end seven other folks attended. Before going into battle I composed a few thoughts and recorded them on video.

Why was I here? What is my role? And what questions would I ask of an AIM Cesspit listed company whose shares apparently trade on a PE of 1.1? That is if you believe the numbers…


3673 days ago

The Sheriff of AIM at the Naibu AGM – Post Shoot-out Video

Outside the palatial offices of City financiers Daniel Stewart I considered a quite bizarre AGM. The chairman had a few problems with his visa so could not be there leaving two hapless NEDs to field questions. I congratulate the Naibu (NBU) shareholders who attended – they seemed a well informed and perceptive bunch.

The auditors also failed to appear until the last minutes of the meeting. The hapless NEDS received some assistance from an old pal of mine, Simon “Wincey” Willis who is now lucky enough to be the Daniel Stewart analyst covering this fine enterprise. But even Wincey was floored by a few questions.

On balance I regard it as a clear victory for The Sheriff. 


4426 days ago

Buying shares in small stockbrokers as M&A play – you must be mad

In today’s Daily Mail, Geoff Foster suggests here that pretty piss poor results from Walker Crips (WCW) suggest that trading across the sector is dire. Yes he is spot on. There are few IPOs, private investors are not trading actively and so revenues must be down. And as we all know, stockbrokers demand big pay packets and will not change that just because their employer is struggling. However why should this drive mergers as Geoff suggests.
