Defund the BBC

339 days ago

Photo article from the Greek Hovel - dressed to impress the Mrs and other deluded lefties

In that category I refer mainly to our friends here, the Guardian reading maskers (still) L&G. A Trump MAGA cap and a a Defund the BBC T-shirt is what the right thinking individual is wearing abroad this year. This is me snoozing on the balcony overlooking the pool.


898 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Reasons to defund the BBC No 897 - Martha Kearney, BP and dividends

I start with the economically illiterate state broadcaster and almost despair. Then it is onto Gareth M Edwards, Duncan Soukup, Anemoi (AMOI) and Alina (ALNA). Then it is onto ADVFN (AFN), Eurasia Mining (EUA), Jubilee Metals (JLP), Omega Diagnostics (ODX) and Ocado (OCDO


1485 days ago

David Starkey is indefensible but so is the BBC slander of Darren Grimes

I had a brush with the celebrity historian David Starkey about fifteen years ago when he used his celebrity status to bully, humiliate and put down my daughter’s godmother as we ate in an Islington restaurant. He picked on her for no reason as she read Olaf a story, not too loudly, saying at a high enough volume for every diner to hear “Will you just be quiet? Some of us are trying to eat.”  Maybe the American accent grated with Starkey’s patrician senses.
