2011 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: happy Hop-tu-naa, my No 1 tip for dealing with Trick or Treaters

Happy Hop-tu-naa to any listeners in the Isle of Man, and happy Halloweebn to the rest of you. I start the podcast with a handy tip on dealing with the Trick or Treat menace. This afternoon I head off with Joshua to deal with the bastards at Barclays (see yesterday's bearcast) and I will report back on that tomorrow. I look at Crawshaw (CRAW), I3 Energy (I3E) doing a Cathy Newman, at Photonstar Led (PSL)) which is toast, Online Blockchain (OBC), at FastJet (FJET), lessons for Neil Woodford from GYG (GYG) and elsewhere and why Thirsty Paul Scott and others should keep December 3 free.


2011 days ago

GYG – the Woodford reverse Midas touch strikes again: banks must be shitting themselves

Oh dear. When Neil Woodford spunked £8 million of other folks cash into the July 2017 100p a pop AIM casino IPO of yacht refitting company GYG (GYG) he thought this would be plain sailing. Oh no. Au contraire. The reverse Midas touch has struck Britain’s most arrogant fund mis-manager withy the second (lack of) profits warning in two months. Now I suggest the banks must be shitting themselves, the shares are 42.5p, sinking like the Titanic, as friendless as the Marie Celeste, and things are only going to get worse.


2122 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast- I am sorry but I am just not as clever as Chris "three brains" Bailey

I start  with a bit on my walking schedule. I really will suffer tomorrow so about donating a tenner to Woodlarks as you think of the pain that lies ahead. Support a great cause HERE. In the podcast I look at non food retailers where I take a simple view as I am not as clever as Chris. I look at CyanConnode (CYAN), GYG (GYG) and follow up on Gary's piece on Bellzone (BZM) with a discussion on what constitutes market abuse.
