Eton College

614 days ago

Tom Winnifrith postcard: Jeremy Hunt's lie - there is NO case for not ending charitable status for public schools

Mr Hunt lied about what would happen if he ended the status which would have brought in material revenues. There is no case whatsoever for not ending such status and in doing so Mr Hunt protects the rich while the poor feel the squeeze. Now, of all times, this anomaly should be ended. The RSPCA is a charity. Woodlarks is a Charity. Eton College or Warwick School should not be allowed to claim charitable status.


3064 days ago

The Guardian: Lies, rugby, Eton toffs and Homosexuals

The Guardian's Stuart Jeffries pens a lengthy piece on rugby and tackling in schools which says nothing in particular in a fairly tedious way. But in the way it treats No 8 and Eton College it says far more about this awful publication than about the art of the scrummage.

Mr Jeffries, a grammar school boy, seems convinced that many rugger players are toffs and thus manages to get in several paragraphs about Eton. The only minor issue with this approach is that because of the Wall Game and rowing, rugger is a relatively minor sport at Eton. To lambast rugger as a game which most public schools in England play would be accurate if rather pointless but to single out the one major public school where rugger does not dominate the winter term, is just the Guardian way. Never let facts get in the way of a spot of Eton bashing with a dose of Call Me Dave abuse thrown in for good measure.

For the record I am no particular fan of Eton or of Call Me Dave but facts do matter.

And that brings me to the author's insistence that at his grim North Midlands grammar school, as a Number 8, he was forced to bind onto the two second rows by sticking his hand between their legs, rubbing past their testicles and grabbing their shirt. At length he describes the homo-erotic nature of this encounter.

My father 
