GCSE Geogrpahy

1663 days ago

Carbon Emissions (the ones Greta can see) cause global warming right? How about we just look at the facts

as someone who believes that sun spot activity is critical to the earth’s temperature I rather fear that we should all be stocking up on our thermal underwaer. But that is not what is taught in Geography GCSE or what the BBC lectures with us as “settled science.” The global warmists like Greta Thunberg believe that increased carbon levels caused by many’s activity will lead to higher temperatures. This is a prediction ( ie what will happen) but is stated as a fact (what has happened). Anyone who challenges this world view is slated as akin to a holocaust denier. Indeed I remember some Guardian reading fanatatic screaming those exact words to myself and uncle Christopher Booker as we did a presentation many years ago.  But there is a little inconvenient truth, i.e the facts.
