Investors Chronicle

28 days ago

Now really is a good time to short Avacta, its shareholder base is terribly naive

I started writing about biotech and emerging pharma stocks more than 30 years ago when I was at the Investors Chronicle. The army of PI cheerleaders for Avacta (AVCT) probably have not heard of British Biotech, a £2 billion blow up, of ML Labs a half a billion blow up. Almost thirty years ago I exposed both companies for the overvalued crocks they were and also for the way that they duped investors with misleading releases


436 days ago

Do we really want to shove up taxes so that a junior doctor can come off strike and buy a million quid home

UK Government borrowings are now at almost 100% of GDP. That should be a sort of ceiling if we do not want to go down the Greek path to bankruptcy. So if the state wants to spend more it must raise taxes which are already at a 70 year high. One group of public sector workers who think they should earn more, paid for by folks who – on a mean average basis – earn far less than them paying more tax, are the junior Shipmans. Meet James who is 28 and explains his financial woes to this week’s Investor’s Chronicle as you can see below.


1012 days ago

TEK Capital - another Chronic Investor cock-up and a valuation that looks exceedingly full

TEKCapital (TEK) is on a roll. Its 15.1% stake in May AIM IPO Belluscura (BELL) has surged in value to be worth £15 million and to top it off Simon Thompson of the Investors Chronicle — in the past a great cheerleader for AIM listed China frauds — tipped the stock on Friday. But it seems Simon got his sums a bit wrong.


3273 days ago

Camkids – an old dog with new tricks to explain how nearly ‘All the Money’s Gone’

Former ‘Investors Chronicle’ favourite AIM casino China fraud Camkids Group (CAMK) has released a more than 600 word RNS, which can be almost summed up by a 1999 song from Wolverhampton band Babylon Zoo; ‘All the Money’s Gone’… The shares are crashing and if Nomad Allenby had any integrity it would quit. This is a total Rum n'Coke.


3514 days ago

Thank you to 17,050 readers for another month of record readership but please don’t tell us what not to write about!

ShareProphets launched just twenty months ago and has not spent a dime on advertising – our audience has grown by word of mouth alone. We already have more readers than Shares Magazine and our readership, now 17,050, grows every week. At this rate we will overtake the Investors Chronicle within a year, especially of it keeps on tipping China frauds. The readership numbers for the past month were another record.


3612 days ago

Why does Tom Winnifrith not work for a proper newspaper rather than just blogging?

Bon, A Quindell (QPP) owning Moron, asks on this website why “If Tom Winnifrith is such a brilliant investigative journalist does he not work for a top newspaper, he is just a blogger” It is a very fair question and has a several part answer.

I start by saying that I have served my time in the mainstream press: Evening Standard, Agence France Extel and Investors Chronicle staff, freelance contributor at Mail on Sunday etc., etc. But that was then and this is now.

The first reason not to go back is that no paper would hire me. My style is to use words that are “un-paper like” such as moron, and “sucking PR cock”. Moreover newspapers – as you may have noticed – are not into investigative journalism in the way that I practice it. For their (largely failing) business models it does not make sense to pick away day by day at fraudulent companies as I do. How many frauds on AIM has the deadwood press exposed in the past year? Er


3858 days ago

The cruel wit of a new ShareProphets writer

An old friend from my Investors Chronicle days will be joining ShareProphets next week – an expert writer on property, insurance and (oddly) biotech, He is also a bit of a sports nut. We have spent long hours discussing cricket and soccer. Sadly he supports Spurs but nobody is perfect. 

In his New Year greeting to me he wishes the best of luck to England’s Cricketers and the footballers at West Ham United. An apt if cruel pairing.

I wonder if any other side could be added to that list of the biggest flops of Autumn/Winter 2013? I really am struggling to think of one that entered its current campaign with such high hopes and has proved such an abject failure at every single level. The Nigella Lawson PR machine?  The Ship of Fools global warming nutters trapped by record Antarctic ice? 

Any other suggestions?
