House of Lords

1058 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: IQE in no way a Da company, I agree with Gary and that Big Sofa placing

I start with the Earl of Shrewsbury (not Shaftsbury a podcast mis-speak) who should be kicked out of the House of Lords after my latest cash for questions expose HERE. Of course he won’t be. Airstrip One is a rotten and corrupt place these days where folks like him are above the law.  Then I look at Cineworld (CINE), Big Sofa (BST), MyHealthchecked (MHC) and Horizonte Minerals (HZM) before looking at the peripheral issues raised by IQE’s (IQE) disastrous news and also at what is the real valuation, from someone who has called it 100% correctly.  


1321 days ago

Man-hating Green Baroness Jenny Jones is stark raving mad – why are we paying £300 a day for this lunatic?

No, I had never heard of her either but apparently she is a Green party peer sitting in the House of Lords. That means that you and I, dirty taxpaying oiks, have to pony up for her three hundred quid a day fees.  Before becoming a career politician, Jones was an archaeologist studying carbonised plant remains which should suit her well as she now sits surrounded by ancient vegetables.


1438 days ago

Equality Week at Hertford College Oxford – celebrating how the daughter and granddaughter of Lords has made it big

My old college is celebrating “Equalities Week” with a panel of BAME high achievers and a panel of four female graduates who have made it big.  The event is a demonstration of how the woke elites view equality and why they are so out of touch with the grim reality of life for those who really could do with a dose of equality, that is to say the poor.


2778 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bonus Bearcast: Charlotte Hogg "resigned" from Bank of England - Good Riddance

I noted last week, in an article on my personal website, how little Miss Piggy would end up in the House of Lords whatever happened to her at the Bank of England - HERE. Today she "was resigned" for breaking the rules. I reflect on that in a less than charitable view. The thing is that the Aristocracy is like cream: thick but they rise to the top. Like disgraced expenses fiddling pater, Lord Hogg of Moat Cleaning, Charlotte will bounce back. 


2782 days ago

Rules are for little People - Whether shamed Charlotte Hogg quits or not she is a slam dunk for the House of Lords

I noted in a bearcast a while ago that Charlotte Hogg, the - for now - deputy Governor of the Bank of England - was an Oxford contemporary. Two years my junior her first year room was two doors away from my third year room. We did not mix. She was clever but, by a long chalk, not the smartest person of her year but with a grandfather like Lord Hailsham, a daddy in the cabinet and mummy in the House of Lords... well some folks are more equal than others are they not?.


3870 days ago

Praise from the most bizarre sources – an Evening with Liquity: time to consider retirement

Up to London for a lunch with libertarian fellow Shoreditch refugee Philip, a CEO meeting and then to the offices of a City law firm to moderate a panel presentation for Liquity – a new platform for investors in unlisted stocks. It is an interesting proposition and I wish the firm the best of luck, not least because it employs my fave Tory blogger Charlotte Argyle. Rather conceitedly I thought I was on pretty cracking form.

I was certainly getting a few laughs but it is quite possible that many of those present were laughing at me not at my witty asides. You never really know.

As soon as the formal bit was over I headed outside for a quick nicotine fix and a fellow who was leaving congratulated me on my style and cynicism and said I gave a most enjoyable performance. Thank you said I. He then introduced himself as a full time member of the House of Lords and thrust his card into my hand saying that he had read my blog but would become a more regular reader from now onwards.

I shall not name this fellow to spare his blushes but I find praise from a member of the political classes a bit disconcerting. Does he not know that when the Popular Libertarian Front sweeps to power in 2020 one of the first acts of Dear Leader Richard Poulden will be to have the entire political class strung up from lampposts?  Naturally I shall be there in the front row with my knitting needles gloating as the tumbrils pass along the Mall.

But for his kind words tonight, I shall put in a good word with the PLF and Lord X will have his sentence commuted to 20 years in the newly established salt mines in the grim Northern Wastelands surrounding Stoke on Trent. But it got worse.
